OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER JUDITH T. WON PAT, ED.D. KUMITEN IOUKASION TlNAKHELO', KOTTURA. LAI Bl RI HAN PUPBlEKO SIHA YAN ASUNTON FAMALAO'AN COMMITTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION, CULTURE, PUBLIC LIBRARIES, AND WOMEN'S AFFAIRS CoM_M1ss10NER April 25, 2016 GUAM CO,\'\MISS!ON ON DICOLONiZAT!ON The Honorable Rory J. Respicio Chairperson GUAM FIRST COMMISSION Committee on Rules I Mina· Trentai Tres Na Liheslatuaran Guahan 33rrl Guam Legislature ADVISOR TO THE PR£SlDENT 155 Hesler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 ~: 0 l ASSOCIATION Of 1 / PACIF'.C L~LAND Cd();J IU W !l LEGf5LATUF.£S RE: Bill No. 230-33 (COR , As Amended by the Committee IAP!LJ Dear Chairperson Respicio: Buenas yan Hafa Adai. Transmitted herewith is the Committee Report on Bill 230-33 (COR), PAClflC RESOURCf:S FOR EDUCATION An Act to add a New §849.11 to Article l of Chapter 8, Title I Guam Code Annotated; AND LfARNlNG Relative to Designating the Guam and Chamorro Educational Facility Museum as the i!'REU "Antonio M. Palomo Guam Museum.'' BOARDt1F GOVF!tNORS MEMBER Committee votes are as follows: :-'ACiFIC LSL\SD DtVE::LOPMENT BANK !PIDBl ~ TO DO PASS tJ TO NOT PASS MFMBfR 3 TO REPORT OUT ONLY Ft:ST!VAl Of-THE PAC! f!C ARTS 0 TO ABSTAIN •FESTrACl 0 TO PLACE IN INACTIVE FILE Senseramente, Ju 1 on Pat, Ed.D. Speaker. 33rd Guam Legislature l ~H~A' TRENTAI TRES NA LlHE:.lATURAN GU.A.HAN {,J3Rl'GUA!;.1. LEGlSt:\-;URI;, ISS HEStER PLACE HAG}.n.:,iA, (jt;AM. 96910 TEL 671-472-.3586/7 () FAX 671~472-3589 I} [M.A.li Sf'FAKERif!:.1 jUO!WONi'ATCOM OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER JUDITH T. WON PAT, ED.D. KUMlTEN IDUKASION TINAKHELO', KOTIURA. LAIBIRlHAN PUPllLEKO SIHA YAN ASUNTON FAMAl.AO'AN COMMITTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION, CULTURE, PUBLfC LIBRARIES, AND WOMEN'S AFFAIRS CO.M.. "1lSS10NER Cil'AM CO,\'>MlSSlON lN 0ECOLON!ZATl01'. GUAM f\f!_Yf (Olv\MtSSiON A.DVlSO R TO THE P!tFSIDENT ASSOCiATlO".J CF COM1VIITTEE REPORT PACJFIC {SLi1,.ND LEGISt.ATIJKE.S CAP!!) ON BOARD MElv\BER PACIFIC RESl)Uo,ctS Bill No. 230-33 (COR) FOR f:DUCAT!ON A.'10 LEAR.."l!.N(/ <PRHl As Amended by the Committee BOARD OF iOVtRNOP:S ,\.1.£M8£R PAClFlC !)LA.ND AN ACT TO ADD A NEW §849.11 TO 0EVtLOPM£NT BANK iPIDBi ARTICLE 1 OF CHAPTER 8 TITLE 1 GUAM CODE ANNOTATED; RELATIVE MEMBER TO DESIGNATING THE GUMf AND FLSl!VAL Of THE r'AC!flC ARTS CHA1\10RRO EDUCATIONAL FACILITY 1HSTPAC MUSEUM AS THE "ANTONIO M. PALOMO GUAM MUSEUM." [ MINA 1RFNTAI TRES NA LIHEStATURAN GUfi.HA""J y J31<11 G\JA,\1 LfG!SL".:l'RE c- I 55 HES~ER PLACE HAGATfl1\ G\IAM_ 96fJ10 TEL 071·472-3586/7 v FAX 671 ~472-3589 r; EMA!!. SPt:AKERv'f'JUDJWONi'ATCOM OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER JUDITH T. WON PAT, ED.D. KUMITEN IDUKAS!ON T!NAKHELO°, KOTTURA, lA!BlRIHAN PUPllU'KO SHlA YAN ASUNTON FAMAlAO'AN COMMITTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION. CULTURE, PUBLIC LlllRARIE.5, AND WOMEN'S AFFAIRS April 25, 2016 COt.1MlSS!ONER GUA;\1 COl\Uv\iSS!ON MEMORANDUM 'N DtCOLON!ZAnON GU;\Jv-1 F!R..;;;T l~0~.1M!S~l0N TO: All :VI embers of the Committee on Higher Education, Culture, Public Libraries and Women's Affairs 1\DVtSOR TO THE PR£S!DLNT FROM: Speaker Judith T. Won Pat, Ed.D. A5JOC!ATft)N Cif Chairperson, Committee on Higher Education, Culture, Public Libraries and P/\C!FlC !Sr.AND Women's Atfairs L: (; :$LA'fUiZSS­ (APf U SCBJECT: Committee Report on Bill 230-33 (COR), As Amended by the Committee BOARD MEA\BE!l Buenas yan Hafa Adai. Transmitted herewith is the Committee Report on Bill 230-33 (COR) PAC!r!C RESC_lURCES An Act to add a New §849.11 to Article l of Chapter 8, Title I Guam Code Annotated; FOR FDUCArlON Relative to Designating the Guam and Chamorro Educational Facility Museum as the ANfJ Lf:AR'.'JlNG (f'kLLi "Antonio M. Palomo Guam Museum." BOARD OF This report includes the following: }OVERNOR5 ML\1EER • Committee Vote Sheet PACJrIC lSLAND i)EVF L()l'h1£NT l\ANK • Committee Report Digest zPII)to • Copy of Bill No. 230-33 (COR) • Copy of Bill No. 230-33 (COR), As Amended by the Committee ~1.£MBER • Public Hearing Sign-in Sheet FES't iVJ\! C!F rt-I:' • Copies of Submitted Testimony& Supporting Documents PAC:fF!C ART$ • Notices of Public Hearing (FEST PAC) • Public Hearing Agenda Please take the appropriate action on the attached voting sheet Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or concerns. please do not hesitate to contact me. Ed. D. Speaker, 33'd Guam Legislature ! J\'l!N;\ l"Rl:N L~! T RLS NA L!H f>i!A'l URAN (JUAHAN -:, 31-~cl' GUA!vl LEC;f<;LATU'.tf v L~5 H LSI i:;t Pt,\CF l L\GATN,\., GU.\\-'; <'!6910 rFL 6? J ,4'12<)5~6/7 j FAX 671-472--358-9 •) EMAlL SPL,\KLR(ll/!UD!\V01'f1A ! ,c:or...-1 COMMITTEE VOTING SHEET The Committee on Higher Education, Culture, Public Libraries, and \Vomen's Affairs Bill No. 230-33 (COR): As Amended by the Committee. An Act to Add a New §849.11 to Article l of Chapter 8 ofi\:JCA Relative to Designating the Guam and Chamorro Educational "A·ntnni» M. " TO NOTTO SIGNATURE PASS PASS Speaker Judith T. Won Pat, Ed.D., Nerissa Underwood, Ph.D. Speaker Benjamin J. F. Cruz, Tina R. Muna· J Barnes, Member Rory J. Respicio, Member Member Mary Camacho Torres, 1\'Iember Committee Report Digest I. OVERVIEW The Committee on Higher Education, Culture, Public Libraries, and Women's Affairs convened a public hearing on Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. in I Liheslatura's Public Hearing Room. On the agenda was the consideration of Bill No. 230-33 (COR) V. Anthony Ada I Frank F. Blas, Jr. "An Act to Add a New §849. l l to Article I of Chapter 8, Title 1 GCA; Relative Designating the Guam and Chamorro Educational Facility Museum as the "Senator Antonio 'Tony' M. Palomo Guam and Chamorro Educational Facility". Public Notice Requirements AH legal requirements for public notices were met, with requests for publication sent to all media and all Senators; 5 days notice was sent on March 15, 20 l 6 and the 48 hours notice was sent on March 18 and 20, 2016 via email. Copies of the hearing notices arc appended to the report. Senators Present Speaker Judith T. Won Pat Ed.D., Chairperson Senator N.B. Underwood Ph.D., Vice Chairperson Senator V. Anthony Ada, Member Senator M.C. Torres, Member Appearing before the Committee Margaret Palomo Former Senator Eddie Duenas Rose San "Jicolas Manibusan Joseph Cameron Concepcion Duenas William D. Pesch WrittenTestimony Onlv Lynda B. Aguon IL SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY AND DISCUSSION Speaker Won Pat, Ed.D. mentioned that the Committee on Higher Education, Culture, Public Library and Women's Affairs will conduct a public hearing on: the Appointment of Richard P. Sablan as a Member, Guam Community College Board of Trustees and Bill 230-33 (COR) "An Act to Add a New §849.11 to Article l of Chapter 8 of 8 GCA Relative to Designating the Guam and Chamorro Educational Facility Museum as the "Senator Antonio 'Tony' M. Palomo Guam and Chamorro Educational Facility". Speaker \Von Pat, Ed.D. called up Mai·garct Palomo, Rose San Nicola~ Manibusan , Joseph Cameron, and fonner Senator Eddie Duenas. Speaker \Von Pat, Ed.D. stated, "Before we bei,rin, 1 would like to give the opportunity to Senator V. Anthony Ada to briefly explain the bill. Senator V. Anthony Ada stated," Thank you Madam Speaker, Bill 230-33 (COR) is a bill that names the newly constructed Guam Museum atler the late fonner Senator the Late Antonio 'Tony' M. Palomo. It is indeed an honor to be the sponsor of this bill that will name our newly constructed museum after the late Senator Palomo. Tony Palomo, a graduate of Marquette University School of Journalism, worked as newspaper reporter and editor, a member of the 12, 14th.15th, and 16'h Guam Legislatures and Liaison of the office of Insular Affairs of the U.S. Department of Interior. In making the announcement in 1981, Vice President George H. W. Bush said of Antonio Palomo, and I quote, 'He has the full confidence of President Reagan and myself: we learned a lot about Guam's history with our meetings with Tony and he will represent Guam passionately in the Department of Interior.' Although an accomplished statesman, Tony Palomo's passion was Guam History. He wrote numerous articles for various publications, his most celebrated work was his book, 'An Island in Agony' that chronicled the struggles of Guam's people during the Japanese Occupation. During the last 11 years at the end of career he was the director of the Guam Museum. So I think Madan1e Speaker it is most appropriate that we look at this bill and we hopefully get the support of our colleagues in naming the new museum, the Antonio M. Palomo Museum." Margaret Palomo stated, "Dear Senators of the 33rd Guam Legislature, on behalf of my family, Dangkolo na si Yu'os Ma'ase for Bill 230-33 and the opportunity to name the Guam Museum building after my late husband, Antonio M. Palomo." Margaret Palomo's written testimony is appended to the committee report. Senator Eddie Duenas is in foll support of Bill No.
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