i . .• ' \ " 2 Unsolved' 'Muraers iStilJ' 'Wide Open,' Officals Say I By TOM ASSENS stood in the night 10 feet away. A second shot was fired. '!ben a The only three threads to biDd a BUSpeCt to the crime were weapon has never been found. ole I Staff Wrtt., third. three .45 caliber bullet cugs, a button, and a shadow·like fig. Detectives are constantly searching for any bils of evi­ A young killer. wearing a macabre Halloween mask, lurked WHILE KRIZ' WIFE and his co-worker watched, the killer ure wearing a mask. dence or even traces of it, Evans said. So far, they haven't had ), in the alley behind Ramburg Inn No. 2 in the 200 block of North spun around and hastened down the alley into the night. 'lbree day. after the murder a suspect was found. Pollce ar· much IIICce , Linn Street. Kri2 lay dying. a hole in his che t. He was pronounced dead rested Robert J. Schneider, 18, 01. Oxford. The JoIInsln County Evans said that as far as he knows there Is only one other I• It was 2 a.m., Nov. 10, 1962. at Mercy Ho pillll a f w minutes lot r Grlllld Jury indicted him lor the murder, but the indictment was unsolved murder in Iowa City. A $75,000 fire at the Oathout Fun­ ;91 Inside the restaurant, ltoward J. Kriz, 43, was finishing a HIs killer has oot been found, but authoriU still are running dropped later because of iDJufficlent evidence. eral Home, 336 S. Clinton Street, took. the tife of Cbester E. Lout I cup 01 coffee with his wife and a frienrl . down leods. Ralph L. Neuzil, Jobnsoo County Attorney, told 'llIe Dally on April I, 1962. I IT HAD BEEN A long night. Kriz was relaxing after closing According to wilDe ses. th assailant was about 18 years old, Iowan this week that several other suspects have been questioned Lout, 53, of Boone, was visiting his son and daughter·In·law i George's Buffet Tavern, which he owned. S feet 6 Inches tall, and weighed about 150 pounds. He as reo IIIId the case Is defmitely open. In their second·floor apartment in the funeral home. His san and The three got up to leave. Kriz apparenUy decided to take ported to have short, dark hair, and appeared to be wearing a No additional adequate evidence has been found, Neuzil said, daughter·in·law were not home at the time of the fire, a shortcut through the alley to his apartment above the t~vern dar" blue jacket and d rk trousers. 10 that there is, at present, no plan to bring the case before the State Fire Marshal Ed Herron said the fire started in two I at 312 E. Market Street. A policeman picked up a small object in the alley, a button, Grand Jury which begins its term a few weeks from now. separate areas of the building, and that the fire which began In He took two steps into the alley. A bullet struck him in the During the brief truggle with his layer, Kriz hod evidently torn "Lack of evidence Is the whole problem," said Emmett E. the basement could not have begun naturally. Herron concluded left leg. 'llIe wounded man lurched at his shadowy assailant. who a bull on off the man's coal. Evans, Iowa City Chle.! 01 Police. Evans noted that the murder that the fires looked like the work of an arsonist. ~ ~ .. Four Freshmen Partly Cloudy iHCf P.rtly cloudy throuth Sundey, A few ICI....... THIS The '.1lI0II1 Four Freshmen Qu.rtet wIll 'pp.. r dIow.r. S.turd.y, .ndl", SItwdIy ,vtniftt. 10 .. the M.mo,I.1 Unltn next Frld.y. For .....11, , Cooler In .... south s.turdey, with at ....... HU~~ coneornl", tMm, _ PI9' •• oil owon hl,h. In .... "-. Little tem,.rttv,.. chi"" F~I. Serving the State University of 10t0tJ and the People of Iowa cu, Suncl.y, SAT 10 CeIIts Per Copy Iowa City, Iowa - Saturda.y, November 9, II11S 'ug es tops rison• rou e • ~ :. • II, f Weaver Noted Iowa Lawyer Is SUI Dad Agrees To Listen, , I . ~ To Angry Inmates Daughters Joan, Nancy 60,000 Expected Today DES MOl ES AP - About 300 inmates of the State Peni- ..' tentiary at Fort Madison smashed windows and d monstrated I '. 2 Of SU\, Nominate Dad For Iowa's Dad's Game ~~a:I~~l~~~~ya;:t~~:a~~utretumedtotheircellsafterGov, ~l. , The disturbance came eight days after inmates of the Men's In I.., JOHN aORNHOlDT Footballs will Oy once again the Iowa Stadium as the Iowa ReformalDry at Anamosa rloted .' Staff Writer llawkeyea meet the Minnesota Gopherlt In their annual football cla, ic . and caused an estimated quarter 5 "Floyd of Rosedale" will be at stake and It has been a lean three William O. Weaver, Wapello lawyer and 1930 graduate of • .,OM:... , " of a million dollars damage. ~EN years since the Hawks have been Hughes promised the Inmates at SUI, was introduced to fans at the pep rally Friday night as able to bring home the bacon, the Fort Madison penitentiary that the SUI "Dad of the Year" by ODK president Mike Carr. A Dad's Day crowd of 60,000 Is he would send a representative to Weaver is also a 1932 graduate of the SUI College of Law. expected to be on hand to wttness City Managers hear their grievances, The Governor said the promise Carr introduced Weaver as a man "active in his communjty, the cant t which begins at I: SO was in return {or the prisoners' prominant in legal circles, and active in university affairs." p.m. word that th ey would return to Weaver predicted an Iowa vic· SUI 's Dad of the Year, as well Debate Hiring their cells and obey Warden John tory over Minnesota as he claimed, l /IS the fathers of many Iowa foot· Bennett. "This is not "olng to be an eaay IWe Want Floyd ball players on tbis year's squad, Dwight Jensen, the govemor's contest, but after three weeks of will be Introc:lu<!ec1 ttl th.,. et'Owd 81 executive assistant, will ao to the frustratlon, this team i$ not going SU/owans Yell part of the pre·game ceremonies. Of Negroes penltentlary Saturday. to be denied ' Iowa's Scottish Highlanders will By MIKE BOOS Hughes, members of the State He expressed At~epRa"y Staff Writer Board of Control and Benjamln - his gratitUde for entertaln the football fans as they Baer, state director of corrections, being chosen as A small crowd 01 SUI students wait for the opening klckoll and "We put them on the train," was outlined the penitentiary distur· Dad of the 'Year gathered in front of the Old Capi· also at interml sion. Their half· One solution to the Negro problem time show In honor of all SUI Dads bance at a news conference here for 1963 and said tol Friday night amid chants of voiced by a member attending the about an hour after the Inmatee it is a pleasure "We Want Floyd" to urge the Iowa will feature two dance numbers - the "FlOra MacDonald," by eight Friday afternoon session of the an· returned to their cells. and an honor for Hawkeyes to bring the coveted Hughes talked by telephone with him to he able Floyd of Rosedale hack to Iowa. dancers, and the usual "Highland nual fall meeting of the City Man· FUng." by the enUre group 01 85 agers' Association of Iowa being leaders of the demonstration, lis­ represent all of Floyd will come back it SUI wins WARDEN JOHN BENNETT tened to their complaints and then - the SUI dads that today's football game from the coeds. held at the Union Friday and to­ Walked Among Prlsonerl said he would send Jensen to meet are here as weU Minnesota Gophers . SUI Marching Band's half·time day. with them. 88 those who are · Mike Schiavoni, A3, Burlington, performance will salute visiting ThIs comment was made during Baer said he first heard of the home. W master of ceremonies for the rally, Meredith Wilson. Hawkeye March· the discussion on the city man· disturbance when Bennett tele­ 1963 Dad of the Yellr was nomi. pointed out that for the past three ing Band wlll perform arrange­ ager's role in solving discrlmlna· $J Million phoned about 10:45 a.m. Friday Dated by two of his four children years Minnesota has had posses· ments from Wilson's new Broad­ tion practices in his city. There to inform that there might be a ., - Joan, a senior journalism stu· sion of the bronze pig, Floyd of way musical entitled "Here's was a general concensus as to the sit-down demonstration after the dent at SUI, and Nancy, an SUI Rosedale. This year, he said the Love." necessity for managers to take the In Jewels noon meal. liberal arts freshman. Selection Hawks will win him back "little Wilson will conduct the "Iowa initiative. but there were various Highway patrol were called Into was made by the University Dad's tail and everything." Fight Song," during half·time, The opinions expressed u to how they Fort Madison and aU off-duty Fort Day Committee and Omicron Delta The geqerally subdued crowd fight song Is one of his composl· were to act. Hijacked Madison pollce returned to work, • I Kappa, upperclllssmen's leadership viewed a skit presenting a "not tions . Some believed it was the respon· honor society. very offensive" Minnesota "phy· NEW YORK ~ _ Four armed Bennett told the Governor that 'Dad of the Year' Prior to the game, many SUI sibility of a city manager to hire a statement from him might be - Weaver and his family will be sics major football player." Mike Negroes for positions on police bandits hijacked a diamond district usefut in ending the demonstratlon.
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