BW fiS|Sii8ÄÄii^^ÄiilBiÄ*SW ^ÄÄSSÄi»i ~9*- ' V " s u ^ . - ,> TTTF m i i n v PY t MTWl? Gay Puppy Cut-Ups For Kitchen Towels Bronchitis \4r l . U .Phif/ipr Released by Western Newspaper Union. 'T'HE Big Nine, the South, the MOPSY by GLADYS PARKER Why the Surprise Over flamed bronchial m ucous mem* ■“■ Southwest and the Par West are By VIRGINIA VALE branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un­ not the only sections that have re­ Horse Meat Sales? HEY tried out more than derstanding you must like the wayit turned to prewar speed and power EXCUSE ME, MADAM, I'VE FORGOTTEN In Newark, N. J., butchers insist 50 WAC hair-dos before quickly allays the cough or you art in football. Paulette Goddard’s coiffure to have your money back. In this connection, we’d like to WHICH CABINET I WAS USING TO HEAT that the sales of horse meat are up T call your attention to the Ivy league, kiV/ II ikDOLi / 50 to 75 per cent, and that, as a mat­ for “Suddenly It’s Spring” CREOMULSION too often under­ ter of fact, customers like it. was decided on. Those over­ for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis rated by football “There is nothing bad about horse meat,” says one butcher. "It is just seas caps are pretty severe, camp followers and the fact that the hair has around the map. a question of mind over matter." In the last few Boston, too, is eating horse meat. to be two inches off the collar years strength in No horse is really safe in the pres­ in back made things more difficult, ent crisis. as many a WAC will testify. Final the Ivy circuit »__ has belonged large­ ly she was given soft bangs, and a ly to Army and Elmer Twitchell declared today center part in the back, with braids T'HESE puppies get into mischief * || Navy, who may be that horse meat is not to be be­ pinned around her head to give a from Sunday through Saturday. good line. It took one hour of extra considered part of littled. “I have had beefsteaks late­ They play different tricks every this roundup, since ly that I am quite sure were in the time every day to get her ready day. * * * racing entries once,” he said. for the camera—not very WAC-like! there is no such of- »__ Oh, so gay and colorful for your kitchen Grantland Rice ficial organization. towels . so easy to embroider. Pattern The only film hero listed in Web­ 7491 has a transfer of 7 motifs about 5‘,i To this pair in 1940 you can add "The reason people go for sow by 8 inches. ster’s New International Dictionary Pennsylvania, Yale, Columbia, Cor­ meat and not for horse meat is one is Tarzan, defined as “The hero of nell and a greatly improved Har­ of sentiment and custom. If we Sewing Circle Needlccraft Dept. a series of stories by Edgar Rice 564 W. Randolph St. Chicago 80, IU. vard squad. Outside of this circuit, gave names like Blue Larkspur, Old Rosebud, Eternal and Bimelech to Burroughs. He is a white man, of Enclose 20 cents for pattern. change to Holy Cross is the East’s best bowl No ______________ prospect. cows, folks would feel differently toward beef," continued Elmer. Name_____________________ ____ for thetonic e^ect Excluding Army and Navy, Penn­ __ *__ Address- sylvania has a Red and Blue squad "Why do people shudder at the on your smile this fall that should be an even mention of a tenderloin of horse Efficient Calox works two wayst match for any team in the country, and thrill to it from cattle? Be­ 1 Helps remove film... bring out . not barring the prides of the Big cause no general was ever photo­ Presidential Seal all the natural lustre of your Nine or the pick of the South. Mun- graphed coming home from the smile. $er has a terrific line, averaging wars on the back of a cow! Because The seal of the President of the 2 A special ingredient in Calox United States, unlike the 17 other encourages regular massage... around 212 pounds, loaded with ex­ Black Beauty wasn’t a bovine! Be which has a tonic effect on gums perience. The Penn coach also has cause the poets, authors and movie federal seals, is not employed to ... helps make them firm and at least 8 or 10 high-class backs writers get romantic over horses, confirm, ratify or authenticate doc­ rosy. Tone up you r smile...with • who can match any set in football but never over heifers." uments, its only official use being Calox! today. They have speed, weight, __ *__ to seal the flaps of envelopes that Made in famous McKesson laboratories, running and passing strength far "The whole history of meat as a carry Presidential messages and 113 years ef pharmaceutical know-bow beyond the average. food might have been different if other papers to Congress, msxmsxmmm Pennsylvania will be something Washington had ever ridden a cow for any team to manhandle this or if Ben-IIur had driven a team fall, and that includes Army. Home-Town Echoes By C. Kessler of longhorns.” » DIO I EVER HUNT BUFFALO ? V /V , “Suppose the ’Charge of the Light JOHNNY WEISSMULLER Best Yale Squad SON, ME AND BUFFALO BILL SUPPLIED Brigade’ had been an epic of the -ftff KANSAS -FWCIF/C RAILROAD GANGS' WITH But the Red and Blue doesn’t BUFFALO MEAT FDR. THREE YEARS’~ cow country instead of cavalry prodigious strength and chivalrous stand alone. Howie Odell has the I'LL NEVER FORGET -T»’ oav mounts? What if Napoleon’s cow instincts, reared by African apes.’’ best-looking squad Yale has known i SAVED Bill from bein ' scalped had been stuffed and put in a mu­ Johnny Weissmuller lives up to the in years. The combination of Eli seum instead of his horse?” __*__ definition, as usual, in his latest, and Levi can be sensational, Levi "Tarzan and the Huntress,” and “Have you eaten many horses?” being Levi Jackson, the dark ante­ TWO I HAD TD F/WJSH UJiDl has signed to play Tarzan for the we asked. lope who gives promise of a big next three years. year. “I’m afraid so," he replied. "In fact, I haven’t had a steak in — X — In 220-pound Barzilauskas, Yale Eddie Albert was entertaining months that didn't strike me as has one of the best linemen that Constance Moore and Joan Ed­ once having had a saddle on it. ever wore the Blue, looking back to wards on the set of Republio’s “Hit Only last night the waiter pointed Isuch stars as Pudge Heffelflnger, Parade of 1947” by singing “Souse to a club steak on the menu, and Eddie Glass, Gordon Brown and a of the Border,” which he and his when I asked if it was good he long parade of others from forgot­ wife Margo had composed. Pro­ ten years. started to HANDICAP IT!” * • * ducer-Director Frank McDonald But Jackson and Barzilauskas are liked it so much that he decided to not the only two Yale stars. The BACK HOME STUFF put it into the picture. Eddie’s alert Odell has one of the biggest made three big pictures tor three Well, ye ed has realized a life­ and most capable lines that Yale big studios since he's been out of long yen, one dating from boyhood: has known in years, plus a well- the navy—“The Perfect Marriage,” to get inside the Nathaniel Kendall rounded backfield that might easily for Hal Wallis; Republic’s delight­ mansion on the heights beyond Fair give Eli her best team since Bill ful ’’Rendezvous with Annie,” and Haven. Nate Kendall was one Mallory’s outfit back in 1923. Universal’s “Smash-up.” Yale also would be a match for of the richest men in the com­ munity, a brewery and traction — Hi— the prides of the South and the pick When George Sanders left for • Rub in gently-warming, soothing Ben-Gay for mogul, and looked the part, huge, fa st of the West. England he thought he was just go­ relief from muscular soreness and pain. Ben-Gay con­ commanding and autocratic. You can add Lou Little and the ing on vacation, after finishing “The tains up to 2 Va times more methyl salicylate and Columbia Lion to this group. Lit­ His castle, a massive place of Private Affairs of Bel Ami.” So menthol—famous pain-relieving agènts known to every tle’s Lions won eight out of nine red granite, stood on a high hill Director Albert Lewin cabled him doctor—than five other widely offered rub-ins. Insist from what then was a view of 40 games last fall, losing only to Penn­ to go to Paris and scout for sites on genuine Ben-Gay, the original Baume Analgésique. sylvania. miles down Long Island sound. for his next picture, “Strong as This season Columbia has an even As a kid we used to gaze in awe Alto for Pain due to RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, and COLDS. Death.” Ash for Mild Ben-Gay for Children. ' better team with Kasprzak added UNFORGETTABLE as the Kendalls drove out of the ---- %---- to Rossides and Kusserow in the broad driveway behind a span of HEROES'* OF OUR, Dorothy Lamour’s been in too backfield, a speed back, a power horses. But nobody, not even S O yM C O D .
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