USOO6800658B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,800,658 B2 Brugnara et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 5, 2004 (54) SUBSTITUTED DIPHENYL INDANONE, 5,273,992 A 12/1993 Brugnara et al. ........... 514/398 NDANE AND INDOLE COMPOUNDS AND 5,358,959 A 10/1994 Halperin et al. ...... ... 514/396 ANALOGUES THEREOF USEFUL FOR THE 5,430,062 A 7/1995 Cushman et al. ..... ... 514/646 5,512.563 A * 4/1996 Albright et al. ............ 514/217 TREATMENT OF PREVENTION OF 2002/0128256 A1 * 9/2002 Brugnara et al. ...... 514/212.02 DISEASES CHARACTERIZED BY ABNORMAL CELL PROLIFERATION FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Carlo Brugnara, Newton Highlands, DE 37O6427 9/1988 DE 1OOO4654 8/2001 MA (US); Jose Halperin, Brookline, EP O323 740 A2 7/1989 MA (US); Rudolf Fluckiger, Brookline, EP 483632 5/1992 MA (US); Emile M. Bellott, Jr., EP O 583 665 A2 2/1994 Beverly, MA (US); Richard John EP O 636 608 A1 2/1995 Lombardy, Littleton, MA (US); John JP OS 58894 3/1993 J. 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