SEE PAGES *663of Engineers Hold Open House 4 and 5 ALS^B ^ • I I I • 1 • • I I I I * •riumRRO Vol. XXII. FORTORD,CflLIFORnIR, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23,1962 Ro. 19 AMONG 50 Two Post Reserve Sergeants to Observe Army Training in Europe Two Fort Ord sergeants called to active duty last fall left Feb. 16 for an intensive on-the- ground orientation of the mission, training and combat readiness of US Army forces in Europe. Sfcs Allan E. Richardson and Wilmer J. Hamilton left Monterey for McGuire Air Force Base, N.J., where they will be flown to Europe as part of a nation-wide troop information pro- .gram. < The objective is to prepare the sergeants to conduct troop level briefings on Army training and operations in Europe 52d Trans Bn before personnel of their own and nearby reserve component Supports Desert- units upon their return to home stations. Both are members of reserve <>———————————————————— Training Exercise units at Fort Ord called to active Lt Col Thaddeus Drobek Exercise BRISTLE CONE has duty last August. Sgt Richard­ Assigned XO of 3d Bde been the instrument for moving 11 son is a member of the 663d Engr Fort Ord soldiers from rainy Mon­ (Topo) Co from Bell, Calif., while From an assignment as deputy terey to the desert heat of Fort Sgt Hamilton is assigned to the commander of the Pusan Area Com­ Irwin, a huge Armor and Desert 320th Ord Bn from Grand Island, mand in Korea, Lt Col Thaddeus W. training center in the Mojave Desert Neb. near Barstow. Drobek has arrived at Fort Ord and The two sergeants were among SO BRISTLE CONE is a joint selected from National Guard and been assigned as executive offcer of Army-Air Force desert training Reserve units brought to active duty the 3d Bde. exercise designed to train com­ by President Kennedy at the be­ A veteran of 30 years reserve and manders, staffs and units in the ginning of the Berlin crisis. active duty service, Col Drobek serv­ tactics and techniques of desert op­ Each noncommissioned officer will ed in the China theater during WW erations, and Army troops are be­ observe European technical units II, where he was at staff headquar­ ing supported by elements of the undergoing field training. The group ters of the China-Burma-India corn- 12th Air Force from George Air will .also get a closeup look at the ffland Subsequent assignments have Force Base. LAST MINUTE INSTRUCTIONS on what to look for'are received by Fort communist wall that separates East taken him to Europe and the joint The 11 Fort Ord men are Maj Ord Sfcs Wilmer J. Hamilton, second from left, of the 320th Ord Bn, Grand and West Berlin. staff of the US Forces, Korea. Jack R. Forbes, aviation officer, S2d Island, Neb., and Allan E. Richardson, second from right, 663d Engr (Topo) The selected 50 NCOs, in grades Co, Bell, Calif. Outlining the troop information requirements at left of sergeant first class through ser- 1932 gradaute of Lehigh Univer­ Trans Bn; Lts Richard J. Spear and is Col W. E. Snyder, commanding officer of the 320th and on the right, „,„:„.. „ „„„ i«~j»^t,- „„ sity with a degree in business ad­ Leo J. Morawski, helicopter pilots Lt Arthur E. Scott Jr., executfte officer of the 663d. The sergeants then S^ant major, occupy leadership po- ministration, Col Drobek has also at­ from the 33d Trans Co; crewchiefs departed from Monterey airport on the first leg of a week-long European sitions in combat army and tech- tended the Infantry School advanced Specialists Robert E. Gary and Oren tour. < >nical service units. The week-long P. Dozier, 68th Avn Co; Sfc Donald field trip began last Saturday, Feb. course, Army Task Force school, the Command and General Staff Col­ L. Duncan, 1st Bde; Sfc Donald B. 17, with departure of the group on Allport, transportation specialist; and Military Air Transport Service air- lege and the Army Language School. Tri-Counfy High School He . holds, among other decora- Specialists Terry R. Destariais, craft from McGuire AFB, N. J. ., . r , t. t Thomas E. Wolfe, Richard T. Thrift tions, the Army Commendation Me- andj Pfcor Raymondr> j Burns,r. all» per­ dal and the Breast Order of Yon Hui Seniors Tour Complex The fort Ord Neigbborkood- manent party personnel of the Infan­ Monterey Peninsula Council of from the Chinese government. try training center at Fort Ord. Eighty high school seniors and faculty advisors from com­ Girl Scoiits are sponsoring the munities surrounding Fort Ord went to school at this installation traditional Girl Scout cookie sale throughout the post and Army To Release Some on Feb. 15. the Presidio of Monterey. The The group attended a pilot tour which is to be the fore­ cookie sale will be conducted in runner of similar visits by individual school senior classes in the housing area from now Obligated Tour Officers civics and citizenship. Schools0' " until March 10. On March 3, The Army has announced plans to release, prior to the end represented included Watson- 30,000 soldiers stationed here, he cookies will be sold from stands located outside the Commis­ of June, all Reserve officers serving in an obligated status for ville, Hollister, Carmel, Monte­ said they were fulfilling their ob­ ligation of citizenship as stated by sary, Main PX, PX Branch No. two or more years who are extended for one additional year rey, Pacific Grove and Salinas, George Washington "... that 5 and the Village Store. during the Army build-up. Plans to release these Army officers North Salinas and Palma in every citizen who enjoys the pro­ '< >are as follows: Salinas. tection of a free government, not Those whose original tours were Sponsored by the Monterey Tri- only owes a portion of his prop­ scheduled to terminate during the County Chapter of the Association erty, but of his person ..." months of October 1961 through of the United States Army (a non­ Mr Frizzell told the students that January 1962 will be released in profit, ^educational association de­ the cold war today is very real. "It April 1962. voted to the advancement of the is, in fact, a life and death struggle Those whose original tours were posture, resources, capabilities, and between the forces of truth, freedom scheduled to terminate during the security of the nation) the event in­ and liberty, and the forces of tyran- ny." months of February through May cluded briefings on the economic 1962 will be released in May 1962. impact of Fort Ord, its missions, and A patriotism theme was set by Officers whose initial period of ob­ an inspection of training. The stu­ Alien Griffin, publisher of the ligated service was scheduled to dents and teachers also had lunch Monterey Peninsula Herald. Mr terminate in June 1962 will be re­ with trainees in a unit mess hall. Griffin, a veteran officer of both leased on schedule. After a greeting by Maj Gen O. C. WWI and II, was the AUSA This early release program for Troxel Jr., Fort Ord commander, chapter's first president and one of these individuals is necessary to Virgil Frizzell, president of the its founders. prevent inequity that would accrue AUSA chapter, stated he was "It's up to you," he told the TURN ABOUT—Lt Col George A. Lutz, right, former CO of the 52d Trans if they were retained for a longer pleased that the school officials and seniors, "to separate the grain from Bn (Trans Acft), was originally called to the office of Maj Gen O. C. Troxel period and to remain within students took the opportunity to the chaff in everything you hear and Jr., left, to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement and wound up pre­ senting Gen Troxel with a rare honorary membership in the Army Aviation strength authorization for the personally take time to watch the read. Active Army. , _ , , _ Association,* t-**rv\,i Mi i wi t t onevi ih. ofVI thell l\* fewI^TT non-flyersllWIIItytlO toIW haveI Id Y C beenLJCCI1 so&\J honored.I I\JI I^JI C Col Lutz military at work. Speaking of the (Continued on page 3) presented the disc symbolic of the membership to Fort Ord's CG. (Continued on page 2) PflQeTUUO FORT ORD PflNORRMfl FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1962 OHjurr Jj & GENERAL PROTESTANT SERVICES Posf Civilians Corner Post Chapel (North-South Rd)_______1030 1 D'H) no™ ,. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY over, and back to work 3d Brigade Chapel ____0900, 1100 & 1900 1st St Chapel ________________1100 again . wondered if any Washington's were employed at Ord, 4th St Chapel ________________1000 Sthsth Stst Chapelcha ei ________________1030____________1030 'Dut f°un(l none at all. But many other famous names, including N°wka"""."_)pdc'fCchSeLi (S'"' > __________0800~°i»n Christopher Columbus at the Laundry . Custer (Richard) at New Post Chapel ______________1030 lothi10th stSt chapelChapel _______________1100noo SRI ... a Lindberg Kao at the Presidio of Monterey . and, of Presidio of Monterey Chapel _______1100 Camp Roberts Chapel 6 __________1100 course, we have Alexander the<>' Sunday Schools: New Post Chapel _________0915 & 1030 Great (Dave Alexander) at the mission supplied this breakdown: ( Presidio Chapel Annex ___________0930 Comptroller's. But no Wash­ 93.1 cents for hospital and medical Weekday Services: benefits, 4.8 cents for administrative Hospital Chapel, Friday __________1930 ington. Hospital Chapel, Sat. _______0800 & 1630 expenses of the 38 insuring carriers, EDUCATION CENTER SPONSORS 1st Brig Chapel, Sat. ___________1900 RAND REPORT: Mabel Snyder, 1.3 cents for profit, and .8 cent for BAND INSTRUCTION 3d Brig Chapel, Saturday _________1900 of the Laundry's Personnel Office, taxes.
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