A reheanal will ha haM Sunday Itotag tba dtoenatoea than war* aftaraboe at S o'clock at Concordia Church Groups otfora mad* to taka oars off thto, A bout Town Xiutheraa ehareh. and agate Mon­ A aumbor o t mm wU moat wlth- 6.2?0 loaltht, Satarfloy akowara anS day evening at S o'clock for the te a wMk and win atait a gonoral esUer at alght. Minstrel Entertsdnment to be given Hold Meeting claak up. Theoe will be followad M n JUte BuacaCUo, of South by the Toung People'* spctety on by painters and\decorators who Manchester—“A City of Village Charm Oswatiy, wiM to e i ^ 0}red ta the Thursday and Friday evenings, have volunteered tbiHr services to toitoh t t Bdward J. HoU. at }009 November 18 and 17. do over the whole teterior. Dual OTen Andes Combination Range St. James's Parish Mem* (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTO MMto ■tnet. to eptouahr aeveral New Stage Seta (ClasaUlea Adverttohis ea Fage 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1939 at the New Tork World * With VOL. L1X„ NO. 23 Ml** Alice Pttlcln, daughter of hers Discuss Details of Veto. New eeta will be built for the Mr. and Mrs. William Pitkin, of An Entertainment. stage and epedol attention will Her. ■. T. Burpe of toon Moun> 54 Pitkin street, who I* a fresh­ be given to the fktor to get It In man at the Teachers' College of the best of condition for dancing. tata. N. T., to vtolUar u.ith John Connecticut, was recently elected A meeting of worker* for the B. Feiley of Bentoa street. All of this work la to be done by Buflt In Lynn 0 3 Burner to the Marcus White Hall social promotion of the entertainment volunteers. Senate Defeats Ban committee. yf le Pius Condemns - The lewtas Circle of the Anierl- and dance to be held In 8L With the committee on print-; eaa toegloa euxUlery wtl) meet to- James's Hall on Wednesday and Ing given the necessary powers Mis* Marlon Pearl, daughter of and others volunteering fo see aaorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at Thursday. Dec. 13 and 14, waa tito home of Mr*. Elmer Weden, Mr. and Mr*. Stephen D. Pearl of that the tickets are diatributed. It 100 Woodland street, this town, From $129-50 U p 4S Brooldleld street. held last night. Is expected that the venture will and a freshman In the Home Eco­ On Armled Merchant There will soon be distributed result In the raising of at least nomics course at Nasson College, With Customer’s Range Governments Taking among members of the parish $1,500 which will be used In meet­ F'--' f Sprlngvale, Me., ha* been chosen ; books that will contain a list of ing a note made necessary when a member of the college choir and j 100 awards, none of which will be the church was repaired after the j glee club. valued at less than |S. These hurricane. Modernistic streamlined cast iron frame. HOBBY books are to be sold and the Ships Making Ports ] The Pine Lake Community club prtres distributed, 50 each night. All white porcelain. Oven oversize, 21 1-4 Control Over People I will hold a Hallowe'en masquerade The committees reporting last SHOW I dance Saturday night at the club- Wednesday and Thursday, I house at Pine Shores Lake. Cov­ I night that there had been nearly inches deep.^^rge enough for a 30 lb. roast­ Three Injured at Work; j Overwhelming Majoritjr I 100 donations obtained but clos- FUEL o n . November 1 and 2 entry, for members and friends. ; Ing .of the Hat was left over until Criticizes Nations .As- Merchants Take Half Judge Orders Treatment Near at Hand There will be modem and old 24-Hour Service! er. New gas saving surface burner. j Nazis Report Tums Aside Amend­ Emanuel Lutheran Church fashion dancing, prises for the Saturday Fun Out of Hallowe’en Ansplore Dorran .Horiet>’. The Entertainment suming Absolute Au- ^ Boston. Oct 27.—(>P)—Mrs. ment to Bar Commer­ prettiest and funniest costumes L. T. WOOD CO. Thoms Freed; The committee on entertain­ 3 Bar Broiler Burner. Automatic top burn­ Vlncenne*. Ind., Oct. 27.—(O Nora Bums, 46, slipped and More Thaa 25 intermtlnK and and refreshments. Fred Jones and tonomy Belonging Ex­ broke her wrist; bllchael cial Vessels and Sub- Educational Exhlhlln. Mrs. M. Glenn Edgecomb, both of ment announced It wan the Inten­ Phone 4496 —Good-natured merchant* are Flint Coming tion to present a three-act com­ er lighting. clusively to Supreme taking half the fun out of next Mealy. 64, was hit In the eye ' marines of BelligMS Saadwiehea, Cake, Tea nr Coffee Hartford, are In charge of plans. Drop 3 Cases with a hummer; James Wall, tocloded With Admliutlon Fee of A number of Manchester people edy and that the cant Is nearly Tuesday’* Hallowe'en celebra­ complete. Maker; Offers Consola­ T o Germany 6.5. suffered a back Injury | ents; Events Move at' 25 Cent*. belong to the club and Intend to tion. when a ladder broke—but they ^J|oorirOjeo^t^j80^^J|C^^ be present. The entertainment will be' held MAY BE BOUGHT ON EASY BUDGET PLAN tion to Dismembered They’ve Invited boy* and In the school hall. The Interior Is RADIO TROUBLE? Gomley Dinmi»»c8 Brili- didn't have to go far for treat­ Extraordinary Speed aa* girl* to *oap their store win­ ment. sorely In need of redecorating and For Reliable and Economical ^Poland; Tells of Fail­ dows Monday night. Freighter Is Somewhere ery Qiarpes; Alcorn Vote Expected Today* Service Prlres have been posted for They all worked at City hos- ure of Efforts for Peace , the most artistic drawings! Along Coast of Nor­ Immediutcly N oIIch I pltal. The accidents occurred CALL 8TERTMAN AT ■ yesterday. i B u lletin ! The C O R P a ^ — - -— ^ —I way Under Command FRESH CLAMS . OYSTERS WAYNIDE FURNITURE J W . H A L C Caatel Gandolfo, Oct. 27—L/Ti — | A ction AgaiiiNt Otlicrti. Woshlagtoa, Oet 27—(5V- CARL ,f. NYGREN Phone 7170 MANCHESTER CONH* Pop# Plus X n today condemned Of Deutschland Sailors Tbe Senate voted today to rs* DIrert To Pinehunit By Overnight Express! peal the endiargo ogalnal n io Plumbing - Heating - Jobbing governmenta which aaaume "that Hartford. Oct. 27. (/O-JudKe Ex|iert Wnlt-r Nystem French See ' of arms to Borape’e wairteg obaolute autonomy which belong* Berlin, Oct. 27.—(/TV-Official Wllllnm H. Cqmley dismissed Federal Debt BsUons. The vote was 57 fer STEAMING CLAMS 2 qts. 35c Installatlnna Pump Service Thto Model Slightly Morev HEADQUARTERS FOR ANDES RANGES advices received here tonight said bribery charges today against repeal to 22 agotaot. Th* no­ 15 Nouth Nt. Tel. 8450 oxcluslvely to the Supreme Maker" Make an oyster stew or scalloped oysters with Plnehurst EXTRA and offered consolation to dismem­ Nazis Ready the United States steamer City John D. Thom* of VVaterbury. tion cleared the way far pan* t m e * nf tha adntalalinllaB' - Freak OV8TER8, 85e pint. We ha\e large Frying Oysters at bered Poland. of Flint was being sailed from Democratic House leader In the Passes Mark 4Se ptet. ■entraUty^MB. whieh In uMto Extra In tb* first ancycllcal of bis F or Attack Murmansk to Germany under 1635 and 1637 session* of the Gen­ tIoM to eteWlMr the * nabaig e. OPENED CHOWDEB Cl A.M8 .................................... pint 85e relfO the ponUff, after recounting eral Assembly and State's Attor­ Otoe wonM M np n BiHafl the failure of his efforts for peace, command of a prise crew from Of 41 Billion Chowder Clams (Quohaaghs) In the shell..................2 quarts 85c ALICE COFBA.N the German pocket battleship ney Hugh M. Alcorn Immediately eaah and eoary W«toni at NPIRITIIAL MEDIUM EHRA also pleaded for settlements at the nolled similar chargea against oonmerea with baIBgaNirtav Little Neck Clams, 20e qt. LOPS, 88e pint •nd of the preoent European war Deutschland. Nevenlb Daughter of a Seventh Son Manchester Pipe Band Germans Movf; Tanks, The freighter waa reported three other former legislator*. Bom With A Veil which would avoid the error* of The others, whose coses hinged Treasury Now WithiM -Waahlngton, O et 27. (ff) P f t f pe«t treaties which foiled to bring Rapid-Fire Artillery somewhere along the Norwegian PINEHURST FRESH FISH Readings Dally 0 A .M. to 0 P M. EXTRA coast, heading slowly Into the directly on disposition of the Four Billion of 'B o r ­ ing toward paaaaga of tW adnlhf Or By Appointment In the Service OPENING SOON lasting peace. Thoms matter, were Joseph Law- Fish Is a health-building food . why not ser\*e It at least He blamed denial of “the author­ Into Positions on Line, British blockade area. totratlon's neutrality bUl hy qlgBii- of the People for 80 Vears. i Bingo Tonight at 8.30 The veaael, seiied aa a contra­ lor. former Democratic president rowing Limit; Talk ity of Ood and the away of Hla fall, an overwbalmlng Banotn eaoe a week? . It contains Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals. ITI Churrh Street, Hartford, Conn. I Army Observers Say. band ship and taken to the Rus­ pro tempore of the state Senate; Be sore to Inrlude with your order Lemons, Tartar Nance Phone 8-2257 NORMAN'S law" for the rise of governmenta Former Senator Matthew A. Daly About Boost Revived. Jority turnad aakto today which moke the state "the last end sian port of Murmansk, above the T. C. White, eecretary to the governor of Arizona, la ahown In (we have the genuine article, I2c and 29c a Jar ) Rrriid nr 449 Hartford Road Paris, Oct.
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