October 11, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1877 President from 1987–2003, Greater Flint dent of the company at the age of 28. Soon Naval Officer, Lieutenant Commander Scott Chapter APRI Director of Operations 1986– after, he and two fellow employees bought the Zellem. The people of Indiana County and this 2002, and Greater Flint Chapter APRI Finan- company. country lost a dedicated and faithful sailor cial Secretary 1986–2002. As a loyal member This success would crown many people’s when a naval training mission turned tragic on of the Democratic Party, Margaret has held business careers, but not John’s. He was just August 10th. Scott was laid to rest at Arlington many leadership positions. She was 1st Vice getting started. First, he continued to build and Cemetery on September 7, 2004 with full mili- Chairperson of the Genesee County Demo- expand Smith’s, Inc. to weather future market tary honors and after living a life of distin- cratic Party from 1986–1992, and elected a trends. He then labored to help build a num- guished service to this great nation. delegate to the Democratic National Conven- ber of other substantial firms including Engi- Founded upon the ideals of liberty and de- tion in 1988. She has also served as the field neered Systems, Inc., Higgins Electric, Inc., mocracy, America is a country unlike any organizer for the Democratic Coordinated Aladan, Inc., USA Yeast, Inc., South Alabama other. As Americans, we cherish freedom and Campaign in 1990 and holds a Michigan Brick Company; Southeastern Commercial Fi- strive for progress with every opportunity. Our Democratic Party Certificate on Campaign Or- nancial, LLC, and Twitchell, Inc. He also men and women of the United States Military ganizing. She also held the positions of 7th serves on the board of directors of Regional are dedicated to this cause and are respected Congressional District Democratic Black Cau- Financial Corporation. and honored for their service. cus Fundraising Chairperson and Correspond- John’s ability to lead is not limited to the Our troops stand resolved to protect our ence Secretary from 1984–1990. business area as he was called to serve as a families and our children from danger and at- Margaret has dedicated her life to making past member and Chairman of the Alabama tack. To these American military heroes, it is Mt. Morris Township and Genesee County a Ethics Commission in addition to his many understood that we must do everything pos- better place to live, work and visit. She is re- Southeast Alabama volunteer efforts. sible to win the war against terrorism and tired from her position with Hurley Medical I congratulate John in his induction and wish keep Americans safe at home. Center as a Laboratory Technical Aide with 25 him the very best as he continues to create Scott Zellem was one of the men to which years of notable service. Aside from being an jobs, serve our community, and inspire future we owe our safety and freedom. His life is one outstanding leader, Margaret is also devoted business leaders. that will be remembered with great admiration to her children and grandchildren, and she f and respect. Tonight, October 8, 2004, Scott’s credits the love and support of her family for high school graduating class of 1987 will join her success. HONORING GLORIA VOUTOS, with family, friends, and the community of Indi- Mr. Speaker, as a Member of Congress, I TEXAS 2005 ELEMENTARY ana County to pay tribute and thank Scott ask my colleagues in the 108th Congress to TEACHER OF THE YEAR Zellem for his service. Scott answered the call please join me in paying tribute to an out- to duty, and for his service, we are a grateful standing community activist, Margaret A. HON. PETE SESSIONS nation. His sacrifice, and the sacrifice of thou- Perry, for her past and current service and OF TEXAS sands who have fallen before him, will not be contributions to Genesee County and Mt. Mor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES forgotten. ris Township. I wish her the best in future en- Thursday, October 7, 2004 f deavors. TRIBUTE TO BOB WOLFE f Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I join my fel- low Lone Star State colleagues in congratu- TRIBUTE TO JOHN H. WATSON, IN- lating Gloria Voutos of the Richardson Inde- HON. IKE SKELTON DUCTEE TO ALABAMA BUSINESS pendent School District’s (RISD) Spring Valley OF MISSOURI HALL OF FAME Elementary School. I am proud to represent IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Spring Valley Elementary School in the 32nd Thursday, October 7, 2004 HON. TERRY EVERETT Congressional District of Texas. OF ALABAMA Gloria Voutos was just recently named the Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, it has come to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Texas Elementary Teacher of the Year for my attention that a long and exceptionally dis- 2005 by the Texas Education Agency. This tinguished career has come to an end. Mr. Thursday, October 7, 2004 award is a high distinction for Gloria, as more Bob Wolfe, of Sedalia, Missouri, has retired Mr. EVERETT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to shine than 228,000 teachers in Texas are eligible to from his position as president of the Sedalia the spotlight on an exemplary Alabamian and be chosen for this honor. office of Septagon Construction Company. resident of the Second Congressional District, Gloria is a proud veteran of the U.S. Air Mr. Wolfe was born on August 12, 1943, in Mr. John H. Watson of Dothan, who is being Force, and after serving her country in uni- Cleveland, Ohio. After graduating from inducted into the Alabama Business Hall of form, she decided to further serve her local Charles F. Brush High School, he attended Fame October 7th. community by becoming a teacher. She com- Iowa State University on a full football scholar- John Watson is well known in the Wiregrass pleted her teacher preparation program at ship. He graduated in 1965 with a degree in of Southeast Alabama where his name is syn- Southern Methodist University that I am also Business Administration. onymous with hard work and business suc- proud to represent. She has pursued a career In 1975, Mr. Wolfe began working at a com- cess. His life reads like a classic American of being a bilingual instructional specialist, and pany called Temple Callison, and in 1977, Mr. success story. He started early his tradition of constantly wins high praise from her col- Wolfe and his business associate, Tom Davis, entrepreneurship by delivering ice and per- leagues and students. bought Temple Callison. At the time, the Tem- forming carpentry while still in grade school in This is the second consecutive year that the ple Callison Company generated 3 million dol- the 1950’s. RISD has produced a teacher that has been lars in revenue. In 1982, Mr. Davis and Mr. John was the first person in his family to at- named a finalist for this year, and I am very Wolfe turned the Callison Company into the tend college. He turned down a scholarship at delighted that this year Richardson was able Septagon Construction Company. The com- the University of Alabama in order to avail to be the home for the winner. I wish Gloria pany currently has 5 locations in two states himself of the superior engineering program at all the best for her continued teaching excel- and generates over 100 million dollars. Mr. rival Auburn University. He graduated in 1960 lence with the children of the Richardson ISD. Wolfe believes in strong principles and values with a degree in engineering, putting it to work f that have helped his business continue to be almost immediately for Uncle Sam as a mem- successful for so many years. He believed ber of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He LAMENTING THE LOSS OF LIEU- that the company had to be a part of the com- proudly served as a second lieutenant in 1961 TENANT COMMANDER SCOTT munity, and the company needed to be a fam- and 1962 during the Berlin Crisis. ZELLEM ily of customers and employees for the com- John returned to Dothan and civilian life with pany to survive and flourish. Mr. Wolfe was his wife, Gail, to set up their home. John HON. BILL SHUSTER president of the entire Septagon Construction quickly made a name for himself as self-start- OF PENNSYLVANIA Company until 1998, at which time he became er by joining the staff of Smith’s Incorporated IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES president of the company’s Sedalia Office. of Dothan—the largest mechanical contracting In addition to his accomplished business ca- firm in the area. As an engineer, John did Thursday, October 7, 2004 reer, Mr. Wolfe has been very involved in his what he always did by putting 200 percent into Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to community. He has served as a board mem- his work. Within four years, he became presi- lament the loss of a great American hero and ber, campaign chairman and president of the VerDate Aug 04 2004 02:50 Oct 13, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09OC8.118 E11PT1.
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