Cobiirn's "London" (t909) nnd yoes throiij;li to Kneuss) with an impressive cast, featuring Dawn Buitcrlly," and other classics. (Plorcncc Gould Dnvid l.iiCliapcllc's "LiiClia|Klli; Land" (1996). Upshaw, Carol Vaness, Susan Craham, i'lacidi) l-lall, .5.5 E. .sydi .St. 35.5-6160. Oct. 5-6 at 8 and Tlii; volumes in lictwcen include ;i Camera Domingo, Mark Oswald, Antonio Barasoida, and Oct. 7 at 7.) Work issue devoted to Paul Strand (1917), Leiii Hao Jiang Tian; tlio conductor is James Levine. " L O G I C O F T H E B I R D S " Riefcnscalil's "Sclioiihcit ini Olynipischcn (Oct. 3 and Oct. 6 at S.) ♦ Tchaikovsky's "Eugene A collaboration, loosely based on twelfth-ccnciity Kampf" (1937), and work from more recent lead Onegin," with Solveig Kringclborn, Katarina Persi.in mystical writings, between four noted ers .and mnvericks—Peter licard, Michael l.esy, Katncus, Marcello Giordani, Thomas Hanipson, Iranian-btirn artists—the visual artist Sbirin Nc- and Allen Ginshetg make it in. The show is a and Rohert Lloyd; Vladimir jutowski. (Oct. 4 and shat, the composer .Snssaii Deyhim, theliimmaker pleasure, hut innsi of all it's an excuse for a lush Oct. 8 at 7:30.) • "La Bohemc," with liei-Kyung Ghasem Hbrahiinian, and tlie writer Shoja Azari. catalogue, "The Book of 101 Books" (2001). Hong and Matcello Giordani as Mimi and Ro- It combines film, music, and drama to illustrate the Through Nov. 3. (Roth Horowitz, I60A E 70th dolfo, and hiva Mula and Bruno Caproni as Mu- story of an Iranian woman (a role sung in Farsi by St. 717-9067.) setta and Marcello; Carlo Rizzi. (Oct. 5 at 8.) ♦ Deyhim) who attempts to break free from the so With Prank Lopardo replacing Giordani. (Oct. 9 at cial and political tealilies of her country. (The S^jor/ List 8.) • The last performance this scastw of Berg's Kitchen, 512 W. 19th St. 255-5793. Oct. .5-6 at 8. "Wo77.cck," with Katarina Dalaynian (as Marie], Through Oct. 16. Note: Phe proceeds fi'om the AMY ARBUS Wolfgang Neumann, Graham Clark, Palk Struck- opening-night performance will be donated to Bateman, 560 Broadway. 227-1431. maim, and Michael Devlin; James Levine. (Oct. 6 the Kitchen's local (ire department, Engine Com Through Nov. 14. at 1:30.) (Metropolitan Opera House. 362-6000.) pany No. 3.) tT- Amanda Means's black-and-white and color portraits of light bulbs are at Ricco/Maresca through October 13. JEFF BROUWS N E W Y O R K C I T Y O P E R A Mann, 210 Eleventh Ave. 989-7600. Bellini's "The Capiilcl.s .and the Montagues," di- OKCHE5TRA5 AND CHO[\U5EJ Through Nov, 3. reeted by Thor Steingraber. With Mary Dunleavy JOHN COFFER (as Juliet), Sarah Connolly (as Romeo), Raul Her The Viewing Room, 114 W. 17th .St. nandez, jan Opalach, and John Marcus Bindcl; NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC 646-638-L92C. Through Oct. 31. Joseph Rescigno conducts. (Oct. 3 at 7;30, Oct. 5 Oct. 4-6 at 8, and Oct. 9 at 7:30: Andre Ptevin's pro M A R K C O H E N at 8, and Oct. 7 at 1:30.) ♦ "The Magic Flute," gram runs the gamut of emotions, from the childlike Silverstein, 504 W. 22nd St. 627-3930. .snug in English, with Pamela Armstrong, Aline innocence of Mozart's "Pine KIcinc Naehimusik" to I'hrough Nov. 10. Kutan, John Osborn, Daniel Belelicr, Gustav An- the high drama of Dimitti Mitropoulos'.s string- PAUL D'AMATO drcasseii-aad Keith Jameson; David Aglet. (Get. 4 orchestra arrangement of Beethoven's Quartet Milo, .552 W. 24th St.414.0370. and Oet. 9 at 7:30.) • Jonathan Miller's produc No. 14 in C-Sliati> Minoi. In between comes Brit Through Oct. 27. tion of "The Mikado," with Jan Opalach (in the ten's pastoral "Serenade" (with ilic tenor Anthony PHILIP-LORCA Dl CORCIA title tolc), Angela Turner Wilson, Linda lioark- Dean Griffey and Philip Myers, the orchestra's prin PaccWildenstein Chelsea, 534 W, 2Sth St. Sii luiimcr, Jennifer Dudley, Richard Troxcll, and cipal hornist), :i mastetpiecc of lyrical elegy. ♦ Sfoic; 929-700(1. Through Oct. 13. Richard Siiart; Gemld .Steichcn. (Oct. 6 at 1:30.) ♦ In the Hist of an expandeil scries of ptc-eonccrt Ice- PAUL FUSCO Verdi's "M.icheih," a rcturu of the 1997 produc tntes and recitals, tlic orchcsita's artistic adminis Beiirubi, 52 E. 76tii .St. 5 17-.3766. tion, with Richard Paul Pink in the title role and trator, Jeremy fjeffen, discusses the music of Britten Through Oct. 13. Lauren Planigaii reprising her role as Lady Mac and the poetry of Bl.ake, one hour before each con LUI6I 6KIRRI / TODD KIDO beth. Despite its siyiistic discontinuities (it was cert. (Avery l-ishcr Mali. 72I-6500.) Saul, 535 W. 22nd St. 627-2410, written in 1847 and extensively revised eighteen BERLIN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Through Oct. 20. years later), this ircnchanr Shakespeare adaptation Carnegie Hall's official opening-night concert pro AMANDA MEANS is more notable for its dramatic ambience than for ceeds as selieduled, with Claudio Abhado (in his Ricco/Maresca, 529 W. 20th St. 627-4819. its individual moments—though Lady Macbcth's l.ist season,IS artt.siic director) leading the orches Through Oct. 13. sleepwalking scene remains one of the composer's tra in music hv Mahler (four songs from "Des LARRY SULTAN most haunting creations. George Manahan con Knahen Wurderhorn," with the baritone Thomas Borden, 560 Broadway. 43 I •() 166. ducts. (Oct. 6 at 8.) (New York Stare Theatre. Quasthoff) and Beethoven (the "Eroica" and the Through Oct. 13. 307-4100.) "Kgmoiu" Oveiiute). A portion of the concert's LA GRAN SCENA OPERA CO. proceeds will be donated to the relief efforts of the Sec the iiiiiseiim listiitjrs fur jrhutogral'hy It scarcely seem.s helievahle, hut after two glorious World Trade Center tragedy. (Oct. 3 ar 7.) ♦ Ab axbikitions at the MetropoUtan Museinn decades the writer-director lea Siff—known to hado and rhe B.P.O. rcinrn for an evening of nf A> /. the Whitney Miiscion of American Art. his tans as the falsetto soprano Vera Galupe- Brahms (the First Pi.ano Concerto, with Maunzio .nui ll>e Aineriean Miiseiiin nf Natural History, Borszkh—is closing down his all-male New York Pollini) and Beethoven (tlic .Symplioiiy No. 7 in company (thougli it is rumored that Madame Vera A Major). (Oct. .5 at 8.) ♦ A final concert, featur may continue to make solo .ippe.iranees). Us ing Beethoven's l-'ifth and SLxth Symplinnies. (Oct. CLA2i"5ICAL MU5IC final production, "Vera... Life ofa Diva," a bio- 6 at 8.) (247-7800.) OPEllA cpic of the incomparable La Dementia, will find AZUOLiUKAS BOYS' CHOIR OF VILNIUS the company's favorite cliaractcts—including The Lithuanian ensemble makes its first tour of tlic African-American diva Kavatina Turner (Kyle United .8tates, presenting music by Rachmaninoff, METROPOLITAN OPERA Cluireh Cheseborough) and Maestro Lorenzo Rutter, Bernstein (seleetions from "West Side Jean-Pierre Poniielle's 1982 prodiiecion of Mo Costaloita Denato (Todd Sislcy)—spooling arhi.s Story"), and others- (.Soeieiv for Ethical Culture, 2 zart's "Idomeneo" returns (directed by David and scenes from "Tosca," "Manon," "Madama W.64cliSr, 982-1335, Oct.hat 8.) 18 THE NE'W ■tORKER. OCTOBER 8, 200I.
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