A brief introduction of our company Company Overview Milestones Founded in 1990 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology roboticists, including the 2004 2 0 11 2013 company’s Chairman and CEO Colin Angle, iRobot is the leading global consumer • iRobot wins contract • iRobot develops • iRobot launches Our Leadership in the Robotics Industry iRobot, your partner robot company. iRobot has developed some of the world’s most important robots, to develop Small 110 FirstLook®, Roomba® 800 Series, Unmanned Ground a small, light, with revolutionary Since 1990, iRobot has created more than 100 practical robots, and has a rich history steeped in innovation. Its robots have revealed mysteries of the 2001 Vehicle (SUGV). throwable UGV. AeroForce® Performance 2016 Great Pyramid of Giza, found harmful subsea oil in the Gulf of Mexico, and saved • The iRobot 510 Cleaning System. • iRobot launches Braava jet™ earned more than 1000 patents, and assembled one of the world’s for an ideal home • The iRobot PackBot® Mopping Robot. thousands of lives in areas of conflict and crisis around the globe. iRobot inspired 1990 searches at the World PackBot® was • iRobot launches Braava® 2018 • iRobot launches Roomba® i7+ largest robotics IP portfolios. iRobot is a pioneer in the robotics the Micro Rovers used by NASA, changing space travel forever, deployed the ground • MIT roboticists Colin Trade Center after the deployed at the Mopping Robot. • iRobot opens office with Clean Base™ Automatic Angle, Helen Greiner September 11 terrorist Fukushima Daiichi • iRobot launches in Shanghai as its base industry, and it continues to drive innovation, serve as an industry robots for defense and security personnel, brought the self-navigating FDA-approved Dirt Disposal, a robot vacuum and Rodney Brooks attacks. nuclear power Ava® 500 Video for China operations. catalyst and change the world by fueling the era of robots. remote presence robots to hospitals and invented the world’s first robotic vacuum co-found iRobot. plant in Japan after Collaboration Robot. that empties itself and learns a home’s floor plan. cleaner with Roomba®, forging a path for an entirely new category the devastating • iRobot launches in home cleaning. 2007 earthquake and Mirra™ 530 Pool • iRobot launches tsunami in 2011. Cleaning Robot. iRobot’s headquarters are located in Bedford, Massachusetts, USA, with offices Create® Programmable in California, the United Kingdom, Japan, Mainland China and Hong Kong. The Mobile Robot. company has been awarded more than 1,000 patents, employs over 1,000 of the • iRobot launches Looj™ A letter from our CEO Gutter Cleaning Robot. robot industry’s top professionals, including mechanical, electrical and software Follow us on WeChat: iRobot was founded by MIT roboticists in 1990 and is now the leading global engineers, and has sold more than 25 million robots worldwide. The company’s stock consumer robot company. Since launching the Roomba® robot vacuum trades on the NASDAQ stock market under the ticker symbol IRBT. cleaner in 2002, the company has gone on to sell more than 25 million home As the first company to bring robotic vacuum cleaners to the masses, and the market robots worldwide. We have changed the way people clean. China specifically leader in many mature markets, such as The United States, Japan, and Germany, is an exciting market for iRobot. We are glad to see that so many Chinese iRobot sees China as a strategically important market, as China becomes the world’s consumers are embracing new technologies that empower them to do largest robot vacuum market. To be closer to the consumer in this highly competitive more. As iRobot develops best-in-class technology in the areas of mapping market, iRobot opened a sales & marketing office in Shanghai in 2016. and navigation, human-robot interaction, and physical solutions, and also expands its portfolio of connected products, the company is also becoming a strategically important player in the emerging Smart Home market. Quick Facts 2002 WeChat iRobot’s vision of the Smart Home of the future includes an ecosystem of robots • Created the robotic floor care • iRobot launches Roomba® working together. Imagine a home that maintains itself and magically just does category with the launch of the Vacuuming Robot. the right thing in anticipation of occupant needs. This Smart Home will be built first Roomba® in 2002 • The iRobot PackBot® is deployed with U.S. on connected and coordinated robots, sensors, and devices that provide the • More than 25 million home robots 19 91 2005 2010 2019 • iRobot develops troops for the first time. • iRobot launches • iRobot helps • iRobot launches Braava jet™ m6 occupants with a high quality of life by seamlessly responding to the needs of sold worldwide Genghis™, a robot • iRobot and the National Scooba® Floor monitor Gulf of Mopping Robot. daily living – from comfort and convenience to security. iRobot is working to • iRobot has over 1000 patents designed for space Geographic Society Scrubbing Robot. Mexico oil spill. develop a robot that build an ecosystem of robots and technology to make this vision a reality. worldwide exploration. • iRobot stock begins explores the Great trading on the 2015 • iRobot launches Roomba® • Revenue in 2018 was $1093 million Pyramid in Egypt. NASDAQ Stock 2017 980 Vacuuming Robot in with ~13% of revenue invested in R&D Exchange. • iRobot launches its connected North America, Japan, and product line in China, including select European countries. the Roomba® 900 series www.irobot.cn 19 96 2012 Roomba® 980 combines • iRobot develops Ariel™, • iRobot acquires models, Roomba® 890 models intelligent visual navigation, Colin Angle a robot that detects Evolution Robotics. and Roomba® 690 models. cloud connected app ©2019 iRobot Corporation, 8 Crosby Drive, Bedford, MA 01730 USA. All rights reserved. and eliminates mines Chairman of the Board control and increased • iRobot opens its office iRobot, Roomba, AeroForce, Scooba, Braava and Ava are registered trademarks of iRobot Corporation. in surf zones. Braava jet, Create, Mirra, Looj and Clean Base are trademarks of iRobot Corporation. CEO and Founder cleaning power on carpets. in Japan. PackBot and FirstLook are registered trademarks of Endeavor Robotics. 公司介绍 iRobot大事记 享誉全球的家用机器人公司iRobot于1990年由美国麻省理工大学的三位机器人 2011年 科学家创立,创始人之一便是如今公司的董事长及首席执行官科林•安格尔(Colin 2004年 • iRobot研发出小 iRobot,理想生活好伙伴 • iRobot赢得小型地面 型轻量可抛式无 Angle)先生。许多闻名全球的机器人都源自iRobot公司,其创新精神更是深入品牌基 无人驾驶车(SUGV)的 人地面车辆110 2013年 2016年 因。iRobot的机器人帮助人类揭开了吉萨金字塔的神秘面纱,深入海底寻觅墨西哥湾的 合约。 FirstLook®。 • iRobot发布了Roomba® • iRobot推出Braava jet™ 我们在机器人行业的领导力 800系列,推出了革命性的 擦地机器人。 NASA 1990年 • 2011年日本发生 油污,并在全球的冲突和灾难地区挽救了无数的生命。美国国家航空航天局( ) 2001年 AeroForce® 进阶版三重高 自1990年成立以来,iRobot已经研发出100多款实用机器人, • 美国麻省理工大学机 灾难性的地震和 • iRobot在上海成立分公司,负 2018年 早期微型太空车的诞生也得益于iRobot的技术,为人类探索宇宙开启了新的篇章。 • iRobot PackBot®机器 效清洁系统。 拥有1000多项专利。iRobot作为家用机器人行业的开拓者, 器人专家科林•安格 责中国市场的整体运营。 • iRobot 发布了可以自动清 人于9.11恐怖袭击事件 海啸后,日本福 不断引领机器人行业的研发与创新,推动人类的发展。 此外,iRobot更是为安防人员打造了一款地面机器人,研发了获得美国FDA认证的可自 尔(Colin Angle)、 • iRobot推出Braava® 擦地 • iRobot出售了安防业务, 空集尘盒和掌握家庭格局的 后在世贸中心展开搜救 岛第一核电站部 主导航的远程医疗机器人,同时还发明了Roomba®扫地机器人,为家居清洁开创出一 海伦•格雷纳(Helen 机器人。 集中资源开拓消费品市场。 Roomba® i7+ 扫地机器人和 行动。 署了iRobot 510 个全新的品类。 Greiner)和罗德尼• PackBot® 机器人, • iRobot推出Ava® 500视频 Clean Base™自动集尘系统。 布鲁克斯(Rodney 用于灾后救援。 协作机器人。 iRobot公司总部位于美国马萨诸塞州的贝德福德,并在美国加州、英国、日本、 Brooks)共同创立了 • iRobot推出Mirra™ 530泳池 iRobot。 2007年 中国大陆和香港设有分支机构。迄今为止,iRobot已荣获1000多项专利,雇有1000多 • iRobot推出Create® 清洁机器人。 位机械工程、电气工程和软件工程领域的顶尖人才。iRobot产品畅销全球,其家用机 可编程移动式机器人。 器人产品在全球的销量已超过2500万台。公司2005年已在纳斯达克证券交易所挂牌上 • iRobot推出Looj™ 屋檐 雨水槽清洁机器人。 CEO 寄语 市,交易代码为IRBT。 作为成功将扫地机器人推向大众的公司,iRobot在美国、日本、德国等众多成熟市 欢迎关注iRobot官方微信 iRobot公司于1990年由美国麻省理工大学人工智能实验室的三位机器 场备受欢迎。随着中国成为全球最大的扫地机器人市场,其战略意义对iRobot不言而 人科学家创立,现已发展成为全球顶尖的家用机器人企业。自2002年推出 喻。2016年,iRobot成立了上海分公司负责中国的销售和营销业务,以力求更好地聆听 Roomba®扫地机器人以来,iRobot家用机器人产品在全球的销量已突破2500 中国消费者的声音、更好的服务中国消费者。 万台,不断革新着人们家居清洁的方式。中国对iRobot来说是个充满机遇的市 场。中国消费者对新科技的热衷和勇于尝试创新产品来改善自身生活的积极心 态,不断激励着我们。如今,iRobot凭借在地图绘制、路线规划、人机交互以 及物理解决方案等领域的领先技术和不断拓展的互联产品线,已成为引领新兴 智慧家庭产业发展的战略玩家。 iRobot对智慧家庭的愿景构建在一个机器人可以相互协作的生态系统之 要闻速览 微信 上。畅想未来,人类居住的家可以自主工作,通过感知居住者的需求来执行各 种任务。此类智慧家庭建立在各种互联互通的机器人、传感器和智能设备之 • 2002年,iRobot推出了第一台Roomba® 2002年 上,可以无缝响应人们的日常生活需求,创造出前所未有的舒适、便捷、安全 扫地机器人,成功创建了地板清洁机器 • iRobot推出Roomba® 扫地机器人。 和高效的家居环境。为了实现这一愿景,iRobot正不断努力创建着由机器人和 人品类。 • 美国军队首次部署 iRobot 技术构成的生态系统。 • iRobot家用机器人全球销量逾2500万台。 1991年 2005年 2010年 2019年 • iRobot研发出一款为太 PackBot®。 • iRobot推出了Scooba®地 • iRobot帮助监测 • iRobot 发布了Braava jet™ m6 • iRobot在全球拥有超过1000项专利。 空探索而设计的机器人 • iRobot和美国国家地理学 板清洗机器人。 墨西哥湾石油 擦地机器人。 Genghis™ 会共同研发出一款用于 • iRobot公司2018年营收约为10.93亿 美 元 , 。 • iRobot股票在纳斯达克证 泄漏事件。 Colin Angle 考察埃及大金字塔的机 券交易所挂牌上市。 研发投入约占营收的13%。 器人。 2015年 科林•安格尔 • iRobot在北美、日本和部分 2017年 Roomba® Chairman of the Board, CEO and Founder 欧洲国家推出了 • iRobot 向中国市场发布带有智 980 iRobot董事会主席、CEO及创始人 扫地机器人。该款机器 能互联功能的Roomba® 900系 人搭载了智能的视觉运算处 列、890系列和690系列扫地机 www.irobot.cn 1996年 2012年 理技术,手机应用程序以 • iRobot研发出一款在碎波 • iRobot收购了Evolution 器人。 及Carpet Boost地毯清扫强 区探测和排除水雷的机器 Robotics。 • iRobot 化功能。 成立日本分公司。 ©2019 iRobot 公司版权所有。地址:美国马塞诸塞州贝德福德市 Crosby Drive 8号, 邮编01730。 人Ariel™。 iRobot, Roomba, AeroForce, Scooba, Braava 和 Ava是 iRobot公司的注册商标。 Braava jet, Create, Mirra, Looj 和 Clean Base 是 iRobot 公司的商标。 PackBot 和 FirstLook 是Endeavor Robotics公司的注册商标。.
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