OD & COUN R G TR BADGER FO Y LEGIONNAIRE & WISCONSIN VOL 98 #2 | APR 2021 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WISCONSIN AMERICAN LEGION FAMILY | WILEGION.ORG The Mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities. ENSIGN DOUGLAS HARLANDER • U. S. NAVY – LST 531 1944, as the convoy left naval standing on the starboard wing headquarters at Plymouth and when the first torpedo hit. It headed through the English felt like a sledgehammer on my Channel, the destroyer which feet. It threw me back eight or had been assigned to protect the nine feet. The direct hit to LST convoy was commanded into 531 came 15 minutes after the port for repairs. It never joined assault on LST 507, and struck the convoy and no replacement the ship’s mid-section and en- was sent. Instead the ships were gine room, shutting everything led by a small, British trawler. down. We were dead in the wa- The convoy left at 9:45 a.m. and ter. We were completely loaded picked up three more LSTs on with trucks, vehicles, tanks, and its way. LST 531 was loaded all of them were loaded with with 354 Army personnel and fuel to the hilt. As a result, 142 Navy crew members. The when the torpedoes went off, men aboard the ships knew they it was an immediate mass ball Composed by Dr. Harlander were on some sort of dry run for of fire all over the main deck in cooperation with Laurie the D-Day invasion, but many and all over the tank deck. A Surviving Officers from LST 531 Bolton of Exercise Tiger Me- of the men thought they were minute later we were hit again morial, Ltd exercisetiger.com embarked on an actual invasion with another torpedo. That one of France because of the sight really ripped our seams open. As the surviving officer on of the tank decks of the LSTs The ship started listing right board my ship, LST 531, I was loaded with trucks, vehicles and away and started turning over assigned to write what had tanks. The convoy had traveled to its starboard side. It would happened on the fateful ear- all day and into the night. It only stay afloat for another six ly morning of April 28, 1944, was early the next morning, minutes. Attempts were made when two torpedoes from a April 28th, when the last LST in to put the flames out, but it was German E-Boat slammed into the convoy, 507, got hit by a tor- impossible with all the gasoline the hull of our ship. When the pedo at 0203 a.m. from one of fueling the fire. The four land- attack happened, my ship was the German E-boats which had ing craft, used to transport the in the middle middle of a con- snuck up on the two-mile long troops to the beach, couldn’t voy of eight LSTs and on its convoy of LSTs. I remember be used because of damage way to join a mock invasion being on the navigation deck and shortness of time, because exercise being held on a stretch of the ship when the radar man they were tightly secured to of English shore, called Slapton pointed out a “little peep” on the ship. I followed emergency Sands. the corner of the radar screen. I procedure and went down to the On the morning of April 27, went out to take a look and was (continued on page 4) LST 531 being launched. Missouri Bridge & Iron Works Evansville, Indiana MIDWINTER in May CONFERENCE Ho-Chunk Convention Center May 6-9, 2021 Move in day Wisconsin American Legion Foundation @ 5:00 PM There’s still time to regis- Construction Oversight Committee @ 7:00 PM ter for the 2021 Midwinter in May Conference. Join the Department Committee Meetings Legion Family and good (see wilegion.org for full schedule) friends on May 6-9 for Permit 2930 Permit some fun, training, and Training All Day Platteville, WI Platteville, camaraderie. Forward Together Celebration Banquet PAID Portage, WI 53901 WI Portage, Featuring The Game Show DJ US POSTAGE US 2930 American Legion Drive Legion American 2930 Register at bit.ly/MidWint Non-Profit Org Non-Profit The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin of Department Legion, American The or 608-745-1090. You can Four Chaplain’s Service @ 8:00 AM find more information at Department Executive wilegion.org Committee Meeting @ 9:00 AM PAGE 2 • BADGER LEGIONNAIRE • APRIL/MAY 2021 DEPARTMENT COMMANDER “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” Hello Every- with our Senators and Congress- ences, please attend yours if you efforts, as we continue our path The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are one, and Wel- men were very successful. We are able, as there is a wealth of to reaching 100%. Please reach the offi cial publications of the Wisconsin c o m e t o A p r i l . were able to present the entire information that will be provid- out to the members in your post American Legion Family and are published I never knew legislative agenda at all meet- ed. Some of the Districts will with a “Buddy Check”, and re- six times annually, by The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin. that the colors ings, and I believe that it was re- be holding elections for District mind them how important they David Wischer “Brown and ceived favorably by our Senators leadership positions, good luck are to this organization. We are Post Master: Send address changes to Department Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, Commander Grey” could and Congressmen. Thank you, to everyone, and thank you for stronger with them as members. P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901 look so good. to everyone that participated in stepping up and taking on the Just a reminder to register for I guess anything is better than the meetings. Thank you also, added responsibilities. Midwinter in May, start fi lling “Badger Legionnaire” looking at dirty snow. Soon we to Angie for scheduling and co- On the membership front, out your (CPR) Consolidated The American Legion, will start complaining about ordinating with our elected offi - Chairman Larry Larson and his Post Report and getting it ready Department of Wisconsin mowing our lawns. cials. Great job, everyone. committee have been working to send in. If you need help with 2930 American Legion Drive I hope everyone is remaining The Department Legislative hard on events that will increase any on these topics, please reach P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 healthy. I encourage everyone Chairman, Paul Fisk is remain- our exposure to the veterans out to your District or your area E-mail: [email protected] to get their Covid-19 vaccina- ing busy in Madison. He keeps within the State. Department Vice Commander Executive Editor tion when it becomes available the Department informed of all Look for The American Legion for assistance. Jen Swenson to you. legislation concerning veter- Family involved with a race at I hope to see everyone soon. The American Legion just ans and their families. We are Elkhart Lake in June and at vari- Stay healthy, stay safe. 2020-21 Department Offi cers fi nished with the 2021 version fortunate to have him on our o u s T r a c t o r P u l l s a c r o s s t h e S t a t e . Department Commander of Storming the Hill. It was a “Team”. Unfortunately, we did not meet Very Respectfully, David Wischer virtual experience that I will not We are now entering the time our Big 12 pledge, but we were David J. Wischer Department Vice Commanders Greg Eirich forget anytime soon. The visits for the District Spring Confer- close. Thank you for everyone’s Department Commander Jerry Lauby Ray Pasbrig Paul Beseler DEPARTMENT ADJUTANT Department Adjutant Nathan Gear Hello Friends, ran safely, even during a winter ing a legislative greenhorn this munities across the Department. Department Chaplain Families, and storm. A huge shout out to all year, I felt our Legion WI team There is no reason we should not Todd Fanta Legionnaires, of the volunteers that supported overall did well. The majority of have 100% of posts submitting Assistant Chaplain I hope you are this restricted event. our elected offi cials listened and CPRs by end of FY 2021. John Gessner well and see- Normally our VSO would be supported our agenda. TAL 2021 Membership: The Nathan Gear Sergeant-At-Arms Deptartment ing a change in conducting “Hill Day” meetings FALL IN, REPORT; Consoli- DISTRICTS are going head Kendel Feilen Adjutant direction from in March with our WI Senators dated Post Reports (CPR) 100% to head into the fi nal quarter Jeremy Nordie COVID-19 impacts. The Depart- and Congress representatives in participation goal for 2021. Lead- laps with over 90% Depart- Service Offi cer - James Fialkowski ment of Wisconsin continues to Washington DC. With the pan- ers, please record your post’s ment membership goal reached, NECman - Robert Shappell Alternate NECman - Dale Oatman gradually transition into con- demic, our Legion Wisconsin monthly activities. By reaching HOOAH! Continue to March Judge Advocate - Nicholas Lange ducting Legion programs and representatives met virtually to our goal we can truly report to Forward Leaders. Without each events. The Oratorical Contest advocate for The American Le- the U.S. Congress the full im- of you, we would not be able to District Commanders 1st – Karl Stuvengen was a success in February for gion’s Legislative Agenda 2021 pact we have on the lives of our advocate for so many Veterans 2nd – Julie Muhle all participants.
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