Try IMPERIAL PRINTING COMPANY LIMITED PERTH'S PARTIC ULA R PRINTERS 19 7 HAY STREET, PERTH 'Phone: 84750 E. S. W AT T , M AN . D IRE C T 0 R Price: 3d. Issued Monthly Annual Subscription: 3/6 Post Free V oL. 17, Nn 2 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE R.S.L., W.A. BRANCH 20th February, I9J7 Registered at the G.P.O., Perth, Western Australia, for transmission by post as a Newspaper Experience in TRUSTEESHIP For more than 43 years this Company has made the handling of Estates its only business. It acts as- Exc:::utor under Wills Trustee under Settlement Administrator of Estates Agent, Attorney and Manager It offers permanence, experience, economy and security, and its fees are fixed by its private Act of Parliament. Instruct your Solicitor to draw your Will for you- II or write, 'phone or call for a free copy of "Wills and HEAD 0 F F IcE: II Wisdom," which contains valuable information on this W .A. Trustee Buildings, 13 5 St. George• s Terrace and kindred matters. (Opp Poy & Gibson) Perth BRANCH OFFICE: THE WEST AUSTRALIAN TRUSTEE Corner Adelaide & Queen EXECUTOR AND AGENCY COMPANY LIMITED Streets Premantle Edmund.S.Barlur. Managu: TH E LI STENING POST Page 2 February 20, 1937 s~ Cut --- e~ g:iniWd ~west Summer SUITINGS Perfectly 7ailored .. ~:i";;,~•;.~~·:~r.~: ~~ from £6-6-0 where else in Perth could such smart exclusive patterns be so economically purchased. Every suit will be expertly tailored to your measure by first•class tailors and will be guaranteed perfect in style, fit and finish. Order yours to-day. PricC3 from £6/ 6/ -, £6/17/ 6 and £7. FOOT OF MARBLB STAIRCASE - GROUND FLOOR BOANS FOR A BBTTER SUIT AT A LOWEk PRICE The New Zealand Insurance Co. Ltd. A'T YOUR SERVICE. FIRE MARINE ACCIDENT All Classes of Insurance Effected at Lowest Current Rates 105 ST. GBORGE'S TERRACE W. A. STIRLING Frank Hooper PBR1li ~g~ (FtrSt Life Guarda) FAMILY BUTCHER 261 Newcastle St., Perth r- I .: ~~istance no object Best Quality at Lowest Prices Country Orders delivered free on nil FLORIDA OR MT. LYELL Perth. Cash with order. ' Phone: 81487 SUPERPHOSPHATE AND . GOLDFIELDS CLUB HOTEL Cr. PIER AND WELLINGTON ... MIXED MANURES ... STREETS PERTH TARIFF: £2/10/- PER WEEK 8s. PER DAY Mdnufadur.J by Free Garaging SIMPSON & HOlliNGSWORnf ~~THE FAIMERI' COMPANY~~ PROPRIBTORS Diaers Welcomed Concession to International Blackmail in the black art of propaganda, it is not that Germans made good colonists and The Archbishop of Y orlc and the Bishop of Loadon recently declared absurd to suppose that Nazism has estab· good citizens in Australia. but where is that pacifist agitation was increasing lished, in British communities, cells that the truth, or even the conu:nonsense in the ~F of war. Their remarks are are even now itching into an advocacy of his bald assertion that Germany's present apeciaUy true in respect of those weU· giving Germany the whole earth, if Herr population of 65,000,000 people has been meaning people within the Empire who Hitler rattles the sabre hard enough. built "from a great colonial empire, publicly advocate yielding to Germany's which has been swept away"? demand for colonies. The German de­ We have had academic and other exhi­ mand, backed as it i. by armed force, Actually, the former German colonies is merely international blaclcmail. bitionists, both in Australia and England, advocating the cession of North Austra· absorbed little, if any, of Germany's sur· lia, and W estern Australia, to the most plus population; and provided Germany T exT-BOOKS on literary composition and threatening Power, in the interests of fu· with only a negligible quantity of raw style are agreed in referring to the Par· ture peace, though the mere Australians, materials. Herr Hitler himaelf declared able of the Prodigal Son, in the Author· like the fatted calf in the Parable, have that eastern and south-eastern Europe ised Version of the Bible, as the finest ex• remained unconsulted as to this interfer· would provide more favourable outleta ample of the short story in the English ence with their destiny. More dangerous for Germany's surplus population than language. Even so, while we are told is the attitude taken up by the Man· the tropics, but, he added, the German what the father, the elder brother and chester Guardian, a paper that, during agitation for colonies was only in respect the prodigal himself thought about mat· the past century, was notoriously the of Germany's former colonies. Even in ters, the fatted calf's point of view has spokesman of the Little Englanders. That this respect, Germany has apparently been studiously ignored. That, also, paper suggests that colonies should be waived the question of the mandated ter· seems to be the position of residents in held as mandates, and that the more ritories in the Pacific, or, at least, of those those lands that will be handed over to backward of them should be placed under islands now retained by Japan. Japan Germany, or some other Power, if ever international control. The Guardian finds is too hard a nut for Germany to crack, the British Empire should decide that it convenient to forget that the British but the matter of New Guinea is to be concessions to international blackmail are colonial system was the model for the left in abeyance, probably in the hope in the interests of future peace, and not mandatory system. The self-governing that the pro-German cells in British and an incitement to further demands. Dominions, for instance, have progressed Australian universities and newspaper . Keep on saying a thing long enough through successive types of administra· offices may yet induce a softening of the and you will assuredly get many people tion from Crown Colonies to autonomous · Imperial issues of which Germany might to believe you. That seems to have been lands with responSible Governments. one day take advantage. The truth is, the keynote of Nazi propaganda ever Even after an intensive study of the map Germany is more desirous of regaining since Hitler, the house-painter, emerged of the world, it would be hard at present her former African possessions which from the chrysalis of a political Charlie to find any British colony without at would provide her, not with raw mater• Chaplin to become the most. tragic com· least some semblance of self~ govemment. ials, but with reserviors of man·power edian of modem times. Less than ten Yet, to the muddled mind of Manchester, which she might convert into colonial years ago the Nazis were few in num· centuries of British experience in colonial armies, as France has done in Africa, and hers, though noisy on the hustings, and administration should be thrown into the Britain in India. Meanwhile, every Brit· ridiculed by the majority of Germans in discard in favour of some amorphous ish utterance in sympathy with Ger~ their own land. To-day, they dominate method of international control, under many's agitation for colonies is eagerly central European politics and regiment which the control would pass to the seized upon by Nazi propagandists and public opinion in Germany to an extent Power with the biggest battalions. It is converted into yet another weapon in that is equalled only in Italy or Russia. not surprising that the former organ of Hitler's armoury of argument. The demand for colonies was a plank of the Little Englander party should find In the past, Britain has not been \Ul• the N~ platform as long ago as 1929. something wrong in the British Empire generous in the matter of restoring cap­ In itl!elf the demand was the translation whose growth it resisted eo strenuously tured colonies to their former owners. of a desire into an article of faith, but it in the past; but one does expect to find After the Treaty of Amieru, Britain !'e' served its purpose and did more than an Australian Minister for Education stored all her conquests except Trinidad anything else to re-shape public opinion better informed. One can agree with and Ceylon. When Napoleon wa.~ rut' in the Nazi mould. Being past masters Mr. Drummond, of New South Wales, ally defeated, many West Indian islands THE LISTENING POST Page 4 February 20, 1937 be leaving for Victoria and who has done were given back to France, Spain a~d The MEMBERSHIP RALLY yeoman service for the League. Holland. Minorca was restored to Spam, There will be refreshments. whtch will although Admiral Byng had been shot On Wednesday, March 17 next, will be largely paid for by a. volunt.ary "bob for failing to relieve that island in ~he be a big membership rally at Anzac in." It will be a most mtercstmg ~en· Seven Years' War. The Cape, whtch House at which all sub-branches of the ing and it is hoped that the hall will be was taken in 1806, was retained, but metropolitan area will be represented by comfortably filled. Britain paid Holland a large sum of from 20 members each. The proceedings money by way' of compensation. Java, will be broadcast by the National Sta· which had been conquered in 1812, was tion from 8 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Short ad· restored to Holland, just as Cuba and dresses, not exceeding fi~c minutes eac~, HELPING THE BEREAVED the Philippines were given back to Spain will be given by the chatrmen o~ ccrt~tn after the Seven Years' War. German executive committees. These w1ll be m· A Quairading Effort and Italian newspapers are fond of pre· terspersed with items of harmony includ· senting Britain in the role of the world's ing community singing, assisted by the Three years ago, a trust account was worst land-grabber, but no other c~untry South Perth suh-branch orchestra.
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