Inside Holy Cross - inside VOL. XXI, NO. 86 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6,1987 the independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s Three platforms to run for SMC student body offices By MARILYN BENCHIK stated, “No experience necessary,” Assistant Saint Mary’s Editor and said, “ So, we’re just going to go for it.” Canidates for Saint Mary’s student Class officer canidates also attended body offices attended the second pre­ the Thursday night meeting. Running election information meeting Thursday for senior class officer positions are: night. Julie Bennett, Ana Cote, Patti Petro, Election hopefuls were required to at­ and Lorie Potenti. Potenti said they are tend only one of the two sessions. The not yet sure who will run for which po­ first pre-election meeting was held sition. Wednesday night. Sandy Cerimele, “ All four of us have had experience election commissioner, and Jeanne Hel­ in working with student government in ler, student body president, set the the last three years, and we feel we guidelines for campaigning have a great senior class. We want to procedures. make next year the most memorable,” The three platforms, each consisting Petro said. P of three canidates for the offices of Cote added, “Our experience is one president, vice president for student af­ of the most im portant factors to be con­ fairs, and vice president for academic sidered. We’ve already learned to deal affairs, are: Ann Rucker, Ann Reilly, with students’ problems and the issues and Ann Eckhoff; Sarah Cook, Janel which may arise.” Hamann, and Jill Hinterhalter; Eileen Canidates for the junior class posi­ Hetterich, Smith Hashagen, and Julie tions of president, vice president, sec­ Parrish. retary and treasurer include: Rose Rucker said the lack of student gov­ Pietrzak, Anne Palamaro, Katy Burns, ernment experience of the members on and Barb Gullifor; Christy Wolfe, Mic­ her ticket will not hinder their ability helle Agostino, Lisa La Malfa, and Tera as officers. “Experience doesn’t just Sternitzke. come from holding an office in student Pietrzak stressed the importance of government. That’s a type of experi­ gathering interest in the student body. ence but, just by virtue of being Saint “It’s very important to have at least a Mary’s students, . .. we know what the challenge. That way at least the inter­ issues are, we know what people are est will be sparked on campus.” interested in.” “We’re hoping to do a lot for the Reilly said they are well aware of the junior class as is everyone who is be­ responsibilities of the positions. “We hind us is hoping also, ” she said. know exactly what we’re getting into. The presidential hopeful wrapped up We know what our responsibilities are. her goal in one sentence. “When we We re responsible people.” make promises, we will keep them.” Eckhoff said their lack of student Wolfe’s ticket chose participation as governement experience may be an ad­ their campaign theme. “We’ve heard vantage. “ We have a fresh way of a lot about getting involved. Saint looking at things. Sometimes if you’re Mary’s emphasizes participation for in office for awhile you get stuck in the the student body, and we hope by get­ same ritual.” ting involved, we can encourage every­ Said Reilly, “We’ve never held office one to get involved in and with the yet, but like Montanaro and Switek junior class,” Wolfe said. said, we’re coming out of the wood­ Agostino said she and her running- Two steps to go Color provided by Anheuser-Busch, Inc. work, and we have a lot to offer to Saint mates want to get something done for The Observer/Robert Jones M ary’s.” Saint Mary’s. “As officers we feel we’ll The home of the huddle, LaFortune, in as well as the abode of varied student Eckhoff referred to the information bring a positive aspect into student gov­ its final stages of completion, has be­ services. flyer on the upcoming elections which ernm ent.” come a place to socialize with friends Extradited drug smuggler detained Witnesses report sighting Associated Press Lehder, 37, called by U.S. attorney in Miami, hailed envoy Waite in Beirut prosecutors a violent, bil­ Lehder’s extradition, and Associated Press waving his hand to onlookers TAMPA, Fla. - A neo-Nazi lionaire drug smuggler who called for Colombia to round up as he walked. He wore a gray who allegedly vowed to “kill a heads a private arm y and helps other top drug dealers: Jorge BEIRUT, Lebanon - Two taxi raincoat,” said one witness. “I federal judge a week” if ar­ lead the “Medellin Cartel” Ochoa Vasquez, Pablo drivers said they saw missing stopped my taxicab to watch, rested, was brought under smuggling group, asked for Escobar-Gaviria and Jose hostage negotiator Terry Waite but the escorts waved me heavy guard before a federal court-appointed counsel be­ Rodriguez Gacha. walking in a southern Beirut away, shouting, Don’t stop. m agistrate Thursday on cause he had no funds with him. “One down, three to go,’’ said suburb Thursday with an es­ Drive on.’ I did.” charges of heading the world’s “Most of my assets are Kellner. cort of about 10 gunmen and Waite wore a raincoat when largest cocaine smuggling frozen by the government in In a separate, sweeping four turbaned Shiite Moslem he was last seen by reporters. ring. Colombia,” he told U.S. Miami indictment, Lehder and sheiks. Another taxi driver said he Carlos Lehder Rivas, who magistrate Elizabeth Jenkins. the other three accused traf­ Waite, the 6-foot-7 Anglican saw Waite at the sam e time in was seized by Colombian He sat at the defense table in fickers are accused of heading Church envoy, was last seen by the same procession, smiling troops in his jungle hideout jeans, boots and a blue T-shirt a ring responsible for 80 per­ reporters Jan. 20 when he left and waving his right arm to on­ Wednesday and flown here by inscribed “Cycling.” cent of the cocaine smuggled the Riviera Hotel in West lookers on the left side of the a U.S. Air Force jet, was or­ U.S. attorney Robert Merkle into" the United States. Beirut to meet the kidnappers street. dered held for a formal hearing pressed for Lehder’s immedi­ The ring is accused of mur­ of two Americans. Since then, Both drivers work in the Monday in Jacksonville, where ate detention, saying there had dering two Drug Enforcement Waite has not contacted the neighborhood of the Riviera he is under a 6-year-old indict­ been death threats against a Administration agents,bribing church or his family. Hotel, where Waite stayed be­ ment on drug and conspiracy judge. government officials in fur­ tween his arrival in Lebanon charges. “That’s a lie!” Lehder therance of the conspiracy, and The taxi drivers, who spoke on Jan. 12 and the time he shouted in court. Merkle did not smuggling 58 tons of cocaine on condition of anonymity, told dropped from sight Jan. 20. Federal authorities refused elaborate. into the United States from lab­ the Associated Press they saw Waite came to Beirut to try to say where they would hold Assistant U.S. attorney oratories scattered throughout Waite walking with his escorts to win the freedom of foreign Lehder, a self-proclaimed Ernest Mueller in Jacksonville the Amazon Basin. The smug­ in a street close to the Lebanese hostages. A total of 26 foreig­ Nazi, until Monday. He was es­ said Lehder said if he were glers had safe houses and capital’s airport highway at ap­ners, including eight corted into court by four U.S. caught “he would kill a federal vehicles to distribute drugs in proximately 3 p.m. Thursday. marshals and several other judge a week until he is freed.” “I saw him smiling and see MISSING, page 4 federal agents. Meanwhile, Leon Kellner, see COCAINE, page 4 The Observer Friday, February 6,1987 - page 2 In Brief New and Old World meet Notre Dame’s Department of Music is sponsoring a University Artist Series concert at 4 p.m. Sunday at where family roots are found Washington Hall. Quink, a vocal quintet, will perform works by William Byrd, Claudio Monteverdi, Francis In an obscure twenty-house village called Poulenc and Maurice Ravel. Quink is comprised of Mistras outside Sparta, Greece, there is a cold Kathy Machteld van Woerden, Paula de Wit, Corrie Pronk, stream that crashes down through a V-shaped Harry van Berne and Cornells de Koning. The concert is crevice in the mountains right into someone’s Martin open to tt?e public with tickets available at the door. For back yard. That stream has been there forever, more information, contact Eric Kuehner at 239-6201. -The it seems, though the village itself is simultane­ Assistant Accent Editor Observer ously ancient and modern. Each house or hut has a tall white stone wall around it. The main “Third WorldAwareness Week” begins Sunday with street is a dirt alley. The countryside of olive a talk by Enrique Dussel entitled “Liberation Theology groves spreads out to infinity. Old women in and Its Implications for Latin American Development.” black dresses and black scarves lead goats by The talk, which is sponsored by the Overseas Develop­ the tether into yards, and old men are sitting ment Network and CILA, will be given at 7 p.m. in the in the shade outside a dark cafe, drinking Memorial Library lounge. -The Observer Turkish coffee and Ouzo and waiting for some­ thing to happen.
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