city •• ,Dmocrats who argued, after. celled last summer after the istration officials denied this A-2 THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. Memphis THPMPAT, NOVEMBER Si, IMS THE FEDERAL SPOTLIGHT President Eisenhower ordered the :of announced it would allegation. Mr. Eisenhower told power plant. Much pact cancelled last July, that; build its own a news conference in July he Court Fight no money settlement should be of the Dixon-Yates power had thought Due] Dixon-Yates: been Intended fpr the Memphis Mr. Wenzell s role had made with the 10% Employe Cut Held group because of the conflict of area. been a proper one. ¦* Jr interest they alleged. Mr. Wenzell s role in the ne- In his opinion holding a “con- By gotiations leading up Dixon-Yates Election Echo Certain to the flict of interest” was involved In signing Unlikely Possibility Underlying the long-standing of the contract became Mr. Wenzell’s dual role in the controversy was an issue during congressional Dixon-Yates the. negotiations, Mitchell said By JOSEPH YOUNG public vs. private power issue and 1 I heal ings last summer. Mr. Congress, Damages early “there is no evidence that the Alfred F. Beiter, a former member of who now is For the dispute was almost certain toi During stages of those a damaged I Jhk* president of the National Customs Service Association, takes a By th« Associated Press echo in the national election' talks, Mr. Wenzell was a part- Government was as a wry by a House campaigns next year. Budget [result. rather view of the current move Civil Service Energy time consultant to the per cent cut Federal jobs. An Atomic Commis- of power subcommittee to force a 10 in damages Senators Anderson New, Bureau, on matters at the But, he continued, “it is the past experience, Mr. Belter predicts the move sion decision to pay no of Tennessee, same Based on his group Mexico and Gore time he held the post of; [possibility of damage will get nowhere. He employment already has been to the Dixon-Yates on a leading senior president j and the feels Federal private power two of the Democratic vice of the First pared to the bone and that any cancelled contract foes of the Dixon-Yates (contract, Boston Corp. First Boston, a: {tendency of such conflicting re- headed a court fight today.: would disrupt and emphasizing what is right with ; for applauded when they learned [New York financial house, was lationships to Improper Influence further cuts The issue may involve millions necessary services to great majority of public a* the curtail the it. The of dollars that the AEC had informed ithe financial advisor and later which have been condemned by agencies are workers give their best for the Mississippi Valley Generating Co. financial agent for the Dixon-; the public that the 1 Figuring heavily the statutes and tHe courts.” if'J m JH required by Congress to good, laboring hard and in the AEC’s [Yates plans build i iw&^\ render. common action, night, Its power contract “is not an group in its to i Congress likely conscientiously announced last obligation recog- Memphis plant. And isn't to take at their tasks be- was a legal opinion ! which can be the West responsibility curtailing they people of high . that New by the of cause are York financier Adolphe H. Wen- nized the United States.” j Senator Kefauver, Democrat! public services, Mr. Beiter feels If this were not so, we , The AEC cited Mr. Mitchell's , purpose. zell, “while having conflicting of Tennessee, chairman of a! shopping heading of “Why by a opinion a substan- etj Kfi WBmf Ha Under the would have been wrecked now. private interest, acted of ! that “there is Senate Antimonopoly Subcom- Gray.’’; J as one question whether Government Workers Get "Mr. Davis deplores what he the principal advisors to the , tial as to there mittee which investigated the following empire: ( LEFT Mr. Beiter makes the calls ’bureaucratic build- Government in the negotiation were material violations of law contract, informed the Justice diIDAYS inception comments in an article in the I [mg,' declaring , and public policy in the Department that ’executives of the contract," last summer that he Help Fight TB —^ " "™ current issue of the association's 1 must stop hiring more and more opinion by of the contract." felt “serious questions of con- . **v>?*ii v This £EC General ' Htt W publication: employes just to make the boss i Counsel William Mitchell in ef- The AEC action means it does flict of interest” stemmed from RBff |^HKMHK --^ popular campaign slogan pres- pay, any MMiii "A of look gpod, to enhance his ; fect confirmed charges made by not intend to of the costs Mr. Wenzell’s activities in the Congressmen is ‘economy in tige and to increase his salary.’ ; fought J1 incurred by the Dixon-Yates negotiations. Democrats who had the prelim- Government.’ Each political proposes to see there isjj power begin- group for site acquisition, suggested l He that contract from the 1 project Senator Kefauver party tries to outdo the other in a ‘complete combing of the func- i tuns. inary work on the power Mr. Wenzell helped to frame the calling loudly for 'slashes in of un- and the like. that an was tions and discontinuance The commission's action also Dixon, contract and effort Government payrolls.’ Now the economical manpower practices.’ amounted to a victory for these In New York. Edgar H. made to “cover up his activ-j Buy Christmas Democrats, in the persons of “The Davis subcommittee will head of Mississippi Valley Gen- ities.” Mr. Wenzell and admin-' L« Saab.J Representative of Georgia, set up, ' —j;erating. will Davis demand that each agency legislation. Actually, announced. “We of a House CivilService team experts the Eisen- promptly file an appropriate ac- OSHKOSH LUGGAGI S chairman a of to conduct its hower administration, subcommittee, have started the ‘self-appraisal of like the tion in the courts and are con- own its over- Truman regime preceding it, usual pre-election year drive to staffing.’ These teams are to be has fident of the outcome.” I been opposed legislation. Federal payrolls by at by to such reduce trained subcommittee staff The Eisenhower administration, AEC Knew of Spending BB&SpJBBBNtfPPBBBSBBHB. .- least 10 per cent. go put tJEBf »l-®WWliw members to out and the as we reported ago, Mr. Dixon sald the AEC wax’ employes, months has ( “The investigation which Mr. singe on surplus and working on a “refusing to recognize its corf-; THANKS designed, been tentative LITTLE GIRL GIVES BIG Davis will conduct is report back to the subcommittee to obligations.” He stated Holland, draft of an executive order tractual BT. LOUlS.—Seven-year-old Sheila born with he says, to save Federal ex- how they plan to cut personnel grant some kind of recognition that “the money we have spent several heart defects, left a hospital here yesterday for her penses, cut Federal payrolls and, byj 10 per cent. to employe groups. and are trying to recover was; budget home in Pama, Tex., after recovering from her second if possible, balance the "It is unlikely that Customs But the executive order spent with the full knowledge; taxes. The easy and draft major heart operation in which surgeons split her heart and reduce will be affected one way or the has been for of the Atomic Energy Commis- painless method to accomplish: [other stalled months. valve to enable the proper amount of blood to reach her by this newest congres-; Furthermore, it would be much sion.” all this, it seems, is simply to economy drive, since it is Albuquerque, lungs. ‘‘l’vegot pink cheeks, now,” Sheila said. She’ll be sional milder than any law passed by In Senator An- fire 10 per cent of all Govern- manifestly impossible get blood of the Sen- home for Thanksgiving dinner.—AP Wirephoto. to Congress. As our item pointed derson. chairman ment employes. from a turnip. What the Budget ate-House Atomic Energy Com- it, out. the administration might! “Curious, isn't that cries for Bureau left on the Customs bone on mittee, said “of course the; budget- balancing always issue an executive order union starts has been pared off long since recognition an money was spent with the lay in effort to fore- full; with a demand to off Gov- by congressional appropriations stall Congress from approving! ; knowledge” of the AEC, adding; Fund for Republic Probe ernment workers. committees. But we deplore the such legislation. But until that, that what the AEC “didn’t real-; “Itis not our business to take general implication in these; becomes imminent, the admin-! lize. though, was that a conflict sides on political issues. If the economy drives—that Govern- istratlon has no immediate plans of interest existed.” Emerson Portable TV Under Walter Says two parties want to slug it out; ment employes are part of a vast in mind. Senator Anderson, who hailed Way, ** * * at the polls over which one bureaucratic empire’ and that the AEC action as “wonderful.”! ideal set . to in Br the Associated Press the mostest and the ! they are primarily interested an- said in his opinion Mr. Dixon is; The extra TV be used economized in INTERIOR Estimated house, matter, Walter, of Pennsylvania, says his House bestest, their prerogative, feeding at the public trough nual savings of $40,000 “just out of luck.” any room in the or, for that Chairman Democrat that’s in Fed- the committee on un-American activities is investigating the Fund i But we submit that Government This is not true of Customs em- eral duck stamp funds are ex- Senator Gore said in Nashville; to travel.
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