BENEFIT GET YOUR GAME BASKETBALL TONIGHT TICKETS I 1941-42, NO. 10 THE COLLEGE OF PUGET SOUND, TACOMA, WASHINGTON TUESDAY, DEC. 16, 1941 Peace Question Chosen First Lady Outlines 3 Injured, New Subject for Debate "That a:fter the war the na­ 1 Dead In tions sbou.ld form a new federa­ Civilian Defense Aid tion to establish the eight Chur­ • chlll-Roosevelll principles" is the Mt·s. Eleanor Roosevelt, assisting director of United States civilian Accident new debate question which bas defense, told during her Saturday visit to Tacoma of a nation-wide plan been anruounced for colleges to organize college campi for civilian defense. In an interview Sunday througbou•t the country. with Norman Schut she explained lhe purpose of the plan, which Is to N o r m Walker Passes; At a II succeeding tourna­ keep students and professors In eollege In the belief that they can serve ments, except the national, both their countcy best by maintaining civilian morale. Jim Van Camp, Harry the peace question and the Ja­ The First Lady outlined great D o o n e and Instructor bot· quest! on already under dis­ possibilities for a program on the Suffet· Serious Injuries cussion wJ.ll be debated. At the Mrs.Roosevelt thesis that "Defense Is a question national PI Kappa. Delta tourna-­ of all working together." She sug­ ment whl;ch is to be held this gested that the students sponsor A speeding automobile, a hill, a year at Minneapolis on April 5 Sees Students forums and discussions to Inform sharp curve and a telephone post to 9, only the peace question the people of the community as to all combined forces a weelt a go will be delbaled. Mrs. Roosevelt met a. delegation how they can most effectively play of American born Japanese Satur­ Monday to cause the death of one their pat1:. day, consisting of Miss Shigeko In order to speed up the develop. of Puget Sound's outstanding ath­ Tamaki, Shlgeo Wakamatsu, Wa.l­ ment of the program, a. volunteer letc.s and lo place three other per­ cbi Oyanagl and Ted Nakamura. bureau should be established, it was sons In the hospital. Frosh SCA The first Lady expressed her decided, to register students and whole-hearted appreciation in re­ Norman Walker, basketball star designate the specific fields of de­ sponse to Wakamatsu's statement fense In which they can prove most and captain of the 1941-42 hoop Help Needy that he represented a group pt·oud valuable in consideration of their to be loyal Amel"lean citizens. team, passed away eal'ly last Tues­ On Friday, Deceml){)l" 10, flurlng chapel periofl, the Oamt>us Play­ training and ability. day morning, while Jim Van Oa,mp, cratoors, the Adelplunn choml society, and the Ohoral roadln~ group will Freshmaiii. S. C. A. is collecting Dut•lng bet• meeting with the ci­ Tacoma students were urged to combine to present the 1\rumnt Olnisllmas play, "Why the Ohlmea ltang.'' food, money and toys for Christmas v!Uan defense committee of Ta.- another hoop star, Harry Doone, a cooperate with Robert Hage1·, su­ Members of the cast piet1trcd above are Leonard Raver ul Jason Lee baskets. Each sorority and frater­ coma she said, "Give American­ perintendent of physical education student, and Bert Tharp, C. A. A. jtmior high school, Nancy Jean RcUtl of Mason, and Phil WBlseby, OPS nity will have the same family to born Japanese and even Japanese s«m.ior. Otber members of the eu.st are Mildred McKenzie, Betty Thralls, In the publlo schools, In establish­ instructor, were placed In the hos­ Annabel l\1iller, Wilbur Balslnger and a few still to be chosen. provide for as they; had for Thanks- nationals who have Jived in this ing a recreation program. A stu­ pital with injuries. Carols will be sung by the Adelphina.s, and organ music will be giving. Tb-ose In charge of contri- countcy for years, who have chil­ dent information service may be set The band of fate has touched the pla.yed by Prof. D. Robert Smith. buttons are as follows: dren and gt·andcblldren, and who up to collaborate with a. city-wide Logger casaba team twice in lese Mu Chi - -···-··-··· Irving Woodworth have bought defense bonds-them information bureau being estab­ than a year, each time taking an Zete ··-····- ·· ·············-··· Lynn Axelson eve1y consideration." lished to disperse information con­ all-conference player away. For It Holly Wreaths, Silver Bells, Delta Ka.pp ·····- ··-····· George Miller cerning civilian defense. was on Decembe1· 27, 1910, that Chi Nu ·····-··················· Grant Barker Discuss Japanese­ Mrs. Roosevelt described bow H a. r r y Werbisky, all-conference Christmas Trees Arrive Here Ind. Boys ·····- ··-········· Bob Slticlmore such agencies had all-cady been guard, died of an infected tooth. Beta ·················-··········· Joan S1!en·ett American Problem developed In many U. S. colleges. WalltCl' was a two-year all-confer­ Gamma. ·····-··-······· Florence Darrow Clvlllan defense, handled on many "Deck the halls with boughs of holly" is exactly what Oht'istmas­ ence basket ball player; a member Lambda ····--··-··········· Maxine Bitney coJlege campi by the Internai!onal spit·ited students a1·e doing at CPS. A discussion was held last Frl- of Sigma. Zeta Epsilon, as was Wer­ Ind. Women ···················-··· Alice Clay Student Service organizations, wlll Coming through the main entrance of Jones hall one sees on the day evening by CPS students at blslty; a member of the traclt team, Faculty ·····-············-······· Pa.tt Brandt be directed through Norman Schut first landing a scene giving !ot•th a silvecy blue hue ft·om lbe heavens The SCA Welfare board states the home of Dr. Raymond L. Pow- being adept In field events and the at CPS, and Is to be organized like with celestial bodies and silver bells banging in space. Otlah, unde1· the that the Thanksgiving contribu- ell to cons ider the problems faced hurdles ; junior representative to an all-College activity. chairmanship of Joan Schlc.slnger, contributed the Impressive vista. tions were groaUy appreciated by by the American-Japanese. A com­ Central Board; table tennis cham- From the chapel escapes a mixed the famille.s which received them. mlttee was delegated to determine pion of the College, and one of the crystals. The lighting consists of how tho students can help the Jap- top flight Intramural athletes as aroma. of greenecy. The doors and soft blue and gold ~;~hades. Esther I anese-American and to secure the Dr. Todd Is well as a good student and well the balcony ledge have cedar bough Sanstedt is chalrn '1. Those -... s- Larry Pemberthv, cooperation of the community to lfhd bv botQ. f.ac;:.u~ty and stml~nls :;tre&.mc<a v.i-th red bowo attached. slating are Helen J:\.ut¢11Cl", .1J1xre • -L.:.- :sol;;c t:.cir 1,.-v~lrur.. - a Jilte. Bacli at CPS· His dcfllth was almost on the eve Spurs and Knlghbs were ·in charge Bullard and Doris Wlttt·en. '3 6, Now Employed Last week in chapel immediately following tho a.ddl'ess of President under the guidance of Nelda Pchet·­ Dr. Edward H. Todd, pt•esldent of thc Loggers' departure on their Franltlln D. Roosevelt to congress, With Eastman Co. of the College, returned to CPS last proposed Central American basltet­ son, chairman. Helen Kutcher Sblgeo Wakamatsu representing 25 ball t rip and the membet·s of the Ft·eshman Student Christian as­ loyal Japanese students at CPS weelt ft·om a trip to the East. Dur­ Larcy Pemberthy, a graduate of team bad voted him the captaincy sociation is responsible for the mas­ read a prepared declaration of loy­ ing the time away he visited Nash­ Works in Dark the Collegeo of Puget Sound in 1936, for this Important jaunt. alty to the U. s. before the as­ ville, Tenn., Washington, D. C., sive evergreen. Is now emJ!)Ioyed with the Eastman sembled student body. New York city and others. Scurrying girls trampling over Think you'd enjoy working :In Kodak company. Hawk-eye worlts In Nashville he met with 25 edu­ masculine toes Is the picture for­ the dark? Some people do and in the naanufa.cture of defense cators of the Methodist church to Defense Stops needs. SINGING CANCELED seen in the Jowet· hall of the ad­ some don'·t, but !or Helen Kutcher, discuss the matter of relating ministrative ·building. Soolal "debs" While attending night school in FOR CAROL GROUP relating schools of the three sophomore, it's a job !or she Is Snow Reports are busily engaged in trimming Rochester, and studying advanced churches which have recently com­ their vespective rooms. employed in tlhe photo-finishing machine shop, he was offered a po­ Because of the canceling of ra-. bined. This group w111 meet again Lambda Sigma Chi's clusters of field. During tlle summer months sition with Eastman working under dio pvograma, the College singing ·next year. From Rainier mistletoe are outstanding. A glow­ when plctur&-'ta.ltlng Is extremely the superintendent of optical In­ of carols at the Winthrop hotel was He spoke to Congressman John spection. Here arc produced hun­ cancelled last week. • Nevertheless, Ing fireplace with the traditional popular, she is a full-time employee; M. Coffee In Washington concern­ Because of war and defense Ski dreds of hlgb-a.ccuracy diameter those who turned out for the carol­ ing a Congressional gift to the Col­ Christmas tree recall tho home, in the winter months when It la at club Is making no plans for the . lenses a month. He bas 12 men ing at noon found it enjoyable.
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