![Singapore Chinese Orchestra Instrumentation Chart](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Singapore Chinese Orchestra Instrumentation Chart 王⾠威 编辑 Version 1 Compiled by WANG Chenwei 2021-04-29 26-Musician Orchestra for SCO Composer Workshop 2022 [email protected] Recommendedabbreviations ofinstrumentnamesareshown DadiinF DadiinG DadiinA QudiinBb QudiinC QudiinD QudiinEb QudiinE BangdiinF BangdiinG BangdiinA XiaodiinBb XiaodiinC XiaodiinD insquarebrackets ˙ ˙ ˙ #˙ ˙ ˙ #˙ ˙ ˙ 2Di ‹ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ #˙ [Di] ° & ˙ (Transverseflute) & ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ¢ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ b˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ s˙ounds 8va -DiplayerscandoubleontheXiaoinForG(samerangeasDadiinForG) -ThischartnotatesmiddleCasC4,oneoctavehigherasC5etc. #w -WhileearlycompositionsmightdesignateeachplayerasBangdi,QudiorDadi, -8va=octavehigher,8vb=octavelower,15ma=2octaveshigher 1Gaoyin-Sheng composersareactuallyfreetochangeDiduringthepiece. -PleaseusethetrebleclefforZhonghupartscores [GYSh] ° -Composerscouldwriteonestaffperplayer,e.g.Di1,Di2andspecifywhentousewhichtypeofDi; -Pleaseusethe8vbtrebleclefforZhongyin-Sheng, (Sopranomouthorgan) & ifthekeyofDiislefttotheplayers'discretion,specifyatleastwhetherthepitchshould Zhongyin-GuanandZhongruanpartscores w soundasnotatedor8va. w -Composerscanrequestforamembranelesssound(withoutdimo). 1Zhongyin-Sheng -WhiletheDadiandQudicanplayanother3semitonesabovethestatedrange, [ZYSh] theycanonlybeplayedforcefullyandthetimbreispoor. -ForeachkeyofDi,thesemitoneabovethelowestpitch(e.g.Eb4ontheDadiinG)sounds (Altomouthorgan) & w verymuffledduetothehalf-holefingeringandisunsuitableforloudplaying. 低⼋度发⾳ ‹ -Allinstrumentsdonotusetransposednotationotherthantranspositionsattheoctave. 1Diyin-Sheng w -ShengplayerscandoubleontheTraditionalSheng.Ifrequired,onecanenquireabouttheirrangesandkeys. [DYSh] ? (Bassmouthorgan) ¢ w -Suona:theextremehighregistersshouldbeusedwithcautionastheyareveryshrillontheGaoyin-SuonaandhoarseontheZhongyin-toDiyin-Suona. -Thehighest4semitones(e.g.F6toA6ontheSuonainC)cannotbetongued.Theycanonlybeslurredfromalowernote. -PleaseenquireinadvanceifSuonaplayersarerequiredtodoubleontheGuan. HaidiinF HaidiinG KeyedGaoyin-Suona SuonainC SuonainD SuonainEb SuonainE ("Haidi"referstoasmallSuona) ˙ Y ˙ Y #˙ Y 1Gaoyin-Suona ‹ ˙ Y #˙ #Y ˙ Y ˙ Y [GYSN] ° & ˙ ˙ & (Sopranoshawm) ˙ b˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ optimal extreme sounds 8va KeyedZhongyin-Suona BigSuonainF BigSuonainG SuonainA SuonainBb # Y 1Zhongyin-Suona ˙ Y ˙ Y ˙ Y #˙ Y ˙ [ZYSN] & n˙ (Altoshawm) ¢ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ Dpentatonic Gpentatonic Cpentatonic Fpentatonic Bbpentatonic Apentatonic Epentatonic œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ bœ œ #œ œ #œ œ œ #œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ #œ œ œ#œ #œ -ThecommonChinesepentatonictuningsarelistedhere.Composersmaysetothertunings. 1Guzheng œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ bœ œ #œ œ #œ œ -Tuningsinpentatonicconfigurationsareeasiertoplay. #œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ #œ œ #œ #œ [GZ] & œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ #œ œ #œ œ -IfthepiecedoesnotusetheGuzhengatall,theplayermayplaypercussioninstead. (21-stringedZitherwith œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ bœ œ œ œ œ pitch-bendcapability) ? œ œ #œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ #œ œ#œ #œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ bœ œ #œ œ œ #œ #œ œ œ œ #œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ #œ œ #œ #œ œ#œ { w 2Percussionsts 1Yangqin -SCOYangqinhavedamperpedalsbut [YQ] °? noF#2Ab2Bb2. -Thepercussionstavescanbeplacedaboveorbelowthepluckedstrings. œ w & -ThegrandstaffcanbeusedforYangqin. (Hammereddulcimer) œ œ œ -Ifeachplayerplaysmorethanoneinstrument,pleaseindicatetheallocation(e.g.Datanggu+Xiaoluo), orwriteonestaveforeachplayer(e.g.Perc.1,Perc.2)andindicatetheinstrumentsused. higher is harder Openstrings -LiuqinfretsareverynearaboveA6, Timpani(standardsetof4) Marimba 1Liuqin “” Y hardtoplayfastpassages “w” w ? w ? [LQ] w w w & (Pear-shapedmandolin) & w bw w w w -Pipa:useledgerlinesfor w w higher is harder occasionallownotes. -Usebassclefforapassage 5thsmalltimpaniavailabletoo 1Pipa Y Xylophone w w inthelowerregister. w [PP] ? w ? ww & -Usegrandstafforlongpassages w & (Pear-shapedbowllute) w alternatingbetweentrebleandbass. Althoughthetimpanicanbetuned w sounds 8va SCOhastwotypesofmarimba: aroundasemitonehigherorlower w 4⅓-octavewithlowestpitchA2 higher is harder 1Sanxian thanstated,atootautortooloose 5-octavewithlowestpitchC2 Y [SX] w -Sanxiancanalsousethe8vbtrebleclef drumheadresultsinapoortimbre. ? w w -SanxianplayercandoubleonZhongruan. SCOhastwotypesofXylophone: (Fretlesslong-necked w & membranedboxlute) 3½-octavewithlowestpitchF4(writtenF3) 4-octavewithlowestpitchC3(writtenC3) higher is harder “” Vibraphone Glockenspiel 1Zhongruan w Y w w [ZR] w & w & & (Tenor-rangedboxlute) w sounds 15ma w w ‹ sounds 8vb w higher is harder ” w “Y Tubularbells Yunluo w 1Daruan w w ‹ [DR] ? w & & (Bass-rangedboxlute) w ¢ w w w sounds 8va higher is weaker Extremeregister and harder usewithcaution Paigu(setof5tunabletoms) Openstrings ˙ “” -TheoptimalrangeofeachtypeofHuqin (Tunedtospecificpitches) (Tunedtorelativepitches) 2Gaohu ˙ Y lieswithinaroundoneoc taveoftheopenstring. w [GH] ° w ww w œ œ ThePaigucanbeeithertunedto & / œ specificorrelativepitches. (High-pitchedfiddle) & w -PleaseenquireinadvanceiftheJinghu, w w œ œ BanhuorothertypesofHuqinarerequired. ‹ w higher is weaker Sounds 8vb and harder ˙ Y 4Erhu ˙ [EH} & w Westerndrums OtherWesternperc. Drumfamily Gongfamily Cymbalfamily OtherChineseperc. (Two-stringedfiddle) w higher is weaker -SnareDrum -CrashCymbals -Xiaotanggu -Xiaoluo -Xiaocha -Paiban and harder -BassDrum -SuspendedCymbals -Biangu -Daluo -Shuicha -Zhuban+Jieban -Tambourine -Triangle -Huapengu -Zhangluo/Jiaoluo -Naobo -Bangzi 2Zhonghu Y -Drumset -WindChimes -Datanggu -Tam-tam(Chaoluo) -Chuanbo -Nanbangzi ˙ -Sleighbell -Mangluo -Muyu [ZH] ˙ -Tom-toms -Jiangu -Guangbo/Dabo -Congas -Claves -XinjiangShougu -Fengluo -Pengling -Tongqing (Mid-pitchedfiddle) & w w -Bongos -Maraca -JingjuBangu -Shimianluo higher is harder -Cajon -Belltree -Djembe -Cowbell w Y -Rainstick South-eastAsianperc. 1Cello ? w & w w -Woodblocks -Rebana w -Windmachine -Kompang higher is harder -Vibraslap -Kendang w Y 1Contrabass ? w & -Pleaseenquireinadvanceifthe w w 5-stringedbassisrequired. ¢ w.
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