Address Description 37 Averill Rd One-story, four-bay, side-gabled, frame house on banked foundation; extensive open ramps and roofless deck porch access front entrance; one- story, gable-roofed ell below grade at rear. Wood shingle siding with uneven lower edges; poured concrete foundation. Fenestration features paired vinyl casements with round-arched windows above in front façade; other windows are narrow one-light casements. Built ca.1970. 39 Averill Rd One-story, ranch-style frame house. Vinyl novelty siding; concrete block foundation. Retains period fenestration with two-over-two (horizontal orientation) wood sash flanked by non-functional louvered shutters. Built 1953. OB Two-bay, frontal-gable frame garage with paired six-light windows; recent metal roof. Built ca.1970. OB Frontal-gable frame garden shed with wood novelty siding. Built ca.1960. 73 Averill Rd Two-story, three-bay, square-plan, frame house with pyramidal roof capped by shallow cupola; one-story, gable-roofed wing (added ca.2000) projects from south side of house; two-bay frontal-gable frame garage attached to wing via enclosed passage (added ca.2000). Wood clapboards with corner boards and shallow frieze; stone foundation under main block. Generally regular fenestration with paired and single windows with six- over-six wood (some appear to be period in main block) sash flanked by shutters; asymmetrically placed main entrance with narrow sidelights and six-panel wood door. Built ca.1890. OB Pole barn with vinyl siding built as ambulance garage and office. Built 1992. Historic note: This was part of the old Cory Farm. In 1898, Edward Severin Clark allowed a nine-hole golf course to be laid out on the property, and the house was remodeled in the Colonial Revival taste for use as the clubhouse. 1 Beaver St Two-story, side-gabled house with stone veneer on parts of first story and overhanging frame upper story; one-and-a-half-story wing on east gable wall is set back from front line of main block. Center entrance sheltered by shed-roofed hood supported by braces. Upper story clad in vertical flushboard siding on front and wood shingles on sides; wing has wood shingles on first story; large external stone chimneys centered on each gable wall; four evenly spaced four-sided drops depend from lower edge of overhanging upper story. Regular period fenestration with eight-over- eight wood (possibly later replacements) sash; single openings flanked by shutters; six-light transom over main entrance; wood door with panels. 18 Beaver St One-and-a-half-story, five-bay, side-gabled frame house; glazed storm porch over center entrance; small one-story, side-gabled enclosed porch or wing projects from west gable wall and set back from front façade. Vinyl siding, parged stone foundation. Regular period fenestration with six-over- six wood sash flanked by louvered shutters in first-story openings; two gabled dormers evenly spaced on front roof face; pilasters flank center entrance with reduced opening and insulated steel door. Built 1935. OB Two-bay, frame garage with wood shingle siding. Built 1935. 20 Beaver St One-and-a-half-story, side-gabled frame house with prominent gabled dormer spanning much of front roof face; shed-roofed dormer on back roof face. Vinyl siding on first story; wood shingles on upper half-story and gabled dormer; parged stone foundation. Open porch recessed under main roof and lit on sides by large 20-light fixed sash spans front façade. Partial returns on main block and dormer. Regular period fenestration with mostly six-over-one vinyl replacement sash; center entrance with insulated steel door. Built 1916-19. One-and-a-half-story, frontal-gable frame carriage barn with partial returns; paired mow doors centered on front façade and upward sliding garage door replacing earlier doors. Wood novelty siding. Built 1916-19. OB Gable-roofed frame outbuilding, probably a garage, on west line of property at very back of deep lot. 22 Beaver St Two-story, three-bay, side-gabled frame house with large glazed porch on east gable wall; gabled open entrance porch supported by Tuscan column incorporates elliptical arch over centered door. Wood clapboard siding with lapped corners; full returns on deep-eaved roof; parged stone foundation; brick chimneys at gable ends. Regular period fenestration composed of a variety of windows with Georgian Revival configurations including square palladian windows (eight-over-one wood sash in center window flanked by four-over-four wood sash) flank center entrance with sidelights and wood period six-panel door; six-over-one wood sash in upper story openings except for small paired eight-light casements over entrance; fan light raised in center of front roof face; quarter-moon windows flank chimney in attic; six-over-six double-hung wood sash in porch; windows in main block of house have functional louvered wood shutters. Built ca.1922. OB Novelty-sided, three-bay frame garage with 31 Beaver St (Bassett Hall) Large two-story, hip-roofed stuccoed building with Tudor- style half timbering and steeply pitched slate roof and stone foundation; later-added, flat-roofed one-story stuccoed block is connected to rear (south) wall of original building by lower hyphen with matching finishes. Open hip-roofed porch with squared timber supports on east end of main block and partially covers a large exterior brick Queen Anne chimney with multiple flues. Open lantern with steeply pitched octagonal roof capped by weathervane featuring a person in a wheelchair being pushed by another person is centered on ridge of main block. Retains generally regular period fenestration mainly six-over-six and six-over-nine aluminum clad sash in a variety of configurations including paired windows in upper story sides, ribbon of windows over center entrance marked by shallow stone-clad gabled porch, and quadrupled with transoms above in first floor openings; paired eight-light casements in hip-roofed dormers in side roof face and in prominent gable dormers projecting from east and west ends 42 Beaver St Two-story, three-bay, side-gabled frame house with overhanging upper story; one-bay flat-roofed frame garage added to west gable wall; enclosed storm porch with sidelights on center entrance. Vinyl siding; concrete block foundation slightly banked across front façade with angled walk from corner of low retaining wall to center entrance; exterior stone chimneys centered on each gable wall. Regular period fenestration with paired one- over-one vinyl replacement sash in all front openings; single openings on gable walls; all windows flanked by louvered shutters. Built 1954. 44 Beaver St Side-gabled, split-level frame house on a lot sloping from east to west is composed of a one-story east wing and two-story west wing with a projecting upper level; one-bay garage under two-story west block. Vinyl siding; concrete block foundation. Fenestration in two-story block features paired vinyl replacement sash with paired horizontally oriented lights; front façade of east wing spanned by ribbon of windows composed of large one-light fixed sash flanked by one-over-one vinyl replacement sash; louvered shutters flank all windows on front façade; front door with row of lights in upper quarter opens into west end of east wing and is by an open three-step stoop. Built 1956. Historic note: This house was built from an American Home Blueprint Home plan, No. 28. 45 Beaver St Two-story, frontal-gable frame house with later (ca.1980) one-story side- gabled rear ell; exterior brick chimney on west gable wall adjoins southwest corner of main block; open porch with turned posts and squared spindled railing spans east eave wall of house. Wood clapboard siding with corner boards and raking cornice; stone foundation under main block. Retains regular period fenestration features paired windows with four-over-four wood sash in first-story openings; three-sided bay window in west half of first -story front façade; and replacement sash matching first floor configuration in upstairs windows; main entrance in east half of front façade has paired Italianate doors with round-arched glazed upper panels; doorway surmounted by small hip-roofed hood supported by scrolled 47 Beaver St Two-story, frontal-gable frame house with lower two-story wing forming an L-plan; open porch supported by turned posts is set in northeast corner of L-plan. Wood clapboard siding with corner boards and raking cornice; boxed butters; stone foundation; tinned shingles on roof. Retains regular period fenestration features two-over-two wood sash in side openings; one- story three-sided bay window with bracketed eaves centered on first-story front façade; paired openings with one-over-one wood sash above; paired period doors with glazed upper panels. Porch very dilapidated. Built 48 Beaver St Two-story, frontal-gable frame house with one-story gable-roofed enclosed back porch; open hip-roofed porch with turned posts, corner braces, and square-spindled railing spans front façade. Wood clapboard siding with cornerboards and raking frieze; stone foundation. Regular period fenestration with one-over-one vinyl replacement sash in all openings; windows flanked by functional louvered wood shutters; entrance with glazed upper panel (ca.1900) asymmetrically placed in front facade. Built ca.1800. OB Two-level, frame carriage barn with wood novelty siding and wood period sliding door. Built ca.1900. 49 Beaver St Two-story, side-gabled frame house with prominent gabled dormer asymmetrically placed at west end of front roof face; open hip-roofed porch with Tuscan columns spans front façade. Cement board or new wood clapboard siding; wood shingled tympani; stone foundation. House retains period fenestration featuring mainly single windows; one-over-one vinyl sash in period openings replace most older ones except for attic, where wood sash with decorative lattice in upper sash remain, and first floor front; three-sided bay window in west half of upper story front is located above asymmetrically placed main entrance featuring sidelights and period door with glazed oblong panel; small gabled dormer in east half of front roof face; round-arched panels with bas-relief fans surmount attic windows.
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