THE TRUTH ABOUT RECORD CLUBS sea patee 28 TAPE CARTRIDGE MACHINES 4 CZIFFRA'SPEAKS HIS MIND NEW WAYS TO ENJOY STEREO 11REVIEW August 1959 3 51 1 1 ..... .... ....... ...... Ç;L...,., .: NMI _~__ 'Á o `-! d L+ .,,+ ¡ r 1 , .,-,. trt'r ,» " -' :' } . ,,,I -.. - .` 4: }r - í' 5,. ! r+ S 1,+t : h IL. ¡1 +? : : ¡ . _. Y: ".'..' 1 _. % '' d' , . d 2'"."-......----.....,............,_,4. ; a-- , . , . `I. : . rt ` ' = -j.,}t 1:'- III 7f^ l,l, - ' ` ' . I/w , :t. t !` + ++r:l. 9. / ,. e, .. .. 1... r+r:: : r `+,.1 !t' i i : t 1 '' Ñ0 . ' , ' .\'v 'Yi ,L. , ' I, fl+ a:: . ti ! V : 1 c. !. ¡ t .. 1' ía r tt ,.. .,1. ti A N V 3 I 1. R `.'¡ ' 3Ati OP:V,IHJIfi bfZz jl . _ SVMOHt 3 I7 0CIú59Ri'la REGULAR LONG PLAY STEREO The COLUMBIA LP RECORD CLUB 'offers new members superb high-fidelity records from every, field of music FOR $398 ONLY eelail value REGULAR up to $29.80 FOR ONLY 598 1 STEREO value A s n scrollp to 535.68 if you join the Club now and agree to purchase as few as 5 selections from the more than 150 to be made available drying the coming 12 months The Columbia © Record Club now JOHNNY MATHIS MARCHE SLAY Ella Fitzgerald DORIS DAY GRAND CANYON enables you to acquire the worild's fl4WERDRUM SINGS finest high-fidelity 12" ong-playing WARM CAPRICCIO ITALIEN SUITE _ I' RODGERS SONG records either regular or stereo - ' aPn NIGHT ON ANO ORIGINAL . at great savings! t. - and o,,..,sa ht T BROAo BALD MOUNTAIN L. fi All 32 of the records shown here CASI (7Qw'\. HOORAY FOR are available in both regular long MITaOPOULOS HOLLYWOOD NEW tORA PHIINARaONIC HIULrli11I1 05011,0kitoaat 0000(05 0 HAMMERSTEIN play and stereo (except No. 24 - Listening In Depth stereo only). I Do, Where When, 1. Night and Day, 2. A beloved 15. Broadway's - B. What'll 7. Three brilliant 50. or Warm, 10 more 10 more plus 11 more hits American classic newest smash hit If you have a standard phono- hi -fl showpieces Manhattan, graph, you may join the Club and BEETHOVEN: SING REX HARRISON NORMAN LUBOFF receive the regular high-fidelity EANY IN BRUSSELS Tchaikovsky PASTORALE SYMPHONY ALONG JULIE ANDREWS versions of any 6 of these records M,Y FAIR LADY CHOIR ej,,blk WYT1E: álk PATHÉTIOUE' BRUÑO WALTER MITCII up to a $29.88 retail value - onmwl Ca1aIS A SYrm10.Nr ORCH MICE SOUR AM tat ooze ALL 6 for only $3.98! , SYMPHONY THE LAMP LS LOW wr 1 eacoeonro STRANGE MUSIC - If you have a stereo phonograph, 11,-- r Mitropoulos, MY REVERIE you may join the Club and receive New York 9 more the stereo high-fidelity versions of PhOl,armonic any 6 of these records ... up to Lovely 5. 6. score 12. Let's Dance, 30. A "must" for 19. No Other Love, 37. "musical 16 favorites - a $35.88 retail value ALL 6 for Complete portrait of nature" Violets, - musical Jubilee,.7 more any record library Our Love ]0 more Sweet etc. only $5.98! of this hit MASAUA (ACA SON BERLIOZ: PERCY FAITH Igwxlla BELOVED Read below how the Club oper- IN TO FOUR LADS LISTENING AT T141 1951 I SYMPHOt11E FANTASIIOUE CHORUSES ates, mail coupon without then - DEPTH NEWPORT rozo FESrfNic L -1 money- for your SIX records! nek,I A .a . oM 1 I MORMON TABLRNOCt1 IMPORTANT NOTE: AN INTRODUCTION AL iC NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC CHOIR Stereo records must he played TO COLUMBIA r ARUM ORCH. S ERIOOPlaS1C SOUND W ld0 on an anerrn airtOr06101. tono. MUSiC OF MEXICO PHILADELPHIA only on a stereo record player. I. If you do not now own a stereo 11. Berlioz' most 11. Granada, La 40. "Hallelujah" 16 It Rain, Come to Me, phonograph, you can continue 24, selections 3. Didn't 20. popular work Paloma, IL more "Finlandia", etc. God is Real, etc. Ago, 10 more to acquire regular long play - STEREO only Long THE FABULOUS high-fidelity records with com- IIELLiNGTON STRAVINSKY PINES OF ROME RAY CO?IÑIFF and utksut r I plete confidence that they will RITE OF SPRING OF ROME ° I II JOHNNY INDIGOS FOUNTAINS i always give you thrilling listen- 'S MARVELOUS SIRAYIN5KT; IA CASH( ing pleasure. They will play fIREB1RO 9111 with true-to-life fidelity on your t/`:1,S CHAIKOYSKY: present phonograph, and will ROMEO ANO JULIET ODET M Yt1 R AOd II TOM sound even more brilliant on a LEONARD BERNSTEIN !I RIM Sanf, RMR stereo record player if you pur- U MOW TOR; PHIL( U.Y.OMIC NEW YORK PHILHARMONI chase one in the future. 16111111 PLUS to OTHERS (58088 e0u151PN Ln11W[VaLL M¿1,OIY40TII 10. Be My Love 16. Two colorful, 49. That's All Over, 31. Solitude, Au- 36. The ballet that 18. Two electrify- WhereorWhen,elc, exciting scores One More Ride, etc, tumn Leaves, etc. "rocked the world ' ing tone poems ROUMANIAN KOSTELANETZ R. IUAN I GRIL6: STRAUSS: DON RHAPSODIES I A 2 BRAHMSo Me coxa;, ROY HAMILTON IuII Y1 'ES.1 R.,a,.,nrlr Al.. a1 ,et cava) SYMPHONY NO 1 DEAiH relRANSFIGURAi10N RACAMIN10011limos), HUNGARIAN TCHAIISOVSKY RHAPSODIES I A 2 _PEDALSPEDALS AND &Linn nos FUl[1$FI[G[L on 1 +14 Irene al er,Ini PHILIPPE f. I FNIRFIE0.Y[,n. 100000T L BritblIAP CORO. ¡Or - odisea c 1 luaDY cOLt.O,eon HIS GREATEST HITS ORCH. , rele.,a.aatr .15 PHILADELPHIA I ICÉVELPND OeCH,SI'Ett SZELI-CLEYEUND ORCH- 25. Two very pop- 9. Always, Please, 21. Four dashing, 22. Organist Cole 33. 11 beautiful, .28. Brahms' most 45. TIco-Tico, 41. Strauss' love- ular plano works Speak Low, 9 more fiery rhapsodies plays 11 hit tunes Immortal melodies belched symphony Brazil, 10 others liest tone poems HOW THE CLUB OPERATES . SEND NO MONEY - Mail Coupon Now to Receive Your SIX R ecords * You enroll in any oie of the six Club Divisions: COLUMBIA RECORD CLUB, Dept. 222-2 CIRCLE SIX If you have a regular phonograph you enroll In any one © of four Divisions: Classical; Listening and Dancing; Terre Haute, Indiana NUMBERS BELOW: I accept your offer and have circled at the right the numbers of the six Broadway, Movies, Television and Musical Comedies; Jazz. (Alto indicate here records 1 wish to receive. SILO me Tor 69.98 for, six regular tong plop wheelie? you want your if you own a stereo phonograph you enroll in either one of records OR 95.98 for six stereo records - plus small malting charge. FOnroll me In the following DRiston of the Club: 6 retards in regular two Stereo Divisions: Stereo Classical or Stereo Popular. long ploy or steree) (theft ene Son only) * Each month the Club's staff or music experts selects out- E REGULAR e - - - REGULAR DIVISIONS STEREO DIVISIONS Ir -96 standing recordings both regular and stereo from every - - Classical Broadway, Movie,, Classed field of music. These selections are described in the Club Stereo STEREO listening 8 Dancing Television and r.oS Magazine, which you receive free each month. Jars Musical Stereo Popular L Comedies You may 1 15 30 * accept the monthly selection for your Division ... T agree to putcnttse nve selections from the more than 150 regular long take any of the wide variety of other records offered in all play and stereo records to be offered dur ng the coming 12 months, at 2 16 31 the usual list price plus small mailing charge For every two additional Divisions . or take NO record in any particular month. xelecuonx I accept, r am to receive a. Columbia or Enle Bonus record 3 18 33 * Your only membership obligation is lo purchase five selec (regular or stereo) of my choice FREE. tions from the more than 150 Columbia 5 19 36 and Epic recordings Nome to be offered in the coming 12 months. After purchasing five IPleaw Prins 6 20 37 records, you will receive your choice of a Columbia or Epic Addy., 7 21 40 Bonus record free for every two additional selections you buy. However, you may discontinue membership at any time after City ZONE.... Scala ,..... 8 22 41 purchasing five records. ALASKA and HAWAII: write /or special membership 00er CANADA: prices Jliphtly hiahe-. address 11-13 Soho Sr., Toronto :8 9 24 45 * The records you want are mailed and billed at the usual list If you want this membership credited to an entnbllehed Columbia or Eple record denier. authorized accept n11 10 25 49 price: regular long play at $3.98 (Popular) and $4.98 (Classi- to Subscriptions, In below: cal); stereo records at $4.98 (Popular) and $5.98 (Classicall- Dealer's Name 11 27 50 plus a small mailing charge. Dcolcr's Addre,s . ,..._281 12 28 * To receive your SIX records - mail coupon today! COLUMBIA ® RECORD CLUB, Torre Houle, Ind. 0 Cetumble Rerarda Sole% Corp.. 10Se 0 ..CoOumbIa, , "laic,' % Harem Hog. the original and positive sound reproduction techniques necessary for true high fidelity are presented on AUDIO FIDELITY RECORDS the highest standard= in high fidelity i y hjur i. Iw LIP 1hlt rlttIttI/rl C 1, _` 3 P DUKES OF I ' a5# 1@NNESE- i -- (AF) AUDIO FIDELITY STLREODFSC :01 high 'IdIrty omphbre .. rb 45 stern/Inc to basil. DEMONSTRAEION AND SOUND EFFECTS RfC011 his Accorion ant Orchestra III I IC XT¡ f- i The romantic music of gay Vi. Listen to the mellow trumpet and An informative and fascinating enna captured ín all of its tune- wailing trombones of the latest demonstration of stereophonic ful beauty by the artistry of Jo and most phenomenal of Dukes reproduction including sounds of Basile and this accordion, - of Dixieland recordings cannons, fire engines and sports AFLP 1868/AFSD 5868 AFLP 1892/AFSD 5892 cars.
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