life Review Probing Saltern Brines with an Oxygen Electrode: What Can We Learn about the Community Metabolism in Hypersaline Systems? Aharon Oren Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Edmond J. Safra Campus, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel; [email protected]; Tel.: +972-2-658-4951 Academic Editor: David Deamer Received: 5 May 2016; Accepted: 6 June 2016; Published: 8 June 2016 Abstract: We have explored the use of optical oxygen electrodes to study oxygenic photosynthesis and heterotrophic activities in crystallizer brines of the salterns in Eilat, Israel. Monitoring oxygen uptake rates in the dark enables the identification of organic substrates that are preferentially used by the community. Addition of glycerol (the osmotic solute synthesized by Dunaliella) or dihydroxyacetone (produced from glycerol by Salinibacter) enhanced respiration rates. Pyruvate, produced from glycerol or from some sugars by certain halophilic Archaea also stimulated community respiration. Fumarate had a sparing effect on respiration, possibly as many halophilic Archaea can use fumarate as a terminal electron acceptor in respiration. Calculating the photosynthetic activity of Dunaliella by monitoring oxygen concentration changes during light/dark incubations is not straightforward as light also affects respiration of some halophilic Archaea and Bacteria due to action of light-driven proton pumps. When illuminated, community respiration of brine samples in which oxygenic photosynthesis was inhibited by DCMU decreased by ~40%. This effect was interpreted as the result of competition between two energy yielding systems: the bacteriorhodopsin proton pump and the respiratory chain of the prokaryotes. These findings have important implications for the interpretation of other published data on photosynthetic and respiratory activities in hypersaline environments. Keywords: salterns; halophilic; hypersaline; oxygen; Halobacteria; Haloquadratum; Salinibacter; bacteriorhodopsin 1. Introduction Thanks to the recent advances in the methodology of metagenomics and other cultivation- independent molecular methods used in microbial ecology we now have a fairly complete picture, qualitative as well as quantitative, of the microorganisms that inhabit the crystallizer ponds of solar salterns worldwide. The NaCl-saturated brines of crystallizer ponds are typically inhabited by a single primary producer, the unicellular alga Dunaliella salina (Chlorophyceae)[1], and by 107–108 prokaryotes/mL [2–4]. Most of these belong to the archaeal domain: Haloquadratum, Halorubrum, and other members of the class Halobacteria, but also some members of the Bacteria can be found, notably of the genus Salinibacter (Bacteroidetes)[5–7]. Most organisms inhabiting the brines are pigmented pink, red, or orange due to carotenoid pigments: primarily β-carotene in Dunaliella, α-bacterioruberin and derivatives in the Halobacteria, and salinixanthin in Salinibacter [8]. As a result, the waters of saltern crystallizers are generally colored brightly red-pink (Figure1). Retinal-containing membrane-bound proteins such as bacteriorhodopsin and similar proton pumps in the Halobacteria and xanthorhodopsin in Salinibacter may also contribute to the pigmentation. Life 2016, 6, 23; doi:10.3390/life6020023 www.mdpi.com/journal/life Life 2016, 6, 23 2 of 11 Life 2016, 6, 23 2 of 11 Figure 1. A crystallizer pond of Salt of the Earth, Ltd., Eilat, Israel. Figure 1. A crystallizer pond of Salt of the Earth, Ltd., Eilat, Israel. Our understanding of the in situ activities of the different components of the biota of the Ourcrystallizer understanding ponds lags of behind the in situour knowledgeactivities of about the different the community components composition. of the biotaHowever, of the the crystallizer high pondscommunity lags behind densities our knowledge present and about the theeasy community accessibility composition. of most saltern However, pond systems the high make community the densitiessalterns present perfect and objects the for easy basic accessibility studies on ofmicrobia mostl saltern ecology pond at saturating systems salt make concentrations. the salterns They perfect objectsare for convenient basic studies model onsystems microbial to explore ecology basic at ques saturatingtions about salt the concentrations. primary productivity, They arethe overall convenient heterotrophic activity and the possible functions of different carbon sources that support the dense model systems to explore basic questions about the primary productivity, the overall heterotrophic communities of Archaea (>85%–90%) and to lesser extent Bacteria present, and to elucidate the role of activity and the possible functions of different carbon sources that support the dense communities of bacteriorhodopsin and other light-dependent proton pumps in the energy metabolism in the brines. ArchaeaHowever,(>85%–90%) thus far, and the to number lesser extentof suchBacteria studies, present,reviewed and in the to sections elucidate below, the role is surprisingly of bacteriorhodopsin small. and otherI light-dependenthere summarize our proton recent pumps attempts in to the obtain energy quantitative metabolism information in the brines. about these However, processes thus far, the numberin the saltern of such crystallizer studies, reviewedponds of Salt in the of sectionsthe Earth below, Ltd., Eilat, is surprisingly Israel, based small. on measurements of Ichanges here summarize in dissolved our oxygen recent concentrations attempts to in obtain the brine quantitative following different information manipulations. about these Many processes of in thethese saltern experiments crystallizer were ponds performed of Salt by ofstudents the Earth in the Ltd., framework Eilat, Israel,of the basedannual oncourse measurements in marine of changesmicrobiology in dissolved for graduate oxygen concentrationsstudents held in in Eilat. the brineThe results following show differentthat much manipulations. information can Many be of thesegained experiments about the were basic performedprocesses that by drive students the biol inogy the of framework the saltern ponds of the by annual use of optical course oxygen in marine sensors (optodes) and simple experimental systems. microbiology for graduate students held in Eilat. The results show that much information can be gained2. Dissolved about the Oxygen basic processes Concentrations that drive in Crystallizer the biology Brines of the saltern ponds by use of optical oxygen sensors (optodes) and simple experimental systems. The solubility of oxygen and other gases in concentrated brines is greatly decreased compared 2. Dissolvedto the values Oxygen in freshwater Concentrations or in seawater in Crystallizer of the same Brines temperature. In equilibrium with the atmosphere, NaCl-saturated brine of 260 g/kg salinity (~320 g/L dissolved salts) contains about The1.61 solubilitymg/L (50 μ ofM) oxygen dissolved and oxygen other gasesat 25 °C. in concentratedAt 35 °C, a temperature brines is greatly typically decreased found in compared saltern to the valuesbrines induring freshwater the summer or in season, seawater the of valu thee sameis even temperature. lower, around In 1.51 equilibrium mg/L (47 μ withM). These the atmosphere, values NaCl-saturatedmust be compared brine of to 260 8.22 g/kg mg/L salinityand 6.92 (~320 mg/L g/Lfor freshwater dissolved and salts) 6.98 contains and 5.95 about mg/L 1.61for seawater mg/L (50 at µM) dissolved25 °C and oxygen 35 °C, at re 25spectively˝C. At [9,10]. 35 ˝C, a temperature typically found in saltern brines during the summer season,The low the solubility value isof even oxygen lower, in salt-saturated around 1.51 mg/Lbrines (47and µtheM). potentially These values high must heterotrophic be compared activity of the dense biota often result in near-anaerobic conditions in the crystallizer ponds, as the to 8.22 mg/L and 6.92 mg/L for freshwater and 6.98 and 5.95 mg/L for seawater at 25 ˝C and 35 ˝C, (probably little) oxygen produced by Dunaliella is rapidly taken up for respiration by the dense respectively [9,10]. community of heterotrophic Archaea and Bacteria, especially at the high temperatures of such brines Thein tropical low solubility and subtropical of oxygen areas in [2,11]. salt-saturated Based on brinesmeasurements and the by potentially a chemical high method heterotrophic (the Winkler activity of thetitration dense biotain which often molecular result in oxygen near-anaerobic oxidizes Mn(II) conditions to Mn(III) in the which crystallizer in turn ponds, oxidizes as iodide the (probably to little)iodine oxygen which produced is then bytitratedDunaliella with thiosulfate),is rapidly oxygen taken up concentrations for respiration as low by as the 0.50 dense mg/L community (16 μM) of heterotrophic Archaea and Bacteria, especially at the high temperatures of such brines in tropical and subtropical areas [2,11]. Based on measurements by a chemical method (the Winkler titration in which molecular oxygen oxidizes Mn(II) to Mn(III) which in turn oxidizes iodide to iodine which is then Life 2016, 6, 23 3 of 11 titrated with thiosulfate), oxygen concentrations as low as 0.50 mg/L (16 µM) were measured in saltern crystallizer ponds in Spain [12]. A higher value (1.87 mg/L, 58 µM) was found in crystallizer brines of a Bulgarian salt works [13]. The lowest oxygen concentrations encountered in the literature for crystallizer pond waters are probably the values
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