UM Students Lauded By White "Operation Christ] Determined Successful By Leaders Operation Christmas in Viet I American fighting men in the Brigadier General David Lieb­ battered Asian republic that the man accepted a duplicate scroll Nam gave UM one of its greatest concensus of U.S. college stu­ and indicated that "more students moments in its history Wednes­ dents stands firmly in their be­ should take the same kind of ac­ day, as three Undergraduate Stu­ half. tion throughout the country." HELP The trio arrived at Dulles Hal Kelley, Senior Master dent Government representatives International Airport at 1:30 Sergeant for Armed Forces Ra­ made a whirlwind tour of Wash­ a.m. Wednesday and awakened dio and Television, took the •tut. 4 ~»--Har '.»».*». that same morning lo start three representatives to the ington, D.C. dignitaries. their hectic-filled day. Pentagon press room. He con­ Tom Spencer, president of USG, Dante Fascell, U.S. Congress­ ducted a ten minute interview, man from Florida's 4th District, which is to be aired throughout Josh Vernaglia, vice-president, greeted the three at his Rayburn the world to American troops and Si Johnson, secretary of en­ House office at 9:00 a.m. and during the Christmas season. OPERATION tertainment, made the trip with whisked them off for a filming at The activities of the day came the House of Representatives to a close and the three rushed two objectives in mind—to pre­ television studios, which was to the airport in time for their sent a proclamation to Capital later shown on the CBS network. 6:30 flight back to Miami. % officials that the majority of the They were then driven by the "The thing that impressed me Fascell entourage to 1600 Penn­ UM student body stands one- most was the extremely warm V»£TNAH" sylvania Avenue. After showing welcome we received by the hundred percent behind the ad­ their credentials to White House White House officials." Spencer Pkats by Trase Rowland ministration's policies on the Viet security guards, they were es­ said. corted to the Executive office. Si Johnson, Tom Spencer, and Josh Vernaglia at airport before Washington jaunt. Nam situation, and to insure Chester Cooper, assistant sec­ "Extensive arrangements the retary of Far Eastern Affairs to White House had made in ex­ McGeorge Bundy, accepted the pectation of our visit, was most proclaiming scroll in a cere­ indicative of the fact they were mony in his office. certainly sincere in their "People everywhere completely thoughts." misinterpret protest marches and Vernaglia remarked, "I was feel it is the general attitude of most gratified by Congressman The Mia urricane the American population. And all Fascell's affability and acceptance of us sitting here know this is not of both Operation Christmas in 41ST YEAR, NO. 10 UNIVERSITY OK MIAMI, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA, DECEMBER 3, 1965 MO 1-2511, EXT. 2942 so," Cooper said. Viet Nam and the proclamation. He took a respite from his official "The Viet Nam conflict Is not duties to devote almost a full day pleasant. Nobody likes to see our to insure the success of our visit." Dateline Cards Go To Machine; Gore Show boys get killed and injured. A motorcade to carry the "But their morale depends on "Operation Christmas Star" boxes our support, for they are fight­ will leave for Homestead Air Includes ing for every American's free­ Force Base from the Student 200 Dropped For Lack of Girls dom. Union, today, 3 p.m., according Patio Dance to Tom Spencer, USG president. Another "insignificant" num­ 'That is why we are so proud USG's "Operation Dateline" — Of the 1600 applications sub­ Leslie Gore, "teenage princess and appreciative of this gesture A student rally will be held or computer date night — cards mitted to the machine, some 200 ber of men and women will of song," third in the USG con by the University of Miami stu­ at 2 p.m. before the motorcade, cert series, is scheduled for 8 dent body and Undergraduate which will include cars from all were run through the old brain male cards will have to be have to be dropped because pjn., Friday, Dec. 10, Student Student Government." organizations and houses who the machine was unable to find machine this week and things dropped immediately, because Union Patio. Fascell remarked that he hoped have filled gift boxes, leaves. suitable dates for them with this kind of action would gain Motorcade cars must be at the look about ready for the big cli­ there are more men then women Admission is free of charge for further momentum. He said that Union by 1:30 p.m. the information supplied on the UM students and faculty. max next Friday night. available. students are no longer content to teat, according to Mel Reiser, Many ot the dates for this During the USG meeting be bystanders, but must take an Monday Tom Tice was appoint­ committee head for the event. event have been previously ar­ active part in world affairs. ranged by UM computers in ed to the government office "It reflects very, very well Both groups of people will be conjunction with USG's "Op­ staff as Public Relations chair­ on students at UM who took notified by Monday by Mel eration Dateline." man. He handled coverage for out their time to make this the delegation to the White Reiser. Following the concert, there proclamation,'' he said. House on Tuesday and also After a radio taping session for Instructions for picking up the will be a dance on the patio, for the Christmas Star project. featuring the Ibis Brothers. Mutual Broadcasting Co., their girls will be posted for the men The trip stemmed from the trip took them to the second USG - sponsored "Operation Tbe Leslie Gore concert may floor of the Pentagon and into the today in the Student Union Christmas Star" program involv­ start late as she has said that a offices of the Defense Depart­ Breezeway along with the stu­ ing the collection of a number of fault she thinks she can't over­ ment. items to be sent to US forces in dent numbers of all those lucky come "is never being on time Viet Nam. males. for an appointment." The "Operation" started Tues­ UM Bailies day and closed Thursday. Boxes were collected from all major Foreigners Tour Store. groups on campus, including fra­ To Support ternities, sororities, residence halls and service organizations. US Policy Area merchants, along with View Free Enterprise the University's bookstore, aided A petition to be sent to Presi­ the program by giving discounts dent Johnson in support of US by organizations, More than thirty UM students Gables store, division managers policy in Viet Nam will be the on all merchandise to be sent from as many foreign countries will explain credit, shipping, highlight of a rally on the Stu­ The boxes will be taken to around the globe will gain in­ buying, sales and other aspects dent Union patio, Wednesday, Homestead AFB at 3 p.m. today sight into American free enter­ of modern American Merchan­ Dec. 15. in a motorcade for which a mili­ prise today as guests of Sears dising. tary escort has been arranged. Roebuck and Co. for a behind- The program of the rally, spon­ An Air Force plane will then the-scenes glimpse of one of the Following the tour, students sored by the Young Democrat fly the packages to the west world's major department stores. will be guests of Sears for din­ and Young Republican Clubs of coast for delivery to Viet Nam. ner at the Holiday Inn Res­ UM, will feature four speakers: Secretary for Commuter Affairs Sponsored jointly by USG and Dr. Ivan Hoy of UM's Religion taurant where Bernard J. Kemp- Scott Posner introduced a de­ Sears, the visit is designed to Department; Florida Congress­ lar, group merchandise manager tailed parking report to the help foreign students understand man Dante Fascell; Maj. Fred council this week, commenting, for Sears' South Florida group, how and why the free enterprise St. Clair, Viet Nam veteran, and "It seems that there are twice system works. will address the students. Master a representative from the US as many C stickers sold as spaces During tour of the Coral of ceremonies will be Dr. Luis Department of State. available." Molina, UM's Associate Director "All patriotic persons are urged Tom Wilson, who was former­ of the Intensive English Program to attend," said Bill Kirschen- ly a general assistant in the USG banm, originator and coordinator office, was appointed Office Man­ USG Polls Coordinating the program are of the rally. ager by Spencer. Honor Code Stanley Steele, a senior finance major from Chicago, and Alex­ Because of certain dissentive ander Roberts, junior manage­ Students Petition opinions on the Honor Code, the USG Constitution Revision Com­ ment major from Lutz, Fla., who mittee will take a poll next week is USG secretary for foreign to determine whether students student affairs. Collins Movement Hits UM feel an Honor system feasible. Petitions asking former (1955- a statewide movement involving A questionnaire will be given 1960) Governor Leroy Collins, Florida State University, Univer­ to each student through one of now U.S. Under Secretary of sity of Florida, Panama City Jr. College, University of South Mel Rieser assists a shy UM student in filling out his com­ the four major student organiza­ All those persons now work­ Commerce, to return to Florida tions on campus—MRHA, AWS, ing or who wish to work on Florida, Rollins College, Stetson puter information form for "Operation Dateline." Little Junior Week please take note and seek his old post were cir­ University and Miami - Dade IFC, and Pan Hellenic.
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