Thursday, December 20, 1951 Torrance Press Page Seven 8-—Furniture • 58—Furniture • 60—Appliances • 76—Automobiles • 76—Automobiles • 76—Automobiles 76—Automobiles • 76—Automobiles [JNIVERSAL -WISHING YOU A USEFUL GIFTS SAYS Inventory SALE The end of the year ha* come again and that 1* the time we ??? Why Buy Ice??? go all out to sell our present entire stock of used cars. when you can buy Merry Christmas For the Home these refrigerators NEW CARS from for as littlB/as AND 75c a week:!!! LATE MODEL CARS OFFERING THESE O Kecfe & Merritt Refrigerator. BARGAINS TO BRIGHTEN YOUR HOLIDAYS Good working condition $39.50 McMAHAN'S 7-ft. Norge, excellent condition, Transportation Cars only ....................................$69.50 COMPARE COMPARE '49 Philco Refrigerator, like new MANY YES MANY UNDER THE NEW REGULATION CEILING 1949 DODGE Coronet 4-Door. Furniture Store new guarantee. 1947 PLYMOUTH Sedan. Many Others to Choose From One owner car with gyro- Beautiful black finish. See matic transmission. Factory TV TABLES ROASTER 2 Locations to Serve You heater. ........................Only $1497 this to appreciate. ......Only $898 Genuine Cal-Dnk tray tables, Famous Nesco Roaster, ove UNIVERSAL beautifully * decorated, with table top model, white ename 1640 Cahrillo 2172 Pacific Coast Hwy. 1946 HUDSON 6 Sedan. Has folding IrgH for easy storing. with strramline chrome trim . FURNITURE STORE TORRANCE LOMITA 1941 OLDSMOBILE 4-Door. Ideal for TV aerving........$2.95 'The World's Lowest Priced Radio, heater and Hydra- radio, heater, fog-lites, spot- Equipped with temperatur Furniture Store" 1950 Chevrolet Styline, 2 Door 1951 Chevrolet Club Co-up>. guide control. Now at this matic. Don't miss this. Only $245 lites, seat covers, etc. Only $597 HASSOCKS 1317 Sartori Ave Ph. Tor. 2296 Sedan, power glide, radio, Brand new. That extra chair for company's low price ............................$39.9v heater. 1949 Chevrolet Styline, Deluxe 19,11 Chevrolet 1'^ Ton. Deluxe TV viewing. In lovely plastic MIXER • 62—Miscellaneous For Sale Aolors, assorted sizes Club Coupe. White aide wall cab and chassis (new). WALTER G. LINCH and shapes ....................$4.95 up Sunbeam Mixmaster. Make tires. Mother's Christmas happj 1049 Chevrolet Deluxe 2 Door 1947 Chevrolet Fleetmaster 2 PLYMOUTH Established 29 Years STERLING SILVER with this streamlined Rent to Own Door Sedan. New paint, radio. Sedan. DODGE kitchen aid ........................$.46.50 Truly beautiful gifts to delight 1946 Ford Deluxe Coupe. New 1949 Chevrolet Club Coupe. FRontier 2-2122 REDONDO BEACH any hostess. ELECTRIC BLANKET NEW SPINET paint, hrater. 1949 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan. Candle holders, Textron electric Blanket take 1950 Olds 88, 4 Door Sedan. 316 S. PACIFIC COAST HIWAY Gadroom trim , .$4.95 pr. the chill out of cold weather PIANOS FROM Many extras, like new. 1948 Chevrolet F L 2 Door Wide range of lovely colors Salt and Pepper Seta 1950 Studebaker 4 Door Sedan. Sedan. Full size,at this PER MONTH . Heater, like new. Cut crystal baser sterling low price ............................$29.95 1948 International Vt Ton Pick­ silver tops ....................$4.95 pr. Long Beach's exclusive dealer 1940 Oldsmobile Sedan. Radio and heater. up, very good. Wurricane Lamps CARD TABLE for KILROY Merry Christmas Graceful cut crystal with Samson card table, the perfeci LESTER, BETSY ROSS SPIN­ terling base ................$4.95 ea. gift for Mom and Dad. Dur ETS. ALSO CABLE, STERL­ Many more to select from Puts on Whiskers AND able mrtal construction lovely ING, MONI-CHORD SPINETS. MIRRORS plastic colored tops, and Plays Beautifully decorated, framed low price ...............-...........$6.95 Many used uprights & Grands wall mirrors. Ideal size for use from $100. A small deposit As long as 72 Weeks to pay over mantel or sofa, SUN LAMP ' will hold any piano for Christ­ Santa Happy New Year at Just ..................................$6.95 mas delivery. Sperti 2 In 1 Sun Lamp, ultra­ DURING ALL DECEMBER ROCKERS violet and infra red for health COME IN TODAY You won't believe what he's FROM ALL To delight the small fry. Two and tan, complete with gog PAUL'S giving; away in Better Cars efl, print or solid colors. * gles and plastic at lower prices until you OF Sturdily built ..$12.95 & $13.95 carrying case ..................$17.95 McCONNELL CHEVROLET You Are Invited to Use Our See These Piano Shop 1640 CABRILLO, TORRANCE 1941 PONTIAC SEDANETTE 4801 Long Beach Blvd. us Convenient Credit Plan Sharpest in town ............$635 ,at Underpass or 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB CPE. Long Beach 28964 Sharp ................................$595 101 HIWAY and NARBONNE, LOMITA 1942 PLYMOUTH McMAHAN'S Open Daily Until 8 P.M. Club Coupe ......................$495 HOHHAN & HADENFEIDT 1946 FORD V8 COUPE REDWOOD Sundays 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Nice ..........-........................$695 Inc. Furniture Store 1940 BUICK CORNER SARTORI and EL PRADO AVENUES, Convertible Super ..........$495 - TORRANCE Phone Torrance 2811 FENCING • 64—Misetllcmvous Wanted 1940 DODGE Your PONTIAC Dealer Cut to 4, -5 and 6 ft. lengths, MY WIFE Coupe (sharp) ..............$345 Come in and talk over our easy credit terms $90 per thousand. W 1941 SUPER BUICK \ terial or install fen< WANTED Club Coupe ..........................$645 "Where Your Dollar Buys More'1 USED FURNITURE . 1941 FORD CLUB COUPE • 58—-Furniture • 60—Appliances And I Good condition ................$495 505 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY FR pay top prices Cor 1941 CHEVROLET FR. 4-8987 HERMOSA BEA'CH 5 gallon redwood' furniture. Don't Speak 4 door ..............................$545 SEASON'S with every $200 1941 FORD About This 4 door ..............................$545 Airport Lumber 1939 FORD Open Sundays 1948 HUDSON 2 door Deluxe ................$295 GREETINGS 4274 Redondo Beach Blvd. 1941 *>ONTIAC WHITTLESEY MOTORS FRontier 2-2133 - 2-2134 4-DOOR SEDAN Convertible ..........................$395 to all our (Just off Hawthorne Blvd.) 1940 PLYMOUTH . Torrance, California h Radio and Heater. Coupe, Sharp ......................$395 wishes you a I won't sell 1939 PLYMOUTH • 66—Pets, at's the best Coupe Sharp ........................1295 "friends and N/NXVNXS/1 hom£ the 1939 LA SALLE Merry Christmas SPECIALS TURKEYS Club Coupe .......................$295 If it'« quality you want we CHICKS for customers have it. Fresh dressed no pin Lederle Vaccines, Remedies Plus Many frathorw tendons pulled- feed Supplies Transportation Specials have a large selection our won Hperial formula for FARRELL HATCHERY Used Car Specials Save Money better flavor. All 3951 Turkeys 1651 Redondo Beach Blvd. Down of Children's rockers, tri­ for hatched and raised here. Sardena - Phone MEnlo 4-1672 ILROY'S cycles, wagons, carriages TREVA COCKBR puppies, blacks or 1940 CHEVKi.- , 1941 DESOTO CUSTOM SEDAN ..................$205.^3 TURKEY RANCH blond, $5 and $10 each. 24411 Sedan, new paint CARS Radio and heater. and table and chair sets. XMAS Hawthorne Blvd. FR 5-2977. ONS 1437 W. 190th ST. 1948 DODGE 4-Door J 1947 PLYMOUTH -SEDAN ................................$378.33 We also have a large sel­ on GARDENA • 76—Automobiles Custom Deluxe, new pain Fog lights, radio and heater Between Western & Normandie) Rad., Htr., Fl. Dr. ... $995 ection of MEnlo 4-2761 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ........................-.-.$482.83 12i/2 " TELETONE *lv<ls. V an, seat covers. ELECTRICAL Now accepting Holiday 1942 OLDSMOBILE 4-Door Mahogany table model Orders with Hydra. & Rad. $295 hr TTR $129.9& APPLIANCES Christmas r.ju- 1940 PLYMOUTH Coupe, '« 1 T both large and small New paint ..................$195 16" TELETONE Construction Walnut console ....$139.95 Merry 1940 PLYMOUTH Convert­ tf1Jff*-:**KT* •*-*"• '. RUGS, LAMPS, SHACKS with one of ible ..............................$295 !escy Motorg Used Cars CARD TABLES, Northside Motor's 10" HALLICRAFTERS Approx. 8x12', floored 1942 DE SOTO Sedan....$195 1504 CABRILLO AVE. Mahogany Table AUTO JOP and many other items "Good Buy" 1941 FORD Sedan ........$295 Torrance 1175 or 1143 Model ......................$79.95 1209 West and suitable for USED CARS 1946 HUDSON Sedan....$595 Open Evenings SEAT COVER Christmas Gifts AIRLINE Radio-Phono com­ 1950 CHEVROLET 1942 HUDSON Coupe....$195 Los Angeles We urge you to use our bination table model $19.95 Coupe, excellent ................$1425 SHOP HOUSEWIVES READ CARE­ 1949 CHEVROLET 25 JALOPIES convenient FULLY. Why buy a conven­ 4 door, like new ................$1350 Complete auto reupholstery. WASHER tional type vacuum cleaner $15 up Seat covert In LAY-A-WAY PLAN Speed Queen. Don't miss with a. bag\ paper or nylon fil­ 1948 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR How Can You Miss? this at ......................$69.95 ter when you can now own a Another A-l car ..................$705 Plastic, Fiber and Rayon Free Balloons to Kiddies Rex-Air that uses water, the TIME PAYMENTS Want A Good Used Car accompanied by adults. natural filter. See your deal­ KENMORE er. Mrs. W. E. Norman, Tor­ Northside Alex Mitrovich Plenty of Free Parking rance 2520-W. < Space. Washer. A steal at $39.95 C. Yeaman for CHRISTMAS? BABY BUGGY Excellent cond. Motor Sales Motors 1312 Cabrillo Ave., Torranc* Open until 9 every evening Must see to appreciate. Sacri­ Phone Torrance 31$3 Our present stock of 50 cars has been 'reduced to until Christmas. G.E. WASHER' fice at $7.50. Phone Torrance Redondo Beach Blvd. at Rindge Your Hudson Dealer In fair condition ....$29.95 2627-J. Phone FRontior 2-1943 Low-Low prices and we're trading high. All cars 815 Pier Ave. WANTED BURKE'S WILSON Turfrider polf clubs. Hermosa Beach FR 4-9566 priced below 1952 ceiling. We have work cars SMALL RADIOS Set of 3 wood, $20.00. 1823 MAKE THE Calamar St., Kettler Knolls. JUNK CARS from $50.00 up. Late models to $2595.00. We Gd. Selection, $6.50 to $11 1948 OLDSMOBILE, 4 door se- APEX AUTO WRECKERS BARGAIN HOLLYWOOD bP$2 d«n, radio, heater, hydramatic. will be open all day Sunday Closed Monday ter 4 p.m., 1600 W. 220th St. Holidays Very clean, rear seat speaker, CALL MENLO 4-7011 many extras. Harbor Motor and Tuesday. To our many friends we wish you a SPOT IHILD'S TRICYCLE.
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