MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Oct. 28, 1985 MANCHESTER U.S./WORLD SPORTS WEATHER Business Cummings says PZC 11 Israeli paper details MHS soccer wins Clear, cold tonight; BUSINESS In Brief change worth study 11 West Bank accord CCC East crown some sun Wednesday ... page 15 ... page 2 Wall Street has rate Jitters page 3 page 7 Vith tax cut, Bradley fuel sales up N EW Y O R K — The stock market headed lower today amid uncertainty over the outlook for interest rates and the economy. dramatic rise in fuel sales. INDSOR LOCKS (A P ) - The boom The legislature included a sunset said. "Where carriers found if more The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials “ I would say all of this in the last two viation fuel sales must continue if provision in the tax cut bill; If the economic to fuel up in Boston, now dropped 4.71 to 1,351.81 in the first hourof trading. months is a direct result of (the tax ■tale's new cut in the tax on such increased sales are not realized in two that’s no longer true." Losers outnumbered gainers by nearly 3 to 2 in cut)he said. IS to remain in effect. years, the tax will revert to 7.5 percent. All fuel at Bradley is sold by the early tally of New York Stock Exchange- Comments from the airlines seem to ICC the Connecticut General As- Rice said that, although figures for Combs-Gates Bradley, a luxury private listed issues. confirm his belief. tily cut the tax on aviation fuel to 2 other airports throughout the state are terminal. Its executive vice president Interest rates rose in the bond market this "We have been and will be increasing rnt as of July, aviation fuel sales at not yet available, he expects sales to and general manager, Raymond N. morning as traders looked ahead to a backlog of our local fuel purchases at Bradley as a llcy International Airport have improve significantly as a result of the Fitzgerald, says he believes the airport new government securities that has built up while result of the tax cut.” said David tax cut. will have no difficulty reaching the Congress struggles to agree on legislation raising iianrteBU r Mrralh n off Shipley, a spokesman for USAir. USAir ......... _____ I TTuesday,iiaqHav/ Ont.Oct. 29, 1985 — Single copy: 259 iurcs for the first three months "1 think it’s going to have a very 40-million-gallon sales figure this year. the Treasury’s debt ceiling. Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm has the largest share of Bradley’s 1' the tax was cut indicate that beneficial effect, substantially." he The tax cut allowed a 10-cenl per There was concern on Wall Street that U-S. market, serving 18 percent of all Iley's aviation fuel sales should said. gallon reduction in prices — to $1.80 a rates might also have to rise to stay competitive gallon for jet fuel and about $2 for passengers traveling through the with rates in Japan, which have taken a jum p in h •io m illion gallons for the current For many years, pilots would take on general aviation ga.soline, Fitzgerald airport. recent days. il year, said James J. Rice, the extra fuel in other states — a practice said. And since planes take on an The situation is healthy enough to Texas Oil & Gas fell Vt to 18'/« and U.S. Steel was I of the state Department of known as tankering — to avoid paying average of 1,700 gallons of fuel during encourage competition. This week. down” /4 at 27'/4. U.S. Steel said Friday it was nsportat i0n's Bureau of Connecticut's 7.5 percent fuel tax. refueling — a figure that can go as high Corporate A ir is scheduled to begin fuel engaged in talks toward a possible acquisition of inautics. “ Connecticut had the highest tax on as 4,000 gallons — the airlines' costs to operations at Bradley in competition Texas Oil & Gas. contrast 26 9 m illion gallons were aviation fuel in the country,” said French claim AIDS breakthrough refuel at Bradley have declined consid­ Among other actively traded blue chips. in fiscal 1984-85. Aviation fuel sales Zemphria Baskin, manager of govern­ with Combs-Gates. -adley account for 80 percent of all erably, he said. Anthony J. Diorio, a Corporate Air International Business Machines dropped 'A to ment affairs for the National Air It even is significantly cheaper to lion fuel sold in Connecticut, the director who handles all fuel purchas­ 127%; General Motors ‘A to 64%, and American will take several months to mea­ to make public this information in not sanctioned in the United State.s, Transport Association in Washington, refuel a small pleasure plane, which Combined wire services Dufoix said professors Jean-Marie AIDS victims have shown a says ing for the company, said. “ Without Telephone & Telegraph 'A to 20. sure its effects.” order to allow development of Hud.son died early this month. D.C. "That fact, with the lack of a. generally takes on 150 gallons, he said. Andrieu and Philippe Even and Dr. shortage of T-4 lymphocytes. r supporters of the lax cut. a 60 exposing my game plan, very basically, At 10 a.m., the N Y S E ’s composite index of all its “ The ways things stand, the rapid theraputic experiments.” sim ilar tax in the surrounding states, In July, the first month after the tax PARIS — A team of French Alain Venet submitted to her a An estimated 15,000 people — 2 cm in crea se in the a irp o rt's 25.2 our strategy is to attract new busine.ss listed common stocks was down .25 at 108.11. The He said results of tests up to now effectiveness of the treatment France took the lead in AIDS combined to make Bradley a prohibi­ cut went into effect, fuel sales at researchers has developed a treat­ report on their work that gives mostly in the United States — have on gallon sales for c a le n d a r 1984 — to the airport. American Stock Exchange market value index are “ super prelim inary” but they proposed by the Laennec group has research with the development tive market in terms of fuel sales.” Bradley rose 33 percent over July 1984. ment for AIDS that has led to “ reasonable hope” of improving been infected with the AIDS virus, :llc more than the projected 40 slipped .10 lo 226.67. had seen “ a rapid — and I can say not been definitely established but last year of HPA-23, a drug that In August, sales jumped 71.6 percent "We have various methods to do it,” “spectacular biological improve­ the condition of victims of acquired which breaks down the body’s ion figure — is the magic number, Baskin, who lobbied on behalf of the spectacular — rise” in lympho­ this method has for the first time inhibits the virus from spreading over the previous year, and in Sep­ he said. “ We realize we cannot survive ment” in test cases and could immune deficiency syndrome. She immunity to several diseases cpresenlatives of the airline indus- change, said airlines that once went to cytes in a small group of victims allowed observation of spectatcu- but does not cure the disease. A tember, sales increased 86 percent over by pirating Combs-Gates accounts” Dollar lower In Europe provide hope for sufferers of the cautioned that it has not been France has reported about 500 and fixed base operators, who great lengths to avoid buying fuel at tested. lar biological improvement and it variety of other drugs are being the same month in 1984, Fitzgerald said. Fitzgerald, however, said Combs- deadly disease, the government proven the treatment would work cases of AIDS. ice planes and sell fuel at the state's Bradley now are making a point of LONDON — The dollar opened lower today in Dufoix said the new treatment therefore constititutes a reasona­ investigated, including one called That trend was holding through the Gates is not expecting any increase in announced today. against the deadly virus. arts, had assured the General refueling there — particularly because, Europe. The price of gold rose. “ undeniably constitutes a hope for ble hope,” she said. Isopin osie and another called A large majority of AIDS victims first half of October, he said. the number of planes using the airport. Researchers from the Laennec Andrieu said in a television ■mbly that the stale would recoup at the time Connecticut was slashing its The dollar began trading in Frankfurt at 2.6425 progress— the prelim inary results A communique also said in the Ribavarin. are homosexual or bisekual men Fitzgerald said there has been no “ I think we’re going To be fighting Hospital in Paris were to give interview that the treatment estim ated $900,000 loss in tax tax, Massachusetts added a 5 percent marks against F rid a y’s close of 2.6455, in Zurich testify to that.” absence of any effective treatment American actor Rock Hudson and intravenous drug users but the significant increase in air traffic at over the same volume.” Fitzgerald details of the treatment at a news causes a rapid rise in the rateof T-4 ■nue if Ihehe were a 60 percent levy. at 2.1660 francs against 2.1695 and in Paris at for Acquired Immune Deficiency came to Paris in July for HPA-23 disease has begun to spread to the R-oai„.. that would account for such a said.
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