FORM V [See rule 7(1)] LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES ilection to the Provincial Assembly Constituency From PP-232-VEHARI-1 Symbol Allocated SI. Name of-Contesting Candidates in the Address of the No Urdu Alphabatical Order Contesting Candidate 2 3 4 Tiger I Peer Ghulam Mohy Ud Din Chishti Chak No. WEB, Sheikh Fazal Burewala PA4 c - H (14-•wr.irbfrnehl Scale , 2 Chaudhary Rasheed Ahmad Riaz Chak No. 1954EB, Burewala („E4---• 8 4..4 ft> i 42,41..r. 4.414 d. Chaudhary Tahir Naqash Jut Chak 239/ETA, Burewala Bucket 444264O‘4.4„4 Pitcher 4 Chaudhary Usman Ahmad Warraich Warraich Town, Chak No- 437/EB Burewala 6•44414PLE.44 Basket 5 Chaudhary Muhammad Ashfaq Arain Chak No. 409/EB, Burewala ✓oh-3644.5.0,4 Bottle 6 Chaudhary Muhammad Yousaf Kazelya Chak No. 225/EB, Burewala ...4-, r-44444/44 K Block. Burewala Bat • ' h - 7 Rana Muhammad Muzaffar l_42i A-49 I. c1 fr...46. Kite 8 Rubina Saleem Bay lee Islamabad Town Gagoo Mandi Burewala lef a ml, I.C±d4-441. Giraffe 9 Abid All Chak No. 225/EB, Burewala J44 Tooth Brush 10 Ghulam Moen ud Din Muteeb Chak No.984EB, Sheikh Fazal Burewala -44444icir•ft Well Ii Mahboob Ahmad Akhtar Chak No. 199/EB, Burewala L4 i ej L.-JO (-,j1. 7r-fl-re 9 Stag 12 Muhammad Hameed Manzar lohal Chak No. 98/LB, Sheikh Fazal Burewala 6 ,hd>44-, Rabbit 13 Malik Iftikhar Hussain Chak No. 181/EB, Burewala 14 Malik Rashid Faraz Aiwan Chak No. 187/EB, Burewala Cow Lotui 1.-A 15 Allan Aftab Hussain Jevka Chak No. 223/BB, Burewala Iron OE:err' 4.[HOH . EtwitAnt.,.et.. IA" ac Returning Officer ate __________ 14n _ _ ____ 14%.tarr—nor, :-±■^! n n Meyo IlL FORM V [See rule 7(1)] LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Election to the Provincial Assembly Constituency From PP-232-VEHAR1-1 Symbol Allocated SI. Name of Contesting Candidates in the Address of the No Urdu Alphabetical Order Contesting Candidate 4 1 Notice is hearby given that the poll shall be taker between the hours )8:00--41.s-and 05:00-460 11/05/2013 late)-- ,....____-- t,-- r. A t lace Returning Officer LleetattezA_ ∎ate Mohammad Iciteal Khan Meyo Aus.1;I St■es or .% , JUnNING OFFICERFI NA-1.57 Vehari.I PP-237 Vc,har, I, pP233 Venal-F-11 FORM V [See rule 7(1)] LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Election to the Provincial Assembly From IT-233-YEHAMT1 Constituency Sl. Name of Contesting Candidates in the Address of the Symbol Allocated No Urdu Alphabatical Order Contesting Candidate 2 3 4 Ahsan Sardar Bhatti H. No. 5/C, Block, Burewala Oil Stove ‘.54-4)/128-'J 2 Alhaj Sardar Khatid Saleem Rajpout Bhatti House a5, C block Burewala Arrow no 9 3 Chaudhary Eshan Ullah Cheema Chak No. 447/E13, Burewala Generator -eralca-788/4-8 4 Chaudhary h-shad Ahmad Aram 36/E-Block, Tehsil Burewala Tiger N ,,c44,8,,C41.5,,,, 1P7 1 1' 5 Chaudhary Bakhtiar Ahmad Gujjar House No. 43 Gulshane Ghani Burewala Suitcase iric4,:cl6ca1: 6 Chaudhary Usman Ahmad Warraich Warraich Town, Chak No.437/EB Pitcher ariruncs8,3,,,e, 7 Chaudhary Irfan Saleem Gill 28/Z, Block, Burewala Book Jrc.if --‘1 LP?: n7.8 t.C., ' 8Chaudhary Muhammad Anwar Warraich Chak No. 437/E I, Tehsil Burewala Cow Advocate ,L,frortaa.okid,r4 9 Chaudhary Muhammad Farooq 1Chilji House No. I5/C, Shad Man Colony Rabbit Advocate Burewala /..a7crtC18-84',5,84 10 Rana Muhammad Muzaffar Gulshan Ram Tomo, Tehsil Burewala Basket „87•88o, 11 Rao Muhammad Abid Chak No. 437/EB, Burewala Giraffe aa,4,1, 12 Sardar Ali H.No. 122, 0 Block - Burewala Tooth Brush LfrJ71" 13 Shahid Qamar Ghani Street No. 2 Marzi Pura Burewala Still Camera 1/2-14,. 14 Abdul Majeed Bhatti Advocate Chak No. 45 CEB, Burewala Safety Helmet •=-:: fcr-idig 15 Aqeel Ahmad Shani Dogar Gulberg Town Ludden Road Burewala Wheel Barrow /734;...ectrf Of- ice .1.Q.StEla. Returning Officer to La`tc•—.3. Muhammad Iqbal Khan Meyo p'jr2-NarZi I-CTIMMNG OFF3CER NA 157 PP-232 VehThi-1, PP-233 Vuhari-II I FORM V [See rule 7(1)I LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES -Election to the Provincial Assembly Constituency PP-233-VEHARI-II From Symbol Allocated Address of the Name of Contesting Candidates in the SI. I Contesting Candidate ISO Urdu Alphabatical Order 4 3 2 Ostrich St. No 5, Shah Faiz Colony Burewala I 16 Qasim Mehmood s,- Bucket Chak No. 239/EB, Burewala 17 Mohtarma Haim Nazeer lut Comb House No. 107/P- Block, Burewala 18 Muhammad Hassan Qadri dos'otii Scale, Chak No, 231/EB, Burewala 19 Muhammad Rafique Nizami Advocate tLit' L47, Guitar I-1.No. 78-K, Block Burewala 20 (Muhammad Sau id Bhatt Bat Azeem Abad Burewala Muhamamd Shahbaz Ahmad Dogar 21 flo-ti -15.1.eoirfif Well Advocate Chak No. 47 PEB, Burewala 22 Muhamamd Fiyyaz Azeem .roliji.doiejp/ House No. 5 Street No. 3 Mujahid Colony Kite Munazza Abid it CI Al 23 Burewala Wrench 19-X, Block, Burewala, 24 Moulana Abdul Naeem Nomani Stag Shah Faisal Colony Burewala 25 Mian Rashid Mahmood Arain Notice is hearby given that the poll shall be taken between the hours of 11/05/2013 on (date) IAP r Returning Officer 'lace ------- Muhammad lobo! Khan Meyo )ate --------- AddLtional Di -..trict e Ser.siocts )m.” Burcwaiai RETURNING OFFICER NA-167 Veilari-I, PP-232 PP-233 FORM V [See rule 7(1)] LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Election to the Provincial Assembly From PP-234-VERARI-111 Constituency Symbol Allocated SI. Name of Contesting Candidates in the Urdu Address of the No Alphabatical Order Contesting Candidate 4 I 2 3 Bucket I Asad Ali Jaiya Cha Tahli Wala Shada Balouch Post Office Luddan Tehseel & District Vehari AR Lfr).-1 Bat 2 Ayub Khan Seldaira Zaman Kot Saldera Tehsil Tehseel Burewala District Vehari c. 1 ,,t-i.) ,/— Basket 3 Peer Shehzad Farid ud din Chishti Jga Khokhar Post Office Sahoka Tehsil Burewala District Vehari 104141e2V.0 Wrench 4 Khurram Farid Khkwani Fareed Abad Moza Wahi Rakhi Tehseel Shuja Abad District Multan alkitejr.i Duck 5 Khizar Hayyat.Khan House No. 83 Muhallah Azeema Abad Tehseel Burewala District Vehari eleJeir-.2d Kite 6 Zulifqar Ali Mudhar Moza Mudhr Past Office Farooq Abad Tehseel Burewala District Vehari .7/ a ,1,19 tetl''Llei9 Iron 7 Raja Shahid Ali Khan Seldaira Seldara Post Office Farooq Abad Tehsil Burewala District Vehari 1 44-99■JLIP.-i, Stag 8 Syed Azhar Hassan Tarabi Rasool Nagr Luddan Tehseel & District Vehari 4:ice' L. Bed 9 Syed Faiz Ali Shah Chak No. 569(13 Post Office Luddan Tehseel & District Vehari. Arrow 10 Shehzad Ah Khan House No. 2 Mohalah Teepu, Block Garden Town Tehseel Lahore City District Lahore ppv emy,v,,, Tooth Brush I I Abdul Latif Hasso Pura Luddan Tehseel & District Vehari Cow 12 Muhammad Hanif Bhatti Basti Ghos Pur Moza Faiz Wah Post Office Rata Tiba Tehseel & District Vehari —11 Comb 13 Malik Muhammad Sarfraz Langrial Sharf Post Office Luddan Tehseel & District Vehari i..):Alli/J—If Roller of Wood 14 Mumtaz Ahmad Khan Seldaira Chak No. 52/KB Post Office Farooq-q-abad Tehseel Burewala District Vehari 1.r)1,LIV,Z UP' Tiger 15 Mian Irfan Daultana House No. 8 B Muhallah Faz I Defecne Housing Scheem Authority Tehseel Lahore r/1 /1 (_ 1 .z.D9DIVA" Kant District Lahore Returning Officer )ate Malik tangr AdcHonai cession Judge Returning Officer PP-234 Vehar1411. FORM V [See rule 7(1)] LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Election to the Provincial Assembly From PP-234-VEHARI-III Cons ituency SI. Name of Contesting Candidates in the Urdu Address of the Symbol Allocated No Alphabetical Order Contesting Candidate 2 3 4 16 Mian Muhammad Afzal Karim Beeto House No. I Dee defence Housing Authority Pitcher Tehseel Lahore Cantt District Lahore ;.yri./?,./...As Malik k Length! :essionJudgel Returning Officer PP-234Veharla Place— Returning Officer Date FORM V (See rule 7(1)) LIST OF CONTESTING CANDIDATES Election to the Provincial Assembly From PP-235-VEHARJ-IV Constituency Symbol Allocated SI. Name of Contesting Candidates in the Urdu Address of the No Alphabatical Order Contesting Candidate 4 1 2 3 Kite 1 Iftachar Ahmad Bhatti Chak No. 8/W.B Tehseel & District Vehari V. tfarttgi AA O. Rabbit 2 Alhaj Manzoor Ahmad Joora Arian Chak No. 505/E.B Tehsil Burewala District Vehari 6044,44)11^6aa Tiger 3 Bilal Akbar Bhatti House No. 20 Muhallah Massen Road Tehseel Lahore City District Lahore / itiaai p Mt, Pitcher 4 Ch. 'jai Sultan Bandaisha Advocate Chak No. 481/E.B Tehsil & District Vehari ✓intscssatals1-39tr.p.t., Roller of Wood 5 Ch. Abdul Waheed Girewal Chak No. IMP .B Tehsil & District Vehari 4/61..4-4tyzamg Basket 6 Ch. Muhammad Yasir Gujar House No. 1774(2 Street Wanda Town Tesheel Lahore city District Lahore i/S4/5-04-9 Eagle 7 Ch. Muhammad Yousaf hat Adda Channu More Chak No. 517/E.B Tehsil Burewala District Vehari ....>-:..-t.,,i),., Alllit 4- Bucket 8 Haji Abdul Shakoor Bhatti Chak No. 451/E.B Tehseel Burewala District Vehari c44401,41tia Bat 9 Khalid Mehmood Chohan Chak No. 265/E.B Tehsil Burewala District Vehari C■P Lrd I C__S...-- •;" cp4,-...1 t; Comb 10 Sahibzada Abdul Sattar Bhatti Chak No. 505/E.B Tehsil Burewala District Vchari tr1/91Pr94479 Stag II Aashiq Ali Phut Chak No. 557/E.B Tehseel & District Vehari fit/CA Scalp 12 All Wagas Hinjra Chak No. 17/W.B Tehseel & District Vehari ina...i' 14 tS ad ,-1, (_:,'• ,±7,..e174 13 Ghulam Mustafa Chak No.
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