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Work at the Max Planck parents’ genomes may explain variation in aneu- analyzed the additional 15,388 trophectoderm Institute for Solar System Research was funded by the Max-Planck ploidy incidence. We tested this hypothesis by biopsies to gain insight into selection occurring Society and Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie under performing a genome-wide association study of before this developmental stage. contract 50QP1302. Work at the Southwest Research Institute was supported by subcontract no. 1496541 from the Jet Propulsion aneuploidy risk among patients undergoing pre- We first tested for associations between the Laboratory (JPL). Work at BIRA-IASB was supported by the Belgian implantation genetic screening (PGS) of embryos ratesoferrorsofputativematernalmeioticor- Science Policy Office via PRODEX/ROSINA PEA 90020. This work has collected from in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles. igin (fig. S1) (5) and maternal genotypes, identi- been carried out thanks to the support of the A*MIDEX project Downloaded from “ ’ ” Embryo DNA (single-cell day-3 blastomere fying no association achieving genome-wide (no. ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02) funded by the Investissements d Avenir P French government program, managed by the French National biopsies or multicell day-5 trophectoderm biop- significance (logistic GLM, -value threshold = −8 Research Agency (ANR). This work was supported by CNES grants sies) and parent DNA were genotyped on a single- 5×10 ). We next tested for associations be- at IRAP; LATMOS; LPC2E; Univers, Transport, Interfaces, nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarray (5). tween the rates of errors of putative mitotic or- Nanostructures, Atmosphère et Environnement, Molécules (UTINAM); The Parental Support algorithm (6)wasthenap- igin and parental genotypes. The first mitotic and CRPG and by the European Research Council (grant no. 267255 to B.M.). A.B.-N. thanks the Ministry of Science and the Israel Space plied to determine the chromosome-level ploidy divisions of the developing embryo take place agency. Work at the University of Michigan was funded by NASA status of each embryo sample. This algorithm under the control of maternal gene products pro- under contract JPL-1266313. Work by J.H.W. at the Southwest overcomes high rates of allelic dropout and other vided to the oocyte (7) and are substantially Research Institute was funded by NASA JPL subcontract quality limitations of whole-genome amplification error-prone (2, 3). We hypothesized that varia- NAS703001TONMO710889. The results from ROSINA would not be possible without the work of the many engineers, technicians, and by supplementing these data with high-quality tion in maternal gene products may thus con- scientists involved in the mission, in the Rosetta spacecraft, and genotypes from parental chromosomes. The copy tribute to variation in rates of postzygotic error in the ROSINA instrument team over the past 20 years, whose number of each embryonic chromosome can then among embryos from different mothers. To en- contributions are gratefully acknowledged. We thank herewith the be inferred by comparing microarray channel code the mitotic error phenotype, we designated work of the whole European Space Agency (ESA) Rosetta team. Rosetta is an ESA mission with contributions from its member states intensities from DNA amplified from the embryo all blastomeres with aneuploidies affecting a and NASA. All ROSINA data are available on request until they are biopsy to those expected given the parental geno- paternal chromosome copy (excluding paternal released to the Planetary Science Archive of ESA and the Planetary types at each marker. Combining these fine-scale trisomies of putative meiotic origin) as cases, and Data System archive of NASA. observations across large chromosomal windows allotherblastomeresamplesascontrols(Fig.1A). facilitates the detection of particular forms of Because aneuploidy has been estimated to affect SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS aneuploidy and the assignment of copy number fewer than 5% of sperm (8) and because paternal www.sciencemag.org/content/348/6231/232/suppl/DC1 6 Materials and Methods variations to specific parental homologs ( ). meiotic trisomies were detected for fewer than 1% of the blastomeres in our data, this set of 12 January 2015; accepted 3 March 2015 Published online 19 March 2015; 1Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, aneuploid cases should be nearly exclusively 10.1126/science.aaa6100 USA. 2Natera, Inc., San Carlos, CA, USA. mitotic in origin. SCIENCE sciencemag.org 10 APRIL 2015 • VOL 348 ISSUE 6231 235 RESEARCH | REPORTS The 5438 putative mitotic-origin aneuploidies were predominantly characterized by a distinct error profile involving multiple chromosome losses (Fig. 1, B and C), and their incidence was not associated with maternal age (Fig. 1D). This ex- cess of chromosome losses is consistent with previous studies that identified anaphase lag as the primary mechanism contributing to mo- saicism in preimplantation embryos (9, 10). Ana- phase lag refers to the delayed migration of a chromosome during anaphase, so that the lagging chromosome fails to be incorporated into the re- forming nucleus, resulting in chromosome loss with no corresponding chromosome gain (Fig.
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