In three words AN INSIDE PUBLICATIONS NEWSPAPER I can sum up everything FREE I’ve learned about life: it goes on. COOK COUNTY REAL PROPERTY — Robert Frost ASSESSMENTS FOR 2016 see page 13 Senior LIVING, page 7 Volume 112, Number 48 December 7-13, 2016 NEWS OF THE LOOP, STREETERVILLE, RIVER NORTH, NEAR NORTH, GOLD COAST & OLD TOWN 773-465-9700 insideonline.com North Side Uber knew of driver complaints Community marketing group meetings planned loses it’s prior to sexual assault - to discuss taxpayer-funded and still let him drive Ogden/Jenner school merger honey pot BY CWBCHICAGO.COM fore the alleged sexual assault was liked sexually and what his sexual not illegal, but “show[s] his intent preference was,” prosecutors say. For more than a year, the com- Nearly $800,000 In July 2014, a 21-year-old and state of mind toward young The man “filed a complaint munities at Ogden Elementary in SSA funds seized, given South Loop man hailed an Uber male passengers… and show [Na- about [Nafasat’s] inappropriate School and Jenner Elementary to neighboring chamber in Lakeview East to take him fasat’s] propensity to be sexually sexual conduct and behavior with Academy of the Arts have been home. Around 1 a.m. on July 31, inappropriate and opportunistic Uber through client feedback,” the contemplating whether it is in the BY PATRICK BUTLER 2014, Adnan Nafasat picked up with young male passengers,” the state said. best interest of students to merge his would-be victim near Halsted state said in its None the less, Nafasat contin- operations. A controversial taxpayer-fund- and Cornelia in Boystown. Ac- filing. ued to drive for the company and, The leaders of Chicago Public ed local business “promotional” cording to prosecutors, the Uber In Feb. 2014, less than three weeks later, he at- Schools have observed the contem- organization will be taken over - driver who took the ride request Nafasat picked tacked the 21-year-old victim in plation process and worked to pro- against their will - by the Lakev- would sexually assault the young up another Uber his vehicle. vide their best insight and guidance iew East Chamber of Commerce man before they arrived at their customer in He convinced the customer to about the opportunities the merger as of New Year’s Day, 2017. destination. Boystown, just sit in his minivan’s front passenger would present, as well as the chal- “Chicago View,” once known as Now, this newspaper has one block from seat, claiming that the back seats lenges that it could pose for the the Central Lakeview Merchants’ learned, at least two separate Uber where he would were dirty and broken, prosecutors education of local children. Assoc., will turn over control of customers filed complaints with pick up the say. Based on formal requests from After turning off the Uber track- groups involved, CPS is moving about $800,000 in property tax the ride-hailing company about Adnan Nafasat sexual assault money earmarked for local busi- that driver’s sexually overt behav- victim months ing app, Nafasat allegedly told the forward with a more formal com- ness promotion and development ior on the job. later, prosecutors said. victim, “No one knows where you munity process that could allow in Lakeview around Wrigley Field Despite the complaints against Nafasat “inappropriately in- are” and then began assaulting the the Chicago Board of Education to and the Belmont/Sheffield busi- him, Adnan Nafasat was allowed quired… about sexual positions” man as he drove on Roosevelt Rd., consider a merger proposal for the ness and entertainment strips. to continue to drive for the compa- in a way that prompted the pas- according to the allegations. 2018-19 school year. Ald. Tom Tunney (44th) and ny. He is now charged with aggra- senger to ask Nafasat to let him “At times, when [Nafasat] had As NextLevel, an advisory group other city officials recently pulled vated kidnapping, attempted ag- out of the car before they reached to stop his vehicle, he would grab that has advocated for the merger, SSA #17 from Chicago View gravated criminal sexual assault, their destination. the victim by the face and throat pointed out in its report, “Because and gave it to the Lakeview East aggravated criminal sexual abuse, The man filed a complaint about to prevent him from exiting… The of the critical importance of these Chamber of Commerce despite aggravated battery, and unlawful Nafasat’s behavior with Uber via offender also pulled down his own pre-merger activities, NextLevel Chicago View executive director restraint. client feedback, prosecutors said. pants” and attempted to force the would encourage consideration of Gus Isaacson’s video stressing The allegations about Nafasat’s On July 11, 2014, about three victim to perform a sex act, pros- a longer planning, preparation and that SSA #17 has “always been behavior, as well as Uber’s al- weeks before he would allegedly ecutors said. community partnership period, compliant, had our deliverables leged knowledge of his conduct assault the 21-year-old, Nafasat The victim was also choked and with the merged schools in op- in on time if not early, and always before the sexual attack, are laid picked up a male Uber customer had Nafasat’s tongue and fingers eration for the 2018/2019 school passed our audits.” out in a prosecution filing called in Logan Square. forcibly shoved down his throat year.” “We’ve received a snow re- a “Motion To Allow Other Crimes During the ride to Lincoln Park, during the ride, according to the CPS believes that additional Evidence.” Nafasat “inappropriately inquired conversations must be held to HONEY POT see p. 5 Nafasat’s reported behavior be- of [the passenger] as to what he UBER see p. 4 ensure the entire community can thoughtfully and carefully evalu- ate the benefits and drawbacks Some advice to save your life of a merger, as well as provide insights into how it would work The story of S.T.O.P. stricken child for instance, to con- day-to-day. nect with a family who has already To move forward, CPS will hold Foodborne Illness been through the same trauma. meetings on the campuses of both The world of foodborne mi- schools to ask for community in- BY JIM MATUSIK crobes contains a mix of approxi- put in the following areas that mately 250 different types of bac- would be impacted by a merger: They opened the beast box in teria, viruses, mold, parasites and -What curriculum will be used California in 1993. It killed four algae. The two most dangerous at the merged school for core children and infected 732 others, and prevalent of these are Bacte- subjects such as math, reading, leaving 178 with permanent inju- ria and Viruses. science, social studies and other ries, including kidney and brain Bacteria are the largest group. subjects? damage. They are small, one-celled mi- -How will grade levels be di- Actually, the box was a Jack in crobes invisible to the human eye vided among the merged school’s the Box and the killer that it un- that come in many shapes and various campuses? leashed was ironically called the are capable of reproducing them- -What programs from each ‘Monster Burger.’ It was a special selves. school will remain, be eliminated promotion and the tagline was, The most familiar, and often or be expanded? “So Good It’s Scary.” times fatal are Salmonella, E coli -What professional develop- It was big and it was cheap and 0157:H7, and Listeria. Infection ment will be needed to prepare the restaurant was swamped with usually occurs by direct ingestion staff, including certification in Young children are often the unfortunate victims of food poisoning because orders. The staff couldn’t keep up of a contaminated product, but can teaching International Baccalaure- with the demand and as a conse- their immune systems are not fully formed and they cannot offer proper re- also occur by simply coming into sistance to the deadly pathogens. ate programs? quence of the rush, the beef was contact with an infected person. -Given the lower poverty rate for not cooked long enough or at a ery newspaper in the country. cated to the prevention of sickness There was a local 1985 salmo- the merged school, how will the high enough temperature to kill And out of the collective grief, and death from foodborne patho- nellosis outbreak that came from funding shortfall from the loss of the bacteria. shock, and anger of parents and gens. Salmonella typhimurium in milk federal Title I funds be addressed? There had been other cases of victims, a grassroots organization It advocates for building pub- from the Hillfarm Dairy in Mel- -How will the school sustain- food poisoning before, but this called S.T.O.P. was formed. lic awareness and assisting those rose Park. It was the worst out- ably manage three buildings was shocking and it brought the It stood for Safe Tables Our impacted by these illnesses. If of- break of salmonellosis food poi- spread over more than four miles exotic sounding bacteria E coli Priority and today it has become fers many services on its website soning in U.S. history at the time. in the city? 0157:H7 out of the lab, and plas- a nationwide non-profit public including peer to peer connec- tered it across the front page of ev- health organization that is dedi- tion which allows a mother with a ADVICE see p. 11 MERGER see p. 12 Jeffery Leving and President Barack Obama 2 n DECEMBER 7-DECEMBER 13, 2016 SKYLINE Hey, what’s your claim to fame? a “spoon drinker” guaranteed him who was an elocution teacher in grandmother’s house.
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