OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Call (707) 525­8310 Tuesday ­ Friday 9:00 ­ 1:00 PLANT LIST Sonoma County Jail Plant Nursery & Teaching Garden 2018 PRICES 1 Gallon … $2.75 5 Gallon … $6.75 2 Gallon … $4.75 15 Gallon … $27.75 4” Succulents … $2.75 4” Vegetables … $0.50 Sonoma County Office of Education and Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office provide inmates with project­based education We need sponsors to fund class projects with supplies, in­kind and money donations [email protected] www.scoe.org/jailindustries SONOMA COUNTY JAIL B= bulb, G= grass,P= perennial PLANT NURSERY GC= groundcover, S= shrub T= tree, V= vine BOLD= CA NATIVE BULBS Botanical Name Common Name Type Location Agapanthus Lily of the Nile B GH 27 Amaryllis belladonna Naked Lady Bulbs B GH 11 OUTSIDE Billberia nutans Queen's Tears B GH 27 Canna x. generalis Canna Lily B GH 10 Dietes iridoides Fortnight Lily White B GH 25, R22 Iris 'Pacific Coast Mix' California Pacific Coast Iris B GH 11 Iris germanica Bearded Iris B GH 10 Tulbaghia violaacea 'Variegated' Society Garlic Variegated B GH 25 Tulbaghia violaacea Society Garlic B GH 25 GRASSES Botanical Name Common Name Type Location Carex morrowii Carex morowii' Ice dance' G GH 13 Carex testacea Sedge G GH 13 Deschampsia c. Tufted Hair Grass G GH 13 Festuca californica California Fescue G GH 13 Festuca glauca 'Elijah blue' Blue Fescue 'Elijah Blue' G GH 13 Fetuca rubra Red Fescue G GH 13 Misacanthus s. ‘Morning Light’ Miscanthus Morning Light G GH 13, R14 Muhlenbergia lindheimeri Muhlenbergia lindheimeri G GH 13 Muhlenbergia rigens Deer Grass G GH 13 Sesleria autumnalis Sesleria autumnalis G GH 13 Stipa arundinaacea Pheasant Tail Grass G GH 13 Stipa cernua Nodding Needlegrass G GH 13 Stipa tenuissima Mexican Feather Grass G GH 13 CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS (707) 525-8310 www.scoe.org/jailindustries [email protected] SONOMA COUNTY JAIL B= bulb, G= grass,P= perennial PLANT NURSERY GC= groundcover, S= shrub T= tree, V= vine BOLD= CA NATIVE GROUNDCOVERS Botanical Name Common Name Type Location Ajuga repans ‘Burgundy Glow’ Carpet Bugle GC GH 27 Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' Carpet Bugle GC GH 26 Aptenia cordifolia Aptenia cordifloia GC GH 27 Ceanothus g.h. 'Yankee Point' Ceanothus 'Yankee Point' GC GH 11, 23 Coprosma x kirkii Coprosma GC GH 17 Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' Variegated Wintercreeper GC GH 26 Euonymus fortunei 'Wolong Ghost' Groundcover Euonymus GC GH 26 Ficus pumila Creeping Fig GC GH 26 Fragaria chiloensis California Beach Strawberry GC GH 26 Hedera Ivy GH 27 Osteopermum fruticosum African Daisy GC GH 10 Myoporum parvifolium Myoporum GC GH 21 Rosemarinus o. 'Huntington Carpet' Carpet Rosemary GC GH 20 Rosemarinus prostatus Trailing Rosemary GC GH 20 Rubus calycinoides Taiwan White Raspbery GC GH 26 Sagina subulata Scotch Moss GC GH 25 Sedum album White Stonecrop Sedum GC GH 19 Sedum rupestre “Angelina” Angelina Stonecrop GC GH 19 Sutera cordata Bacopa GC GH 26, 27 Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz' Creeping Thyme 'Pink Chintz' GC GH 15 Thymus serpyllum Creeping Wooly Thyme GC GH 15 Thymus vulgaris ‘Creeping Lemon’ Creeping Lemon Thyme GC GH 15 CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS (707) 525-8310 www.scoe.org/jailindustries [email protected] SONOMA COUNTY JAIL B= bulb, G= grass,P= perennial PLANT NURSERY GC= groundcover, S= shrub T= tree, V= vine BOLD= CA NATIVE PERENNIALS Botanical Name Common Name Type Location Achillea b. 'Pink Island Form' Yarrow 'Pink Island From' P GH 13 Achillea m. 'Paprika' Yarrow 'Paprika' P GH 13 Achillea m. 'Purple' Yarrow 'Purple' P GH 13 Achillea millefolium ‘Salmon Beauty’ Yarrow ;Salmon Beauty’ P GH 13 Achillea m. 'Shell Beach' Yarrow 'Shell Beach' P GH 13 Achillea tomentosa Wooly Yarrow P GH 13 Agastache' Rosey Giant' Himmingbird Mint P GH 20 Acanthus mollis Bear’s Breech P GH 17 Adiatum aleuticum Five Finger Fern P GH 26 Aquillegia eximia Columbine P GH 11 Armeria maritima Sea thrift Pink P GH 13 Artemesia 'David's Choice' Artemesia 'David's Choice' P GH 13 Bulbine frutescens Snake Flower P GH 19 Campanula poscharskyana 'Alba' Serbian Bellflower White P GH 18 Centaurea gymnocarpa Dusty Miller P GH 13 Ceratostimga griffithii Burmese Plumbago P GH 15 Chlorophytia comosum Spider Plant P GH 13, 15 Chondropetalum tectorum Cape Rush P GH 12 Cotyledon orbiculate Pigs Ear succulent P GH 19 Crassula mucosa Rat tail P GH 19 Cuphea hyssopdfolia Mexican Heather P GH 20 Dicliptera suberecta Hummingbird Mint P GH 13 Dorycnium hirsutum Hairy canary Clover P GH 20 Dudleya brittonii Dudleya brittonii P GH 19 Dudleya cymosa Dudleya cymosa P GH 19 Dudleya farinosa Dudleya farinosa 'Noyo River' P GH 19 Echeveria glauca 'Crystal' Hen's and Chicks P GH 19 Epilobium c. 'Calistoga’ California Fuchsia P GH 11 Erigeron glaucus Seaside Daisy P GH 20 Erigeron Karvinskianus Santa Barbara Daisy P GH 16 Eriogonum f. 'Warriner Lytle' Ca. buckwheat 'Warriner Lytle' P GH 20, 21 CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS (707) 525-8310 www.scoe.org/jailindustries [email protected] SONOMA COUNTY JAIL B= bulb, G= grass,P= perennial PLANT NURSERY GC= groundcover, S= shrub T= tree, V= vine Erysimum 'Bowles Mauve' WallflowerBOLD= CA NATIVE P GH 14 Euphorbia charcias Euphorbia P GH 19 Fuchsia thymifolia Mini Fuchsia P GH 27 Galvesia soeciosa Island Snapdragon P GH 16 Geranium m. 'Ingwersen's Geranium P GH 13 Geranium 'Bill's Wallis blue Geranium P GH 13 Grindelia camporum Gum Plant P GH 26 Helianthemum n. Sunrose “Wisley Pink” P GH 15 Helichrysum italicum Curry Plant P GH 15 Heliotropium a.'alba' Heliotrope white P GH 18 Heuchera micrantha Coral Bells P GH 16 Lepechinia calycina Pitcher Sage P GH 16 Lessingia filaginoflora'Silver Carpe' Lessingia f. 'silver Carpe' P GH 18 Ligularia japonicum Spotted Leopard P GH 27 Linum lewisii Blue Flax P GH 16 Lonicera involverata Twin Berry P GH 13 Lynchnis coronaria Rose Campion P GH 26 Mimulus cardinalis Scarlet Monket flower P GH 16 Nepeta faassenii Catmint P GH 16 Pelargoniumx hortorum Common Geranium P GH 10 Penstemon gloxinodes 'Purple' Penstemon 'Purple' P GH 16, Penstemon h. '‘Margarita BOP’ Penstemon ‘Margarita BOP’ P GH 18 Polystichum munitum Western sword Fern P GH 26 Salvia ' Allen Chickering' Salvia' Alen Chickering' P GH 14 Salvia buchannii Buchanan Sage P GH 13, 14 Salvia chamaedryoides 'Marine Blue' Germander Sage P GH 14 Salvia nemorosa ‘East Friesland’ Meadow Sage P GH 14 Salvia confertifolia Salvia confertifolia P GH 14 Salvia corrugata Salvia corrugata P GH 14 Salvia Indigo Spires Salvia Indigo Spires P GH 14 Salvia involucrata Salvia Rose Leaf Sage P GH 13, 14 Salvia leucantha Mexican Bush Sage P GH 14 Salvia leucophylla ‘Bee Bliss’ Purple Sage P GH 11, 14 Salvia mellifera Black Sage P GH 14, Salvia mexicana 'Limelight' Salvia mex. 'Limelight' P GH 14 CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS (707) 525-8310 www.scoe.org/jailindustries [email protected] SONOMA COUNTY JAIL B= bulb, G= grass,P= perennial PLANT NURSERY GC= groundcover, S= shrub T= tree, V= vine Salvia 'Phyllis Fancy' Salvia BOLD='Phyllis CA Fancy' NATIVE P GH 14 Salvia regia Mountain Sage P GH 14 Salvia sonomensis Sonoma Creeping Sage P GH 14 Salvia spathacea Hummingbird Sage P GH 14 Salvia sp. 'Waverly' Waverly Sage P GH 14 Salvia 'Wendy's Wish' Wendy's Wish Sage P GH 14 Salvia ulignosa Bog Sage P GH 14 Santolina chamecyparissus Grey Lavender cotton P GH 20 Santolina virens Green Lavender cotton P GH 21 Satureja douglasii Yerba Buena P GH 26 Sedum'Autumn Joy' Sedum 'Autumn Joy' P GH 23 Sedum praealtum Mexican Bush Sedum P GH 19 Scabiosa Pin Cushion Folower P GH 15 Silene vulgaris maritima Sea Campion P GH 18 Sisyrinchium bellum Blue Eyed Grass P GH 11 Stachy b. Lanbs Ear P GH 17 Stachys macrantha Big Betony P GH15 Teucrium Germander P GH 14 Teucrium canadense Creeping/Dwarf Germander P GH 26 Teucrium fruiticans Bush Germander S GH 16 Teucrium scorodonia’Crispum’ Wood Sage P GH 17 Verbena bonariensis Verbena bonariensis -tall P GH 16, 23 CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS (707) 525-8310 www.scoe.org/jailindustries [email protected] SONOMA COUNTY JAIL B= bulb, G= grass,P= perennial PLANT NURSERY GC= groundcover, S= shrub T= tree, V= vine BOLD= CA NATIVE SHRUBS Botanical Name Common Name Type Location Abutilon 'Nabob' Chinese Lantern 'Nabob' S GH 26 Abutilon 'Savitzii' Chinese Lantern 'Savitzii' S GH 27 Abutilon 'Victor Reiter' Chinese Lantern Red S GH 27 Abutilon m. 'Teardrop' Chinese Lantern 'Teardrop' S GH 27 Agave americana Century Plant S GH 19 Agave gyposphilla Agave S GH 19 Arctostaphylos 'Emerald Carpet' Arctostaphylos 'Emerald Carpet' S GH 11, 18 A rctostaphylos d. ‘Howard McMinn’ Vine Hill Manzanita S GH 11 Berberis t. 'Rose gow' Barberry Rose Glow' S GH 23 Brugmansia 'Charles Grimaldi' Angel's Trumpet 'Charles Grimaldi' S GH 18 Buddleia/ Buddleja Davidii Butterfly Bush S GH 21 Buxus m. japonica Japanese Boxwood S GH 20, R20 Buxus sempivirens 'Variegata' English Variegated Boxwood S GH 21 Caryopteris x c. ‘Hint of Gold’ Blue Mist ‘Hint of Gold’ S GH 16 Ceanothus 'Concha' Ceanothus 'concha' S GH 18 Ceanothus cuneatus Ceanothus cuneatus S GH 18 Ceanothus griseus horizontlis Wild Lilac 'Yankee Point' S GH 11,23 Ceanothus g. 'Kurt Zadnik' Ceanothus g. 'Kurt Zadnik' S GH 18 Ceanothus 'Julia Phelps' Ceanothus 'Julia Phelps' S GH 11, 18, 23 Ceanothus thyrsiflorus California Lilac S GH 11, 18 Ceratostigma griffithii Burmese Plumbago S GH 15 Cestrum newelli Cestrum newelli S GH 18 Choisya ternata Mock Orange S GH 21 Cistus ladanifer CrImson Spot Rockrose S GH 12 Cistus purpureus Orchid Rockrose S GH 12 Cistus salvifolius Sageleaf Rockrose S GH 12 Cistus x skanbergii Rockrose Tall Pink S GH 12 Cistus x.
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