7 AVKBAQB DAiO.T UOKlVLA'nON i w iBe w r t B f t e # l i 0 * e r . 1W4 5,436 •< tlw AadH fair; not Of Ommatloaa tore. VOL. LHI., NO. SIS. ABeortWag am Pmga A) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1934. <C^(TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS; Tragedy Victim’s Chum and Kin At Trial CHENEY PERSONNEL 104 DIE, 350 WOUNDED CHANCX ANNOUNCED IN RIOTING IN SPAIN Rednctioii of Deniaiids m ;l r cmc COUNCIL. Broad Goods, Vehret and Death ToD Mounts as Battles Four Alienists Say JUST FORMED, Are Renewed in Manj Throwing Departments FORA^RAISAL Hauptmann Is Sane Cities and Towns ~ Boy Necessitate Redrement of New York, Oct. 6.— ( A P ) — Four4 on Way to School Killed. Senior Members of Firm, Citizens Committee, Under of the 3ve alienists who examined I against Hauptmann for Uie Mdnap- Bruuo Richard Hauptmann, say the Ing and murder of Charles A. Lind- Official Statement Issned Lindbergh kidnaping suspect Is bergh, Jr., in 1932. Madrid, Oct. 6.—The death ton ta Charles Ray, Seeks to sane. Legal activity Monday ,1s also Spain’s Ebctremlst rebellion mounted Today, Says. ' N ot only is the Getroan carpenter scheduled in the Bronx, where Effect Cooperation Among sane, but he shows no sign of ever Hauptmann is in jail accused o f ex- to 104 persons at noon today, with having suffered any nental ailment,' torting the $50,000 ransom from ' at least 350 wounded, as machine the experts' declareo In a report Colonel Lindbergh. John Perrone, guns, rifles, and pistols obliterated Official onnouneement of a reor- Varions Local Factors. which Jiey submitted late yeeter- the taxi driver who delivered a ran- ganization of the executive pereon- da$^' to District Attorney Samuel som note to Dr. John F. (Jafale) a government' statement that tran- nei of cnieney Brothers, calling for Foley o f tbe Bronx. (tondon, revealed last night what he lu illity had been restored. One psychiatrist retained by the described os an attempt on his life A t dawn the death list stood at 93 the retirement of Meesrs. William C With the annouhAsment to- defense is preparing a report for and said be could recognize an ac- and the 'government o f Premier Ale- day of the personnel of the C3ieney, Horace B. Cheney, Howell submission to Hauptmann’s coun- complice of Hauptmann aa well aa jandro Lerroux, against which the Cheney and (diaries Herman Cheney, ClUsens’ Council sponsored by sel. He declined to discuss his find- identify Hauptmann as the man Anarchists, Communists, and Social- who ore the seniors in point o f serv- the Chamber o f Commerce, CSiair- ings. who gave him the note. ists had declared war, stated the One o f the reporting alienists An automobile swerved In a de- ice, was made today. man Charles Ray issued \a statement general strike was a failure and represented Foley and two were liberate attempt to run him down Reduced Demande that troops were being withdrawn Intently listening to every word uttered In defense o f Robert A. Ekiwards at the "American Tragedy’’ death from New Jersey where the Hun- nearly a year ago, Perrone told in- In a statement to The Evening irom most of the battle fronte of trial in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., are Rosette CJuIver (left). Mrs. Betty McKechnle and John McKechnle. Miss terdon county Grand Jury will meet vestigatora. Herald, the firm stated that the Culver, who was Freda McKechnle’s chum, helped the dead girl make her simple trousseau. John Mc- the laat two days. j. action was necessary to “effect a Kechnie ia Freda’s brother. Suddenly the Extremists renewed reduction in the production ached- battle. Eleven more persons were ules.of the broad goods, velvet and k'lled in clashes during the morn- throwing departments to bring them ing. within the reduced demands for Trouble in the mining regions of goods now prevailing." EDWARDS IS GUILTY; Asturias accounted for six of the According to the returns of offi- SIMON LAKE LAUNCHES ARMORY READY morning’s dead. cials and dlrectora of Cheney Broth- Boy $e Killed ers filed with the secretary of state In Madrid, a boy o f 14 on his way aa of July 1, 1934, only one name of NEW TREASURE HUNTER FOR BIG THRONG to school and an unidentified labor- Cheney appears on the Board of Di- NOW FACING CHAIR er were killed when caught in a rectors. The others are oincers of crossfire between extremists and bank! in Boston and N ew York with Civil Guards in the Chiatro Camlnos which the firm has had financial THIS EVENING district dealings. Veteran hventor Has Sob- Principal Character m the ALCORN TO SPEAK Officers RESULTS! Extremists atUcked tbe Chvfi The Manchester Live Poultry Guard |?arrscks at (kilminar Viezo Officers listed in the report fol- marine Ready to Wrest company of Laurel street lost a Fourteen Hundred Seats “American Tragedy” Slay- and’ several were wounded in the lows: President, Ward Cheney, of Locust Valley, N. Y.; first vtce-pres- canvass cover for a truck Thurs- HERE0NSA1TIRDAY ensuing battle. A general strike waa declared In 'Ident, Robert Cheney, South Man- Untold Wealth from Bot- day morning and turned to the Mored in Today m Prepa* ing Trembles as He Is Led chester; second vice-president, Hor- classified columns o f The Herald Escorial, Vitorin. ace B. (%eney; secretary, Howell for asalstance In Its recovery. Authorities in various outlying Cheney; treasurer, Louis S. Cfarter; tom of Sea. And, as usual, the ad brought ration for Town Meeting; Back to CeH. Candidate for Governor To towns of Asturias reported contin? - assistant treaaurer, Clifford D, Che- prompt results. Only one inser- ous firing between groups o f am- ney; aaaistant secretary, Louis 8. tion was necessary and before Reassessment an Issue. Lead Big RaOy Next Week bushed miners and detachments of dwtar, all of South Manchester. Stratford, Oct. 6. — ( A P ) — A seven o’clock last night the lost Wllkesbarre, Penn., Oct. 6.— (APl troops and up until noon no one had The directors are: Morgan B.. hs^ been found, proving again I'ccn able to estimate just how many Charles Ray strange craft, designed to wrest Broinard, care of Aetna Insurance that —Robert Alien Edwards, the youth- had been killed and wounded In this In explanation o f the purpose o f the from Old Neptune untold' weedth in Center Park. Company, Hartford; Ward Cheney, CLASSIFIED PAYS! Fourteen htmdred chairs were ful hardpoal surveyor who called querrllla warfare but it waa regard- John F. McGuire, care of Textile Council, which is composed o f thir- and timeless treasure, embarked to- plactd In the State Armory this himself a "lady’s man,” was con- ed as likely that the casualties were BaiUcers Company, N ew York; Louis ty-one representatives of local or- day on a career which its designer, victed today of the “American trag- .nany. In Madrid. Syndicalists and morning by WUliam Pitkin and a The Republican party’s heavy ar- S. Carter; Charles F. Miller,.core ganisations interested In municipal Simon Lake, believes "w ill opeit up edy" slayi^ of F*reda McKechnle, Communists maintained a running affairs. crew of highway department work- o f First National Bank, Boston, vast areas of the world to exploita- unemployed telephone operator. The tillery will go into action next Sat- fire on guards from the rooftops of Mr. Ray's statement follows: hlass.; John F. Grimm, care of tion and expansion o f industry in ers In proparatton for the adjourned jury recommended death in the elec- urday afternoon at 2:80 o'clock in houses on Pablo Igleslaa street. The Bankers Trust (^mpony. New York. "The welfare of the Town of Man- many directions.’’ SPANISH DANCER annual town meeting tU s evening tric chair. Center Park tvhen Hugh M. Alcorq, government ordered soldiers to start Further Changes chester, the proper solution o f its The latest nautical child of the at 9:15 o’clock. Eklwards sat almost alone as he candidate for Governor; Kenneth a house-to-house attack In an effort Sir. Ciarter also will retire oa present problems and steering the veteran inventor, the submarine U vely Interest hss been shown in heard the verdict. Cramer, candidate for State Sena- to rout the snipers. treasurer and further reductions are right course for the future are salvager "Laksco” , was to be MURDER SUSPECT the adjourned meeting since last Only Frank McGuigan, jr., of his Extremists blasted the Remonta to be made in other subordinate and worthy of the serious attention of launched today from the old Housa- Monday when Thomas Trotter counsel sat beside him. barracks with a volley of rifleflra. executive positiona. all our citizens. tonic Shipbuilding Company yards. moved that the meeting be ad- Ekiwards listened to the verdict then fled when the troops fired back. Howell Cheney today declined to "The Citizens Council has been "I believe," said Lake, "this craft journed to the end o f tbe week so with bowed head. He slumped for- amplify the official atatement Ask- A regiment of ca\n^ clattered organized as one means of securing is destined to prove that there are that mill workers on the night 'shift ward in bis chair os the poll of the if Messrs. William C., Horace B. Former Secretary to Lloyd into San Sebastian with orders to effective cooperative action for the greater opportunities lying under the could attend. It ia expected that jury was made. cut down everyone who offered any Charles Herman and himaelf even- Town’s benefit. The Council has been the Arm ory will be filled before the There were only a few persons In timlly would return to active man- surface o f the seas for future ex- resistance, but the casu^Ues aa a formed by the CThamber of Com- ploration and development than are hour o f opening tbe meeting for ac- the court room when the jury filed agement, Mr.
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