Basketball with Birmingham and Golden ... PAGE ml Community Newspaper Company www.townonlme.com/allstont righton FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 2002 .. Vol. 7, No. 5 44 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ The problem With parking Windom Street clogged with Harvard workers' parked cars Phoebe Sweet parked along Windom Street, \\.hich I\ \ard University\ com.truction crew, who are STAFF WRITER marked with '"No parf...ing eithc•r ide"' \lgn.., building a do1mitOf) on Western Avenue. The dangers of blind curves and illegally on both sides pf the road ··are going to cau'>e Construction began on Western Avenue parked cars have created concern among an accident:· aid Manning. months ~o and will continue through next some residents over the pa'it six weeks about He point~ out that it is diflicult to see '>ummer. but a.., the building progresses, more the potential for a serious accident on Win­ around cune:) in the mail, and the street i1., worf...ers anive eacl;i day. dom Street in Allston. barely v.ide enough for wo cal'\ to drive past "There wi ll be more people working there Ken Manning, an Allston resident who each other\\ hen there are cars on both side" before it\ over."' •;aid Manning. lives on Western Avenue, said he almost col­ Some of the cars belong to WGBH and He 1.,aid that as plumbers, drywallers, and PHOTO BY PHOEBE SWEE! lided with a front-end loader while navigat­ Pepsi emplo)'ees, but the majo!it) of the ve­ electricians become necessary, the parking Harvard workers park along Windom Street, despite the no parking ing a curve on Windom Street. The car.. hicles lining Windom ~:treet belong to Har- WINDOM, page 4 signs posted In several places. Shakespeare: "5 itt was meant to be Golden dodges . Publick Theatre mixes tradition Bro6kline debate with originality Incumbent declines invitation By Wiii Kiiburn in favor ofBrighton parties CORRESPONOENT hen you take in a By Emelle Rutherford for Tuesday. STAFF WRITER performance of " I have two house parties W the Publick The­ State Rep. Brian Golden an­ that night, that were scheduled atre's production of"Harnlet," gered a number of hi s con­ well in advance," Golden said. you're not just, seeing a ma<>­ stituents and officials in Brook­ ''[The League] dropped that on terpiece of the English lan­ line when he declinrd an me la'>t week sometime .... and guage in a unique setting. invitation to participate in a then they called me snapping." You're also experiencing it the League of \\oman \ oter de­ Golden said he is .. not even way it wa'> meant to be e\peri­ bate in tha1 \aguely 1.:onccrned" 1f people enced. community. 1.:omplain about his absence. A1.:tors bound on and olf the Golden is He .,aid the house panies in stage, appearing from and dis­ one of three Oak ';4uarc \\.ill ca1.:h host at appearing back into the dark­ Dem ocr '' ·on tituent' t -n thi.: ness. Lines ru·e spoken against running for d1 tncl a constant hacf...ground of election for th The candidate's forum, cricket-. anJ ucacib R1.:n •n..1 - 18th Su·; .. 1~ h1d1 1-. co-spon<,ored by the ed sounds of cannon J1re rar­ . eat on Sept Brookline TAB, a sister publi­ tle birds out ol nearl:J> tree .... 17. He is the Brian Golden cation of the Allston-Brighton When Hamlet's father ap­ only one of 15 TAB, will be held at Brookline pears on a grassy bruit... to the candidate vying for votes in Town Hall Tuesday, Aug. 27, at side of the stage, his ghostly Brookline who won't be at the 7:30 fo r candidates in Golden's aspect is heightened by a l~te debate Tuesday. 18th Suffolk District, plus can­ summer haze. And the skies The two-term representative didates in the I 0th and 15th themselves darken as Ham­ from a district that is made up districts. let's madness deepens. mostly of Allston and Mona Schwartz from the This is not to say there Brighton, has been criticized Brookline League of Women aren't some modem distrac­ by some in Brookline for his Voters said she sent the invita­ tions at the open air theater, right-leaning views, hi s close tion to all the candidates on which sits just a few steps relaiionship with Speaker of Aug. 12. from the water at Christian the House Thomas Finneran " If he has a prior engage­ Herter Park on Soldier's Field and hi s supporl for George W. ment, I have to take him on his Road. Bush's presidential bid.· word," she said. 'The downside is the hover­ He says he declined the Bui Dave Friedman, one of ~ PHOTO BY J( ~HN FURSE crafts on the Charles River, From July's production of "As You .Jke It" are Wiiiiam Church as Touchstone and Susanne Nltter as Brookline League of Woman Golden's two challengers in SHAKESPEARE, page 8 Rosalind. Voters invitation to appear be­ the closely watched race said cause he has two campaign Golden's decline of the invita- events in Brighton scheduled GOLDEN, page 4 Kids find learning can be fun Moving up even at local summ~~r school By Judy Wasserman Thanf...s to a coll:Doration CORRESPONOENT among two Allston-Brighton ele­ Small class size The kids came to learn , to im­ menmry schools, a pair of local makes ummer prove· their literacy and math community learning centers, school fJ success skills, but they did much more Jack'>on-Mann Community Cen­ than that. ter, anti the Bo-.ton Public Jal k. n-Mann Elementary Schools, approximately 55 School\ summer school coor­ <, ummer school 'tudent<, bene­ dinator, Petral Robinson, de­ fited, not only from the morn­ scribed the recently completed INSIDE ing's academic classes, but also summer school session at the from the fun activitie<, ofJ MCC' Jacbon-Mann complex as Summer Splash progratn in the ..exce llent.· and said, "most morning. students made progress." Reali1ing that 'ummer school She attributed the success to student.., in many ca<;e, would at lea.'t t\\ O factors: the small have nowhere to go after classes cl;ts i1e. , and that teacher... ended at about noon ea¢h day of and tud b knew each other the four-week 'ess1on (which from hie regular school )'ear. ended Aug. I). school adminis­ The ajoril) of the 180 stu­ ENTERTAINME NT trators worked out logi~ ti cal de­ dent.. at Jackson-Mann this • tai ls, and were able to offer sum­ summer came from the Hamil­ Filmmaker mer school tudents the ton and Jackson-Mann ele­ mem.ary 1.,chools, a<; did tfle documents her oppo1tunity to stay at Jac"-son­ STAFF PHOTO BY MICHAEi. MANN>NG Mann for lunch and for Summer teacher-., said Robinson, who The Marlposas head to the stage to perform their song 81'!d receive their kindergarten graduation almost-famous dad Splash\ afternoon acthiues. herself has taught at Jackson- certificates last Friday night. The Jackson Mann Pre-School and Kindergarten graduation was held at the Jackson-Mann Community Center. See story on page 10. TEACHERS, page 27 ..,.SEEPAGE 15 SUMMER SCHOOL page 27 INSIDE Around the city 25 ~1AEL ~\\'i"° ~1~-:-,~~:::.~ id~ I SIMPLY FREE <:; '\~°"- .s-· • "' ... ,... Commentary \Cl'I(~ MARSHALL INSURANCE ~~~ \..... ,~ · ' ' • 21 \Car.. 12 ClllR()PR .. '(oof.'"" ... <Xf'Crl<n<C A l lNC Y CHECKING Community Notes 3 !~ Learn' to dance Call Customer Service Crtme 9 I~ Sports SERVING ALLSTONftlRIGHTON SINCE1984 Private and group lessons with or without for more details partner • weekly dances • low rales ~21. Entertainment 15 \i_ Auto AUTO/HOME INSURANCE Wedding preparation specials Shawmut Properties Ubrary Notes 7 ~... tfMercantile Bank FREE llooll~©W<lll? 134 Tremont Street • Brighton • _, Work lnjul'ies Call For Rates Today! A lltl f A l C 0 M M U N I T Y B A H l: 617-566-7850 Poltlcal Notebook 24 423 Washington Street • Brighton DanceSport Academy Your Neighborhood Realtor® Schools 10 556 Cambrid2e t •• Brighton 617-783-3500 'I< of New England 617·782-3000 www.bankatmercanale.com \:\ 384 Harvard St. Brookline (617) 787-2121 YMCA 2 (617) 787-8'700 331 Washington St. (Brighton Center) Member FDIC 1\ www.DanceSport-NewEngland.com Page 2 _Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, August 23, 2002 www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton ·-,,_,.., · We want your news! I Key cont:acts: . i l ~r~yw THIS WEEK on townonline. ~om · a Edilof . • . • Wayne Braverman (781) 433-8365 www townonline com Welc~me to the Allston-Brighton TAB! We . .. .. .. .. [email protected] The Allston-Brighton TAB is published online at WWW. online.com/ allstonbrighton and America . are eager to serve as a forum for the com­ Reporter .... .............. Audili Guha (781) 433-8333 Of'/line Keyword: Town Online. Town Online features news from more than 45 local public(1tions, munit)l Please send us calendar listings, . ..... : . ... [email protected] profiles of more than 200 Eastern Massachusetts c~unities, and items of regional Jntere_st. social news and any other items of commu­ Editor in chief. : ............ Greg Reibman (781 ) 433-8345 ~~ nity interest. Please mail the information to 1 . .. • . .. ........ [email protected] Election 2002 Advertising Director .......... Cns Warren (781) 433-8313 Boston Red Sox Town Online report Wayne Braverman, on WB 56 As the weather neats Advertising sates . .... Hamel Steinberg (781) 433-7865 Baseball season is underway. editor, Allston-Brighton TAB, P.O. Box Real Estate sales ...... Mark R. Macrern (781) 433'-8204 up, so too does the Follow the Boston Red Sox this Bay State political 9112, Needham, MA 02492. You may fax Russian section a fvertising .
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