INTRODUCTION ב”ה MONTHLY PACKAGE FOR: ELUL (SEPTEMBER 2016) THIS MONTH'S THEME: AHAVAS YISRAEL he Hakhel year comes once in seven years, following the sabbatical year of shemita. Some 2,000 years ago, Hakhel meant that the entire Jewish nation would gather together in the Holy Temple to listen to the Torah being read by the king. This event offered an incomparable way Tfor Jewish men, women and even children to recharge their spiritual energy. Nowadays, without a Jewish king or Holy Temple, there isn't any one specific time, place or style for the mitzvah of Hakhel. But we can still access the spiritual surge it offers by getting together with others to study Torah and be inspired. How to Hakhel Any time Jews gather and study Torah during this year counts, so use your imagination! As long as there are two or more Jews learning, you accomplish the goal! Some steps to help you get started: 1. Decide on a location and a crowd. Like your living room with your neighbors, the cafeteria with classmates or during lunch break at work. 2. Invite your guests. No need for formal or fancy invites; a quick call, text or tweet is all it takes. 3. Plan a menu. While food is not necessary, it’s always a good idea to have some noshes ready when you get a crowd together. (See below for ideas for snacks on the go.) 4. Get materials ready. Print the Torah-study option that fits your crowd best and you’re ready to go! Choosing a study option TheLight Reading option is bite-sized, insightful and followed by discussion questions to help get the conversation going. Try the In Depth option for broader text-based study, followed by thought-provoking discussion. TheFor Families option is designed to capture the interest of a diverse age group. TheStory can be enjoyed by all ages and stages. Written and compiled by Estie Shurpin. Hakhel Tips Additional Tips Planning to Hakhel away from home? A for Your Gathering gathering of Jews is an auspicious time to say blessings together, pray and give Give Charity Together charity. Make the most of your Hakhel Bring along a charity box and some gathering by bringing some food and taking change, and ask everyone to put one coin a moment to recite a Psalm and drop some into the charity box, allowing everyone coins in a charity box. to participate in the mitzvah of giving. Encourage everyone to do the same on a Here’s a great idea for the office or an daily basis (except on Shabbat and Jewish evening out with friends. Serves 5-8 festivals). To prepare, fill a reusable shopping bag with the following: Kosher Food Ensure that the food you serve at your ` 10 plates gathering is kosher. Look for kosher- ` 10 cups certification symbols found on many name- ` 10 napkins brand food items. ` 13 spoons Make a Blessing on the ` 1 bag baby carrots ` 1 box crackers Food Encourage everyone to make the ` 1 bag tortilla chips appropriate blessings before partaking ` 1 small container hummus of the refreshments. Go to www.chabad. ` 1 small container guacamole org/blessings for a basic guide on which blessings to recite, including an option ` 1 small jar salsa to hear the blessings recited to help with ` 1-2 bottles of water or other beverage pronounciation. Say a Prayer The Talmud states that the “the world stands upon three things: upon Torah study, upon prayer and upon acts of kindness.” In addition to study and charity, make your gathering complete by including all three of these components. Say a prayer together. Choose any Psalm and read it out loud together. ב”ה IN DEPTH IN MONTHLY PACKAGE FOR: ELUL (SEPTEMBER 2016) THIS MONTH’S THEME: AHAVAS YISRAEL In the book of Vayikra, the Torah or lacking in some way. The Torah precludes commands: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” this, though, with the addition of the words “as (Vayikra 19:18) yourself.” While the most common translations of the Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra states in his verse use the word “neighbor” or “fellow,” this commentary on this verse (Ibn Ezra to commandment is not limited to the people in one’s Vayikra 19:18) that It is not enough to feel a immediate circles or even just to acquaintances. perfunctory love. Rather, he says, “it must This commandment extends to loving every single be as real as the love a person feels for Jewish person, whether or not one is familiar with themselves.” them. DISCUSS: What sort of love is expected by The Rambam writes (Hilchot Deot 6:3(4)): the verse “love your neighbor as yourself”? “Each man is commanded to love each and every one of Israel as himself, as [Leviticus The commandment to love one’s fellow, then, is to 19:18] states “Love your neighbor as love with a true, uncontrived love, which extends yourself.” to every person without regard for the level of direct relationship or the person’s moral standing. In addition, the Previous Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, This leaves us with powerful questions: How recounted (Sefer HaSichos Summer 5700, can G-d command us to love? After all, love is an page 116) how the Maggid of Mezritch asked emotion. Can emotions be compelled? And even if his student, Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk: emotions can be compelled, is the kind of love we “Melech—do you hear what they are saying have described even a realistic possibility? in the heavenly house of Torah study? [They are saying] that love for a fellow means to Chassidus teaches that emotions can, in fact, be love the completely wicked just as one loves the compelled. completely righteous.” The Tanya states (Likkutei Amarim Ch. DISCUSS: Who does the commandment to 12) that “the brain rules over the heart “love your neighbor” refer to? [as explained in Raaya Mehemna, Parshat Pinchas] by virtue of its innately created It would seem unavoidable that any love that is nature,” and continues to describe how a compelled would automatically be only partial redirected thought process can generate a love seems almost impossible. But if we look specific emotion or set of emotions. deeper into the dimension of the soul, By meditating on certain facts, this illusory love the Lubavitcher Rebbe writes (Likkutei can become a reality. Sichos vol. 2 p 300) that “all Jews are one entity ... one essence which extends into all DISCUSS: Can emotions be compelled? How? the parts of the whole, so this is not a love for another, it is a love for oneself.” In the fifth book of of the Torah (Devarim 14:1), the Jewish people are told: “You are How are all Jews one entity? children of the L-rd your G-d.” Every Jewish person has a G-dly soul, which, If all of the Jewish nation are children of G-d, it according to the Tanya (Likkutei Amarim Ch. would follow that we are all spiritual siblings. 2), is “a literal piece of G-d from on high.” An awareness of this spiritual relationship with In what is arguably the most famous Jewish every Jew allows a love of every Jew—even those prayer—the Shema—we say, “Hear, O Israel, we have not met—to become a more rational the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One.” prospect. But while familial relationship could conceivably lead to some sort of emotional Chassidus (Maamer Kol Hamaarich B’Echad) connection between people who have never met, explains that “saying ‘the L-rd is One’ it does not in any way cause the kind of love we means knowing and comprehending fully described above to become a reality. While the G-d’s essential completeness, which is not love may no longer be completely contrived, it is divisible into parts, and all expressions of still not completely equal and absolute. G-d are truly the same.” DISCUSS: How does viewing all Jews as If every Jew has within them a literal piece of brothers and developing brotherly love still G-d—and G-d is noncomposite—then in our fall short of the love obligated by “love your ultimate source, we are also indivisible, and there neighbor as yourself”? is absolutely no difference between us. Once we identify with the essential unity of the The Tanya explains (Chapter 32) that “in the Divine soul, “love your neighbor as yourself” is a case of those who give major consideration given because your neighbor is yourself. And just as to their bodies while regarding their souls the love one feels for himself is real and complete, as of secondary importance, there can be no the love he feels love for all Jews will be as well. true love and brotherhood among them … ” DISCUSS: Is it possible to achieve the If we relate to others as they appear within the absolute love the Torah obligates us to have? tangible dimension—with separate bodies and How can one achieve this kind of love? individual natures—complete, equal and absolute ב”ה STORY MONTHLY PACKAGE FOR: ELUL (SEPTEMBER 2016) THIS MONTH’S THEME: AHAVAS YISRAEL he great Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev would routinely pay a pastoral visit to every sick person in the city of Berditchev. He would pray with them, offer his help to the family and reassure them of G-d’s essential goodness. With the love and concern he would display for the needs of every patient, his very presence Twould often prove the panacea that could drag someone from their very deathbed back to the land of the living.
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