Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2009-03-25 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2009). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 560. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/560 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. March 25, 2009 XAVIER NEWSWIRE Volume XCIV Published since 1915 by the students of Xavier University Issue 24 CAMPUS NEWS, pg 4 Feature, pg 12 Personnel profile Never forget ALwaYS ONLINE: We Betz you haven’t met a cooler Rabbi Ingber returns from Darfur’s xavier.edu/ individual in the library. refugee camps to ‘tell the story.’ newswire inside @ Discontent boils over for Chartwells workers Harassment, poor working conditions among complaints employees have for bosses cuss human resource concerns,” BY KATHRYN ROSENBAUM he said. News Editor Some employees are also com- A growing number of plaining about a decrease in the Chartwells employees are express- number of hours they work. ing their frustrations with Xavier’s Employees’ hours have dropped food service provider, alleging ha- from an average of 37.5 to 34-35 rassment, unacceptable working hours this semester. conditions and poor food quality According to Spell, this means at the James Hoff Dining Center. that employees have less time on These problems stem from the clock to do the same amount “disrespect and lack of com- of work. munication between employees One worker, who wished to re- and management,” according to main anonymous because she is Don Spell, the chief steward of afraid of retaliation, said her hours Chartwells’ unionized employees on most days were cut from eight and an employee spokesman to to six and a half. She said when management. she comes into work, the cafeteria Employee morale is low and fa- “looks awful.” tigue is high, both of which affect “This leads to poor customer the quality of service, said Spell. Newswire photo by Dani Meiners service, but we can’t do all the An increasing number of em- Chartwells employees in the James Hoff Dining Center are increasing their complaints about working conditions, cleaning necessary in the short- ployees are protesting what they food quality and employee-management relations. Chartwells has been Xavier’s food service provider since June. ened amount of time,” the worker perceive as harassment. after reporting this to a supervi- employees’ union, Chicago and and harassment’ by management said. In one case, Darron Martin re- sor, Martin said the manager con- Midwest Regional Joint Board which tarnishes the disciplinary Silka pointed out that the num- ported he was verbally and physi- tinued to harass him and grabbed Local 12, which said it was ad- process,” Spell wrote in an e-mail ber of meal plans bought by stu- cally abused by the manager on him by the arm. dressing the issue. message to a corporate member dents has dropped to 1,417, down duty during his shift on Feb. 22, Ultimately, Martin was sent In another instance, Spell said of Chartwells. from 1,648 last semester, meaning 2009. home for the day. other employees told him that a Walter Silka, the senior director that labor hours needed to be ad- Martin said the manager pro- “This cannot be tolerated. We manager informed other employ- of dining services for Chartwells justed accordingly. fanely told him in which part of have a contract they need to fol- ees that Spell was going to receive at Xavier, said he could not talk Silka said that fewer hours to his body he could find a food low,” said Martin. a disciplinary write-up. about harassment allegations. product he was looking for, and He reported this incident to the “This is a form of ‘intimidation “It is company policy not to dis- Continued on page 2 Senate readies for budget vote Shippin’ up to Boston After closed session debate, budget vote scheduled for next week Musketeers head to East Regional BY JOHN LAFOLLETTE Scanlon said he thought that Editor-in-Chief past executive presidents, who are semi-final game against Pittsburgh The Student Government responsible for drafting and sub- Sports, pg. 8 Association debated the 2009-10 mitting the next year’s SGA bud- SGA budget for at least an hour at get, did not consult with enough its March 23 meeting in prepara- people during the process. tion for a budget approval vote at “This year the Special Budget next week’s meeting. Review Committee was made The Senate debated the specif- up of members from Student ics of the budget in an executive Activities Council, Senators, advi- session, which are closed to the sors, Executives and Executives- public. elect to give ample input and sug- SGA President Craig Scanlon gestions,” said Scanlon. said that the Senate went into a The budget will be available to private meeting for its debate be- students on the MyXU Portal on cause the budget’s allocations had Thursday, March 26. undergone “drastic” changes that “[Students] will have the oppor- had not been finalized. tunity to provide feedback via e- “I did not want to make the in- Photo courtesy of Facebook mail or come to the Senate/SAC formation public in case the fund- SGA President Craig Scanlon meetings the following week to ing changed for several clubs/ proposed his budget at Monday’s voice their opinions,” Scanlon organizations in the proposal pro- Senate meeting. said. cess,” Scanlon said. ered “priority groups,” and receive Starting this year, the SGA will “I would not want a club or or- funding through a process differ- no longer receive rollover from ganization to have a false sense of ent from the Financial Affairs one budget to the next, mean- funding, thinking they would get budget request process. ing that any money SGA does one amount and in the end receive Scanlon said that a private exec- not spend will be returned to the another,” he said. utive session was needed to ensure university. Scanlon said that the Senate that these “priority groups” would “This [change] forced myself Financial Affairs Committee will not be misled about the funding and the committee to use a more allocate club and organization they will ultimately receive. critical eye when examining the funding from the overall SGA The amount of money available information and allocating fund- budget according to the merits of to clubs and organizations will be ing,” Scanlon said. a club’s request. increased from last year’s amount, The 2009-10 budget is $842,406, Other organizations, like Xavier but Scanlon declined to provide which is an increase of about 6 specific numbers until the budget percent from the current SGA Christmas, Club Sports and Senior Newswire photo by Jessica Thimons Board, among others, are consid- has been approved. budget. FIAT JUSTITIA, RUAT COELUM 2 March 25, 2009 News XAVIER NEWSWIRE Discontent boils over XU offers cultural trip to Israel BY AMY WINDHORST for Chartwells workers Campus NewsEditor Continued from page 1 ganized a meeting with Silka, This summer, Xavier’s Williams work on food preparation should Director of Auxiliary Services College of Business will collabo- not hurt the quality of food. Tom Barlow and a representative rate with the Theology depart- “It is the responsibility of pro- from Chartwells’ corporate office. ment to send undergraduate stu- duction managers and other em- The committee’s goal is to dents on an 18-day trip to Israel. ployees to look ahead so that food “show that students don’t just The pioneering program, has proper time to be prepared,” care about food quality, but also which will take place from June Silka said. care about the treatment of em- 4-22, plans to take attendees to lo- “Everyone needs to be held ac- ployees, who are members of the cations with business and religious countable and live up to Chartwell’s Xavier community,” said sopho- significance. standards,” he added. more commitee member Kevin “Israel is one of the great busi- Spell also sees little positive Contrera. ness centers of the world,” said communication and interaction Barlow and Vice President of program founder and university between employees and manag- Financial Administration Beth professor Dr. Art Shriberg. ers. Managers do Amyot have met with “It’s a center of technology and Newswire photo by Jessica Thimons not often listen to The problems with LaDonna Cooper, whose a center of entrepreneurship,” he Dr. Art Shriberg will be leading a group of students on a study abroad trip to employees’ sug- Chartwells stems hours have been cut from said. Shriberg also emphasized Israel. Students will learn about business in Israel, as well as visit landmarks, gestions, he said. from “disrespect 40 hours to 15-20 hours Israel’s growing influence in the inlcuding the Dead Sea. These prob- a week. “greening” industry. in Israel, the students will get to “These two courses are go- lems have led em- and lack of She is one of about communication Fostered by Shriberg and busi- experience how branches of those ing to be interacting with each ployees to begin 10 employees who are ness professor George Gordon, same businesses operate in a for- other. For example, if we are in to reach out to between employees not unionized. They also the program builds off of exist- eign landscape. Jerusalem, we might visit a reli- various Xavier ad- and management.” were not union members ing business connections between “The business school strongly gious center in the morning and ministrators and under Sodexo, Xavier’s – Don Spell Cincinnati and Israel, as well as encourages people getting in- a business center later that same students to raise previous food service Israel’s growing status as hub of volved in other societies,” said day,” said Shriberg.
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