CARRINGTONS CATERING MENUS 2015 FINGER BUFFETS MENU A £8.00 Assorted S andwiches on V arious B reads Sausage and T arragon R olls with Homemade B rown S auce Honey and Thyme D rumsticks Mushroom F ilo Pastries, Tomato R elish Fresh F ruit Pavlova MENU B £9.00 Assorted S andwiches on V arious B reads Spinach R icotta and P ine N ut Q uiche Tandoori C hicken S kewers Pork and A pricot M ille Feuille Roast P epper and G oats C heese P uff P astries Chocolate, Madeira L and emon C ake FINGER BUFFETS MENU C £11.00 Assorted S andwiches on V arious B reads Chicken S atay with Peanut D ip Beetroot and Goats C heese T arts Smoked M ackerel T oasts with T omato Whist P ies with Tomato R elish Carringtons H omemade S ausage and T arragon R olls Tomato M ozzarella and P esto S cone Fresh F ruit Tarts MENU D £11.00 Assorted S andwiches on V arious B reads Whist P ies with Tomato R elish Smoked S almon and P rawn P astry Boats Roast P epper and G oats C heese P uff P astries Smoked C hicken and C ashew N ut B arquettes Cantonese D uck P ancakes Assorted C houx P uffs CANAPÉ MENUS COLD SELECTION Meat Chicken L iver Parfait and B rioche T oasts, B rioche T oast £1.50 Pressed C onfit of Duck, L ime Marmalade £1.60 Rillette of Suckling P ig, Pickled Apple and C risp S age £ 1.60 Potted B eef with H orseradish C routons £1.50 Chicken and B lack P udding R oulade £1.50 Pressed T errine of P heasant, L iquorice G laze £1.60 Parfait of Foie G ras, S auternes J elly £2.50 Chicken and F eta R oulade, C ured H am, Tomato and B asil £1.50 Beef T artar, Fried C apers and G rated H orseradish £1.60 Smoked D uck, Orange J am, and F ried L eek £1.60 Rillette of Rabbit, Apricot Relish £1.60 Avocado, Milano Salami, Cherry Tomato Bruschetta £1.50 CANAPÉ MENUS COLD SELECTION Under the waves Roulade of Salmon and D evilled C rab, L eek O il £1.60 Rillette of Salmon and Smoked Salmon £1.60 Sashimi of S almon and T una, P ickled Ginger and W asabi £1.60 Assorted S ushi with W asabi and P ickled Ginger £1.60 Lime Scented Trout, H orseradish J elly £1.60 Smoked Salmon and Mackerel P arcels £1.60 Salmon and S moked S almon T artar with Dill Mayonnaise £1.50 Smoked M ackerel with P ickled Cauliflower £1.60 Caribbean C rab S alad with C hicory £1.60 Coconut and L ime Scented T una C eviche, S esame C routon £1.60 From the crop Soused Cherry Tomato and C Mozzarella routons £1.60 Goats C heese and C hive P arfait £1.50 Chilled T omato C onsommé £1.50 Cauliflower, Coriander and Panna Cumin Cotta £1.50 Beetroot C risps with smoked B aba G anousch £1.40 Parmesan T uille with Provencal V egetable C aviar £1.50 Minty Broad B ean Parfait £1.50 CANAPÉ MENUS HOT SELECTION Meat Mini Cheeseburgers with T omato R elish and M ustard £1.60 Lamb K ofta M inted Y oghurt job £1.50 Lamb and M int Fritters with Pea S hoots £1.50 Maple G lazed P ork B elly, Crisp S cratchings and C oxs P ippin £1.50 Ham and Parsley B eignets £1.50 Toad in H the ole with R ed O nion M armalade £1.60 Yorkshire P uddings with R oast B eef and H orseradish £1.60 Chicken Y akitori Skewers £1.60 Croque M onsieur of Braesola, G ruyere C heese and T ruffle O il £1.60 Minted R ump of L amb, A ubergine P urée £1.60 Soya and H oney G lazed B eef with S esame £1.60 Lamb and F eta F ilo Rolls £1.60 Smoked C hicken and A sparagus P aella £1.60 Flaked V eal S hin and T omato with S affron R isotto £1.60 Braised S hin of B eef, M ousseline P otatoes £1.60 “Wigan” P otato and M eat P ie £1.60 Shepherd’s P ie with M inted M ash £1.60 CANAPÉ MENUS HOT SELECTION Meat Game P ie with R owanberry J elly and J uniper £1.60 Black P udding with R arebit T oasts £ 1.60 Bangers with M ash £1.60 Honey and Herb B aked S ausages £1.60 Venison and B eetroot T arts £1.60 Black P udding B eignets with W hite O nion S auce £1.60 Haggis Fritters with Neeps and T atties £1.60 Hot Bratwurst with Potato S alad £1.60 Lavender S cented L amb K ebabs, C reamed C eleriac £1.60 Fillet of Beef R ossini £1.80 Corn D og with S weetcorn R elish £1.50 Crispy P ork W an T ons, H oi Sin £1.50 Minted L amb, P ea and M int Samosa £1.60 Pressed S houlder of L amb with B ubble and S queak £1.60 Mini Sausage and T arragon R olls £1.40 Horseradish Panna Cotta with 28 Day H ung R oast B eef £1.60 Beef P epper and P ickled Onion K ebabs £1.60 Minted L amb and S hallot K ebabs £1.50 Ham, Parsley and Chorizo Croquettes £1.50 Chorizo Quail Scotch Eggs £1.70 Black P udding Quail Scotch Eggs £1.70 Corn Fed Chicken and Sweetcorn Croquettes £1.60 Goats Cheese and Chorizo Frittata £1.60 Lamb Patties Minted Yoghurt Sauce £1.60 Smoked Beef Tacos £1.60 Grilled Chicken Caesar Skewers £1.60 Pork and Apricot Filo Parcels £1.60 CANAPÉ MENUS HOT SELECTION From U nder the S urface Cream of S moked H addock S oup S hots £1.40 Grilled R ed M ullet with Red P epper P esto £1.60 Griddled S callop, P ea P urée and C risp P ea S hoots £3.00 Coconut and C hilli King P rawns £1.60 Cod and C horizo P aella £1.60 Brandade of Brown Shrimps R ed P epper and C hilli Dip £1.60 Smoked H addock Florentine £1.60 Kedgeree with Q uail Eggs £1.60 From Under the Surface King P rawn in “Panko” C rumbs, S weet C hilli Dip £1.60 Mini Beer B attered F ish C n hips £1.60 Scampi B its and F ries, Tartar Sauce D ip £1.60 Panko B readed C rab C akes, W asabi M ayonnaise £1.60 Salmon, S orrel and D ill Pastries £1.60 Scallop W rapped in Potato, C ourgette R elish £3.00 Warm T una N icoise £1.70 Crayfish F rittata with Dill Oil £1.50 Tempura Sea Bass R with atatouille £1.70 Prawns, B loody Mary Dressing, I ceberg £1.50 Smoked S almon and C ream C heese R ougalhash £ 1.50 Baby P otatoes, S moked H addock and G ruyere £1.50 CANAPÉ MENUS HOT SELECTION From the E arth Tomato and G oats C heese T art Tatin £1.35 Grilled G oats C heese with T omato S orbet £1.35 Tempura V egetables, C hilli Dip £1.40 Wild Mushroom F rittata with Asparagus £1.50 Twice B aked C abecou C heese S oufflé £1.50 Red P epper P anna Cotta with F ried B asil £1.50 Jerusalem A rtichoke S oup S hots (when in season) £1.50 Cumin S piced On ion Bhajis, Yoghurt D ip £1.50 Parmesan P olenta with A ubergine £1.50 Red O nion M armalade and G oats C heese T arts £1.50 Pickled C auliflower, Beetroot F ritter and Lancashire Shavings £1.50 Scotch Quail E ggs H omemade S alad C ream £1.60 Shots of L eek and P otato, T ruffle O il and C hives £1.50 Beetroot and Halloumi Tart £1.50 Puy Lentil and Oat Burgers £1.60 Broad Bean and Sweet Pea Rissotto £1.60 STARTERS COLD STARTERS Potted C rab with C hilli and Chives, Tomato J elly, Brioche T oast £6.50 Carpaccio of B eef, P armesan S havings, B lack O live and T omato £6.50 Asian S piced T artar of T una, S our D ough T oast £6.75 Rillette of R abbit, P ickled Vegetables, L avender D ressing £6.00 Chicken L iver Parfait, Tomato R elish, Brioche T oast £6.00 Confit of D uck L eg, W hite B ean C assoulet, B lackcurrant Jus £6.50 Finely S liced Marinated Salmon, D ill and Tarragon D ressing £6.00 Smoked S almon M ousse, G azpacho D ressing, Q uail Egg £6.00 Tian of C orn F ed C hicken, P ine N uts and P istachio £6.50 Trio of A vocado, C ream C heese and T omato S orbet £6.50 Parfait of Goats C heese and C hives, Ratatouille D ressing £6.00 Salad of M arinated Chicken, A sparagus S pears and A ir Dried Ham £6.25 STARTERS HOT STARTERS Grilled F illet of R ed M ullet, Tomato S orbet, B lack O live Dressing £6.75 Puff P astry of Wild Mushrooms and Q uail Eggs with H ollandaise Sauce £6.00 Pan F ried S callops, C auliflower Purée, Fitters and C umin Dressing £9.00 Smoked S almon K edgeree £6.50 Pan F ried C hicken L ivers, Sweetcorn P otato C ake, Sweetcorn Sauce £6.50 Tart of B rie and L eeks, O ak S moked S almon, Chive B utter S auce £6.50 Brioche of Brown S hrimps; Lobster T ail and B randy S auce £6.75 Warm T errine of Salmon and T Haddock, artar Dressing £6.50 Pan Fried Wild Mushrooms, Sun Dried Tomato Oil, Parmesan Crisp £6.50 Salad of Woodpigeon, Fried Quails Egg and Redcurrant jus £6.50 Thai Crab cakes, Soya, Lime and Ginger dressing £6.50 Salmon and red Onion Fishcakes, Dill mayonnaise £6.50 SOUPS Cream of S moked H addock and W hisky £5.50 Leek and P otato with C hive O il £4.50 Watercress and S pinach, H am F ritter £4.75 Roma T omato, Provencal S tuffed T omato £4.75 Cream of C auliflower and C umin, £4.50 Bread Soup with G arlic Aioli £4.50 Red P epper with G rilled Mullet £4.75 Chicken and S weetcorn, Mini Chicken B urger £5.50 Chicken and S orrel V eloute £4.75 French O nion with B lue C heese C routon £4.75 Mediterranean Fish Soup with garlic Aioli, Crisp croutons £5.50 White Onion and Sherry Soup with 0 Saffron £4.5 MAINS FISH Fillet of T urbot P oached in R ed W ine, Braised C abbage and Baby O nions (market price) Tea C ured S almon F illet, Darjeeling S cented R aisins, Leek C oulis £12.00 Whole G rilled Dover S ole (on the L bone), emon, L ime and Tartar Sauce (market price) Fillet of P laice, Nut B rown B utter, G arden H erbs, B rown S hrimp Fritter £14.00 Roast Fillet of S ea B ass, F ine B eans, O lives and O live Scented New P otatoes £14.00 Grilled F illet of Mullet, P ear P otatoes, T arragon O il, Crisp L eeks £13.00 Poached S almon F illet, New P otatoes, S now P eas and Pea Shoots, H ollandaise S auce £12.00 Fillet of Brill, Baby B asil, Artichokes, P otatoes, Balsamic £14.50 Pan F ried H alibut, Flaked O xtail, Red W ine and B raised L ettuce (market price) MAINS BEEF Braised Shin, Ox C heek F ritter, Buttered M ash, R ed W ine, Root Vegetables £13.00 Pan F ried F illet, Peppercorn and C ognac S auce, A nna P otato, Asparagus £28.50 Roast S irloin, Pork C heek F ritter, Bovril
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