If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice NU u &"* ,. '-. Criminal Justice Information Exchange DIRECTORY MAR 1(J 1988 f .t' 4th Edition 1985 'li A C,Q U,f'S"l7fON,S ~ '. i I 109527 U,S, Department of Justice National Institute of Justice ThiS document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or organization originating It. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice Permission to reproduce this cG~ted material has been granted by Pu'QJi_c_J2QJIl,ainLN.,lJ U.S... Department.. of Justic.a........--­ • to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Further reproduction outSide of the NCJRS system requires permis­ sion of the~ht owner. • INTRODUCTION The National Institute of Justice/NCJRS is pleased to sponsor the Criminal Justice Information Exchange (CJIE) Group. An informal, cooperative association of libraries serving the criminal justice community, the group aims to fost~r communication and cooperation among member libraries and to enhance user serv­ ices. Member libraries have resolved to strengthen services in the criminal justice area through information exchange and interlibrary loan. In addition, group members will provide information to criminal justice patrons about their collection, policies, and services. The National Criminal Justice Reference Service, a CJIE member, serves as the group coordinator and produced this Directory. NCJRS is an international clearinghouse of justice information sponsored by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) , a research arm of the Department,of Justice. NCJRS also maintains or supports data bases and performs other clearinghouse functions for other Department of Justice agencies. These include the Juvenile Justice Clearing­ house/NCJRS, with funding from the National Institute for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention~ the Justice Statistics Clearinghouse, for the Bureau of Justice Statistics; and the Dispute Resolution Information Center, on alternatives to traditional adjudication of civil and criminal disputes, for the Federal Justice Research Program. • For more information about participation in the Criminal Justice Information Exchange Group, contact: CJIE Box 6000 Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 251-5500 How To Use This Directory The Criminal Justice Information Exchange Directory provides quick access to the locations, holdings, and services of member libraries. The directory lists CJIE libraries alphabetically by State and province, and alphabetically by city within State, and includes the following information, when applicable: name of library, street and/or mailing address, telephone, a~d name and title of person to contact. The size of the criminal justice collection (books, periodicals, AV materials) is indicated, as well as special interest area(s). In addition, online, interlibrary loan and microfiche capabilities, and other services are described, and any restrictions on the use of library facilities or holdings are explained. Additional information is included under "notes." At the back of the directory is a listing of 50 GPO Regional Depository Libraries, which permanently hold all documents selected for the Depository Program, including many criminal justice documents. As regional depositories, they also provide reference service and interlibrary loan. Those that are CJIE • members and are so indicated with an asterisk (*). ----------------~----------------------------------------------------------- • ALABAMA Name: Troy State University Library Address: Troy, AL 36082 Phone: (205) 566-3000 ext. 256 Contact: Nell Bassett Title: Reference & Document Assistant Holdings: Books: 6,778 Periodicals: 35 AV: 38 ILL: Yes, for print materials only. ILL Contact: Nell Bassett M/P: Microfiche and film readers and reader-printers. Other Services: Reference. Notes: Owns the NCJRS DRI plus complete ERIC microfiche; GPO depository library. •' • • ARIZONA Name: Arizona State University, Hayden Library Address: Tempe, AZ 85287 . Phone: (602), 965-3258 Contact: Eleanor Ferrall Title: Criminal Justice Subject Specialist Special Interest: Broad-based sociological approach to study of courts, corrections, and police. Online Services; DIALOG, BRS, SOC, RECON. ILL: Yes, via OCLC. M/F: Equipment available. Collection of 14,000 microforms. Other Services: Reference; graduate seminar in Library Research Techniques in Criminal Justice; orientation; tours • Notes: Patron bears online and citation costs for searches. GPO depository library; owns the NCJRS Microfiche • Collection • • • .~IZONA Name: 'Department of Public Safety Library Add'ress: 2310 North 20th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85009 Phone: (602) 262-8307 Contact: Marie Jones Title: Librarian Holdings: Books: 7,000 Periodicals: 300 AV: 950 Special Interest: Training, crime lab, law enforcement, la,'l, and accident reconstruction. ILL: Yes, following ALA procedures. ILL Contact: (602) 262-8301 M!F: Bimode, dual lens (24x, 48x) reader-printer. Other Services: Reference; photoduplication~ literature searches. Restrictions: AV materials loaned only to Arizona law enforcement • agencies. Notes: Borrowing library pays return postage. • . \. • ARIZONA Name: Arizona Law Enforcement Training Academy Library Address: 5601 West Trails End Road Tucson, AZ 85745 Phone: (602) 743-0111 Contact: Mary Patricia Quigley Title: Librarian Holdings: Books: 1,000 Periodicals: 25 AV: Some Special Interest: Law enforcement training. Online Services: Yes. ILL: Yes. Other Services: Reference, bibliographies, technical assistance to libraries of training agencies. Restrictions: Services and capabilities available to law '. enforcement personnel only. Notes: lihile our ILL and reference work is limited to law enforcement, the library itself may be used by students in the criminal justice field • • • CALIFORNIA. Name: California State University, Los Angeles Address: Government Publications Section, Library 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032 Phone: (212) 224-2230 Contact: John M. Ross Title: Head, Government Publications Holdings: Books: 7,000 Online Services: DIALOG, BRS. ILL; Yes. ILL Contact: Christine Caldwell M/F: Yes. Other Services: Reference • Restrictions: No restrictions on use within library, materials • circulate outside the library to library card holders. Notes: GPO depository library. • • CALIFORNIA Name: Academy of Justice Library Address: 1500 Castellano Road Riverside, CA 92509 Phone: (714) 787-6496 Contact: Terri Wangard Title: Librarian Holdings: Books: 3,500 Periodicals: 100 AV: 100 ILL: Yes, following ALA procedures. M/F: Reader; some documents on fiche. Other Services: Reference; collection of 4,000 pamphlets and documents. Restrictions: ILL restricted to criminal justice personnel. • Notes: Library is open to public for reference purposes. • • CALIFORNIA Name: Hastings College of the Law Library Address: 200 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Phone: (415) 557-8421 Contact: Veronica Maclay Title: Government Documents Librarian Holdings: Books: 220,000 ILL: Yes, via'OCLC. M/F: Microfilm and microfiche reader-printer. Other Services: Reference. Notes: GPO depository library; owns the NCJRS Microfiche Collection. • • • COLORADO Name: National Institute of Corrections Information Center Address: Suite 130 1790 30th Street Boulder, CO 80301 Phone: (30:3) 444-1101 Contact: Coralie G. Whitmore Title: Director Holdings: Books: 7,000 Periodicals: 120 Special Interest: Operationally-oriented, primarily unpublished documents useful to correctional practitioners and policymakers. Online Services: DIALOG. ILL: Yes. ILL Contact: Eileen Conway M/F: Microfiche reader-printers. Notes: Photocopies of uncopyrighted documents may be supplied • rather than loan copies • • • CONNECTICUT Name: University of New Haven, ~eterson Library Address: 300 Orange Avenue West Haven, CT 06516 Phone: (203) 933-6321 ext. 367 Contact: Alice Pidgeon Title: Technical Services Librarian Holdings: Books: 3,600 Periodicals: 24 ILL: Yes, following ALA procedures. Other Services: Reference. Notes; GPO depository library; postage charge for ILL. • • • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Name: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Ash Library Address: Washington, DC 20306 Phone: (202) 576-2983 Contact: Linda Demorat Title: Librarian Holdings: Books: 6,000 Periodicals: 420 Special Interest: Forensic science, pathology. Online Services: MEDLINE ILL: Yes, for books and periodical copies. Other Services: Reference; photocopying of articles less than 30 pages. • • • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Name: Bureau of Social Science Research, Inc. Address: Library Suite 700 1990 M Street NW. Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 223-4300 Contact: L. Duff or M. Hartz Title: Librarian Holdings: Books: 600 Periodicals: 23 Special Interest: Victimization, rape; prosecution, white-collar crime. Online Services: DIALOG, BRS, SOC; fee charged. ILL: Yes, following ALA procedures. M/F: Microfiche reader • Other Services: Reference; customized literature searches; • photocopying. Notes: OWns the NCJRS DRI. • • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Name: Drug Enforcement Administr.:ation Library Address: 1405 I Street NW. Washington, DC 20537 " '. Phone: . (202) 633-1369 Con'tact: Morton S. Goren 'Title: Librarian Holdings: Books: 10,300 Periodicals: 300 Special Interest: Drug abuse and prevention, enforcement efforts, diversion of drugs, technology. ILL: Yes, with some restrictions.
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