DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD,CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA,LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● REG.NO. MCS/067/2018-20RNI REGN. NO. 1543/57 JOURNALISM OF COURAGE MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021, MUMBAI, LATE CITY, 14 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM HIGHGovSPENDtlooSCHEMksESatLIKELY ‘expenditure’ budgettoaid Dead poultry highergrowth bird samples Protesters walked through the fields to reachthe venue of the ‘kisan panchayat’ at Kaimlavillage in Karnaldistrict of Haryana on Sunday. Jasbir Malhi PVAIDYANATHANIYER test positive NEWDELHI,JANUARY10 BUDGET ’21 WITH THE uptickinthe econ- for bird flu in omybetterthan what most Protesters disrupt BJP event in Khattarhits back:only economists estimated posteas- Maharashtra ing of lockdown restrictions, the Union Finance Ministryisofthe Karnal,force CM to cancel visit amendments, Govt viewthat higher spending at this PARTHASARATHI stageofrecovery—ratherthan COUNTDOWN BISWAS that severalpersons suffered in- earlier —will give abiggerpush PUNE,JANUARY10 SUKHBIRSIWACH juries duringthe confrontation. won’t repeal farm laws to growth. IN&OUTOFCOVIDSHADOW KAIMLAVILLAGE(KARNAL), On Monday, the Supreme EXPERT According to sources, the MAHARASHTRA BECAME the JANUARY10 Courtisscheduledtohear a EXPLAINS Prime Minister’s Economic latestinthe line of states to re- clutchofpetitions related to the VARINDERBHATIA AdvisoryCouncil, Niti Aayogand Siraj Hussain ED portcases of Avian Influenza af- AROUND 1,000farm protesters laws,with talksbetween the CHANDIGARH,JANUARY10 the Chief Economic Advisor’s of- Spend tersamples of deadpoultry birds stormedthe venue of ahigh-pro- Centreand farmer unions failing FromTheIndianExpresspanel Haryana CM fice, have pushedfor an expan- morewhen tested positive forthe H5N1 file “kisan panchayat” organised to make anyheadway despite ofspecialists,exclusiveinsight FORCED TO scrap his visit to ManoharLal sionarybudget to reinforce the PLAIN E ● growthlow virus lateSunday. This is the first by the ruling BJP in Haryana protesters camping on Delhi's Karnal Sunday afterfarm pro- Khattar nascent recovery.All have advo- EX time that the statehas witnessed Sunday,forcingChief Minister outskirts foroveramonth. testers took over the venue, cated the Keynes mantrato acase of birdflu since 2006, Manohar Lal Khattar to cancelhis The panchayatinKaimla, or- FARM Haryana Chief Minister Finance MinisterNirmala AFISCAL stimulusin whenitwas firstreportedata visit to thesiteonthe outskirts of ganisedbylocal BJP MLA Manohar Lal Khattar accused Addressing apress confer- Sitharamanduringpre-Budget 2021-22 will be mostef- poultryinNandurbar district. Kaimla village in Karnal district. Harvinder Kalyan, waspartof PROTESTS, Opposition parties and stateBKU enceinChandigarhafter his visit consultations. fective to spur growth, Animal Husbandry The incident also sawclashes the party's plan to hold such BIGPICTURE leader Gurnam Singh Chadhuni to thevenue of aBJP “kisan pan- British economistJohn particularly withmany Commissioner Sachindrapratap between supporters of the BJP meetings to mobilise supportfor of inciting people to disrupt law chayat” in Karnal's Kaimla village MaynardKeynes had argued parts of the economy Singh confirmedthe develop- event and opponentsofthe the laws.However, the protest- EXPLAINED andorder,and insistedthatthe wascancelled, Khattar said: “The that free markets cannotbere- showing clear signsofa ment. Centre's newagriculturelaws, ers had warnedthat theywould PAGE 9 Centrewill notrepeal itsnew Governmentisnot going to liedupon to fuel GDP growth nascentrecovery.Having Earlier this week,the com- with leaders on both sides saying CONTINUEDONPAGE2 agriculturelaws. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 when thereisarecession,ofthe preserved itsspending missioneratehad sent out sam- kind India and the world, has power, the government plesofdead poultry birds from witnessedin2020following the planstospend morein Parbhani district fortesting to Govt slashes THE EDITORIAL PAGE Covid-19pandemic. In 2020, sectorssuchashealthcare, the Bhopal-basedNational Explosion in equipment likely began consumer confidence hit anew housing and construction- Institute of High SecurityAnimal security cover BUDGET:INDIA’S low, and theyavoideddiscre- heavy infrastructure, Diseases. Over 800birds had hospital fire in which 10 kids died tionaryspending; this ledtoa whichpositively impact diedinabackyardpoultryin NEWDEALMOMENT demand collapse, forcing firms manyindustries. Parbhani. of Fadnavis, BY SAJJID ZCHINOY CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Besides,therehavebeen re- PAGE 6 ports of deaths of crows, parrots TABASSUM BUSINESSASUSUAL several other and pond herons from various BARNAGARWALA parts of the state. Laturdistrict MUMBAI,JANUARY10 BY UNNY BJP leaders has also reportedthe deaths of over 200poultrybirds earlier THE FIRE that killed10babiesin Racism stops play in Sydney as this week. ahospital in Bhandara, EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE Singh told TheIndian Express Maharashtra, early on Saturday MUMBAI,JANUARY10 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 waslikelycausedbyanexplo- India draw hard line on abuse sion in one of the severalradiant TWOFORMER chief ministers, a warmers in the SickNew-born former Governor,two serving WORLD CareUnit (SNCU), believe theof- Union ministers and the MIHIRVASAVDA ficialswho carriedout aprelim- Chief MinisterUddhav MaharashtraBJP president were &SRIRAMVEERA inaryinspection at thehospital Thackeray visitsthe among those whose security NEWDELHI,MUMBAI,JAN10 on Sunday. BhandaraGeneral Hospital coverwas either withdrawnor The radiant warmer burst on Sunday. PTI downgradedbythe Uddhav RACISM STOPPED playatthe intoflames afterthe explosion — Thackeray government on SydneyCricketGround Sunday. the firstoftwo loud noises heard Sunday, inviting sharp criticism In line with the recentglobal by hospital staffthat night —and the SNCU of Bhandara District “Inquiryisstill going on. We from the Opposition, whichac- trend, wheresportspersons are the seven-day-old babyinside General hospital at 1.30 am on will submit the reportinafew cuseditofrevengepolitics. starting to draw the line between DEMOCRATS SEEK “was foundburnt likecoal”, offi- Saturday. days.Atthispoint we cannot While the security coverof banterand racistabuse from the cials said. Whileitissuspectedthat the comment on howorwherethe Thackeray’s predecessor and stands, the Indian cricketteam ANSWERSFROM The babyhad been aban- fire startedafter the explosion in fire started. But we willgointo current Leader of Opposition in put their foot down andensured Policeremove agroup of spectators afterMohammedSiraj JUSTICEDEPT ON donedonaroadside,and the radiant warmer,members of eachand everydetail,” Dr the Assembly, Devendra that the Test against Australiain complained to umpires,inSydneyonSunday. Reuters TRUMP’S ROLE brought to thehospital by police. the inquirycommittee said Sadhana Tayade, director of the Fadnavis, wasdowngraded, the Sydney washalted for10min- PAGE 11 This and nine other babies were theywereyet to reachafinal DirectorateofHeathServices ‘Y+’ coverenjoyedbyformer utes Sunday till agroup of unruly killedinthe fire that brokeout in conclusion. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 chief minister Narayan Rane was spectators were evicted. Saturdayevening that if some- of Australia’s second innings, Siraj completely withdrawnfollow- The break in playfollowedan thing likethis happens again, we walked up to stand-in captain ing athreat perception review incidentonSaturdaywhen will immediatelyidentifythem,” AjinkyaRahane, and umpires exercise carriedout by thestate Indianpacers Jasprit Bumrah an Indian team management of- PaulReiffeland Paul Wilson. Covid curve doesn’t bend in Kerala Home department. and MohammedSiraj said racist ficial told TheIndian Express. The 26-year-old debutant As per the government order, commentsweredirected at On Sunday, Day4ofthe Test, from Hyderabad said that asec- Fadnavis, who wasearlier enjoy- them as theyfieldedonthe as Bumrahwas about to start tion of the crowdraciallyabused but why stateisn’t overly worried yet ing ‘Z+’ security,will nowbeget- boundaryline. “Wehad decided running in during the 86thover CONTINUEDONPAGE2 ting only‘Y+’ security with an es- number of deaths. In fact, Kerala cort. Sources said that abullet AMITABHSINHA P8 has one of the lowest death proof vehiclethatwasapartofhis &LIZMATHEW countsamong the majorstates. convoy will nowbewithdrawn. Looking for lithium toehold, India PUNE,NEWDELHI,JAN10 With morethan 8lakhcon- The government also down- firmedinfections so far, Kerala gradedthe security coverex- IN THE lastfour months, Kerala has the fifthhighestcaseload in tendedtohis wife, Amruta, and findsasmalldeposit in Karnataka has recordedmorethan 7lakh the country. But thereare 11 daughter,Divija, from ‘Y+’ cate- coronavirus infections,morethan states that have recordedmore gory to ‘X’ categorywhile strik- Preliminarysurveys by the lithium in potential geological anyother stateinIndia. Forthe deaths than Kerala, including ing offthe one previouslyen- ANILSASI Atomic Minerals Directoratefor domains of the country. Thefind last45days,ithas consistently states likeChhattisgarh,Gujarat, joyedbyhis aunt, Shobhatai NEWDELHI,JANUARY10 Exploration and Research in Mandyaisextremelysmall in been the topcontributor of new THEEXPRESS Madhya Pradesh, andPunjab, ‘Our cultureis Fadnavis -- aformer minister (AMD), an arm of the quantitative terms, but it marks cases. The state nowhasthehigh- INTERVIEW that have threetofivetimes different.They(BJP) and asitting MLC. ALONGSIDE Amovetotap into Department of Atomic Energy,is some initial success in the at- estnumber
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