•T’ >: > ;r }. : ■■ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 19M PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Mantlfpetfr lEtt^nthg Ji^rald Local Stores Open for Christmas Skjppper^ Covenant Lea(uo, Baturd^ at 9 Francis Hospital, a .daughter „to Washington Lodge, No. 117, ^ntil 9 o ’c lo c k i p.m. dollar bills will be pinned on Mr. and Mrs. John DeDonato. 41 LOL, wili hold its monthly meet^ About Town the ■ CJhriatmaa- tree for children Pioneer Circle, and on. Dec. 11 at ing tomorrow night at 7:30 in Orange Hall. Several candidates ■ at the Cromwell Home: and on | the Mt. Sinai Hospital, a daughter Average Dail.viNet Press Run U lu-Jotri Mooney, 41 Florence Sunday at the Covenant Congrega-! to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Karris, will receive the first degree' and Thb Wemthcr HI., MiM ShdU O'Brien. 5« Afd- tional Church canned Jyuita will be 54 Birch St. ^ officers for the ykar 1957 will he ' For the Week Ended Fnreoaat or C. B. Waathar flhrMUi more B4.. and ^le* Eltiabeth' A. received for the home. ^ installed. Refreshments will be, Dec. 8, J95fi Willde, 94 Oxford St, *tuden.t served. r - ■------ cv)d Fellows and Rebekah mem- Mixed-rain, aleet, snow tonigllt, nunes at the S t Francia Hos- probably changing to rnin Satur­ Ajtltal School of Nurelnff. Hartford, Recent births to Manchester res- bera are reminded of the* annual 12,412 combined Christmas party tomor­ Eleven of the women employes i day. Low toqlght 25-80. High Sat­ pave itartad a 12-week projram in identa at Hartford hospj.tala in­ Member of the Audit clude the following: on Dec. 10 at row at F p'.m. in Odd Fellows hall. of The Herald held - a Christmas ' \ • urday about 85. Har.ardMib drlvtilff ^peychlatric nursing at the Insti­ Bureau of .Circulation. in area. tute of Living in Hartford.- '■ the Hartford Hospital, a son to Parents who bring gifts for their dinner party last evening at : MCj. and Mra Melvin G. Cox, 3S children should mark them with ■ant Manchester— City of Village Charm 4 At the Christmas party of the^DeVon Dr., on Dec. 11 at the St. the name of the child. exchange of glflHr A GIFT J'ROM t (Classified Advertising an Page>^2) i i VOL. LXXVI, NO. 64 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14' 19.56 PRICE FIVE CENTS H A L E ’S ■ W 5 HALE’S Self Serve and Meat Dept. Is Sure To Please ! V* 28,000 Defyiu^l^*. f • BSil ■ > U| I g' IffL M STR UCH W U R OPEN TONITE and y - food OOlUHS H ungary R eds 0/i issu es WJTH THES^ FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. f i ' // \\ By JOHN' S!. HIGHTOWER Budapest, Dec. 14 </P)—An Wa.<!hingtoit>..Dec. 14 (/P)— estimated 28,000 xvorker.s in . Next week’.s talks Itetween Hungary’s bigge.st industrial President ?]isenlu)\v.pr and Husband Held for Bake the recipe that comp’ex— the huge Csepel Prime Minister NeliruOf In­ :V SANTA’S HERE '^ylon N e ^ ’ 4 Ii'on and Steel Works snuth:” dia are likely to prodiiefy^ a has just won ... of Budapest—defied Russian clash of ideas on half a do'/.eh tanks and troops today to ma,jor issues, hut a hotter Atom Guns, ■ Petticoat I stage a new .sitdown strike. mutual understanding may Two ChildreiLIIurt, About 80 per cent of the C.vep l' emerge. e c f Tn pink and whito. Si/o.'s to 8. ^ Works' force of more thiin 36.000 Both Indiah and Ameriian offi 2 Joined thou.sand.s of wot kaetf' in « ' dais believe closer and more friend­ NoA-Heads *25.ooaoo dozen other Budapest famories in ly relations between the two na- 6 demanding that puppet Premier tlons may be the rezult. Bungalow Shatter^ $1.98 and $2'98 | Janos Kadar'a regime release the ' Diplomats familiar with prepa­ For NATO in PU lslnuy's Best Workers' two lop labor- leader.-*. rations for Die 4-dav talks starting The workers reported to their Sunday discount any pos.sibility BABY SIKH*—FIR.ST H.OOR ^ plants but refu.-ied to luodiioe. I Pari.k, Dec. 14 (/P)—The Norwalk, Dec. 14 f/P)— An e.xplosion which shattered a Ml nJUID MATIONJU. leripe aid BaUn CMtest that'tile exchange will produce room bungalow killed a 35-year-old woman early today and AOAPTID rr AM4 m siutv lONELESS At Budapest's biggest electrical : ml.sundcratanding or ill feeling. ; I'nited State.s today promised products plant, the Bejolannis - Thg.v say both men are far loo ex­ ■ t(> supply modern weapons,. police accuser her injured husband,of murder. The couple’s Electric Factory, 6,000 workcr.s perienced in international relations cajtable of firing atomic two children were injured slightly. refti.sed to man their niachine.s in to press differ«-».ces on any ques­ Capt. Joseph Beres, head of the Norwalk Detective Bureau, defiance of troop.s and police who 1 tion to the point o. making them ! charges, to its .V.ATO Allies f toTl ETRIES "I I had .seized their plant. j i lull made it clear that ^the said George Nadin, about 37, was served with a murder war­ POT ROAST ROLL worse instead of belter. rant at Norwalk Hospital. CALIFORNIA CASSEROLE _ _ « C A R V E L BUBBLE B A T H ....................................................... 5 9 c j 7 Sandor Raez, chairman of the Eisenhower, who returned to I U.S. will reta il pos.sc.ssion of outlawed'-Budapeat Central Work- i I A note written by Nadin and found in the shattered wreck- Submitted by Mrs. Hildreth H. Hathaway, . la u ra M ae Washington late yesteiday from the atomic warheads. * WRISLEY HOBNAIL BUBBLE BATH ............................... $ 1 .5 0 5 { 5 era' Council, and Sandor Bari, i I age of his home provides “ sufficient evidence’’ to support the Sant* Barbara, California cotineil- vice chairman, were ar- , Augusta. Ga.. found waiting for A,U.S. source said tl)e new wea- I WRISLEY WILD ANIMAL SO A P ............................................ 6 9 e « 1 rested yesterday after they had him State Department policy pa-' ' pons to be made available have ; charges, Beres .said. He declined to disclose the contents of t Lbs. Veal or Beef Round Stenk "d u al capacity. ’ meaning that they c « LITTLE LADY POWDER M ITS ................... $ 1 .2 5 * ordered a 2-day general .sti ike pera on every question which offi­ ■ the note. 1/8 Cup Plllabury's Rest Enrirhed Flour It) cials think may arise. I ran fire eitlter conventional or nu­ 1 Tenapoon Paprika which paralyzed most of the conn- ! Tl)ere wps no official explana­ ! Y A R D L E Y H A N D L O T IO N ........................................................7 5 c * ? In addition. Eisenhower will get clear explosives. tion of the eaii.se of t/ie blast. The ■i Cup Salad Oil nr Shortening life try's industry and rommerce Tucs- i He said that because of the IT.S. NAACP Draws i '4 Cups Small Cooked Onions (1-Lb. Can) , « BLUE FERN S P R A Y C O L O G N E ................................. $ 1 .0 0 X day and Wednesday. Raez and a personal report from Republican ^"bungalow was heated by a gas Sen. John Sherman Cooper of Ken­ law prohibiting transfer of military furnace. Nadin is an emplo.ye of S Cans Cream of Chicken Soup Prepare The Family Favorite At Thl« l,on Price wusho* Ilk. a hunkyi ^ / X BATH P O W D E R S ..................................................$ 1 .0 0 t o $ 2 .5 0 * 7 Bari were employed at Bejolannis. atomic elements to foreign coun- J Can Wnter •The Csepel protestors were dc- tucky, foimcr ambassador to In­ the Connecticut Light & Power I tries, only the conventional explo­ Co., which provides gas service $25,00b Fine 1 Cup‘ Sour Cream 5 BLUE G R A S S F L O W E R M I S T ...............................................$ 2 .0 0 « D f>dBg Russian officers and troops i dia who has just returned from sives would be furni.shcd to Allies I GILLETTE MEN’S SET .......................................................... $ 1 .7 9 X ; as well as Hungarian Communist ; talks with Nehru at .New Delhi. of the North Atlantic Treaty Organ- here. Coat meat vrith mixture of flour and paprika. Pound Informed aourcea in Buda­ The hospital said Nadin. found mixture Into meat. Cut In 2-Inch cubes. Brown In nil militia and police. pest report that Gen. Iva'n The major issues likely to pro­ - Ization (NATOI. ^ S BOXED TOILET S O A P ....................................$ 1 .0 0 a n d $ 1 .5 0 * C? duce differences between Ei.sen- pinned in wreckage outside the For Contempt In aklllrt. Tmnafer to lSx9x2-lnch pan nr large rna- A Kadar government ctmimi.s- Serov, boss of Russia's secret Wilson Ke|H>rts LEG ’ LAMB » ' 5 J Sion headed by two Soviet .Airnv poliee, has taken over control hower and Nehru are the.se: bungalow, apparently was' not aerole. Add onions. 0 I The U.S. promise came In a l.A- hurt, but is under treatment for Atlanta. Dec. 14 (A’l — The Na­ Combine 1 can cream of chicken soup and the water colonels marched into the huge of the government of Hun­ 1. Red China .Nehru believes minute report by Defense Secretary work.s ye.slerilay, declared the (Tiine.se communism must be ac­ .shock. tional Association for the Ad­ In aMIlet used for brosming. Bring to boll and pour garian Premier Kadar in a Charles E.
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