lBY 80,1964 Avenge Defly Net P n « Run Vw tha Weak Baded daanaiy S9^1M4 Vanaaai'al.R' 13,881 Manbar of tha Audit Bonae of Clroolatioa City o f VUit^m Charm ITE> liXXXm, NO. 103 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1964 (Olaaalfled AdrertWag aa Vago U ) PRICE SRVHN GEL Events In State Johnson’s Farm Plan Kenev GoJf Club Admits 1st Negro For Broader Payments HARTFORD f A P)— The first Ne.vro hns been ad- m 'tted to tb« aH white Keney Park Men’s Golf Asks Revival Club Councilman Thomas H. Cor- Of Portion of rivan made the announcement toda" after a month’s ne«^tla- tlons ^vith the club on behalf BrannanPlan of Gerard M. Peterson of 188 Cle'^eland Ave. The decision reverses two WASHINGTON (AP) — previous relections of mem­ ! ^resident Johnson tdd Con­ bership for Peterson and came the day before the city was set gress today the govern­ > n * i s to Imnose sanctions avatnst the ment should extend a big­ shops club which plays on the city- ger helinng hand to the na­ owned course at Keney Park. tion’s farmers. He called Corrigan quoted the club’s president, George Potts, saying for broader federal pay­ that "It was indeed unfortunate ments and urged efforts that inferences of dfscrlmina for reducing rui^ poverty. tion . .’’ had been attached to The President sent his views the club’s actions. to Capitol m i in a special farm Potts maintained that the message. Keney group has had good rela­ In taking a firm stand in sup­ tions with the Midway Golf port of federal Intervention In Club, an all-Negro group which agriculture, he may well have also plays the Keney course. Pe­ laid down the line for his party’s terson is president of Midway. election-year battle on the farm State Police Sgt. Orlando Ragazzi, Sgt. Leo Turcotte and Policewoman Kath­ Potts said a large number of Issue. He asked for revival at erine Haggerty escort Mrs. Nora Rogers of Enfield, formerly of Rockville, to the Keney club’s membership part of the controversial Bran- had voted to accept Peterson in nan Plan. ; lunch today at headquarters in Hartford. (Herald photo by Saternis.) two previous ballots. Many Republicans and soms The refusal of admission, farm groups want the govern­ Potts said, had been based on ment to make s gradual with­ the club’s belief that: drawal from fovemment price, Dead Fliers Peterson’s activity aa president production and marketing con­ of the Midway Club would pre­ trol programs for agriculture. Mother Accused clude active participation in the Johnson’s proposals for com­ Returnedto Keney group’s affairs. modity programs cemtained no His reason for seeking mem­ surprises for farm leaders. bership was only to get a state They were in line with theme ad­ West Berlin In Babies ^Deaths handicap and not for active par­ vanced last' year by the late ticipation. President John F. Kennedy and BERLIN (AP)—The bodies of Secretary o fAgriculture Or- t&ree U.S. Air Force officers %ile L. BVeeman. lularly— ahot down 'over Communist East State’s Atty. Joel H. Reed II is expected to move to­ Pays $30 Million CSianges in the commodity Germany were brought to West day in Tolland County Superior Ck>urt for a bench war­ BLOOMFIELD (AP) — Tfre programs for cotton, wheat, ) budget Berlin today. rant against a 29-year-old mother of three in the death Emhart Manufacturing Co. has milk and potatoes. The revi­ ^ A brief ceremony was held at paid 880,104,450 for 802,- sions are aimed at Improving fo shop. West Berlin’s Tempelhof Airport of her two infant daughters while she lived in Rock­ 060 shares of American Hard' the Income of the producers of before the bodies were loaded ville. ware Oo. stock. these products and at strength­ N prices aboard an Air Force transport state Police Major Samuel with the death of one daughter, Tlie purduuM price, previous­ ening the family farm. to be flown to Wiesbaden, West Rome said today he will ask the Barbara Ann, seven months. ly undiscloaed, was announced A five-year extension of the . .shop Germany. court to lodge a charge of MaJ. Rome said Mrs. Rogers last night by Stephen J. Ritfft, Food for Peace program and an The filers were stationed at manslaughter against Mrs. admitted last night that she Eknhart treasurer. expansion of the domestic food Wiesbaden and their widows Nora B. Rogers of 1 Jandot Dr., threw the baby into a crib on Emhart announced TVieaday stamp iwogram .More than $12 and children live there. Enfield. The Rogers lived on Jan. 2S, 1960. Mrs. Rogers took that it had oootracted to buy bllUon in farm surpluses has Ambassador George McGhee, Union St in RodcvUle until a moved to needy countries under the baby to Rockville City Has- the stock. French President Charles de Gaulle Rauses, putting his hand to his head, in ranking U.S. official in Ger­ short time ago. |fita) Bftorit beeame ill but tfra SeHers ineladed<'GI«ar*-«-; the Food for Peace plui. Tha many, said; “This is indeed a Investigation is continuing in child was dead on. anivnl, p ^ Ckxp., of New ToriUJIty; Nath­ news conference in Paris today. (AP Photofax.) .. ___ ■tamp plan enables needy per-, aad day for our nation. The the death of an U-month-old lice said. an and Heramb OhitNteh; the ■ona to buy increased quantities shooting, down of these brave of food a t regular grocery son, James, who died in Enfield The other daughter, Theresa^ Oluhacbfiau)idaMtot,aa4 Plmne man was a shocking aad hor­ last December. .......... and Atvfood Maoufactuxi^ Oo. ■twas. rible affair, entirely unneces> fsur..montha, died..on -A^ril 27, ' Greater use of human and Mrs. ^ g a r s WM arreaiiM 1057. Police said she suffocated Neutrat-Asia material nwources la rural saiT. Our hearts go out to their yesterday on a warrant issuM litrirW Cypriots Refuse loved ones.” to death. America under programs aimed There was an honor guard of by Tolland Coimty Coroner Ber­ equipment ti/r tlie H iM odh- l?6licy Aim of at combatting poverty, largely iO officers. McGhee and MaJ. nard J. Ackerman charging her (See Page Elifrt) tainer kiduijtfy. through greater emphqsis on the Gen. James H. Polk, the U.S. The transatiUCn uahto Eto^ agriculture department’s rural commandant in Berlin, stood in hart the lacgbst sina^e stock­ French Qiief NATO Peace Unit areas development program. He t) front of them. A second honor holder in American Hardware. ■aid he would be more specific g ^ rd was composed of IS Air American owns diversiAed in- in a later message on poverty, PARIS (AP) — President Police. U.S. Hopes Viet Boss duetries sudi as Savage Anns, “ LONDON (AP)—Greek and Turkish Cypriots today but a8 a starter recommended Four enlisted men carried the a weapons manufacturer, and Charles de GauUe today advo­ enlarged watershed and flood . .lb. 12c flag-draped coffins to the C180 Htil Corp., refrigerating and cated the neutralization of rejected plans for an international peace force—^includ­ prevention programs under fed­ tnwport. There was no band. eupermarket equipment mak­ Southeast Asia and srtid rela­ ing U.S. troops—to police the tom island. eral aid. .lb. 59c To Press War Effort ers. tions with Red China are The development came after a'^ How much would his farm pro­ (See Page Eight) necessary to achieve it. diplomatic meeting had raised plan unless the force is answer- gram cost? Robb'er$ in Court Speaking to a crowded news hopes that a break in the Cyprus able to the United Nations. Johnson gave the figures 10 I SAIGON, South Viet Nam<^ment asked that their names be conference, De Gaulle defended deadlock was In sight. The allies are not likely to ap­ days ago in his budget message. bis decision earlier this week to (AP)—Ranking U.S. officials eX' withheld BRIDGEPORT (AP) — Two The C3rpijis Turks told Dun­ prove this because it would in­ He asked $5.8 billion for over­ vfth 7-rib Atom Freeze Bid pressed hope today the South Those with optimism noted young men who gave thenr- establlrii diplomatic relations can- Sandys, British Common­ volve the Soviet Union. all farm program spending in Viet Nam coup will lead to a the g^oVemment upheaval took selvee up in connection with a 'Mth the Chinese Communist wealth secretary, that the Joint > Diplomatic sources said the the year starmig next July l— and very Explained by U.S. atronger war effort against the place without bloodshed. This 854,700 robbery on Long Island reghne. force propositi was unaccept­ archbishop’s objections might $1.1 billion below this year’s Communists. was in contrast to the severe are scheduled to eppear in Cir-i- He declined to comment on able. be-overcome if U.N. Secretary- total. s lb. 39c. Some believed the new mUi- fighting Nov. 1-2 that overthrew cult OoUft tod&yi !' Htheia two-dhinAStwo-Chlnas ismiRissue — tli&that Is General U Thant endorsed'the Of the new total, about $1.7 GENEVA (AP) — The Uittted recogniring both the CSiinese Diplomatic sources said the States called on the Soviet Un­ tary ' strong man, MaJ. Gen. the late President Ngo Dinh Michael Orflno, 28, of Bridge­ NATO force. Whether Thant billion would be spent for farm Nguyen Khanh, a tough field mem . port, and Michael Chemero, 18, proposal also was rejected by would run the risk of Soviet aid programs — compared with ion today to Join in freezing all (See Page Eight) the Greek Cypriots who favor.^ development of military rockets commander, would bring badly But other U.S.
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