![1886-11-12, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
At* 5 A "7«$ ' they send boats to save our wounded, as ANNALS. dayB had tho lcey to the valley of the Mi*. A NEW VIEW OF CONSUMPTION. Importanr. our boats were disabled. The dmgey, our Hissippi again in his breeches-pecket. for Why Will You Die? smallest boat, had escaped damage. I dis­ When you visit or leave New York City, save BCOVIIXJE'S SAHSAPAllILLA, Oil BLOOD whicu lie had to thank his gallant navy and And One Which .4|i|>eut« to Common Senae baggage, expresnage, and »3 carriage liiro, and > of Both Armies Fighting patched Master's Mate Fullam with the re­ the stupidity, tardiness, ignorance, and AND LTVER SYltUP fur the euro of Scrofu­ quest. No boats appearing, I hod one of —Many Curable Canes. atop at the lirantl Union Hotel, opposite Mr Battles Over neglect of the authorities in llichmond." [Mcdical Stilus.) lous Taint, IUiennmtiHni, White Swelling, Gout; our quarter boats lowered, which was Grand Central Depot Goitre, CouHUmption, Bronchitis, Nervous De­ Again. ".*: slightly injured, and I ordered the wouud- One of the Pluckiest Acts of the "Many'persons die of Consumption who 618 rooms, fitted up at a cost of one million ed placed in her. Dr. Gait, the surgeon could euily be cured," says Dr. fi. C- Clark, bility, Malaria, and all diHcaucfl arming from War. of Watortown, N. Y., "if they would go at it dollars, f 1 and unwin ds per day. European an impure condition of tlie blood. Certilicatea who was in charge of the magazine and right I have a new view of the disease. lan. Elevator. Restaurant supplied with the Mir the Bfttie-field, the Weary shell-room division, came on deck at this "One incident m Benjamin's military Consumption is not always of lung origin." eset. Horse cars, stages, and elevated rail­ can bo prcneuted from many leading pliyni- and the Cheerful moment, and was at once put in charge of service during the war ought, not to go un­ "How so? What is it,"then?" road to all depots. Families can lire bettor for ciane, miiuBtorH, and lieadB of familieH through­ recorded, lees money at tho Grand Union Hotel tliau at msm Camp-fire. the boat, with orders to ' take the wouuded said an ai-tillery officer who was "•Many cases of consumption are secondary. any other first-class hotel in the city out tlie land, indorsing SCOVHJj'H BLOOD to the Kearsarge.' They shoved off just in speaking ot the late Colonel S. N. Benja­ The disease itaolf prevails everywhere, but AND LTVEll SVliUP. We are constantly in the best practitioners refuse to attribute it en­ time to save the poor fellows from going min, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. A. Not What lie Expected. receipt of certilicatcH of curcH from the most down in the ship. 0cneral tirely to inheritance or the weather. If a per­ Things in War. I Uurnside went West with son liveB in the most favorablo climate in the There was among the visitors nt the reliablo HOUI CCH, and wo recommend it an tho I now gave the order for 'every man to the Nitth Arity Co:ps, as chief of artillery, world and has any tendency to lung weakness, President's reception yesterday afternoon ['write for a hundred years of jump overbonrd with a spar and save him­ we had a terrible time at Knoxville. When best known remedy for the euro of tho above phases of wnr, and still leave if certain conditions exist in the system, that an old gentleman from New York,who said diseases. self from the sinking ship.' To enforce j Longstreet's corps tried to capture Fort climate, however favorable, will not prevent be was a constituent of Congressman ; fresh. War ia a lottery, and the order, I walked forward and urged the I banders we were put to the utmost test of development of the disease. The disorder in , are shot, shell, wounds and Spriggs. When he took the hand of the The Immutability of Friendship;' men overboard. As soon as the decks ! our resources to drive them off. During such cases is only a secondary symptom in the President he said it had often been spoken Two dogs, named Barbos and I1oik fill, is of • thousands of men served were cleared, save of the bodies of the I that fight BenjRmin did one of the plucki­ lungs of some other, ailment, and can never in the late war and returned be cured untilapproached through itssource." in his neighborhood that he resembled the satiated with eating, lay under tlio kitchen dead, I returned to the stern-port, where est and most gallant things on record. In President very much. window, busking in the snnsbine. BEST TONIC, i a thousand cases recruits were stood Captain Semmes, with one or two of Fort Sanders there was a lot of shells for "Ye*, doctor: but what is the method of ap­ This medicine, combining Iron wiUi pom 1twenty-four hours after reach- proach?" "This is the first time I ever saw you," "What,"said Polkan, "can 1 e plensanter vegetable tonics, • quickly nmi completely the men and his faithful steward, who, the use of mortars. How they came to be "If you dip your finger in acid you burn it; continued the visitor, '"and I have come all than to live licnrt to lieurt with n friend, in Cure* Dyipepaia. Inilicmtlou, Weak- int. War's missiles are no re- poor fellow, was doomed to a watery grave, there f do not know, but there they were. do you not?" J»f persons, and the soldier who the way from Utica to see if there is any everything to offer mutual Bervice; not to new, Impure Blood, Mahria, Chills as he could not swim. The Alabama's Foreseeing the assault, Benjamin had piled "Yes." resemblance." sleep or eat without one's friend, and to de­ and Fevera, and Neuralgia. fall day's battle without receiving stern-port was now almost to the water's them at the point against which the attack "If you wash the burnt finger'evory second ltiaan nnfuiling remedy for L'iscHsesof the |may be killed in his tent at night with the acid, what is the result? " "Do you think there is?" asked the Pres­ fend his body with all one'H force;- finally, Kidney and Liver. edge. Partly undressing, we plunged into would probably bo directed. He had been ident. for friends to look into ono another's eyes, It i# invulunble for Diseases peculiar to jscidental discharge of a musket. ill—in fact, had not recovered from a se­ "Why, constant inflammation, festering, and b t,le of Fra the sea and made an ofling from the sink­ After lookiug him over for about two and each to tliink that only a forlunato Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. i?', ^^^• ? . iUin, says the Army ing ship, Captain Semmes wiih a life pre­ vere bullet wound in his neck, which barely eventual destruction of the finger." ItaoeHnot injure the teeth,canst- hcHdachc.or i&i the first shell sent from the first "Precisely! Now then for my method,which minuteB, with much deliberation, the old hour in which ho could please or amuse produce constipution—other Iron waHcine* *tv. * server and 1on a grating. missed the jugular, received in July, 1S63. commends itself to the reasou and iudgmeut fellow remarked in a loud tone: "I do not his friend, and to place all his own happi­ It cnrlohet and purftfte* tlie blood. leld-piece to open lire killed twen- When the attack on Fort Sanders began "The Alabama settled stern foremost, of every skillful practitioner. You know cer­ think we look very much alike; in fact, you ness in his friend'H fortune. Suppose, for sUnrnintCH the appetite, aids the assimilation onfederates. The next five shells launching her bows high in the air. Grace­ Benjamin, with two men from his old bat­ tain acids are developed in the bouy. Well, of food, relieve* Heartburn und Hck'hing.Kud i same gun either failed to explode are not quite as handsome a man as I ex­ instance, yon and I were to contract mich a BtrengthenM the muscluB and nerves. ful even in her denth-struggle, she in a tery, took his position by a pile of these if the system iB all right, these acids are neu­ pected to see." friendship. I venture to say we should _id tho» advancing lines. In this moment disappeared from the face of the shellB. As Longstreet's veterans charged tralized or utilized and carried out If the For Intermittent Fever*, Lasiltsde, £&> the horse of a Confederate system is run down by excesses, anxiety, con­ This was followed by considerable laugh­ not bo able to tell how quickiy time was Lack of Knergy, etc., it has no equal. waters. The sea now presented a inaBS of right up the foot of the parapet, Benjamin, ter from thtf crowd, in which the President flying." ^gJI'Was cut square in two by a shot, who was smoking a cigar, had one shell af­ tinual exposure, or overwork, these acids ac­ The genuine has above trade mark and living heads, striving for their lives. Many cumulate in the blood. If there is any natural joined heartily, and was heard away out "That is true. So be it," repliew Barbos. innjft' rider escaped unhurt. Ten min- poor fellows sank for the want of timely ter another placed so it would roll down the crossed red Lines on wrapper.
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