. B.S5 a.m.-Go,pel Singer. 9.15 a.m.-Man from Yesterda·y. THE DAILY· .\ NEWS 9.45 a.m.-The Dark God. , . , AVAILABLE AT . 10.30 a.m.-The Woman in FORECAST: N.E. gales with Cog and drizzle. Hli/h' today 4(). His Life. •I' ,'.. .' Vol. 62; No.3 ST. JOHN!S, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1955 (Price 5 Cents) Charles Hutton & Sons Canada Launches.· Last Ditch ,Appeal For Ease Of International Trade "j " Up·portlMo.ntrealers Hail Hush On USAF Mail , • '0'.' ' 11 • • • W,th /0J.Cl,allce owerln To Register Beefs DRAPEA U'S' CIVIC COMPLAINT BUREAU. IS FLOODED • MONTREAL- CP-Advice to tHe lovelorn • • • missing eats ••• n~s!y dogs '.' • and erring Englishmen. Mayor Jean Drapf·au i~ wanted for all these prob. mport arrlers. -, lems anrl many others. Hundreds of Montrealers havc j~mpcd' with vigor at' his idea for a civic tom· plaiuts bureau. 1--'----.------ The bureau lIa'sn't even opened F Cl'tl J , yet. but complaints are pouring in. lour ll... ( ren Top Legislators Andre Tcusignant, 3S·year.old ehieC Teener· oC the bureau, reported Tuesday. Dt I' BI' llost \vt're .serious and uselul, butl Ie n aze Go To Washingt'on . many other were ofC·beal. "You can say we ha\'c everythin~1 E . I Crom soup to nuts, where com" . M ADO,"" LAKE, Sa.sk. (.CP) - Kills I plaint. arc concerned." said Ihe' F our children. rangln~ In age OTTAWA-cr-CANADA lIAS DECIDED ovial Tousignant, undnunted by ICrom four 10 11 years, were burn· 1'0 LAl:NCH .~ LAST'DITCH APPEAL TO the ~oula<h. cd to death early Tuesday when t:.S. TO SUPPORT A REDUCTION OF 1M· ~lARRI,\GE TROUBI.I~ . i lire swept Ihrough their rambling PORT RESTRICTIONS AND THUS PRE· Sister One m.nn wrote that hIS wlfp I In,!! home in an almost isolated , W~;tt galhvantin;: with a~other mr.n I settlement ncar Grepn Lake, 40 VENT A POS.I;jIBLE COLLAPSE OF THE DURING PILLO,.., FIGHT I tJ a [lnrly hefore ChTlStn:'as ~nd Imiles norlheast of I Io'nEE WORLD'S TRADE PACT, THE GEN· ,', !lasn't come home yet. He mcht:lcu lere.. h~r ncll' address, asl;ed the m:l)'ur One boy c~cape~ by ,lumpmg t:RAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND BICYRUS, Ohio (AP)- 10 .Ice her and t~l1 her to go home. from an. upstaIrs Window. He suI· 1'llADE. /taVe Intcrnal production surplus Sheriff FdwoD:I F. Jacobs A woman complalncd blttcrly leL'cd sll~ht burns. 'l'radc Mlnlstcr HolI'c, aecem· problems. Because of heavy sur. said Tuesday .Frederlck t.'l3t her cat i, missing and Ihe! HI'S. Cccile TIoss, a lI'idow and panicd by External Affairs Min· pluses. the .U. S. has Imposed Im- Spears, 17. had confessed the p~!ire. \l'on't help. TlI'o ·men \.'Iilh I mother 01 1~ children. was not Istcr I'ear.'on and Finance Min· port rCJtr Iet Ions on grains and sllylng of his 16.year.old sis. En~ Its IL accents were deScribe II hume \"hen the fire slarted. She bt~r Harris. will By to Washing- daIry producls. Canada and somc ter, Patricia. 1.10 a cl·.OWdCII ~tre(telil', sllOlildet·. i wns hclie\'ed to have heen at a .' 11111 I • r.1tllrsda'·J to placc the appeal ath er coun t'rtes "a\'e~ ch arge d thi' at The high ~chDol'glrl's nude mg I \Clr wa~' 1,lroll;;·" ~ th e strap· I "Icddin" (Ianre in a ncinhbour's I '.. L"{ore U. S. Stale Secretary Dul. these curbs arc breaches of U, S. Ihanncrs. ,0' ~ '. (.-" Treasury Seerelary Humphrey agreements under GATl'. The U.S. body was found last Salur· A~olller woman \l'as ilistllrbe:l: home. ' lllil Agricullural Secretary Ben· has ~!tolVn no Indlcntions thnt she d~y. In a hlcket off a CDun· . by a Frcnch.1:mguag~ t~levisinn ' An o\'e"heated slove was bc· INt. wl\l rcduce Ihem. fry road If htHby Gallon. I ~!dt, in which one actor poscd ~s ;Iie\'cd to havr started Ihe Cire. A brief announcement by the cx· IIEADED FOR DEADI.OCI\ She ~Id been' missIng from n 'r'lronto contractor wi;h pl:m.' to I Doud arc: lIIurray Ross, 11: teroal affairs department gave no Thus the Geneva negolip.t\or.,: her home lIn,. rrlday. b:lU11 a subway hi :'Ilontrcal. T.lle. r.illi~n noss 9: Patsy no;s, 6: and drtails other than that'dlscusslons appear headed for a deadlock un. SherIff Jacobs saId Freder. \\'omall w~rned lIIayor Drapeau nut \\,illinm noss, 4. \liIl centre on several problems less attempts ·to get the U. S. tol Ick told hIm he -,ranged hIs to nwa~d tJe contract to "ihati In hosuilnl here 100 miles arising out oC the Geneva... confer· cI lange a t t it ud e and po II cy arc 11~':er with I tord• afl!r a pll. m:n .. -,Ic,I (IunI""t Iii ;c IJIm. north ,,( North DatllefOl'd'I arc 13 enl'c to rev isc and tig.,ten GATT. successful. I 5';'11.1, CLOSBD I • ", .,. • " '. lJowever, It is lIndcrstood that T.he Geneva negotiations have law fight In .Ihe bedroom of , Tile :;8.ye~r-clu maror ae.'ll'.:tn~cd ) ra.o.d .Tnel, no_~ and 1\1, mo- (oil the Washinglon talks ma), hinge reachcd the sccond phase,. actlJal Ihelr frame home about 9,30 1 plans Cor Ihe bureau ~':lorU)' aUer' :I.!er \"Ito was being trcnted COl' . thr r~lr. not only (If lhc GCllc\'a considcration of proposed amend .. I.m. Friday. I he was clcct~d Inst Oct. 23. S~m~' sIl"c!!. M::otiations bul possibl)' the fu· mrlJt~ to GATT. The first phase He give no reason for his ! 30) cum plain Is nlread)' hUI'c n·; On l). [h'c childrcn arc belicvcd lurr of the 3j,countr)' pact ~el up held in !>lol'ember and December ut, -herlff Jacobs ~aid. ! l'i\'cd ~ltholl~h the bllrClIIl. <.1· :'1 the hOIl"". The 13·year·old bay ,"'~n )'car~ a;:o 10 boo~t world wa .• confined to a gPlleral discus. tal'l:rol t') the mal'or', ,,(ficc, nn· "'r.:. hnh\'·~ittin: with his YOlln!;cr I!'adt hy a network of tarll! c~lts ~ion on a mean! 01 tl;:htenin~ thc L 'd fI' ~1J?" "f[ici?l1)' O!'CI! IIntil Ihe IIl1ri!' hrothr.r'· a)ll! 'i<ler< . - II And ,:rrrmcnt., anton: cOlin tries a~rrrll1rnt . - ., . --"',- r ..... ,.. J '(1) et~ CI' 0 . '·bllll"r.t· I\'llcn the' riii'"collitil will' '\,'. r. :'1" 1·' l' E"'I . IUSAF-NEAC Photo) In ~biile b\' rair tr I rill I '. ".,.. ~ ,'I'~. ,0-, \lIS lalli, . riles. a l," 1 OO'P HOI t~: e e~. Mr. IIn\\'~. 011 III~ .rcrent return I' be~~;krrl_lo \'otc 111 11115. I \'r!rr311 ot Ihe First Wnrld War i EnNES'l' HARJ\TON AFIJ" Nfld.-l'I1iss Mona Ahhott, 'of Stc'phcnville Crossing, rIl 1 . , , ..," I frolll the hr~1 phasc. toll1 ~ pl'rs~ I (' f W' I "lm~ '" ('ul1l!lln nt' ahQut ,1\11\\ I ,. .., prctly CIl111Io~'~c at the Canadian Post Offic~ at Ernest Harmon AFB, sorts some '\cmher rOllntries ~t G('ItH~ ~I'P conlcrence th.i ne~olialiol\~ \\'r.rc' Ion er I r 1 I remuvel \\'crr dn)'cd "en b1«II"'! (.Iell a ye~r 3~O. ~hc'r cld~st 50~. lll~mplin.:: 10 I'ca'cll agrpemenl 011 ~oil\g hailly, He cOlild not rule Ollt I . I' to .t'le ro~ds departmcnt. .lcb."eel;'1 \'.1:0 \"1\; ilh~u~ 2a, \\'~s lolled III of the IUlIldl'cris of IdlcI's and Christmas cards that civilian and military person· JlIII::~ini! fl ... ·fT loopholes 10 redllcc the pO~5ihi1il)' that GATT mir,ltl S G _"1, 1 cr., arc rcierrcc) In t:le c!rii ~~n·· nn arm), tmmlllg acctdent about nel of Harmon received over thc holidays. ~{iss Abbott was just one of 'hundreds ,'c,pe clallSes IUlocr which COUll' collap.le. cocnml!sion. Those whn t:lc· the time. un Uu oess Ilc~ ~anle of Postal employces in Nfld .. Grecnland. and Labrador who did a booming busi· tri~\. rould brcach their lariU EI8ENlIOWt:R PROPOSAL . TOKYO (R t )' I h' II t' r.·!lJne in complaints arc asked to ------- Hrr.emenls and to gel countries to While iu Washington. the Cana- , eu ers -: eire . a o· , \\'/:e. nrss oltl'ing thco holiday' 5caso·n. wilice the lise of Imporl restrjc' dIan ministers also will attemPt to yama .•Japan s new prlnte mlnlstcr, ~:a\llI' nl'aliCali .'11 ill Ihr letter, \VI· rJ' ° I 0 _I~. 0' .. - -.----~---.. - ~- en tion!, find out the chance., for pa,sa~c In \l'iII ~~:·I.vc A pr~.\:ar custom. loua)' 'f:.!1 ::ll:l tlll'er l'oll",III'io"- 'luir II iUJS _1" a n lie,t ro('k·anll·hllll ~tory I've h~"rd The U.S., It is understood, sup· )'cnr of Prc;idcnt It)' the (,I'alHl Slu'mc oe ;C', (·I]IllI,I .. inl" Congres~ t,'li~ l'I5:lll1~ 'ZI~~I"\i"n:,. Mt B ·d n 1i in a \,er,' loo~ time." ports a reduction of imports bul Eif.rnho\\'cl'·'_ propusal to I'rduer .\!;e, t.o "replIl'I 1.0 Ihe .'un ~oddc5," ~1;:n.I·. o[ t!H1,C \\'1.111 I':r:lr ','!{"I' fJ\, .
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