AAO’s CME Calendar 19-20 21-25 2001 Fulford Percussion Technique (Basic) AOA/AAO Convention January Renton, WA San Diego, CA 11-14 Hours: 14 Category 1A Introduction to OMT/Counterstrain November Marriott Savannah June 30-December 2 Savannah, GA 1-3 Visceral Manipulation (Abdominal/GI) Hours: 23 Category 1A Introduction to OMT/Muscle Energy St. Vincent Marten House Hotel St. Vincent Marten House Hotel Indianapolis, IN 31-February 2 Indianapolis, IN Hours: 24 Category 1A Myofascial Release: Hours: 20 Category 1A A new osteopathic model St. Vincent Marten House Hotel July Indianapolis, IN 6-8 Hours: 20 Category 1A Osteopathic Considerations A Word to the Wise in Systemic Dysfunction February UNTHSC at Fort Worth/TCOM 2-4 Fort Worth, TX Ligamentous Articular Strain Hours: 20 Category 1A St. Vincent Marten House Hotel Indianapolis, IN 28-29 Hours: 20 Category 1A Alleviation of Common, Chronic Pain March by Optimization of Normal Posture 19-21 Chicago Marriott Downtown Hotel Reservations Visceral Manipulation Workshop Chicago, IL (Emotional/Trauma) Hours: 16 Category 1A for The Broadmoor The Broadmoor August Please be sure your reserva- Colorado Springs, CO 16-19 tion reaches the hotel by the Hours: 24 Catebory 1A OMT Update at WDW® Contemporary Hotel cut-off date of February 23, 22-25 Buena Vista, FL 2001. Otherwise, accommo- AAO Convocation Hours: 23 Category 1A The Broadmoor dations will be on a space Colorado Springs, CO September available basis only and Hours: 28-31 Category 1A 13-16 higher rates may apply. The Introduction to HVLA Basic May Nugget Hotel sooner the better applies. 4-6 Reno, NV Prolotherapy/Above the Diaphragm Hours: 23 Category 1A UNECOM Biddeford, ME The Still Technique: A Manipulative Hours: 20 Category 1A Method of Andrew Taylor Still, MD For more information, contact: Nugget Hotel American Academy of Osteopathy® 18-20 Reno, NV New Advances in HVLA Hours: 23 Category 1A 3500 DePauw Boulevard, Suite 1080 Midwestern University/CCOM Indianapolis, IN 46268 Chicago, IL October Hours: 20 Category 1A 5-7 Phone: (317) 879-1881 or Prolotherapy/Below the Diaphragm Fax: (317)879-0563 UNECOM Biddeford, ME E-mail: Hours: 20 Category 1A [email protected] 2/The AAO Journal Winter 2000 ® 3500 DePauw Boulevard Suite 1080 TRADITION SHAPES THE FUTURE Indianapolis, IN 46268 (317) 879-1881 The mission of the American Academy of Osteopathy is to teach, advocate, FAX (317) 879-0563 advance, explore, and research the science and art of osteopathic medicine, emphasizing osteopathic principles, philosophy, palpatory diagnosis and 2000-2001 osteopathic manipulative treatment in total health care. BOARD OF TRUSTEES President John M. Jones, DO, III Editorial Section From the Editor............................................................................................ 5 President Elect John C. Glover, DO by Anthony G. Chila, DO, FAAO Immediate Past President Mark S. Cantieri, DO, FAAO Message from the President......................................................................... 6 by John M. Jones, III, DO Secretary-Treasurer Boyd R. Buser, DO Message from the Executive Director ......................................................... 7 Trustee Stephen D. Blood, DO, FAAO by Stephen J. Noone, CAE Trustee Dennis J. Dowling, DO, FAAO Affiliated organization’s CME Calendar..................................................... 8 Trustee Your Footprints ........................................................................................... 9 Ann L. Habenicht, DO, FAAO Dig On! ...................................................................................................... 10 Trustee Kenneth H. Johnson, DO From the Archives: History of Osteopathy and Twentieth-Century Trustee Medical Practice ........................................................................................ 12 Hollis H. King, DO, PhD, FAAO Trustee Peer-Reviewed Section Melicien A. Tettambel, DO, FAAO A practitioner survey of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) Executive Director techniques for specific body regions ......................................................... 17 Stephen J. Noone, CAE by Sang Ho Song, OMS-IV, UMDNJ-SOM Editorial Staff Low back pain: Cost and treatment ........................................................... 22 by William J. Swords, DO, MSA Editor-in-Chief ....... Anthony G. Chila, DO, FAAO Supervising Editor Stephen J. Noone,CAE Spirituality in osteopathic medicine .......................................................... 31 by R. Paul Lee, DO, CSPOMM Editorial Board .................... Barbara J. Briner, DO Raymond J. Hruby, DO, FAAO James M. Norton, PhD Case History: Shortness of breath and hypoxia following Frank H. Willard, PhD exploratory laporotomy ............................................................................. 37 Managing Editor ............................ Diana L. Finley by Hugh M. Ettlinger, DO, FAAO The AAO Journal is the official quarterly publication of the Ameri- can Academy of Osteopathy, 3500 DePauw Blvd., Suite 1080, In- dianapolis, Indiana, 46268. Phone: 317-879-1881; FAX: (317) 879- 0563; e-mail [email protected]; AAO Website: http.//www.academyofosteopathy.org Advertising Rates for the AAO Journal Advertising Rates: Size of AD: Full page $600 placed (1) time 7 1/2 x 9 1/2 Third-class postage paid at Carmel, IN. Postmaster: Send address An Official Publication $575 placed (2) times changes to American Academy of Osteopathy 3500 DePauw Blvd., $550 placed (4) times Suite 1080, Indianapolis, IN., 46268 of The American Academy of Osteopathy The AOA and AOA affiliate organizations 1/2 page $400 placed (1) time 7 1/2 x 4 3/4 $375 placed (2) times The AAO Journal is not itself responsible for statements made by and members of the Academy are entitled $350 placed (4) times any contributor. Although all advertising is expected to conform to to a 20% discount on advertising in this Journal. 1/3 page $300 placed (1) time 2 1/4 x 4 3/4 ethical medical standards, acceptance does not imply endorsement $275 placed (1) times by this journal. $250 placed (4) times Call: The American Academy of Osteopathy 1/4 page $200 placed (1) time 3 1/3 x 4 3/4 Opinions expressed in The AAO Journal are those of authors or speak- (317) 879-1881 for more information. $180 placed (2) times ers and do not necessarily reflect viewpoints of the editors or official $150 placed (4) times policy of the American Academy of Osteopathy or the institutions Professional Card: $60 3 1/2 x 2 with which the authors are affiliated, unless specified. Subscriptions: $60.00 per year (USA) Classified: $1.00 per word (not counting a, an, the) $78.00 per year (foreign) Winter 2000 The AAO Journal/3 Instructions to Authors The American Academy of Osteopathy Editorial Review 1/2" disks, MS-DOS formats using either 3- (AAO) Journal is a peer-reviewed publica- Papers submitted to The AAO Journal may 1/2" or 5-1/4" discs are equally acceptable. tion for disseminating information on the be submitted for review by the Editorial science and art of osteopathic manipulative Board. Notification of acceptance or rejection Abstract medicine. It is directed toward osteopathic usually is given within three months after re- Provide a 150-word abstract that summarizes physicians, students, interns and residents ceipt of the paper; publication follows as soon the main points of the paper and it’s and particularly toward those physicians with as possible thereafter, depending upon the conclusions. a special interest in osteopathic manipulative backlog of papers. Some papers may be re- treatment. jected because of duplication of subject mat- Illustrations ter or the need to establish priorities on the 1. Be sure that illustrations submitted are The AAO Journal welcomes contributions in use of limited space. clearly labeled. the following categories: Requirements 2. Photos should be submitted as 5" x 7" Original Contributions for manuscript submission: glossy black and white prints with high con- Clinical or applied research, or basic science trast. On the back of each, clearly indicate research related to clinical practice. Manuscript the top of the photo. Use a photocopy to in- dicate the placement of arrows and other 1. Type all text, references and tabular ma- Case Reports markers on the photos. If color is necessary, terial using upper and lower case, double- Unusual clinical presentations, newly recog- submit clearly labeled 35 mm slides with the spaced with one-inch margins. Number all nized situations or rarely reported features. tops marked on the frames. All illustrations pages consecutively. will be returned to the authors of published manuscripts. Clinical Practice 2. Submit original plus three copies. Retain Articles about practical applications for gen- one copy for your files. eral practitioners or specialists. 3. Include a caption for each figure. 3. Check that all references, tables and fig- Special Communications ures are cited in the text and in numerical Permissions Items related to the art of practice, such as order. Obtain written permission from the publisher poems, essays and stories. and author to use previously published illus- 4. Include a cover letter that gives the trations and submit these letters with the Letters to the Editor author’s full name and address, telephone manuscript. You also must obtain written Comments on articles published in The AAO number, institution from which work initi- permission from patients to use their photos Journal or new information on clinical top- ated and academic
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