Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1932-03-03 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1932). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1495. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1495 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PUBWHED BY THE STUDENTS OF XAVIER UNIVERSITY Vol. XVII CINCINNATI, OHIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1932 JUNIOR PROM APRIL 1 Wittenberg Win lw~.kly-~;a~;'/ Outstanding Social .j.,_,_,_,_,,_,,_,,_,_,,_,_,_.. :. Thursday, 1\Iarch 3 Ends X. U. Season Chapel Assembly Mass for .the stu­ =========-· ---·------- dents of the Sophomore nnd Fresh- Event Of Season Musketeer Record Shows 10 Vic· m~~n~~~~;,~~ a;/~1eAR!;;e1·end R. E. Mannlng, S. J, To Be Held On The Campus; tories With Only 3 Defeats, 2 TRACYAND JORDAN ·,.. The Dean's Announcements: CLIMAX REACHED Louis Moellering, Chairman Of Which Were Avenged Friday, 1\Iarch 4 Novena of Gmce begins the first Of Committee MAKE MOST 1 By John J, Nolan F ridny of March. IN BRIDGE Gcmcrnl Communion at the 8 o'clock The Xavier Musketeers lowered the The annual Junior Prom ls to be Mass ln Bellarmlne Chapel. held on the evenlng of Aprll 1, ac­ curtaln on the 1931-32 basketball sen­ POINTS Exposltlon of the Blessecl Sacrament son last Wednes<lny night In the Field­ TOURNEY cordiug to nn announcemcn t issued from 9:00 A. M. I.a 3:00 P. M. house wlth another vlctory. Led by Benediction at 3 :00 P. M. by Louis Moclleri11g1 chairman of the Captaln John Tracy, the Xavler quin­ Being Tied With · 93; Dan Cor­ Prom Commit.lee. It. was furLhcr tet cllma.xed a brllllant record on the Sunday, 1\Iarch G ·LAETARE SUNDAY Lubbers And Krabach Favorites; hardwood 'by placing the skids under bett Is Next stated that the scene of Xa.vlcr's out­ Xavier University Radio Hour over Wittenberg College, second place team Faculty Members Chal­ standing .social event. wi11 be on the Statton WKRC at 5:45 P. M. in the Buckeye Conference and con­ By John .J .Nolan lenge Winners campus ·in the Mory G. Lodge Read­ sidered one of the most dangerous Clef Club Concert ut Reglnn High Wl th the baskebball season a thlng School at B:OO P. M. ing Room of the Llbmry Builcllng. outnts in ihe mid-west. The score was of it interesting the past, is .to exam· i\Iondny, I\lal'ch 7 With the •bridge tournnmont well 'l'his will be the second Prom to be 26-21. The Blue hoopsters continued h1e the ·records nnd .sec how the MtL'i­ ·Mass for ·the students of lllc Fresh­ undcl' way, scvcrnl teams loom up as held on the cnmpus a.net pro·bably ~vlll their spa.rkling piny in thls encounter kctccrs fared in t.he scoring column. strong contenders for t.he chnmpim> man Classes at B:30 A. l\iI. set the k1:ysLone in another Xavier and conclusively proved that they arc The records disclose .that ·high scoring ship. The ru·st is completed '!'he Junlor Sodalit:y meets at 9 :00 round the crcan1 of the crop as far as Ohio honors for ·Lhe season go to Jolin tradltion. A. M. with sixteen ten1ns eliminated and College teams arc concerned. Captain ''Windy" Tracy and Kenny Jordan, The commit~ae is deliberating on the Central Committee ·Meets at College play in the second round is progreSS· Tracy, Bernie Wllhelm and Paul who tied with 93 points npiecc. Tracy ing rapidly, so thnL next, week should various phases of arrangements Lhat Unlo11 at B:00 P. l\iI. Hughes closed thelr net careers at scored 30 field goals and 21 free throws, arc so mecessary to a successful Prom. 'l'ucsllay, 1\fa.rch 8 see the finals and tihc answer to t.hat Xavier with the plnying of thls game. whlle Jordan .[nilled 38 field goals and raging question, "\.V:ho are the best Sophomore Mass at 8:30 A. l\'L Wittenberg aliorded ·biiLer opposl­ 17 fouls. TJ1e avernge for .the two ls brlc!go players in l.he school?" PROM QUEEN tlon throughout the fray but the 7.2 polnts per game. Corbett follt>wed Clef Club Reheal'sal at 7 :30 P. M. nrcdnesday, j\Jarch 9 Blll ·Powell and Ernie Welch took I Musketeers clicked merrily along and the lenders with 66 points, nn average Chapel Assembly for the student.< of little time in clitninath1g two ten~ll.'5 Next weclt we hope to be able to flattened out the Lutherans in thelr or 5.1 n gnme. ·Mercurio, W1lheln1, the Senior anll Junior Classes at. 8 :30 in the first 1·ounds .to enter the tlurd publlsh the name, and possibly the usuo.l manner. Xnvie1· earned a shade Sack, WicLhc, Hughes and Brannen A. M. round. This c01nbinatlon is one of the I portrait, of the Prom Queen of 1932. .. in every clepnrtmen~ of play and finished in the order named. Bobby most feared in the Lourncy nncl both John Nolan, Senior Class President, especially cfiectivc was the passing Suck, who the · Conference by The Reverend T. A. retired n.t semester, hud men arc to 1be cotmtccl on Lo furnish will be King, of course. And even attack, which bewildered the visitors Nolan, s. J .... ·i, the hlghest average wibh 12 ·paints per stllI competition ln the quarter finals. John should be able to get a date no little. Wiitenberg controlled the The Dean's Announcements. gmne f01· ·the first •two games. The fnvorltes by gcnernl consent arc on an occasion like this. ball but a short whlle during the en­ Durlng the year, ·the Musketeers ·Lubbers nnd Krn.baoh. This pair!'-·--------------' tire game and when they did they sccred 139 field goals nncl 81 fouls for to be well on the way to A "Tent deal of their efiort is be'il1g falled to take advantage of several ~ecn1s n~hievM 0 a. grand total of 359 markers, an uv­ I • • PHILOPEDIANS mg the laurels 1b11t tJ1cy hnve plenty .. scoring opportunltles. erng·o of 27.8 po in Ls per game. The of dark horses to slip past and the mrcctcd on the choice of favors wh1~h "Windy'• ~rracy set ofI the flreworli;s opposition during .the season scored ,task may prove ,lo be too much for they pl'omlse will ?e different and m early with a nea,t. overhand toss from 256 polnts or 19.9 points per contest. SPONSOR DANGE ·them. In ,t.hc dark horse class are the perfcc.t l:nrmo.ny with the eut~rc affair. his favorile spoli on Lhe side of t.he '!lho record5 fm-ther show t.hat the tcnms of AhenlMSebastiani, Ratter-' N?gotmL10ns 111 .regard to Lh1s matter 11 ·buck~t. For the next. se/\len Jninutcs, Musketeers werr. a second half" tcatn. Reuter, Ryan, Ginocchio And man-Sp1·engard and SChoo-Hintcr~ Iwill be closed m the very n~ar r:~- players on both teams mlght just as Xavier scored 169 poinLs in 1bhe first 1 · 1 Tl fir t two have blastecl turc. Another feature of this yea1 s well have left Lheir nrms in the dresE­ half of games against' 118 for uhe op­ Maggini Are Committee ~~~:~c ~vn L~ thes quartcr-flnuls. ~ . 'From is to be Lhe decoration of the ing room for all th~ scoring that was rositlon. In the final perlods of t.lle y \ "·bnllroom", the nature of \\'hlch ls The sponsors or the tom·- being withheld temporarily or per­ done. Kenny Jordan ended the baskc.t game", Xavier tallied 190 points as The Poland Phllopedian Soclety con­ depression with a shot from t.he free agalnat thelr <>1>ponent's 138. AHhour~h ncy, John Nolan and George Lenk, Imancntly according· to lhe disc1·etion vened Inst 1Vlondny afternoon for its have refused mnny entries due to the of the conunlttce. (There wns Lalk of throw Jane. On a beautiful block play, scoring more points in ~he second half 1·errular weekly 1neeting. No debate Jlmit of thirty two teams set by them a surprise.) Mercurio took a pass from Tracy on or the games, Hie Musket-eers also al­ wa~ held, due to a misunderstanding the pivot line and drlbbled in Lo sink lowed the .thirteen tenms to race them in order not to prolong .the agony. At present the major worry of the concerning the schedule of debates. Another interesting fcruture of th<:_ commitLee is the occupancy of Lhe a. goal, making Lhe score 5MO. Siewert to score more, leaving llttle to polnt The time was used in selecting mcJn­ broke the ice for the Lutherans with ou;t. The hig·hest total of polnts scored tourney ls the fact tha:t, n cl:nllenge band stand. These hard working bers to form a committee for a Poland from the faculty hns rece1vccl for Juniors arc dickering with severnl a nice shot. from around the sevenlcen by bhc Musketeers in one gnme was ~ee~1 Phllopecllan Dance, which is to be held the wJnners. The wuuung team will booking burcn.us in their at.tempt to foot· zone. Tracy was fouled near the in the first Dayton gnme, when they after the Lenten period.
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