E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 No. 150 Senate The Senate met at 3 p.m. and was U.S. SENATE, bureaucracy. That is important for called to order by the Honorable TODD PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, strengthening accountability. YOUNG, a Senator from the State of In- Washington, DC, September 18, 2017. We also have to prepare for the To the Senate: diana. Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, threats of both today and tomorrow by of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby promoting defense innovation, enhanc- f appoint the Honorable TODD YOUNG, a Sen- ing cyber security, and—especially ator from the State of Indiana, to perform when you consider all the recent bellig- PRAYER the duties of the Chair. erence from North Korea—strength- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- ORRIN G. HATCH, ening missile defense. fered the following prayer: President pro tempore. For these reasons and many others, Let us pray. Mr. YOUNG thereupon assumed the like authorizing a well-deserved raise Holy and Gracious God, let Your Chair as Acting President pro tempore. for our servicemembers, it is impera- light shine out of darkness into our f tive that we join together today in hearts. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY passing the defense authorization legis- Today, fill our lawmakers with the LEADER lation before us. knowledge of Your purposes, providing Mr. President, I thank the Armed The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- them with the insights to accomplish Services Committee for its good work pore. The majority leader is recog- Your will. Inspire them to humble on this year’s National Defense Au- nized. themselves under Your mighty hand so thorization Act. The members of that that You may exalt them in due time. f committee, from both parties, came to- Lord, keep them mindful of the great NATIONAL DEFENSE gether to support this year’s NDAA and responsibility You have placed upon AUTHORIZATION BILL send it to the Senate floor. It is yet an- other testament to the leadership of them, and may they trust Your power Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr President, our to do through them more than they can Nation faces many national security Senator MCCAIN, the committee’s top ask or imagine. Watch over and guard threats across the globe. Republican, and Senator REED, his them and their loved ones in their The threats and challenges posed by Democratic counterpart. going out and coming in. Iran, China, Russia, North Korea, ISIL, So thank you, Chairman MCCAIN, Lord, thank You for the loving care al-Qaeda, and its affiliates represent a thank you, Ranking Member REED, and and tender mercies that You provide us diverse range of conventional and thank you, everyone else, who worked each day. asymmetric capabilities that threaten so hard on this legislation. We pray in Your loving Name. Amen. our national security and that of our Now let’s pass it. allies. f f We also know that the challenges we face have been compounded by every- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONFIRMATION OF RUSSELL thing from sequestration to the last COLEMAN The Presiding Officer led the Pledge administration’s self-defeating foreign of Allegiance, as follows: policy, with the Obama administra- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the tion’s focus on reducing the size of our an entirely different matter, last week, United States of America, and to the Repub- conventional force only adding to the the Senate confirmed a talented and lic for which it stands, one nation under God, burden of our forward-deployed units. experienced nominee with an impres- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We have to be smart if we are going sive career in law enforcement to be to address these challenges effectively the U.S. attorney for the Western Dis- f and do right by our men and women in trict of Kentucky. Russell Coleman is the right person for the job. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING uniform appropriately. We have to provide our After graduating from my alma PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE servicemembers with the resources and mater, the University of Kentucky Col- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The training they need. That is obvious. lege of Law, Russell entered public clerk will please read a communication We have to continue the hard work of service. His wide-ranging experiences to the Senate from the President pro rebuilding our military and restoring at the Department of Justice, the Fed- tempore (Mr. HATCH). combat readiness. That is ongoing. eral Bureau of Investigation, the Sen- The legislative clerk read the fol- We have to modernize the Pentagon ate, and in private practice make him lowing letter: and root out waste within the military particularly qualified for this new role. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5775 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:28 Sep 19, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18SE6.000 S18SEPT1 S5776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 18, 2017 As the chief Federal law enforcement A number of years ago, I began a se- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- officer for the Western District of Ken- ries of lectures at Kentucky colleges pore. The Senator from Utah. tucky, Russell will use his skills to and universities focusing on the lives NOMINATION OF MAKAN DELRAHIM serve the people of Kentucky and the and legacies of prominent U.S. Sen- Mr. LEE. Mr. President, I rise to United States very well. Having served ators from the Commonwealth. Since speak in support of the nomination of as a special agent with the FBI, Russell the project’s inception, my staff has Makan Delrahim as the Assistant At- understands the particular challenges regularly looked to Nancy for help. She torney General for the Antitrust Divi- facing law enforcement. In that role, has been an indispensable resource for sion of the U.S. Department of Justice. he regularly collaborated with Federal, each historical speech in Kentucky Mr. Delrahim is someone I have State, and local law enforcement offi- that I have delivered. Her work in known for over 15 years. He is emi- cials on a vast array of issues, and he gathering sources and putting the in- nently qualified, and I have no doubt is well respected in the law enforce- formation in its proper context has that he will make an outstanding As- ment community. helped me to pay tribute to many dis- sistant Attorney General. For instance, Kentucky continues to tinguished Kentuckians. Therefore, it struggle with the opioid addiction epi- Mr. Delrahim has a long and distin- is fitting that she holds the highest guished career within the antitrust demic that is tearing families and com- honor that my State can bestow upon a munities apart. Russell stands ready to world. His service in this area includes civilian, that of a Kentucky colonel. service as senior staffer for the Senate collaborate with stakeholders and com- After her years of dedicated service, munity leaders to combat it. He has Judiciary Committee of the Antitrust Nancy deserves a relaxing retirement. Modernization Commission and pre- earned the support of the Kentucky Along with her husband, Stephen—an- Narcotics Officers’ Association, which viously at the U.S. Department of Jus- other stalwart member of the Senate tice. looks forward to his leadership on drug family who will be retiring from the enforcement issues. I could go on and on regarding Mr. Senate Historical Office—Nancy plans Delrahim’s accomplishments, regard- Russell also worked in my office as to spend time traveling and working in legal counsel, helping me serve the ing his character and his aptitude as a her garden. She will be sorely missed lawyer, generally, and as an antitrust people of Kentucky. With good humor here. and an unmatched determination, he lawyer, in particular. But instead of On behalf of the entire Senate fam- advocated for the issues that were im- taking my word for it, allow me to read ily, I congratulate Nancy and Stephen portant to my constituents. just a little bit of the wide-ranging The president of the Kentucky Fra- on their successful careers in pro- support Mr. Delrahim’s nomination has ternal Order of Police wrote to me in moting the history and the legacy of from both sides of the aisle. People support of Russell’s nomination: ‘‘Rus- this Chamber and those who have within the Senate and outside the Sen- sell was forever thoughtful, courteous, served in it. I wish them both happy re- ate on both sides of the aisle have been and a true friend to our membership.’’ tirements. supportive of this nomination. I suggest the absence of a quorum. Now Russell has the opportunity to A bipartisan group of former Assist- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- serve once again. ant Attorneys General for the Anti- pore. The clerk will call the roll. I congratulate him and look forward trust Division at the Department of The legislative clerk proceeded to to his service to the Commonwealth Justice—including AAGs for Antitrust call the roll. and to the country. under President Obama, President Mr. LEE. Mr. President, I ask unani- f Clinton, and President Carter—sub- mous consent that the order for the mitted a letter expressing strong sup- TRIBUTE TO NANCY KERVIN quorum call be rescinded. port for Mr. Delrahim’s nomination. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- They explained that ‘‘Mr.
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