cas TWELVS MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1^ 8. fflattr^fgjgfer gttrttftig I r m l d AVRRAGB DAH.T OntCULA'nOM THE WKATHKR for the Month et rebmary, IRS8 Foreout of O. 8. Weather Dunui. Seventy members of St Bridget's ■ Bnitferd Holy Name Society attended the 8 ABOUT TOWN o'clock mass yesterday morning and . \ received communion. St. Patrick *8 OM Your 5 , 7 9 3 ' Bala Mid Mlghtly wniiasr to- I tn . C T^Alllscm, of 896 East SPRING FLOWBR8 Mvnheg of tfee Aadit nlfhti Wednesday, rain poMdbly changing to nmw and much colder. tSenter atr«et, and Mias Margaret Mrs. Cecilia Zanlungo, of 25 Night FRESH Bofeuo of dreoUtloa. B. Hi^elBOD of 48 Russell strMt, BUdiidge street, was surprised last t M J W H A U CORK MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE (HARM HlUieliester, have been guests at the night when about 60 of her relatives ■ Prom the Grower* Uriooln Hotel, New York aty. m a n c h i s t e r Co n h * « and friends called at her home to TONIGHT (UaMllled AdverttMag on P ag. IK). help her celebrate her birthday. .ANDERSON VOL. LV., NO. 143. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1936. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNTE . NJanaes T. Pascoe of Watkins Games were played and Italian GREENHOUSES Btothem will give an Informal talk songs sung. A special feature of St. Bridget’s 158 Eldrtdge St. Self Serve and Health Market ana evmlng at the regular month­ the program was the lap dances Phone 8486 ly meeting of the Mother's Club of executed by Miss Lillian Naretto. A ParisJi Hall the South Park Methodist church In delicious buffet luncheon was served TUESDAY SPECIALS 69 ON PETITION ASSERTS CROSS “Queen Mary” In Maritime Spotligrht Hartford. Hie subject of Mr. Pas- and the fun lasted until a late hour. Bridge Whist Flowers For eoe’s decorating talk will be Mrs. Zanlungo was remembered S-Onnoe Jar SoabeMD oi^qn "Draperies." with many gifts, Including a beau­ Setback and All Occasions LEAGUE’S INVITATION tiful cameo brooch. Om g b o a r d IS ANCHOR UPON An anniversary mass in memory Entertainmeiit CHERRIKSt 1 of Rev. p. T. McCaim, former pas- William Covlll. who conducted the Playing Starts 8 Shar|t^ to.- of S t Bridget's church, who died Circle Service Station at Oak and a E A ^ T R E A M NECK PARTY two years ago, will be held In St. Cottage streets, today took over the 12 Usual Playing Prizes. liaBTS A llFIVE LaJige Bottle Country Club Golden \ , ' ACCEPTED BY HITLER Bridget's church Saturday morning management of the Atlantic station 2 Door Prizes. .of this week at 8:30, it was an­ at Main and Myrtle streets. This Admission 2.ic. WK PAY THE HIGHEST STANDASDS FOB nounced at the masses held in the station was built by the Atlantic All Are Welcome. G i n g e r A l e Selectmen Refer l^elow Mayor Phillips of Stamford 5!hurch yesterday. \- comjfMiny and has been managed by PRICES FOR , BBFRIOBBATOB (Contents only). the company since it was openeil To Send Delegates 4 o die The r e ^ a r meeting of John early ln the year until today, when B unsa Brook Question to Breaks Openly With Got- Forecast o f Heavy Rain No. tl/i Can Green Gage Mather Chapter, Order of DeMoIay Mr. Oovlll took charge. O ld Gold Coimcil’s Parley at Loo* will be held at 7:00 this evening In the Ma.sonlc Temple. Frederick H. Miss Elsie M.'^'Ncwcomb of Tol­ HAVE YOUR GOLF SHOES Board; Call Center Springs x emor, Declares He Will palm er of New Haven. Grand De­ land Turnpike was the week-end REBUILT P l u i m can 2 t c 2 , for 3 9 « May Mean New Floods don; Reich’s Telegram^ puty of the Order of DcMolay for guest of Rev. Frederick C. Allen Gold Filled 1 . LOWE* OPEM nN O COST Park Conditions Bad. Donnectlcut, and two members of and Mrs. Allen of Pleasant Valley, New Calks Piit In and LeoUirr Burnett's is Renomination. tiie State Advisory Council will wlt- formerly of this place. Treated. AND Boston, March 17 -(A P ) — New,4,the Granite street bridge and flood- Conies in Midst of Critical; qess as a formal Inspection the 2. tAPUFOODPROTCCnON Bkiglond's principal rivers receded! streets for a time. Street de­ .working of the second degree on Past Chief Daughters of Helen Prerented to the selectmen last Hartford, Marah 17.— (A P) — State Shoe Repairing c o l Gr e t t e s today but a forecast of heavy rain partment workers aided CCC men Jive candidates. Following the de- -Davld.son Lodge, Daughters of lllght by Thomas D. Trotter of . the Mayor Alfred N. Phjillps, Jr., Stam­ an.d army engineers In keeping ^a Dar, Diplomats Say H Scotia will meet tomorrow evening Silver F A S m FREEZINO— held the threat of a new flood paenr «TCC, election of officers for the new MORE ICE ard of Park commissioners and ford Democrat, was^toenly at war channel open at Bailey dam ^ e r e Perm will take place. with Mrs Margaret Sutherland of ace. four of the roller gates were open. Jewelry, Watch Cases, Den­ p*«g’ and Archie Haugh, a petition o f 69 resi­ today ■with Governor''xWllbur L. - Means Opportnnity to 'T ------ 163 Eldridgc street. 1 0 « 2 5 « Northern states, which suffered Dynamite was used to break the *‘ iThere was an attendance of about tal Work, Spectacles, Etc. MORE USABILITY dents of the section surrounding Cross who, he said, was "ra^^anchor millions of dollars damage because Icc, four feet thick in some cases. MACOABEB SETBACK around the neck of the Democratic 800 at the mass meeting of unit.s Sunset Rebekafa lodge will give a Green or WhlM After Dinner Center Springs park and calling on of the last heavy rainfall, will have Ic,e was all out of the Winooski Solve Eorope’s Problems^: o f the League for Social Ju.stlce. St. Patrick's bridge and setback HOTEL SHERIDAN FIVE-YEAR PROTECTION the selectmen to stop the dumping ticket" In the state. another rainstorm tomorrow ac­ from Barre to Middlesex, Vt., but held In High School last night. A party tonight at 8:15 in Odd Fel­ PLAN of all waste water and sewers, with Mayor Phillips took Issue with cording to the Weather Bureau. water was over the highway. A new Hed., March 18, 8:80 P. M. U.OO koaft Iw ‘Mllectlon was taken and about. S20 lows hall. Prises will be awarded /» ■ IA« I . the exception of the town’s storm the chief executive for his appoint­ Intermittent rain and a heavy fog detour over the Central Vermont 'Sbovc expenses realised. men and women winners In each Benefit A. L. Brown Junior Court M a t t h e w MINTS_______________________8 oz- pkg. l O e London, March 17.— Relchafuehr*^' water sewers, into Blgeiow brook, ing of Republicans to important covered Maine today while a state- railroad was being used near wilder ih ------ section and refreshments served. All 8 Cash Prize., Door Prize. which runs Intp Center Springs state posts and said the Stamford launched reclamation program got underpass. Hitler today accepted an Invitatloa ‘ The Nathan Hale Fife and Drum players will be welcome. Fanny GhM. Red W b ^ Refreehment.. Adm. 25c. Park pond, was referred to the delegation to the state convention underway. The larger rivers were Rivers' forming the northern by (he League of Nations Coundl igorps, with the advisory board, will W i o r subsiding and the only immediate tributary of the Connecticut left KEM P'S, INC. Board of HeeUtb. would oppose the governor if he to discuss the International crlsla meet Wednesday evening at seven The Homestead Sewing circle will W « I>o Watch, Clock and Jewelry seeks renomlnatlon. in the limelight, of international shipping, the super-liner Queen Maty basks In the glare, o f search­ danger was from two small streams, their banks /in the vicinity of St. «i clock In Orange hall. Officers vlll meet tonight at 7:30 with Ml.ss FRIGID AIRE SALES and SERVICE M I N T ^ ^ L Y c Selectman Mathias Spiess said Work 1 5 the Board of Health had. previously Indications were that Gov.' Cross lights as workmen toll day and night at the Clydebank, Scotland, fitting basin to put the huge ship In shape the Saco .and Sebasticook rivers. Jobnabury, Vt., flooding roads with brought about by his placing aa' ho elccj.cd and the organisation per- Steffle and Miss Stacla .SobIskI of For the second time In a week the 099 Main Street Manchenter felled to act when asked to do the would allow the war to be a one­ for her trial run, now sch^uled for March 84. “ « four feet of water. army back in the Rhineland. Smted. West Midrllc Turnpike. Sunbeam SI flood alarm was sounded for Mont- In Massachusetts the Merrimack Near Maple Street same thing, and suggested that the sided affair, since he declined to The loague secreta^t received a' issue a statement In answer to the ller, Vt. merchants as water and Concord rivers were receding. D ial 5321 Board of Health be told that If It eked up In the north branch as a A slight rise In the Connecticut at telegram from the German govorfiii] 9 oz. jar 2 3 c criticisms Phillips levelled last K For ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS falls to act this time the matter result o f Ice Jams.' Turners Falls was noted this morn­ ment announclhg that Gen.
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