7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXIII, NO. 26. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1950 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16 Ice Skating Makes Its Debut County /'irt'dicn Red Bank Pays Tide Runs Out Country Estate Invited to Party Fields Retiring •liimcs Uoig Ims imited nil On Hope for Of Henry Horner county tlrt'int'it ami IW'M tiiil men Alter 27 Year? Biggest Bill In Kcd Ha nil firr clrparlnirnl's ii|M>n liousr New Vrurs day, bc- Erosion Cash Sold Last Week Elnulllff al nonn ill Heliel Knuine Constant Service For Police Work )'i)iii|Kiii,\. Mr. Dole, president nf Government Letters George V. Coc Buys the Niivosi,nk Iliinlt mill Ladder Slrvrns UcpliU'in^ Payroll, Manpower company mid Hrsl lletileiuiiit in Dim Prospects for Runison Place Through the llrst aid squad, is chairman Him as Mayor of Highest in Nation of the ufliiir. Early Assistance William Hiiitclniaini Tlir parly will honor lied NIMV Shrewsbury 1 or Size of Borough Bunk's rhlrf-rlrcl, Joseph ('Irury. SEA BRIGHT—Hope that the RUMSON—George V. Coc, Jr., Air. !)<>ig said the new chief anil NICW SHFUSWHRimY" —As the I ;'<\< print In Til* l:rsi<!er> national and state governments has purchased the country resi- Hie (Irputlnifnt purliciiliirly in- honing!) rotmril liokls its Now NEW YORK -Ucd Bank tax- would or could jump to the quick dence of Horace Horner situate on vite those men whu assisted in Ycnrs d.iy I't'-ot'KauUaMuu meet ins payers hnve. ;\ larger annual bill repair ot this storm-punished resort the east side of Ave. of Two Riv- the Siittrr-IHitlsdell lumber lire. at Tin ton KM Us ."chrxil at noun for pulice protection than do resi- —or, more generally, the battered ers, fronting; on the shore of the "The <lepui°tinent iippreelnles Hie Monday, hi^h respects will he piWI dents of most cities nf Its size in North Jersey coast—appeared last South Shrewsbury river. Tho resi- aid we received," Mr. Doig sulil, to HIP retiring m-'tyur, Komii-th I lie United States. This is shown week-end to have gone out with the dence, which is in the regency adding that the uiteii hmise is I'M fid.-, who will bo ('omplet in^ -7 in data gathered by the Interna* ebb tide of the high Eea. typo of architecture, is ot brick the miMiihprs' inethitil <if expres- years uf inlinicipni Icririrrship. liunnl City Managers association Available was advice and sym-and frame construction with slate sing t hunks'. for its current municipal year pathy—brought in by mail from roof and contains the following book. Washington, Trenton and Freehold. rooms: ground floor, reception hall, The i,ill for the local police de- Included with regrets were some powder room, living room, library, partment came to ,$9.1,700 last year, plans. But the plans weren't ac- guest bedroom and bath, dining n|tiivalent to K.65 for each resU companied by any promises of free room, butler's pantry, flower room, Father Kirk dent of the city. In other com- money, and, clearly, the coast's kitchen, maid's dining nlc-ovc, two iiiunities of relative size, 10,000 to problems could only be solved with servants' bedrooms and bath; sec- ^r>,on<1, the cost, nt police operations cash. ond floor, four master bedrooms, Wins Promotion i line to SI.M per capita. However, When the borough council met three master baths, game room, BERLIN—Row Thomas F. Kirk, nationally, for all cities of 10,000 Friday night, it reviewed the cor-two maids' rooms and bath. The pastor of Our Lady of Mount Car- population and over, the average residence is equipped with motor mel church here, hits been pro- cost, was ,$7.22 per capita. respondence. No one opposed the stoker hot water heat. opinion of Councilman Lawrence moted by Bishop Bartholomew ,1 Most of the cost of operating McCormlck to "file it all in the Other buildings on the premises Eustace of tlie Catholic diocese of police departments Is for wage* wastebasket. It says nothing." include a four-car garage and a Ciimdcn. lie will assume the pa.s- and salaries, which constitute al« Councilman John E. Donnelly was With the thermometer dropping well below the freezing mark, several ponds in the vicinity have luriilo uf SI. Mary's church at refrigerator house. The grounds Gloucester Jan. (i iu suei'.eiul the most SI per cent of the total, ex- ready to "second that, If it's a mo- are exceptionally wcll-landscapcd frozen tight enough for skating. Taking advantage of the first skating of winter Christmas day on cluding retirement payments. In tion." and comprise approximately lour late Monsignor Brie. Red Kank, the part budgeted for A day earlier, shore officials had and one-half acres. The sale was Schwenker's pond, Fair Haven, are left to right, an unidentified skater, Bale Myers, Patty Goodwin, Father Kirk, a curate at SI. payroll Is 89 per cent. met with Gov. Alfred E. Driscoll effected by the firm of Wil- Sue Wickman, Bob Desmond, Jim Siegler and Proctor Bush. James church in Hed Bank under ' An examination of beginning and his staff in Trenton. The re- liam H. Hintelmann, realtors of the late Msgr. John 13. McCloskoy, and maximum salaries paid pa« sult of that session was a broad I Rumson. has been here tho past 15 years. In trolnicn on municipal police forcei opinion that, indeed, something that time, lie enlarged his parish shows that a wide range exists. In Mr. Horner is building a new both in the number of members ought to be done, but the question residence on an adjoining tract Red Bank's size group, the median left unanswered was "by who?" The State Agencies Asking $18,612,207 Hudson CWV and in its physical assets. Among entrance salary is $2,520 a year comprising one and seven-tenths tho latter wore Ihe construction of cost of doing anything effective ap- acres. Mr. Coe will take occupancy and tho maximum, $2,760, includa peared too much for the state and a new rectory and the acquisition Ing cost of living additions. Local* of the Horner residence on May 15 of a convent. well beyond the reach of the dam- next at which time Mr. Horner Less for 1951-52 Fiscal Year To Honor Lanahan Mayor Kenneth Fields ly, patrolmen started at $2,800 and aged municipalities. hopes to have his new home com- TRENTON,-(AP)—State agen- sey. The hospital, estimated to Father Kirk, a member of the had a top of $3,500 as of the be- pleted. Adjacent country properties cies are asking $18,612,207 less for cost $11,000,000 is to be built with Red Bank Lodge of Elks anil well The board also will be welcom- ginning of this year. Damage Estimate* Soar include those of Thomas S. Adams the 1951-52 fiscal year than they funds allocated under the state's At Convention known to many residents of Red ing a new mayor, George Stevens, In proportion to its size. Red At the Trenton conference, dam- and Joseph S. Shanley. The prop- did last year. $25,000,000 welfare and Institutional Bunk, was ordained May 2li, 1923.Republican farmer, who was elect- Bank has more police employees age estimates went up instead of erty was acquired by Mr. Horner Total appropriations sought in construction program. 'God and Country' He is a graduate of St. Charles ed in November. than most communities. With 23 leveling off. When the Sea Bright collt'se, Catonsville, aid., and ot .St. .Mayor Kiehls this year had the. from Edward W. Scuddcr in 1932. | budget hearings during the past Reeve Schlcy, who bonds both Award l<> Bi> Hindi; full-time officers and civilians oa mayor and council met Dec. 8, It ,several months, however, amount- the ndvUoiy council and hoard of Mary's seminary. He was appointed experience, of stopping automatic- tho payroll, tho local department gave the unofficial estimate of Nov. cd to ?216,83<U52, a figure well control, said the Ancora site covers director of Ihc Confraternity of ally from leadership in one. munic- has 1.63 employees for every 1,000 25 storm damage to public prop- above tho $16-1,009,881 finally pro- morn than COO acres, now owned Al Jersey Cily Jan. 6 Christian doctrine by Bishop Eus- ipality into the adniinist rative residents. Other citle3 of its slzS erty as $100,000. At Trenton, this vided by the legislature for the by Camden county nnd the town- tace in 1M9. posilion nf another. This happened average 1.24 per 1.000. was revised to $250,000, according Laird Distillers JERSEY CITY—MaJ. Gen. Fran- current year. ship of Winslow. He said tlie land cis H. Lanahan, commander of In his letter annuunuing the pro-upon the separation of New Tho comparisons, it is noted, do to word from Borough Engineer State Budget Director J. Lindsay would be donated to the state by motion, Bishop Eustace wrote: "I Shrewsbury from Shrewsbury not take into account that soma O. Walcott Morris. There was some Fort Monmouth, will receive the am fully aware of the many years township. The township govern- thought in Trenton an even truer Name Executive DcValliero announced requested the Camden county freeholders and Hudson County Catholic War Vet- cities, with unusually heavy t 'affla totals after completing hearings on the Winslow township committee. erans' gold award and citation Sat- of faithful service which you hiivn inenL remained a.
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