18274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE September 26 The bill I introduce today is designed Owners' Loan Act of 1933, introduced by The motion was agreed to; and <at 7 to let them do so. Mr. BARTLETT (for himself and Mr. o'clock and 11 minutes p.m.) the Senate If, in the view of the Home Loan Bank GRUENING), was received, read twice by adjourned, under the order previously Board there has been an adequate show its title, and referred to the Committee entered, until Monday, September 30, . of need, the Board would be empowered, on Banking and Currency. 1963, at 12 o'clock meridian. in such cases as I have described, to raise the 20 percent-50-mile limitation. It is my hope that this small piece of ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY CONFffiMATION legislation may soon receive appropriate Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, if Executive nomination confirmed by consideration. there is no further business to come be­ the Senate September 26, 1963: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The fore the Senate at this time, I move, DEPARTMENT OF STATE bill will be received and appropriately pursuant to the order previously en­ Dwight J. Porter, of Nebraska, a Foreign referred. tered, that the Senate adjourn until 12 Service officer of class 1, to be an Assistant The bill (S. 2186) to amend the Home o'clock noon on Monday next. Secretary of State. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Address by Hon. Barry Goldwater Be­ the party a racist tinge and cost our candi­ advantages in many decades. Those who dates votes in the metropolitan areas of the believe that Republican gains in the South fore the Republican Men' 1 Club of North. are somehow mysteriously tied to racism, Some people, who advise the Republican ignore the obvious facts. They ignore the Bartlesville, Okla., on September 13, Party to aim almost exclusively at the big fact that Republican influence in the South 1963 city vote, would have us practically renounce is growing in direct proportion to the South's the South. They hint darkly that we were moderation on the race issue. They ignore subordinating the party to segregationists the fact that Republican strength in the EXTENSION OF REMARKS when we picked up a few House seats south of South is located in the cities and urban OF the Mason-Dixon Line in 1962. This, of areas where a new view is emerging, while course, is completely and transparently un­ Democratic strength is more and more being HON. PAGE BELCHER true. Not one of the southern Republican confined to the rural communities where OF OKLAHOMA Members of the House or Senate has ever the race issue has undergone little change. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES campaigned on racial issues, whereas almost It is my firm conviction that any argu­ without exception their Democrat opponents ments which attempt to connect Republican Thursday, September 26, 1963 have. strength in the South to the race issue Mr. BELCHER. Mr. Speaker, under I suggest this is a theory that is politically ignore not only the process but causes of leave granted, I wish to insert in the impractical, factually dishonest, and statis­ what is happening throughout the Southern RECORD the following speech made by tically weakminded. It says, in effect, that States of our country. They miss-wit­ the best way for Republicans to win elec­ tingly or otherwise-the point that the South Senator BARRY GOLDWATER, of Arizona, tions is to write off the largest blocs of po­ is, and has been for sometime past, under­ before the Republican Men's Club, Bar­ tential voters. It says that the Republican going a profound evolution of political think­ tlesville, Okla., September 13, 1963: Party must avoid sectionalism by abandon­ ing and acting. They fail to take into ac­ EXCERPTS OF REMARKS BY SENATOR BARRY ing most sections of this great Nation and count the vast changes which have taken GOLDWATER, REPUBLICAN, OF ARIZONA, BE­ become a party of only one section. place in the South over the past two decades. FORE THE REPUBLICAN MEN'S CLUB, BARTLES­ The theory is suicidal. It would kill the But perhaps the greatest mistake made by VILLE, OKLA., SEPTEMBER 13, 1963 growing realization that this Nation wants the newly risen host of experts on southern to get off the old, low road of machine poli­ How can the Republicans win the Nation politics is the belief that the Republican tics and get onto a high, new road of gov­ trend is something new. in 1964? ernment representative of all the people. This is one of the most intriguing, fasci­ This, of course, is utter nonsense. The nating, and, in some respects, baffiing ques­ The theory is selfish. It seeks to hold con­ Republican trend in the South has been de­ tions now occupying the minds of Republi­ trol of the Republican Party in the hands of veloping over a period of years and has kept men committed to defeat and to duplication pace with the evolutionary process of change. can leaders and workers throughout the of Democrat programs. country. In effect, it amounts to the political And, I might.say there are almost as many The theory is timid. It would forsake the flowering of a new society. theories as there are sections. Certainly great principles upon which Republicanism It is the expression of progress toward a there are as many theories as there are fac­ is founded. It would say to the voters of the two-party political system in a section of tions within the Republican Party. Nation that we dare not go to the American the country which had long confused tradi­ If I might I should like to discuss this people with the clear-cut choice they want, tional political practice with its own welfare. with you for a while today and, if possible, only with the warmed-over, watered-down Call it an awakening if you like. But lay to rest some popular misconceptions and arguments of the Democrats. remember it has been a gradual, slow-paced root out some downright ridiculous argu­ Most important, the theory is not a Re­ awakening which has gone on for a long ments. publican theory. time and only showed up in a relatively Let me begin by saying that I disagree with The Republican Party is a great union of massive way in the last election. people who argue that we should write off American strengths-the rugged, restless I say that the very deliberateness of the the eastern seaboard and the industrial areas strength of the growing West; the rock­ process attests to its soundness and marks of the country. I disagree with people who solid strength of the Midwest; the busy, its lasting qualities. Make no mistake about insist that we must forget all about the bustling strength of the North and the East; it, Republicanism is in the South to stay. Negro vote, and that we might as well con­ and the proud, expanding strength of the If it were the overnight development that cede the labor vote. I do not believe the South. many commentators and politicians would Republican Party should write off any section The Republican Party is a party of unity, like us to think, then I believe we might be of the country or any group of potential not of exclusion. It is a party of principle justified in looking for a single reason for voters. I believe the Republlcan Party not of big city machines. the Republican strength shown in the 1962 should strive to its utmost in every part of The Republicans can and must offer this elections. America and among every possible group to Nation a choice when any of our candidates The changes which are now finding politi­ win votes. go before the electorate. We must offer the cal expression in the South have been going chance for sound policies here at home and When I say votes, let me make it entirely on for years. They are attuned to new eco­ clear that I mean American votes--not Ne­ for freedom around the world. We don't nomic and commercial developments and want to be know as Little Sir Echo. We gro votes, or labor votes, or Hungarian votes, attitudes. They have their roots in the new or Jewish votes--but American votes. I am want real Republican voices and choices to sick and tired of the efforts we see today be heard. industrialization of a part of the country that are designed to further divide the Amer­ Those who would put chains on that which, from its earliest settlement has ican people. choice do not serve Republican principles; existed in an agriculture economy and so­ And while I'm at it, let me say that I be­ they serve only liberal Democratic objectives ciety. They are related to the growing im­ lieve the most stupid, irresponsible sugges­ of spending and spending to elect and elect. portance of business activity and concern tion I have ever heard put forward is the I say to you that the South today, with for the interests of the business community. argument that the Republican Party should its growing restiveness over radical Demo­ They are tied in with the steady and growing soft-peddle its efforts in the South because crat economic policies, offers the Republican expansion of urban communities and cities a determined effort in that area might give Party one of its most important political and the declining influence of the rural areas. 1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 18275 And this last point is of particular impor­ white-are aware of this.
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