_ , - - _ , - _ - _ .. ... ,. * PLo Inc. 4590 MacArthur Boulevard, suite 400, Newpc71 Doach, California 92660 2027 Tel. 714-833-2020. Fax 714 833 2005 N PLG. inc., Washington. D.C.. Ottee Tet 202 6591122 * Fax 202 296-0774 . ENGINEERS. APPLIEo SCIENTISTS. MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS _ May 1,1991 _ SFC 5074 PLG" W@J 0 M%I ' yI- /AY- 31991 - Mr. Reau Graves, Jr. g - Sequoyah Fuels Corporation- .3 H) P.O. Box 610 - Gore, OK 74435 hj[. ' J/p-s@d2y '. Dear Mr. Graves: p g p ,g g l INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT PROGRAM (IOP) REPORT , FOR WEEK ENDING APRIL 28,1991 41 Enclosed is one copy of the IOP weekly report for the week ending, April 28,1991. This report and the daily reports attached to it were prepared by members of the y ~ Sequoyah Oversight Team (SOT) identified on the dally reports,- The weekly report summarizes observations, concerns, and resolutions of prior concerns for the last 7 days, it has been reviewed with you as indicated by the signature of you or your ' ' designeo on the weekly report. As Indicated in the attached reports, the SOT has continued to observe good i response to unusual events and incidents. We have been padicularly impressed with the caution used in various observed operating responses and maintenance actions; e.g., restart of the plant after the lightning strike. We_ continue to be concerned over the potential impact of intensive media coverage and various NRC visits, especially 3 ' -with respect to the availability of resources to implement the conduct of the operation program. ~ On April 29,1991, we were informed that-Mr. Donald W. Latham would be released , from full-time support of maintenance operations as of May 3,1991, We will _ reschedule him into a regular rotation in the SOT oversight activity later in May on the basis of discussions with Mr. William Fisher of the NRC on April 19,1991. Please call me if you have any questions regarding these reports. _ , Very truly yours, Wit M Willard C. Gekler ' Enclosures LccR Rbbhrt D.' Mahn; Regl'on IV:Administratof ' 9105080083 910501 ' C ' PDR ALOCK 040o8027 h) C PDR p .. ,/ DESIGNATED ORIGINAL ' ' | Ce itted By W$ f$- L . _ - _ _ __ . _ - . _ _ _ __. APR-30-1991 16t56 FROM SEQUOYAH FUELS CORP. 10 PLG. INC. P.02 ' ' ' * . SEQUOYAll OVERDIcitT Tt'AH WEEKLY REPORT 10P-2 IllDEPEllDENT OVERBIGitT PROGRAM - , , ' - , V!tt'sfARflWCt h|% 9I (NQlNCt h!EO !T/ , shut I et '[ GAnn.y % ud6- set acutnibf hk/za- ; ret oostuvAtto ut . :ca me.sr was. errcenvar imotmewmrw w ras rumvr wru. se vent swmmar: ( D %rteicl m 4 repe< +s have -{ntee b dche) fksf lwr been .ev.ctriel k mm uues, % proceluq sW1 A h rearset de repted ukul prakte (T>_ 7Ze ,4a4 oh /L. MF reuke war en ruhkdk. m a p le of /Yr 04/e pluf ' $ _ g ?tep /of t/dtert/ Oppth (Jefe b'|e 05/0 Li*h| utY bh/s'n-+ posv/e r en / ' 96 Now and acJ orea, mM wen ruu/h of A se ni Jul. Erv couttaws: & NO N.rs) CLMM S . nsovitowor>Rioncouchtws: & ' . 9 __ ttviEV_C W LETE0t. s9Ct Ogg ./1&N) p ngttg , 30-h| - sor nes tai b l kcw we, <//zn/qi q > APR 30-1991 16:57 FR0t1 SEQUDYAH FUELS CORP. TO PLO. INC. P.03 ' ' '' . , . IOp-2 * ' SEQUOYAH OVERBIGHT TEAM WEEKLY REPORT , INDEPENDENT OVERSIGIIT PROGRAM * | um smme, tuo m , |' . 4 /r.t l9 i eluhi S[eet 2 __ . 4 $01 HEM 0(R 4 t/f W b_/ RY__00$tRVATIONS: hill fPtLlhob fnj MCC Wo3 $0L 4W C&1be| ts/ker'4 l'otId|uYoko' 'J "J M * | A/ '|* L!Y (30 clan lahe) fn% win > a mainhaauu ibb. 7Xen kwi Leen nwrterw.s o /4er ~ sbsWn fr>ns e/ * mi%< ov h e ris / rse c<h J4 ni/J. C>ree f40 o'n u do) n ca fe.J & coms ton o.f s%%s ce>14 i> r% r d n aeJow f/u ds. iv- 7.s stery j,f,**} tit'./**17' '/h b tvia/>1 bema +1 t. t Ibb) bt Cp_M)/eN|> />r L|a|r'r4 13r*6M)| ffo cemeni of <m s.h.e a/o rk."7k rprXie. juska ms rtpla t<d L,b 'll/.aG Mi ._,_,_ ' f) rt, s6.re<4Ht e/ . "woet., oo Exar oremrs" % % en <rt idisafH ~ /64f w. swihL pel;d es Need /* pnenne/ s h iv./,4 a en 1/ & ar A di d u 'L., s/ s y roee du < rtu d ef M eathet. Sput/ibo,t fry.r cf. ~ f radedt Alv < d t's . N / tee r'h W e *- Oe*/(r' //' A FEVlL% towc(RW$tli.<</Aerms 44ref m /VrJ, 7% d'W//d~ M #$ s,su *Hh 5 e/arr> byet /7 a,e j% f ra a.<.x m G.n /a/ /m og u <> m e<r/ 6 0 ft a a r.re / . P r e > m H y , o % e a . />< . 'm on one . .. ?N't.Af..Fj.nb.mm.l.A.04.. G'WL- %thd *]k!!/.h!M'' N a't'<'4'~ _ _ 4 PtSMUit0MOFFRIORtoNchtN$: m - - . I Styf EV CC'Mtf ED: 3FC .& ,/2 % pagg. -80 - p/ ser.t, ,t, y/29/q r d'ow ) M 0 . d 6 PLG. Itc. P.04 nrW-?O-1991 16 57 FRO'1 LCCJJXfH FLELS CORP. 10 ' - * IOP-2 - - DEQUOYNI OVERSIOllT TEAM WEEKLY REPORT IllDEPE14 DENT OVERUIGHT PROGIW1 * | f 18 f/ __ , k'llK 51 ARilW0t _ hf!!f91 __t@ lke t thtet J el $01 MtM6tti Ud fr Ltf OD$tkVAllDHit ! !!1 N N%A.0 11 4 %S / C&J i $Y!N $Mf t Arte tdtt t'fCt|Vetk h(*ff vt/(_lw &e._ntem bus. lo,~L4 e /rnI c,) /reof fel//ydn epudv wu exee//en/. ' Commen/r mo/r 6 dte Mb_wJ s/ ene<*/ mec/<H *A 4/ss/y eneeent.n !? vtes o / 'gre sek y u o t. 4. w-u e .1 ca.e<1 vety soki/w & /I'n).y 'by__ $0'7" r1r viev. _, . 1%|f __ 0** b 9'e(I|! U 6b h hWHktL!f|'L1 'D Uf u &J|f/rhj |} A5__148 | I!*/A Vf | 5 / h (f Wl? h/. htV COMttDW$t . E2A . SmWE4 ew O'' N4 4-_^ e 6ttowttow or raietcouqgyygt ' & . # PtyltV CO@ttito: - - - - - - - --- " . u, n, hm 1. %. , , , , sqgi n 4 YD m. % , SECAOYAH FLELS CCFP. ' , APR-30 1991 16:50 FRCr1 ' ' 10 !'- 2 CEQUOYAH OVER810HT TEAM WEEELY MEPOP.T ! , INDEPENDENT OVER81CHT PROGRAM + N I . tLK stAttisc k?MI tuolwei_ n,.e 4 _ .e 4 30, c itii hvo DW bc ; G4eee.y %uac- Ett OuttPVAtlOW1: I - One,J,w, 4 n h e.1 is.g,wr4 t d id t.ts.F 1cwer ca4 e-- ' ~ seAi u,o,4.nt s 4 -- f ve M . w w u & a .v h /m a % k a % & m tus uL % aM ndw<. d h~s.a.'+o ekked emi w d %.4. % litk W ala ad eeuh A. A orsrde . 7N % d | 6Nied owl shk. t %rc.' wWcri W,." - t" - km eb mtedats MalNwa w& cd4 k -b a.nist une <ma t ickkG d<nde- muur of rdweds bw to~ SK ,de. wul< 13e9W %. 4 fiu) c.frexH- Nh4<. - bu*M roN/kib p.wd - , N. d,el4. i *bd. cr u NtV__-CON ((R W$ | E9A . _- . [1191Ull0W 0F PPIOR CONC $pW$ * !L4 - .. W' ._ M ,,e, / oa . mar.v sh ,,,,, 43c- n set sexiter_ CAN ). Swo- eaici 4/M/91 d d- - - - _ - - _ . _ . - . _ _ . - - . - _ _ _ _ - - _ . p?R-23-1991 03 50 FRO'1 FCOLOYM FUELS CORP. 10 PLG. 1 R~ . P.02 . - ' w uw u v i nis v v a,ac A ustr Tt;Mi DAILY REPORT i . * Io ri. i 1 . ' ... IllDEPE!WENT OVERDIGitT PROGIWl ' ohn7st,/99/ ' - utts_ | . | si... i , / . ., r / ' so, nrnntei 9/f 6'E ha8 8MT :oi ton mu w sur t n.,[,f,,fj,,2 ,y,y,,,,, _ cntucutimirinm siur imi _. /C) /J~ cmetinou imii /Sto ' .. o v o n n. cre et . i+.= nun,i n e am evi n. @ % ed + 4. M 6 7. ,<ere ' (Ja a to'<m wl cu h. de cm i d a h h u rry ce r ~,cw a - >4 -cea n.i,;.- &us<e~n +=a if) .s;<.6,,.w</ amA6 aser' .4 .rayadure. " _ _ _ . , , _ , , , , , Gb Okse~eJ e25 sh,W .Cy& A>r.,evee et s'- z eo o- e , Zee ve rioa %'emon t _ (G.9 fEbiesur/ Re ree c{review rah reoc>rf' ke /4. /99i A tnt * d 14 U M /I m ee | M 4. ' ...-- . .- . _ . p,_P_it RVA t itwt s l',.J~' / d' duAk () 72< </ow ,en7' a d /ehe //. m,_~ L a ir 1 4 4 ua~ a ex ,c6Je/ J 6or,a est nemr ./ b w,;7/e- w n ,r4. c.de ,,%. .n.,rle , < ,4 /4 , e/ M.5 'a's u ,e<*f w/// o/ eam k 1%. w/- s/<t. W h tee.id...4.-**t.% &"0Erma.- ?'6 0 ' " '. W , . M '!!. W A' M e''"''~' & w<t/ /M f *re M a .hA:.n...bylw.ted.Ziesen Hy,, on 4 ~ , fem e'//eV <<% a fa'e n _ e.4 //u sfosedua /w M aimsA>l~A . f ' CW((RN$1 A -_ _ ._ - - _ . ettite tiff $i ).Il.!! El$lCb(t attION 03),1 _.- _ .
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