SUNK: THE STORY OF THE JAPANESE SUBMARINE FLEET, 1941-1945 DOWNLOAD FREE BOOK Mochitsura Hashimoto, Edward L. Beach | 280 pages | 31 May 2010 | Progressive Press | 9781615775811 | English | Palm Desert, United States Sunk: The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet, 1941-1945 So why did Japan go into the war? The book includes some good, first-person narrated, war stories. Published on. Bryan rated it liked it Aug 08, 1941-1945 There are some collateral bits and pieces of information on international contacts in the Imperial fleet, and on independence movements in colonies, not much but sprinkled here and there that will make you appreciate the complexities of the decolonization politics. However, at no point does the author clearly describe and summarize fleet boat tactics, doctrine, and strategy during the beginning, middle and end-periods of the war. They were quite long and carried a crew of up to 94 officers and enlisted. Main article: Kaiten. Use of charts and diagrams was non-existent. Want to Read saving…. The Kaigun Holland 6 was launched at Kobe on 28 September and was completed six months later at Kure as the first submarine built in Japan. It was a fight in which science had been ignored. International Directory of Company HistoriesVolume Author Mochitsura Hashimoto was one of the few Japanese submarine captains to Sunk: The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet. If money is to be spent on armaments, it should be used for scientific development. This was a translated version. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Translated by Commander E. Sea Fights and Shipwrecks. It's a tale of the bravery of doomed men in a lost cause, against impossible odds. Fred Heller rated it it was amazing Apr 20, Neal Flax rated it it was amazing May Sunk: The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet, Mochitsura Hashimoto. The kaitens or human torpedoes were not the only submarine kamikazes: the 1941-1945 war in the Pacific was suicide from the start. This type was designed as transport submarines with torpedoes for self-defense. I did not learn what I expected to learn from reading this book. Navy submarines sank 5. Reviews Review Policy. In places Beach adds footnotes from USN public sources providing corrections and additional information. A serious opportunity 1941-1945 missed by the technical editor Beach. Main article: Type AM submarine. Navy in its history, when he torpedoed and sank the USS Indianapolis -- soon after it had delivered parts for the first A-bomb on Hiroshima to the US base on Tinian, ironically enough. Imperial Japanese Navy submarines originated with the purchase of five Holland type submarines from the United States in Wikimedia Commons. Please follow the detailed Help center instructions to transfer the files to supported eReaders. Submarines of the Imperial Japanese Navy On 9 SeptemberI launched its reconnaissance plane, a Yokosuka E14Y code named Glen which proceeded to drop four 4 Sunk: The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet bombs in a forest near 1941-1945 BrookingsOregon. Main article: Submarine aircraft carriers of Japan. All of the sailors were later found dead at their duty stations when this submarine was raised the following day. Aug 06, Charles rated it it was ok. This was written in the fifties in Japan. Reviews Review Policy. The Klaxonofficial U. Rating details. Imperial Japanese Navy submarines originated with the purchase of five Holland type submarines from the United States in Overall, despite their advanced technical innovation, Japanese submarines were built in relatively small numbers, and had less effect on the war than those of the other major navies. An example is Hashimoto fighting to keep a radar already installed on his submarine but engineering admirals insisted that the radar installed was only meant for aircraft. Feb 19, Donald Armfield rated it liked it Shelves: non-fictiondid-not-finishresearch. New arrivals. Edward L. First, this is a slim book in English translation. Of these, I was partially successful but was later sunk by a mineI-8 completed her mission, I was sunk by British submarine Taurus Sunk: The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet, and I by the United States submarine, Sawfish assisted by Ultra intelligence. They were equipped with a snorkel, allowing for underwater diesel operation while recharging batteries. Navy in its history, when he torpedoed and sank the USS Indianapolis -- soon after it had delivered parts for the first A-bomb on Hiroshima to the US base on Tinian, ironically enough. Retrieved Use of charts and diagrams 1941-1945 non-existent. Details if other :. Refresh and try again. Published July Sunk: The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Hashimoto is sharply critical of the Sunk: The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet and unpreparedness of Japan's top brass. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Shortly before the end of WW2 he inflicted the greatest single loss on the U. A crew of four could prepare and get all three airborne in 45 minutes launching them with a foot 37 m catapult on the fore deck of the giant submarine. The Kaigun Holland 6 was launched at Kobe on 28 September and was completed six months later at Kure as the first submarine built in Japan. Translated by Commander E. Bryan rated it liked it Aug 08, The Imperial Japanese Navy's doctrine of fleet warfare guerre d'escadre resulted in its submarines seldom posing a threat to allied merchant convoys and shipping lanes to the degree that the Kriegsmarine's U-boats did as they pursued commerce raiding against Allied and neutral merchant ships. Mochitsura Hashimoto. 1941-1945 was a translated version. Mochitsura Hashimoto Nov These submarines were meant to meet the invading Sunk: The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet Naval forces upon their anticipated approach of Tokyo. Japanese submarine forces progressively built up strength and expertise, becoming by the beginning of World War II one of the world's most varied and powerful submarine fleets. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. I-Boat Captain. Three 1941-1945 the Sentoku were built IIand I Web, Tablet, Phone, eReader. These submarines had a two-man crew and were fitted with an internal warhead for suicide missions. Author Mochitsura Hashimoto was one of the few Japanese submarine captains to survive. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Flag as inappropriate. The kaitens or human torpedoes were not the only submarine kamikazes: the whole war in the Pacific was suicide from the start. The title, however, refers to the fate of the Japanese submarine fleet. Aug 12, Ivan rated it really liked it. Published July Showing Edward L. To ask other readers questions about Sunkplease sign up. David Bates rated it it was ok Mar 03, A comprehensive correlation by the author or editors would have been welcome. Throughout the war the whole submarine fleet was in reality a special attack force in which, in the absence of scientific weapons, the crews were just so much human ammunition. These were fast, very long ranged, and carried a single Yokosuka E14Y seaplane, located in a hangar in front of the conning tower, launched by a catapult. In total 20 were made, starting with Ithe class ship. No trivia or quizzes yet. Toyoda, Former C. Initially, cargo ships made the exchanges, but when this was no longer possible, submarines were used. All of the sailors were later found dead at their duty stations when this submarine was raised the following 1941-1945. Not a lot of resources were put into making this book as polished a 1941-1945 as it could have been. https://cdn.sqhk.co/nancymelineiz/jjdIgjh/i-even-funnier-a-middle-school-story-i-funny-2-24.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4566015/normal_5fc26a90c2481.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4566851/normal_5fc0ab95e83c7.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4567985/normal_5fc237d95d450.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4566659/normal_5fc11eb32fcf2.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4566910/normal_5fbfbee0078cd.pdf.
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