V-,-. ... • ,V ■'7’f’ ‘•'ViCf' ■4 * 7 '' lie. ^ • '■ * 7- • * y CHENEY LISHAHtj TUE8DAT, DECEMBER 14. 19411^ - a. ' - I” C- PAGE rCUETEEH r*' v V — ---- r- jttanrl|p8tpr EtmtHig tfwald Average Daily Net Preaa Ran For «ho MonMi of Moverabw, 19tt wroed O. Bowers, RepuMlckn, who * at o, I Tha Ifany-Wada wlU ‘ heva ■ a was re-elected. Emergency Doctors covered dish eupper and ChrUt- BetroUied Getting Readj^ ' Next week'Monday, Bowers, to- 9,635 HiiriieatNg I About Town maa party tomorrow evening at ether with Senator Charles S. m M ihto 6:30 in the Second Congregational [ouae, Republican from ' the •tort toto .iB Dr. John Prlgnano and Dr. church. For Assembly SFourth District, will attesM • state Kiny David L o d ^ ot Odd Fel- Florence Marsh are physicians rtS h lM l lowa wia «n*«t FHday evenln* meeting of RepubUceh legialetora 7:00 Instead of 7:80 and wUI elect of the Manchester Medical As­ Paat presldenta of Mary Buah- in Hertford, called’for thepurpoae Manchester-^4 City of Village Chstrm sociation who will respond to nell Cheney Auxiliary, No. 13rU- of ^dosihg Senate arid House lead­ Its officers, after which thr an­ emergency calls tomorrow af- S. W. V., wiU hold their annual Manchester Delegation nual Christmas party, held Jointly ers. yOL. LXVin., NO. $4 ton M ao n > M iK l^llpT E R , CONN„ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15,1948 THIRTT'-FOLTl PAGES— (IN TWO SECTIONS) with Sunset Rebekah Dod*e, win temono. ..... Christmas party Friday, Decem­ Preparea. for Legisla- It is nearly certain that Sehetor FUUI^CliNtB^ tcUe pUic€e All xneinb6ri of both ber 17 In the Evangeline room of Mouse will be chOMn aa .G.O.P, ltd*es and their fttmUles are In­ Murphy'a restaurant. Dinner will lative Sessions minority leader In the Senate'- to vited to be present and each one Sunset Council. Degree of Poca­ be served'at 1:30 sharp. Members heed hia party's legislative acUvr- attending Is rsquested to d>rlng a hontas. No. 45, will hold the sec­ attending are asked to bring a gift Political activity In preparation Ity In the upper chamber. Wimiing Given > ' . Belle Hop Russia Casts 20-cent g ift ____ j ond In Its series of eight setback for the grab-bag. for the dqmlng legislative session Later, the matter of committee Bomb Sight Data parties tomorrow evening In Tinker is drawing Manchester's delega­ esidgnments will be of. Interest' to Top Advisors Urge | the Manchester delegation. Bruce McKenney, six-year old! hall, with Mrs. Cyrene Thebqdeau The Willing Workers of the About Profits Veto Against and her committee In charge. South Methodist W.S.C.S. will hold tion In the General Aasembly to son of Mr. and M ra Fred McKen- Prises will be awarded at each sit­ their Christmas party at the Hertford thla week end next. ny of Mt. Nebo place, and a first ting, suid a grand prise will be church, Thursday at 2 o'clock. Yesterday RepreaentettV’e-Elect Given to Soviets On Scrap Deal Ceylon Entry grade pupil in the South school, awarded to the high scorer at the Each member is asked to provide John D. LaBelle attended the FENDER AND BODY brought to The Herald office yes­ close of the tournament. Playing a 25-cent gin. Hostesses will be training aeasioh for newly elected Chiang Let Others terday a little bunch of hjue vlo- Will be^n promptly at 8 o'clock. Mrs. A rthur Bronkie . and Mrs. leglaletoTS held in .Hartford. The leU which he had picked In a shel­ Allen Barrett meeting was convened for the pur­ worIk You ’re Being Wise When European Profit-Taking Malik and Tarasenko tered place on the sontt Mde of As Early as 1938 The first of two Christmas pro­ pose of edviaing niw members on his home. grams by children of the Hollister Mrs. Bertha WIrtalla was elect­ procedures and rules. LaBelle,. a SoHment and FtaRkt 1d4. May Jeopardiae Fu­ Only Two Opposing street school will be presented this ed president of the Sewing Circle Democrat, wae a winner In the re­ •84' Canlet attest You Do Your Xmas ture Recovery Funjit Ifletnbership in U N; evening at 6:45 by boys and girls of Concordia Lutheran church, at cent election, together‘with Sher- Member of House Un- Try to Save China of the first, second and third its meeting last idght. She will New Witness For Three NatiouR Next Meeting Friday grades. Tomorrow evening at 7:30. succeed Mrs. Frieda Knofla. Other J : -.Lii'.'S!?.:'.. Shopping At HALE’S American ConuDittee fourth, fifth and sixth grade chil­ officers Include, vica president. Mlae Barbara Hampaon Mrs. Fiieda Moorhouse; secretary', Asserts Group Has Re­ Washfiratim, Dec. 15—(F)—Euro­ Paris, Dec. IS—(4>)—Russia cast Atiantie dren will entertain. Called Today pean prom-taking on scrap metal .\dvocate Giving Up Mrs. Pearl Helm; and treasurer, John R. Hampaon, of 68 Birch her 29 veto in the United Nations port DetaUed Inform­ bought with Marshall plan dollars No Longer Doubt Control of Crumbling Sunday School teachers of the Mrs. Bertha Gess. street, announces the engagement For Christmas Security Council today to keep Range and Fuel Concordia lAitheran church will of his daughter. Miss Barbara Ann ation on Norden Se­ In Hunt brought congressional warnings Ceylon out of the United Nations. Government: Appar* meet this evening at 7:30. Members of St. Bernadette's Hampson, to Ward Gochee, son of Cannon Towel Sets today that such deals may Jeopard- The veto was Russia's second Mothers Circle gave a farewell par­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman cret Leaked to Russia ty for Mrs. Rath' Oorthouts of iM future recovrery funds. on Ceylon’s membership bid. Tbs On Peace Parleys ently Would Alean OIL Walker street who la leaving Man­ of Lake street, Bolton. A New Set Of Silverman Before Feder­ Senator McClellan (D„ Ark.) Soviets now have used 13 of their Peace Negotiations chester In the near future for West Washington, Dec. 16.—(ff) told a reporter "if we cannot get 29 vetoes in tlve Council to bar Hertford. She has been one of Dakota Council, No. 61, Degree $1-39 ' —A member of the House al Grand Jury; Last- them to stop such practices— seven countriea from membership. With Chinese Cohimn* A D M IM)RA the outstanding members end all of Pocahontas, will meet tomorrow I Un-American Activities com­ which I regard as a breach of faith Pots Off Actloa ea Israel L T. WOOD CO. regret her departure. A delicious evening at 8 o’clock Odd Fel SEAT COVERS Minute Spurt of Ac­ —then Congresa will have to stop Before turning to tlie vote on German Press nists; No Indication buffet supper was aerved and the lows hall. All members ar)8 urged An imvuuelly good value In cellophane wrapped tewcl set in four mittee said today it has a re­ the whole program." Ceylon, the Council put off .sctlon U BiMsO 9L TcL 4496 tivity at Quartera on Israel’s membership applica­ General WiR Resign honor guest was presented with a to attend as election of officers will - FOR YOUR CAR colon. 1 port that detailed informa­ Scarce Metals Resold /y; Believe Talks Ac- F b US StrUffffle cake, with the words, "Good take place, and all those who have tion on the Norden bomb The practices he referred to in­ tion until Friday. ‘PC!*" 4! <3000 New York, 'Dec. 15.—(F)—^Tb# Russia’s Jakob Mslik and Dele­ tunlly Going on- Note ____ S e N S £ OF Luck,” together with a large box ordered Christmas cards are asked Other Towel Sets To $4.67 sight leaked out to Russian volved the resale to American buy­ Nanking. D«c. 15.- containing gifts made by the circle to apply for them at this meeting. final day’s sessiona of the current ers of over 20,000 tons of scares gate Vassili Tarasenko of the President Chiang Kai-Shek's members. Mrs. Corthouta ex­ Ail $19.95 Seto — $10 representatives as early as aliunlnum and lead which British, Soviet Ukraine caat the only two Soviet'Licensed Organs spy-himting Federal grand Jury Peiping. Dec. 15.—(/P)— Belgian and Dutch dealers bad votea against Ceylon. First they top advisors are urging him CM om n tended a cordial taivitetion to . the The Ladles’ Aid Society of Zion 1938. began today with the calling of a There no longer is any doubt circle to meet with her In her new Lutheran church will hold Its an­ Report Obtaloed Orally bought in Canada and Latin-Amer- argued atrenuously againat recon- Advocate *Shar pen- to give up control of China's REAL C O R R / </S home on January 22, end grateful 7; X 90 Thla member, who would not new witness accused of being a Ica with U. S.-advanced funds. aideration of Ceylon's application. in Peiping that peace talks nual Christmaa supper and social The 9-2 vote was the same as ing of Class Fight' crumbling government and 'W R o a o f/ Uienke for their kind thoughtful at the church tomorrow evening at All $55.00 Sets — $25 8 permit the uae of hla name, amid member of a pre-war Communist . The Economic Cooperation ad- are in progres.s as ,tlie Chi­ , let others try to save the ness in entertaining for her. 6 o'clock. the report waa obtained orally by vmdergrovmd in Washington. ministration announced late yes­ that at Lake Success last Aug. 18, nese Communists slowly sur­ ESTATE IVRtr JUt a committee inveatlgator and the A new Jury will take over the terday that the three European when Ruteia first vetoed Ceylon.
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