Go M. U 929.2 V287b aENEAL-OGY COLLECTION 1154012 3 1833 01435 6775 LIMITED EDITION Of this edition 350 copies only have been printed, of which this is No. c-^. t;/ C? YAN DEITSEN FAMILY WITH COPIOUS NOTES ABRAHAM VAN DEUSEN and many of his descendants with Biograpliical Notes 1635-1901 : ©ir CtmelDe, Mt SBmerc. by CHARLES B. BEE^SOI^ (member of the Hudson Bar) New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Copyright, 1901, by Charles B. Benson. 1154012 THIS WOEK IS EESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO E. T. y. D. V \ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS C. B. Benson Frontispiece FACING PAOE Totems of Indian Tribes 36 West Side of North Pearl Street, Northward from Maiden Lane, Albany 64 Dr. E. H. Van Deusen 137 The Public Library Building 150 The munificent gift to the city of Kalamazoo, Michigan, from Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Van Deusen. VAN DEUSEN FAMILY ; PREFACE THE sources of this compilation are chiefly the Doop and Trouw Boeken of the Reformed (Dutch) Churches at Albany, New York, Claverack, Kinderhook, Church- town, Livingston and Kingston. These registers of bap- tisms and marriages have been very carefully examined, and are complete from 1685 to 1760, Albany; from the be- ginning to 1787, Claverack; to 1820, Churchtown; to 1780, Johnstown; to 1784, Kinderhook; and from 1660 to 1809, Kingston. In addition to the above sources of information, much valuable data have been ob- tained from the records of deeds, wills, mortgages, mar- riage and other contracts, powers of attorney, proceedings of magistrates, etc., found in the offices of the clerks of the cities and counties of Albany and New York; the early records and papers in the office of the Secretary of State, the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, Surrogates of the counties of Columbia, New York, Albany and Dutchess Munsell's Annals and Collections of Albany; the works of Dr. O 'Callaghaji ; the New York Historical collections; family records and papers; local histories, and gravestone inscriptions. I wish, also, to acknowledge the great assistance rendered by Mr. Robert T. Van Deusen, of Stuyvesant, who has fur- nished the nucleus of this genealogy from notes gathered by him a few years ago. The name Van Deusen is found in the early records spelled as Van Deusen, Vandeusen, Van duzen. Van dense, Van Deussen, Van Dorsen, Van Dozer, Van Duee, Van Duesen, Van Dueser, Van Dueson, Vandueus, Van Dusan, xiii : Vandiise, Van Duusen, Van Deuzer, Van Duzer, Van Deur- sen, Van Deurse, Owing to the fact that surnames were little used in the early days of the Dutch colonies, and the Christian names were so badly misspelled that they were scarcely recogniz- able, it has been difficult to trace the genealogical lines. This difficulty has been enhanced by the propensity manifested in families to use the same Christian names. Thus, "Isaac Rich," becomes in a few years Isaac I., to distinguish him from his son, Isaac II., and his grandchildren, Isaac III., IV., v., and VI. William, the son of Jacob, becomes Wil- liam Jacobse to distinguish him from some other William, instead of using the surname. Three classes of numbers are used, viz, I Consecutive. These jSgures begin with No. 1, and are found in and constitute the left-hand column of the book. n Family. These are taken from the consecutive num- bers and placed over the head of the family of the person they stand for in the consecutive column. m Reference. These are also taken from the consecu- tive colunm and placed in parenthesis before certain names in order to show relationship and intermarriages. : VAN DEUSEN GENEALOGY The name, Van Deusen, probably derived its origin from a small hamlet of about five hundred inhabitants in Noord Braband, in the Netherlands, called Deursen. 1 ABRAHAM VAN DEUSEN had five sons who came to America about the middle of the seventeenth century. The names of these five sons were: Isaac, Melchert, Mat- theus, Jacob and Peter. 2 Isaac, m. Jannetie Jans, at New Amsterdam, April 5, 1659. 3 Melchert, m. Engeltje (Angelica) Jacobsen Van Woert. In Dec, 1682, he paid to the church fund for the small or child's pall. 4 Teuwis (Matthew), m. Helena . 5 Jacob, m. Catalyntje Van Eslant, in New Amster- dam, Sept. 23, 1663. He paid, in Feb., 1675, for the small pall 5 g. 6 Peter, m. Hester Webber, in New Amsterdam, Oct. 10, 1666. II 2 ISAAC, son of (1) Abraham Van Deusen; m. Jan- netie Jans, at New Amsterdam, April 5, 1659, and had 7 Abraham, bp. Nov. 16, 1659, in the Old Dutch Church at New Amsterdam. Spons., Abraham Petersen, Thomas Jansen and Tryntje Cregiers; m. Anna Sickles. 2 VAN DEUSEN GENEALOGY 8 Jacobus, bp. July 2, 1662. Spons., Herman Gertu, Jacob Abrahamsen Van Deusen and Helen Roberts; m. at Albany, Oct. 16, 1687, Catrina Borget of Albany. He was a resident of New York. 9 Gertruyd, bp. March 8, 1665. Spons., Nicholas de Carmen, Pieter Abrahamsen Van Deursen and Elsje Blanck; d. y. 10 Gertruyd, bp. Oct. 3, 1666. Spons., Jacob Kip and Elsje Kip. 11 Isaac, bp. May 10, 1670. Spons., Jacob Kip and Hester Webber; m. April 24, 1697, Metje Chris- tiaens, j. d. als boren blijde wonende alhier (N.Y.). The small Burgher Eight required that "all those who kept any shop, however it may be called, and carry on business within this city (Amsterdam in New Netherland) or the jurisdiction thereof, shall be bound to apply to the Burgomasters for the small Burgher Right, and pay there- for Twenty Guilders, Dutch money, or the equivalent thereof." (11) Isaac Isaacksen Van Deurse was registered as Cord- wainer, July 5, 1698. Ill 3 MELCHERT, son of (1) Abraham Van Deusen; m. Engeltje, daughter of Rutger Jacobsen Van Schoenderwoert (Woert) and Tryntje Janse Van Breestede (bp. in New Amsterdam, April 10, 1650), and had: 12 Jannetje, m. Thomas Janse Whitbeck, Sept. 5, 1702. 13 Harpert, m. 1st, (27) Helena Van Deusen, Nov. 7, 1707 ; m. 2d, The : Van Alstyne, May 23, 1732. VAN DEUSEN GENEALOGY 6 14 Catrina, m. June 28, 1691, at Albany, Lncas (Jon- athan) Janse Witbeck. 15 RuTGER, m. Weintie (Sabina) Harmense Hun, Sept. 11, 1692; was buried at Papsknee, June 22, 1731. 16 Caspar. 17 Grietje (Margaret), m. Evert Pels, Sept. 29, 1695. 18 Magdalena, bp. May 3, 1685, at Albany. Spons., Caatje H. Oothout, Gysbert Cornells, and Marte Cornells. 19 Engeltje, bp. May 22, 1687, at Albany. Spons., Margriet Pieters, Pieter Tomes, and Jonas Folk- ers; m. Philip Van Vechten, June 4, 1714. 20 Abraham, bp. July 14, 1689, at Albany. Spons., Caatje Bleyker and Johannes Bleyker ; m. Catha- rina Meier, Oct. 10, 1720. 21 Catalyntje, bp. Sept. 20, 1691, at Albany. Spons., Herbert Abrahams and Jannetje Blyker ; d. Sept. 26, 1704. Melehert resided in the town of Schotack (Schodaek). He was buried in Papsknee (opposite Albany), Jan. 6, 1742. Engeltje, wife of Melehert Abrahamse, was buried July 11, 1728. He was a freeholder in the colony of Rens- selaerwyck in 1720. The following is a copy of a mortgage pledging cer- tain personal property (part of which was in the posses- sion of Melehert Abrahamse Van Deusen) given as security for a certain sum owing on a bail bond. "Appeared before me, Ludovicus Cobes, Secretary of Albany, New Amsterdam, &c, in presence of the Hon, Heeren commissaries, &c, Philip Pieterse Schyler and Jan Hendrickse Van Bael, Eldert Gerbertse Cruiff, who ac- knowledged that he is well and honestly indebted to and in : 4: VAN DEUSEX GENE.VLOGY arrears to Messieurs Jan Hendriek Briiyns and Hans Hen- driekse, in the net sum of three hundred and fifty francs in beavers and forty-eight francs in seewant, together with sev- enty-five boards, growing out of a matter of security, as principals bound for said Cruiff, in consequence of a certain sentence dated the 5th of January, 1670, which aforesaid money the subscriber promises to pay to said Jan Hendriek Bruyns and Hans Hendrickse punctually in the time of six weeks without any longer delay, therefore pledging espe- cially his distilling kettle, worm and dome, the saw-mill at Bethlehem and all his lands in Catskil, together with all his title to his house, brewery in a lot lying here in Albany, likewise two cows here and four cattle, ivith Gerrit Theu- nisse (Van Vechten) two cattle with (3) Melgert Abrahamse (Van Deusen) at Schotack, three head of cattle with Jan Helmerse (alias de Boek), half of which is coming to him and three heifers with Hendriek Maerson and a bull: fur- thermore generally his person and estate, personal and real, present and future, nothing excepted, putting the same in subjection to all the lord's laws and judges for the recovery of said payment in due time if need be without loss or cost. "Done in Albany the 21st of June, 1671 "Philip Pieterse "Jan Hend: Van Bael. "Acknowledged before me "Eldert Gerbertse Cruiff. "LuDOvicus CoBES, Secretary." Att a Mayors Court, held in y*" Citty hall of albany the 27 of March, 1705 — Present, Johannis Schuyler, Esqr. Mayor; Evert Banker, David Schuyler, Johannis Rose- boom, Joh' Mingael Hend'' Hansen, Esq"", aid (3) Melgert van deuse, Plentive, Cornelis Van Vechten, Defend*, The Plentives Declaration Read & is as followeth viz : Mayors Court 4th year of her Majes. Reign (3) Melgt : VAN DEUSEN GENEALOGY 5 Abrahamse, of y" Colony of Renssellaerwyck in y" County aforesaid, yoeman Complains agst Cornelis Teunise Van Vechten of Bethlehem of y'' Colony aforesaid in y" County aforest yeoman of a plea upon y* Case &'' whereupon y'' said Melgt by John Collins his atturney saith that whereas y'' s"* Cornelis anno domini 1685 at y^ Dwelling house of y'= said Melgt in y^ County aforesaid was indebted unto y" said Mel- gert one hundred and Eighty skippel of good merchandable
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