FOREST INSECT PESTS AND THEIR INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT WITH EMPHASIS TO GALL FORMING INSECTS A SELECT ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY DISSERTATION dubmitt£J in ptn.tial futfilm£nt of t'£ 1.£'Iw'tE.muzt1 fo 't tfl£. awa,J of thE. JE.9't£.L of By RUBINA BILQUIS Roll No. 99-LSM-13 Enrol. No. X-7246 Under the Supervision of MR. ·M. MASOOM RAZA (LECTURER) DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH (INDIA) 1999-2000 I~I~I f~~ I ~I~ ~Ii IIIII11 DS3182 Phones (0571) 10003'1 Internal 193 Telex: 564-230 AMU IN Fax: 91-0531-400528 DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002 (U.P.), India This is to certify that Ms. Rubina Bilquis has completed he( dissertation entitled "Forest Insect Pests alld Their Illtegrated Pest Mallagemellt with Emphasis To Gall Formblg Insects", in partial fulfil ment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Library and Information Science. She has conducted the work under my supervision and guidance. I deem it fit for submission. DBDleAG£BD GfO Mcr ALMAMAG£BR Page No. AIMS AND SCOPE I-VII PART - I INTRODUCTION 1-33 PART - II ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 34-177 PART - III AUTHOR INDEX 178-186 TITLE INDEX 187-202 SUBJECT INDEX 203-212 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF PERIODICALS 213-216 Jir:5t and loremojt, J would Idle to thank lhe -.Almight~ '-Allah,' "fj hea,.t, 10,. he p,.ovided me all tI~e nece:5:5a"fj :5trengtl~ in completion 01 thi:5 p,.oject work. Jt i:J a g,.eat plea:5ure to acknowledf)e the manfj people wlw came acro:5:5 during thi:5 project work. Jir:Jt 0/ alt, J would like to thank mlJ :Jupervijor (/\-1,., u1t u11~5~~»1 J{~z~ (Jecturer, ::b ep it. 0/ Jibrarfj & Jil/ormalion, ~m'/j) /01' hi:5 :Ju(jfje:Jtion:J and adviceJ takell in till' completion 0/ the project. J would alwafjJ remain indebted to him /01' hi:J motivating app,.oach and un/!af)f)ing :JuppOl't. J am grateful to vM,·· rS· (/Vlu5t~f·' i-"",~" (Chairman, 'JJepti.o/ clibrarfj & In/ormation, ~mU) /01' hi:J wije council and coopel'ation. J am eCJuallfj thankful lo {p,·~r 12J~.,1·"'7 ..'t l-IuS5""'~' (::b ep it. 0/ clibl'a"lj & In!ormation Science, .-A'ffIU) /01' h ij con:Jtant encouragement lhl'oughout the work. J am a{Jo indepied to (/\1,.. uV .'hs7"'~ fil, (p.{/11.. (/\1s. (Sh~7~\-.V,~ 1-1 ~'-'~""5""~' and (/115. cIV,s!J ..,t J ..,tin., .., (cleclurer:J, ])eptl. 0/ Jibrary & In/ormatioll, ---4mU) lor tlteir :Jugge:5tion:J :5eeked at variou:J jtagej 0/ the project. Jt would not be right on m'l part, il J do not expreJJ m'l deep and Jincere thankJ, Jpecia~/'I to m'l uncle fl),.. j ,·F .'.' fi7·~"~ (Senior SCientiJt, --4'J.RJ, Jodhpur) lor hij expert adl/ice taken durin'} the project. J alo want to thank fl),.. VtJ ~~'n, J ~,.,~, (Pro;', :J)eptt. 01 Lo%g'l' .AmV) and lhe ReJearch Sc/wtarJ (:J)eptt. o/Loolo'}'1' -.AmV) lor their conjullalionj. J appreciate the help rendered b'l lhe non-teaching Jta///or their nwral Jupport. rfI'1 heart/ul IhankJ are due to att m~ ctaJJmateJ and IriendJ eJpeciall'l to f ~,.~.,.,,,,,",, [t I-I,."I~ lor tltelj were a[wa'lj read'l to render their jerI/ice:!. J-l would not be JUJU/jed on In'l part i/ J do not exprejJ m'l jincere gratitude and indebtnejj to mlj parentJ and olher memberj 0/ m'l/amil'l' ejpeciattlj to mlj broth,er {,,/\1 J~,~u,.,.~ ... "1 rS...,.cc~ and u4i'cs7~ (Sijler in law) lor thelj took pain in contributing their jhare 0/ help during the project time. JaJt but not the leajt, J- would tke to thank the f ff 'd'."It (.:- ...... r".t".s (near --4/tab JJa/~ /or i'lping ihe diJJertation work. Jina!!'1' J- would like to thank all m'l ."...,.,. """"I~ ~c",,,· ...... 'cs lor th,eir /riendllj and moral jupporl. tQ~~ (RUBINA BILQ1lIS) ii METHODOLOGY: The primary sources were consulted in the following libraries. 1. Central Library - Cum Information Centre, Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur. 2. Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur. 3. Zoological Survey of India, Jodhpur. 4. Maulana Azad Library, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. The Procedures Followed in Preparing the Bibliography is: I. The Secondary sources were consulted in Central Library - Cum Information Centre, Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur as well as Maulana Azad Library, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. II. The relevant bibliographical details were noted down 5" x 7" cards following the lSI standards. III. The primary sources were consulted in Central Library - Cum Information Centre, Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur as well as Zoological Survey of India, Jodhpur. IV. On Completion of the abstract subject headings were assigned subject heading are completely co-existensive of the extent possible. V. The subject were arranged in an alphabetical sequence various elements. VI. In the end of the three separate alphabetical index were given. a) Author index. b) Title index. IV J~T~ODUc:.TJO~ TO BJB'-JOG~APHY AIMS AND SCOPE: The major aim of the present study is to compile the annotated bibliography and significant literature dealing with the "Forest insect Pest and their integrated Pest management". Although the abstracts taken into account are specifically covering only one aspect dealing with forest insects and their integrated pest management but exhaustive literature was screened out whil e writing on this selective topic. I am confident that this work will be of a great use to all those who are interested in the field of information and technology dealing with forest pests and their management. For the sake of convenience, the abstracts so collected and compiled are divided into three categories. I. Forest Insect Pest. II. Gall inducing insects. III. Integrated pest management. The dissertation is divided into three parts. The part I deals with the introduction of the above three aspects. Part II, which is the main part of the present study consist of an annotated list of over 225 abstracts on the subject. PART III, however deals with indexes. III c) Subject index providing reference to various entries by their respective number. VII. Alphabetical list of periodicals are given. SUBJECT HEADING: Attempt has been made to give co-extensive subject heading as much as possible. It will facilitate the reader to find out desired articles from this bibliography. An humble effort ,has been made to follow postulates and principles as suggested by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan in the formation of subject heading. These are arranged strictly by the princ!ple of alphabetical sequence. STANDARD FOLLOWED: It has been taken strictly to follow the rules and practices of the Indian standard for Bibliographical References (IS: 2381-1963) for each entry of the bibliography. Thus it gives an unformity for the bibliographic references throughout this select bilbliography. This classifed catalogue code (CCC) of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan have been followed for choice and rendering of authors and headings. ARRANGEMENTS: The entries in this bibliography are grouped and assigned strictly under subject heading alphabetically letter by letter. An entry is preceded by subject-heading in capitals. The entry begins with Entry Element (i.e. Surname) of the author in capitals, followed by Secondary element (i.e. forename) within parenthesis and then the title of the article, sub title (if any) after this the title of the v periodical, its volume number, issue number, month of publication and year of publication after which are given the pages of the articles. The item of bibliographical reference for each entry contains the following information: a) Name(s) of author(s) b) Full stop(.) c) Title of contribution including substitle, if any d) Full stop(.) e) Title of the periodical f) Full stop(.) g) Volume number h) Issue number (within bracket) i) Semi-colon(;) j) Month k) ComaL) I) Year of publication m) Semi-colon(;) n) Inclusive pages of article 0) Full stop(.) SPECIMA·N ENTRY: COATS (S A ) and MCCOY (C W). Fuller rose beetle Ovipositional preference on florida citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology. 83(3); June, 1990; p. 860-865. EXPLANATION: This article is take from Journal of Economic Entomology, which is titled "Fuller rose beetle oviposition preference on florida citrus" written by 5 A Costs and C W McCoy in the 83 volume of the issue number 3 of the June 1990 on the pages 860 to 865 against this entry the serial number is given. VI ABSTRACT: The entries in the bibliography contain abstracts giving essential information about the articles. Attempts have been made to prepare indicative abstract, so that in most of the cases user needs are fulfilled with abstract itself. INDEX: The Third part of the bibliogr~~hy contains author, title and subject index in alphabetical sequence. The index guides to the specific entry or entries in bibliography. It is hoped that it will be found useful in consultation in the bibliography. VIl ~A~T O~E. J"trgd~ c;tig" FO~tST J~St'T I'tSTS A~D THtJ~ J~TtG~ATtD I'tST MA~AGtMt~T WJTH tMPHASJS TO GAL.L. FO~MJ~G J~St'TS 1. INTRODUCTION: 1.1 WHAT IS A FOREST INSECT: QUite simply it is an insect which lives in a forest, in the terminology of terrestrial synecology it is a member of a forest biocoenosis. The basic idea of the biocoenosis or life community must be introd uced at the very outset of a study of forest insect life.
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