Salute To EAST SIDE NEWS ISSUED FRIDAY SERVING LARCHMERE- WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS MT. PLEASANT, LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGE OF - For 21 Years - FREE HIGHLAND HILLS AND CITY. OF EAST CLEVELAND OfReporting Our Community News READ ON- WRITE ON Thesday, July 10,2001- Friday, July 13,2001 VOL.22No.l9 "COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW" *July 10, 1980- July 10, 2001 * Raymond Pierce meets with publishers SPORTS News Bulletin MENU TIPS Raymond C. Pierce to the· people in attendence recently met with Greater that the citizens of Cleveland Merlakia Jones of the Cleveland Minority Publish­ are his first priority. City To Host Cleveland Rockers was recently Nutrition Adds ers to discuss key elements of He is nationally her­ assigned to the WNBA All-Star NCAA Women To Taste his ·campaign for mayor of alded as an innovator in pub­ team for the Eastern Conference. Cleveland at Morning Star lic education policy. Jones is a guard. The All-Star Baptist Church, 10250 Shaker Pierce is the former Game will be held on July 16th, See Page 7 See Page 8 Blvd. deputy assistant secretary of in Orlando. Pierce answered the U.S. Department of Edu­ questions and provided fore­ cation in the Clinton adminis­ sight to ways in which the tration. Papis Job graduates from Benedictine qualities oflife can be greatly He is a practicing at­ torney with considerable expe­ Papis Joh recently improved in Cleveland. rience in business and gov­ received his diploma and con­ Pierce graduated ernment affairs. gratulations from Benedictine from Syracuse University with "I believe in an open, guidance director Fr. Anselm a Bachelor of Arts degree. He inclusive, and accountable city Zupka, OSB, and president received his law degree from government," Pierce said. BishopRogerW. Gries, OSB. Case Western Reserve Uni­ Another innovation The graduation took versity. that Pierce believes that the place at St. John Cathedral. He was born and people of Cleveland deserve Nearly 9, 000 young reared in Cleveland. He and are effective and professional men have graduated from his wife, Diane, have two management at City Hall. Benedictine since 193 I . children. PhotoL toR: William "Bill" Pous, The Crusader; Among those in at­ Joh, son of Alberta From Pierce's pre­ Lola Reeder, a reporter for The Crusader; Michael A. tendance at the church were Joh, was a three-sport athlete sentation to the publishers, he House, president/COO of the Call and Post; and Pierce. Rev. Preston, senior pastor of for Benedictine varsity sports illustrated that he knows MSBC; Drew Odum, intern at nist for EAST SIDE DAlLY House, president/COO of the teams. £ what needs to be done in is shown receiving his diploma from EASTSIDEDAILYNEWSand NEWS; William "Bill" Potts, Call and Post; and Rev. Tho­ He was a running Cleveland and fs qualified and Benedictine guidance direcfor Fr. Anselm Zupka, OSB, left, a student at Cornell Univer­ The Crusader; Lola Reeder, mas Gilmore, associate pastor back on the football team, a prepared to do the job. and president Bishop Roger Gries, OSB. sity; David L. Odum, a colum- The Crusader; Michael of administration at MSBC. guard on the basketball team Pierce made known and he ran track. Dayton, and ran on the I 00, This fall Joh will be­ He was the 800-meter 200, and 400-meter relay teams gin studies at the University of Muslims convene for ICNA convention Division II state champion in which won medals. Toledo. By COLERIDGE JONES (Atlanta-area) deputy. Network in Cleve­ The Hood,' in the news con­ He is Iman Jamil land, said at a news confer­ ference spoke of the youth The Islamic Circle of Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly ence, "Muslims have always programs: Project Restoration. North America's (ICNA) na­ the activist H. Rap Brown, been involved in social re­ He said that Muslims tional convention attracted prominent in the sixties' black form." He said. "In a lot of and Christians are collaborat­ 15,000 Muslims from across revolution. areas we want to enhance the ing in Project Restoration to the nation. ICNA at the conven­ life style of the community." help At-Risk Youth. The event was held tion promoted overcoming the Samad said the Mus­ "High-risk youth re­ from July 6 - 8, at the Cleve­ stereotyping of Muslim lim Network is forming a non­ ferred to Project Restoration land Convention Center. women as oppressed. profit agency to seek funding from courts and religious in­ Imam Na'eem Saroya Dr. Tamvir Khan of for social programs. stitutions are provided pro­ of Detroit, convention chair­ New York City said, "about a He said the network grams such as Rites of Pas­ man, said,, "Society' has to third of ICNA's governing will apply for funds from the sage, mentoring and educa­ have proper justice, and then body are women." George W. Bush tional activities," Sarnad said. peace will develop." Convention topics Administration's Faith Based Dr. Zulfigar Ali Shah The tittle 'hnan' is for included unity among eight · Initiative, "to add to services is president of the Islamic Islamic religious leaders. Muslim groups in the United we are already providing." Circle of North America and The convention's States, racism, political action, Khalid Samad, ex­ Naeem M. Baig is secretary theme was 'Islam for Peace stereotyping Muslims and so­ ecutive director of 'Peace In general and Justice.' cial problems. The ICNA conven­ hnamFrawasDamora tion emphazised the promo­ ofthe Islamic Center of Greater tion of women's rights in Is­ Cleveland, estimated there are lamic families and fairness for 40,000 Muslims and 13 Muslims in countries torn by mo,sques in Cleveland. violence. He said that Muslims An ICNA rally in are becoming increasingly in­ public square, on Friday, called volved in the political arena. for a self-ruling vote in largely A majority of blacks Muslim Kashmir. are affiliated in the traditional The Kashmir region Muslim ICNA movement. is disputed for control be­ ICNA is separate tween India and Pakistan. from the Nation of Islam, led The raUy also addressed the by Minister Louis Farrakhan. plight of a black Imam charged Muhammad A. with murder ofa charged with Samad, president of the Intra murder of a Fulton County, Ga. City Muslim Action. Services held for Alfred 'AI' Fowler Beware: Dnvers using E-ast 121 st. Street and Shaker Service two years later. Boulevard must be aware of the new "Do Not Enter" sign He ran the business between the hours of 7:00a.m. -9:00a.m.; and .J.·OO p.m. - and participated in his favor­ 7:00p.m. The signs were recent~y erected by the traffic de­ ite leisure activity, roller skat­ partment. Cleveland Muslim leaders met with world Muslim leaders at the ICNA convention. ing, until he became ill with Photo Ito r: Qammar Malik, Imam Fawaz Damra. Kha/1d Samad, Muhammad Samad and cancer less than two years WaliA lim. (ESDN Photo by Coleridge Jones) ago. Politics 2001 Services for Bishop Mr. Fowler gradu­ :- ated from John Hay High Robert L. Chapman School in 1943. After gradu­ NAACP attacks Bush at convention Services for Bishop ation he jomed the Marine By HOWARD TAUB Bond attacked the Robert L. Chapman was held Corps. president for appeasing yesterday at the Ohio North­ He served in the Fowler A videotaped "the wretched appetites of west Convention Center, Paciftc during World War II message from President the extreme right wing." 11821 BuckeyeRoad. Services were held and attained the rank of cor­ Bush was played at the Bond also blasted National church lead­ for Alfred H. Fowler today at poral. NAACP Annual Conven­ Bush for choosing cabinet ers will conduct a service for II :00 am. at University Mr. Fowler be­ tion in New Orleans on officials who are devoted to Bishop Chapman, 78, at noon Church ofChrist, 1885 E. 89th longed to the leadership Monday, July 9. the Confederacy with open today at Olivet Institutional St. in Cleveland. board and taught Sunday In his speech affection for old south's Baptist Church, 8712 Quincy Mr. Fowler, who was school at University Church President Bush pledged to history. Ave , Cleveland. a self employed plumber, was of Christ. uphold " the memory of ln particular, Bond appointed to the city's Board Survivors include Street cleaning Abraham Lincoln and Fred­ attacked the civil rights of Examiners of Plumbers in his wtfe of 50 years, Flo­ erick Douglass." records oflnterior Secretary City Works and E. 1997 by Mayor Michael R. rence; three brothers; and However, NAACP Gale Norton and Attomey l12th St.- Street Club will be White. three sisters. president Kweisi Mfume General John Ashcroft teaming together to clean the Mr. Fowler, 76, died Services will be at II said, "I welcome the He also attacked street from 9:00a.m to 12:00 ofcomplications of colon can­ a.m. Friday at University president's words, but I will Bush's faith-based initiative noon on Friday, July 13. cer last Friday at his home. Church ofChrist , 1885 E. 89th Tall Ships Are Here: The Red Witd1 Ship out of welcome more his actions " and the massive tax cut There will be free re­ A native Sandusky is docked af I 0/110\'Jdr Park Tht! R<!d ~~itch %1p St. Bond called the freshments for the workers. Approximately is part of the la/1.\hip.\ Cha/JanKefor the HarhorFe\t wluch Clevelander, Mr. Fowler be­ E.F. Boyd and Sons tax cut, "relief for the rich at To volunteer and for 4,800 people watched is at/he Ciew!t.md Port from Thunday .lull• 1 :!, 1111111 Sun­ came a plumber in 1952 and Funeral Home of Cleveland is the expense of the poor" more infOrmation call 216-229- Bush's videotaped speech day, July 15.
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