City of Portland Health & Human Services Department Social Services Division PORTLAND HOMELESS SHELTERS Total Number of Individuals Residing in Shelters per Night: September 2013 September 2014 ADOLESCENTS 20 Individuals 21 Individuals FAMILIES 182 Individuals 155 Individuals 55 Average Families 54 Average Families ADULTS 302 Individuals 286 Individuals Total 504 Individuals 462 Individuals 30 Days in the Month of September This information is also posted on the City of Portland’s website each month. To view this information, please go to http://www.portlandmaine.gov/hhs/ssesac.asp Prepared by: City of Portland Health & Human Services Department Social Services Division 1 PREBLE STREET JOE KREISLER TEEN SHELTER SEPTEMBER 2014 ADOLESCENT BEDS USED 2013 2014 688 679 700 629 599 570 567 563 600 536 546 487 500 426 407 400 300 200 100 0 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP DecApr MayJan JunFeb Jul Mar Aug Apr Sep May 2013 487 570 426 407 546 599 2014 536 567 688 679 563 629 Percent +10% -0.5% +62% +66% +3% +5% PREBLE STREET Joe Kreisler Teen Shelter* 24 Beds (Opened 1/6/2013) Capacity 24 Month Total 629 Avg/Night 21 Highest Night 24 Lowest Night 13 UNDUPLICATED YOUTH: 56 TOTAL NEW INTAKES: 13 TOTAL HOUSING PLACEMENTS: 0 TH PLACEMENTS 0 PH PLACEMENTS 0 TOTAL RETURNS: 1 *EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS FOR THE 1ST TIME 4 (*BASED ON SELF-REPORTING) TOTAL YOUTH TURNED AWAY DUE TO REACHING CAPACITY 49 2 PORTLAND, CITY-WIDE SEPTEMBER 2014 FAMILY BEDS USED 2013 2014 6000 5455 5258 5046 4791 5000 4651 4290 4384 4353 4000 3786 3776 3679 3374 3000 2000 1000 0 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP DecApr JanMay JunFeb Jul Mar Aug Apr Sep May 2013 3786 3374 3679 4353 4791 5455 2014 3776 4290 4384 5046 5258 4651 Percent -0.3% +27% +19% +14% +10% -15% FAMILY SHELTER 94 Beds Hotels- Overflow As-Needed FAMILY CRISIS SHELTER 16 Beds STEPPING STONES 12 Beds 3 PORTLAND, CITY-WIDE SEPTEMBER 2014 FAMILY SHELTER STATISTICS Families- City* GA Family Stepping Beds Used City (incl. overflow) Hotels Crisis Stones Per Night Capacity 24 94 16 12 122+ Month Total 1123 2837 953 438 423 4651 Avg/Night 37 95 32 15 14 155 Highest Night 41 104 51 16 19 178 Lowest Night 33 88 15 12 10 138 CITY OF PORTLAND FAMILY SHELTER FAMILIES INDIVIDUALS UNDUPLICATED FAMILIES/INDIVIDUALS: 65 211 TOTAL NEW INTAKES: 27 89 TOTAL HOUSING PLACEMENTS: 14 44 TH PLACEMENTS 0 0 PH PLACEMENTS 14 44 TOTAL RETURNS: 0 0 *EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS FOR THE 1ST TIME 16 55 (*BASED ON SELF-REPORTING) FAMILY CRISIS FAMILIES INDIVIDUALS UNDUPLICATED FAMILIES/INDIVIDUALS: 18 27 TOTAL NEW INTAKES: 8 13 TOTAL HOUSING PLACEMENTS: 4 6 TH PLACEMENTS 3 4 PH PLACEMENTS 1 2 TOTAL RETURNS: 1 2 *EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS FOR THE 1ST TIME 3 6 (*BASED ON SELF-REPORTING) STEPPING STONES FAMILIES INDIVIDUALS UNDUPLICATED FAMILIES/INDIVIDUALS: 12 28 TOTAL NEW INTAKES: 4 10 TOTAL HOUSING PLACEMENTS: 2 4 TH PLACEMENTS 1 2 PH PLACEMENTS 1 2 TOTAL RETURNS: 0 0 *EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS FOR THE 1ST TIME 0 0 (*BASED ON SELF-REPORTING) 4 CITY OF PORTLAND HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT SOCIAL SERVICES DIVISION FAMILY SHELTER SEPTEMBER 2014 INTAKE STATISTICS Total Number of Individuals Out of State Out of Town Portland Out of Country 120 100 15 38 19 80 2 29 19 33 48 60 33 42 36 39 10 40 17 24 12 22 20 27 28 12 19 20 13 5 0 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP Families Individuals 116 108 92 89 79 78 35 33 26 22 24 27 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP Intake statistic or new arrival is defined as an individual that has not stayed at the Shelter for a period of three (3) months/90-days or longer. 5 CITY OF PORTLAND HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT SOCIAL SERVICES DIVISION FAMILY SHELTER SEPTEMBER 2014 MAINE TOWN OUT-OF-STATE OUT-OF-COUNTRY Chelsea 3 New York 3 Angola 3 Lewiston 5 Texas 2 Burundi 5 Westbrook 2 Canada 2 Winthrop 2 Congo 19 Djibouti 7 St. Lucia 3 Somalia 6 Sudan 3 Out-of-Country 48 Maine Towns 12 Out-of-State 5 Portland Intakes 24 TOTAL INTAKES 89 6 PORTLAND, CITY-WIDE SEPTEMBER 2014 ADULT SHELTER STATISTICS 2013 2014 9800 9650 9600 9400 9336 9223 9200 9053 9025 8997 8952 9000 8880 8800 8632 8654 8606 8575 8600 8400 8200 8000 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP DecApr JanMay JunFeb Jul Mar Aug Apr Sep May 2013 9025 9336 9223 8880 9650 9053 2014 8952 8606 8632 8654 8997 8575 Percent -1% -8% -6% -3% -7% -5% MILESTONE FOUNDATION Substance Abuse Shelter 41 Beds HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT—SOCIAL SERVICES DIVISION Oxford Street Shelter 141 Beds FLORENCE HOUSE Women’s Shelter 25 Beds Safe Haven 13 Beds COMMUNITY OVERFLOW Preble Street Resource Center 75 Beds GA Overflow 17 Beds 7 PORTLAND, CITY-WIDE SEPTEMBER 2014 ADULT SHELTER STATISTICS Warming Ctr- PS Beds OSS PS GA Chair Only Women’s Milestone Used Overflow Overflow Men Women Men Women Shelter Per Night Capacity 63 44 75 17 26 41 453 Month Total 2592 1514 2306 63 28 0 791 1281 8575 Avg/Night 86 50 77 2 1 0 26 43 286 Highest Night 111 58 86 28 14 0 27 49 320 Lowest Night 66 40 68 0 0 0 25 30 244 MILESTONE UNDUPLICATED INDIVIDUALS: 163 TOTAL NEW INTAKES: 16 TOTAL RETURNS: 0 *EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS FOR THE 1ST TIME 0 (*BASED ON SELF-REPORTING) OXFORD STREET SHELTER & COMMUNITY OVERFLOW (MEN) UNDUPLICATED INDIVIDUALS: 441 TOTAL NEW INTAKES: 152 TOTAL HOUSING PLACEMENTS: 17 TH PLACEMENTS 3 PH PLACEMENTS 14 TOTAL RETURNS: *EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS FOR THE 1ST TIME 38 (*BASED ON SELF-REPORTING) OXFORD STREET SHELTER & COMMUNITY OVERFLOW (WOMEN) UNDUPLICATED INDIVIDUALS: 132 TOTAL NEW INTAKES: 48 TOTAL HOUSING PLACEMENTS: 7 TH PLACEMENTS 0 PH PLACEMENTS 7 TOTAL RETURNS: *EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS FOR THE 1ST TIME 19 (*BASED ON SELF-REPORTING) FLORENCE HOUSE WOMEN’S SHELTER UNDUPLICATED INDIVIDUALS: 54 TOTAL NEW INTAKES: 15 TOTAL HOUSING PLACEMENTS: 7 TH PLACEMENTS 0 PH PLACEMENTS 7 TOTAL RETURNS: 4 *EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS FOR THE 1ST TIME 2 (*BASED ON SELF-REPORTING) 8 CITY OF PORTLAND HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT SOCIAL SERVICES DIVISION OXFORD STREET SHELTER SEPTEMBER 2014 INTAKE STATISTICS Out of State Out of Town Portland Out of Country 250 200 34 24 10 13 150 14 63 68 10 53 62 41 34 100 72 56 60 50 60 68 50 43 40 50 48 29 27 0 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 212 200 165 169 150 133 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP Intake statistic or new arrival is defined as an individual that has not stayed at the Shelter for a period of three (3) months/90-days or longer. 9 CITY OF PORTLAND HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT SOCIAL SERVICES DIVISION OXFORD STREET SHELTER SEPTEMBER 2014 MAINE TOWN OUT-OF-STATE OUT-OF-COUNTRY Arundel 1 California 3 Angola 7 Augusta 1 Colorado 2 Brazzaville 2 Bangor 5 Connecticut 1 Burundi 4 Bath 2 Florida 2 Congo 7 Biddeford 4 Illinois 2 Rwanda 2 Blue Hill 1 Iowa 2 Uganda 2 Brewer 1 Kentucky 1 Brunswick 3 Louisiana 1 Buxton 2 Massachusetts 7 Casco 1 Minnesota 1 Farmington 1 New Hampshire 5 Freeport 2 New York 3 Georgetown 2 North Carolina 2 Gorham 1 North Dakota 1 Hancock 1 Ohio 1 Hiram 1 Oklahoma 1 Hollis 1 Pennsylvania 1 Lewiston 3 Rhode Island 3 Limerick 1 South Carolina 1 Monmouth 1 Texas 1 Old Orchard Beach 2 Utah 1 Raymond 1 Vermont 2 Sanford 2 Washington 1 Skowhegan 1 Washington DC 1 South Portland 4 Wyoming 2 Trenton 1 Unity 1 Waldoboro 1 Waterboro 1 Westbrook 9 Wiscasset 1 York 1 Out-of-Country 24 Maine Towns 60 Out-of-State 48 Portland Intakes 68 TOTAL INTAKES 200 10 FLORENCE HOUSE WOMEN’S SHELTER SEPTEMBER 2014 INTAKE STATISTICS Out of State Out of Town Portland Out of Country Unknown 20 2 18 16 3 6 4 2 14 2 12 6 5 10 4 6 7 8 10 3 6 4 2 8 4 5 5 2 3 4 2 0 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 20 16 17 14 15 11 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP MAINE TOWN OUT-OF-STATE OUT-OF-COUNTRY Alfred 1 Bangor 1 Brunswick 1 Buxton 1 Ellsworth 1 Saco 1 South Portland 1 Standish 1 Out-of-Country 0 Unknown 2 Maine Towns 8 Out-of-State 0 Portland Intakes 5 TOTAL INTAKES 15 11 PORTLAND, CITY-WIDE SEPTEMBER 2014 1st TIME HOMELESSNESS STATISTICS (BASED ON SELF-REPORTING) 1st Time Homeless Intakes 139 136 140 124 120 100 89 88 79 80 60 40 20 0 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP SEPTEMBER 2014 1ST TIME HOMELESSNESS STATISTICS % OF ALL INTAKES (BASED ON SELF-REPORTING) 1st Time Homeless % of Total First Time Intakes Homeless Intakes Family Crisis 6 5% Family Shelter 55 44% Joe Kreisler 4 3% Milestone 0 0% Oxford Street (Men) 38 31% Oxford Street (Women) 19 15% Stepping Stones 0 0% Women’s Shelter 2 2% TOTAL 124 12 PORTLAND, CITY-WIDE SEPTEMBER 2014 SHELTER COUNT BY NIGHT Family Total Calendar Family Florence Joe OSS- OSS- Stepping Shelter Milestone Bed Day Crisis House Kreisler Beds Chairs Stones + Hotel Nights 1 12 128 27 23 30 187 0 12 419 2 12 128 27 24 42 211 0 16 460 3 12 117 27 24 49 195 0 18 442 4 12 116 27 20 44 197 0 15 431 5 13 126 27 24 38 182 0 12 422 6 15 121 27 21 43 183 0 12 422 7 15 123 27 13 46 204 0 15 443 8 15 121 27 18 40 218 0 13 452 9 15 113 27 20 45 208 0 13 441 10 15 110 27 21 45 211 0 13 442 11 16 110 27 19 45 209 0 13 439 12 16 113 27 19 41 211 6 15 448 13 14 113 26 21 44 211 4 15 448 14 14 113 26 22 44 236 0 11 466 15 14 131 26 21 48 231 0 11 482 16 16 136 26 23 45 244 0 12 502 17 16 131 26 21 44 247 0 13 498 18 16 131 26 23 45 249 0 10 500 19 16 126 26 24 43 215 14 11 475 20 16 126 26 15 43 213 1 13 453 21 16 128 26 20 41 226 0 16 473 22 16 127 26 20 44 245 0 15 493 23 14 137 26 19 44 222 0 16 478 24 14 137 26 21 42 217 0 14 471 25 14 134 26 24 43 230 1 14 486 26 14 134 26 23 37 206 0 17 457 27 14 139 25 15 45 205 0 15 458 28 14 139 26 23 41 218 2 15 478 29 16 139 26 24 43 225 0 19 492 30 16 143 26 24 37 219 0 19 484 Total 438 3,790 791 629 1,281 6,475 28 423 13,855 Avg/night 15 126 26 21 43 216 1 14 462 Highest 16 143 27 24 49 249 14 19 502 Lowest 12 110 25 13 30 182 0 10 419 On September 16: 502 individuals (including families) were utilizing shelter services in Portland 13 .
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