University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1971 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 11-5-1971 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 075, No 50, 11/5/ 1971 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1971 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 075, No 50, 11/5/1971." 75, 50 (1971). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1971/133 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1971 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~fi·.'·~····- h"t> 1 Q.. Campbell Resigns ISRAD Post Quits During Dispute Over Personnel, Management Former Gov. Jaek M. Campbell leadership" to ISRAD in He said, uor course, it hasn't is resigning as director of the "sometimes trying been all sweetness and light. By its UNM Institute for Social Reason circumstauces., very nature, ISRAD is almost and Development (ISRAD). "The University would have bound to become involved in His resignationt coming in the beeu pleased at any time if controversy. But social change midst of heavy controversy Governor Campbell had found it does not come about without concerning ISRAD personnel and feasible to devote more time to some controversy. 11 management, is to be effective 1SRAD,'' Heady said. Jan. 1~ 197.2. Arthur Blumetlfeld, assistant Gratificaticm Campbell said the reason for his director of ISRAD, said, "We Campbell stated that he is very resignation is the fact that he, as deeply regret losing him. He has gratified that UNM has included President of the Federation of done an outstauding job as the in its new ISRAD charter a Rocky Mountain States, canno~ director of lSRAD. u commitment to devote some of its devote enough time to ISRAD. Marshall Nason, director of the energies and resources to helping url'his project, to which I am Language and Area Center, said, solve social problems, deeply committed,. will demand •tJ suppose most people associated most of my time in the months with ISRAD regret his resignation, "The scope of ISRAD has been ahead/' he said.. asl do. considerably broadened through ''I also have additional "My association with Goveruor its new operational charter. The commitments. and all these things Campbell has been a very pleasant executive comn1ittee for lSR.AD will not permit me to devote the and meaningful one, I feel that he has made a firm commitment to appropriate time and attention to accomplished a great deal as the the ISRAD concept,'' he said. ISRAD.u Campbe11 said. director if lSRAD," he said. "We have made gains in Regret Campbell said he is proud of the management and organization UNM President Fe!l'el Heady the progress and development of of ISltAD, and although there is has expressed regret at accepting lSRAD. "We are providing, with still work to be done in these Campbell's :resignation. Heady generally limited resources, mauy areas, the university has developed said that Campbell has provided valuable services to this state aud the mechartism for contirtuing "excE!ptionally capable its citizens." development," Campbell said. House Decorations at Pi Beta Phi Qualification Hearing Reset Tour, Queen Crowning Pineda Disqualifies Self on Case Highlight Homecoming A Student Court justice has to make a judgement., Commission to enter their plea by The Homecoming house decoration tour will begin at disqualified himself for conflict of If he is elected ·to Senate, 3 p.m. Friday, 1'he ltettring was set 6:80 p.m. today, causing some University streets to be intE!rest itt the legal battle Pineda would have to resign from for Sunday, currently being waged by Louis the court, said John Mc::Guffin, blocked off from traffic between 4 and 11 p.m. Duncan and Charlie Jones for chief justice. McGuffin said the defense Cars will be towed away at the ownerts expense if they would have to ~:mter their plea, rE!instatement on the ASUNM Agreement of three justices in a and the plaintiff submit a remain on the route, which runs west along Redondo . Senate election ballot. quorum, McGuffin said. Besides .re-written complaint "within 24 from Girardt then heads east on University to Sigma Chi '' Duncan was disqualified by the McGuffin three e>ther justices, 1 hours after lawyers are available.' and Mesa Vista Roads. ASUNM Electiort Cotnntission for Donna ·Hammonds, Sam Johnson He added he expedted lawyem to missing a mandatory candidate's artd Charles Mingle, remairt to Also tonight, a dance will be held in the UNM Arena meeting white JoneS' was be available by today to Mt as hear the case. counsel for both sides in the case, from 9 to 12 p.m. Admission is 50 cents with student ID disqualified for not havirtg the McGuffin has tentatively to hear Judas and a new group. required 7 5 signatures his and ordered both sides to meet in em advanced the hearing date on the the ASUNM offices "about 4 p.m. At 10;30 the Homecoming queen will be crowned and petition. E!ligibility ruling challenge to today." Justice Charles Pineda, also a Monday ~<at the earliestu because the house decoration winner will be announced. candidate for Senate, said, uSince lawyers ar~ not yet available from Appeals may be taken to UNM At the football game tomorrow, the Lobo marching the hearing irtvolves the election the Student l3ar Association, President Ftirrel Heady or the band will play and the queen will be presented during and another candidate's petition, I Prior to the change; McGuffin Board of Regents "if they wilt halftime. feel it would be improper for me had ordeted the Elections take it, 11 McGuffin said. Teacher Analysis Ill Education Uses Q,wn Evaluation Instrument (Editot's Note: This is the third member gathers for his own usc is in a selt'·evalua tion:" "One thing that we hope to see students if it became mandatory in a series on teachet: evaluation at usually not shared and I am not Lawrence says that the college is that every faculty member will to use student evaluation. :UNM.) sure that it should be," he said. of education will meet the have a chance to .sit down with "Many of the faculty object to editorial By MARK EVANOFF Lawrence said that there are requirements that Vice·PresidE"nt the ehairman of his department. the idea to students evaluating three basic ways of evaluating Chester Travelstead laid down at This is because in the peer gwup them because they feel that the Student evuluation has been faculty: student evaluation, peer the beginning of this year, evaluation the department students are not capable," he said. used in the college or educ&tion evaluation, and self·evaluation, However, the approach that will chairman is extremely important. "1 am not saying that I agree with for some time according to Dean Of the three, self-evaluation is be taken has been left up to the His evaluation of the faculty them but they do have a point Viet Vets Amendment (Editor's Note; The men who negotiations with Russia on the Richard Lawrence; however, its the type that is used the most. individual departments, member is looked at very closely that must be considered." represent }led China at the United Sino-Soviet Border Dispute. · use is not required hy the college. "Self·evaluation is the normal "We do not want to make the in th!l overall evaluation of the Lawrence fee!s that evaluation Although in Tuesday's election the voters take care of "our boys who were over "Many of the faculty use their procedure when a faculty member evaluation a college wide thing teacher," of faculty members have two passed amendment No. 5 allowing the there,'' the legislators should examine Nations will be the focus of most Huang 'organi~ed training diplomacy and governmental claR.~es in guerilla warfare for own instruments fo~· student is tn•ing for a higher position or because we feel that each .Lawrence also felt that there purposes: whether teachers should legislature to provide scholarships for carefully the implications of setting up a interaction with that nation. Here college students in the 1930s and evaluation of themselves but we salary, stated Lawrence, department has its own special would be a problem of be kept or advanced, and to help a Vietnam veterans, they did so by a very highly restrictive class of people with special is a personal look at those was the first volunteer to go into do not require them to do so," he "A faculty member is expected problems and ways to make the distribution, expense, and getting teacher to understand their narrow margin. The division on the question privilege. Such action can always set an the Chinese-Soviet area, said. to stat:t the proceedings if he evaluations," Lawrence said, an honest answer from all the weakness and strengths. delegates,) wants a better position by turning was a scant 990 votes by the latest ballot unwholesome precedent for other special Trained By Chou "The data that the faculty By United Press International At 58, Huang is one of the tallies. classes. most senior diplomats of the Political observers say the legislature is This clear evidence of deeply divided Whether they're speaking g1·oup of Chinese diplomats Planning A Trip to Europe? opinion on the question of special already divided on tlie question. We hope English or Mandarin, Communist trained by \Jhou En-Lai to press scholarships should caution the legislators to this division rests solely on the merits of China's two top men at the Chinese foreign policy objectives move slowly on any measure to implement establishing a privileged class within the United Nations are not expected after the communists came to Get Your Reservations Now the program.
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